The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, August 12, 1915, Image 8
TE NS 8 ones or rt. SALISBURY. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Good, Mrs, Blmer Pritts, Mrs. Howard Boose, Mrs. J. M. Bricker, Preston Snyder, and D. A. Griffith of Somerset, com- posed an automobile party that pass- ed through here en route to Moun- tain Lake and Oakland last Thurs- day to spend a week or ten days at the former popular summer resort. A stop was made at the Valley House in this place. Hon. S. A. Kendall, of Meyersdale, Miss Mattie Kendall, of Homestead Rev. and Mrs. Harry Angus, of Washington, D. C., J. L. Kendall, of Pittsburg, C. J. Bowman, of Meyers- dale and W. T. Yates of Meyersdale, composed an auto party that were registered at the Valley House last Saturday. Mrs. Mary Koontz and Mrs. M. C. Kann and two little girls returned to their homes in Braddock last Sun- day after spending three weeks with relatives and friends in Salisbury. Miss Lulu Welfley returned to her home in Akron, Ohio on Sunday after having spent several weeks with Salisbury relatives and friends. Miss Grace Hay, book-keeper with the Board of Commerce, Erie, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hay. Dr. L. O. Loechel and Wm. Hard- ing left last Thursday for Wappaco- ma, W. Va, to enjoy the balance of the week with friends, who made up a camping party. Mr. and Mrs. John Harding and children and Mrs. Harding's aunt, Miss Katherine Chandler. went by automobile to Gilmore ,Md., on Sun- day, where Miss Chandler will vis- it friends. S. R. McKinley visited his son, Her bert McKinley and family at McDon- aldton from Friday until Sunday. He was accompanied on his return by his granddaughter, Clara McKin- ley, who will spend some time with her grandparent. Mrs. Carrie Murray, of West Salis- bury, went to Akron, Ohio, last week. They will make their home there for awhile. Marion Glotfelty, of Allensville, W. Va., last week visited his daughter, Victoria Dean, and family and other ing her sister, Mrs. Repprt, and the relatives in this vicinity. Elwood Swank, of Davidsville, spent last week with his brother, Dr. P. L. Swank. Misses Salome and Amanda Mar- tin spent part of last week in Berlin, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Say- lor. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Glotfelty and Mrs. Tunison Glotfelty motored to Berlin last Friday to visit friends. They were accompanied on their re- turn by Miss Margaret Glotfelty. Miss Della Kretchman, of Pitts- burg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. An- nie Kretchman. Miss Lucile Lichliter left last Wed- nesday for a week’s visit with friends in Pittsburg, Wilmerding and Vero- na. Miss Gladys Kimmel is visiting friends at Sand Patch and Glencoe. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Alex- ander on Sunday, Aug. 8, a daugh- ter. : Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hause, of Boynton, on Friday, last, ‘a daughter. Emmet Stevanus, who is working for his grandfather, J. S. Stevanus, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevanus. Miss Minnie L. Dreeer, of McKees- port, last week visited her grandpar- ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wagner. and Miss Edith Lichliter and their guests, Henry Johns, as chauffer, motored to Oakland and Mountain Lake Park Thursday, returning in the evening. Howard Meager and daughter Ha- zel, Mrs. Phyllis Swain, Miss Della Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. Wagner motord to Mt. Lake and Oakland last Thursday, the trip be- ing made in the Meager car. Mrs. George C. Biser and daugh- ter, Mary Sue, of Bedford, arrived on Friday to spend several weeks with Miss Carrie Johnston and Mrs. E. M. Loechel. Mrs. B. J. Bowman and Mrs. Harry Muhlenberg and daughter of Berlin spent Wednesday in town visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs C. B. Dick- ey and Mrs. Frank Brogan. Andrew J. Coleman of Somerset candidate for sheriff was calling upon the voters on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Graber and son Miss Nettie Graber, Pittsburg spent last week with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cochrane. A a a Sr Children Cry : FOR FLETCHER’S CASTOR! A A al Pd NSS Levi Lichliter %/ TAIT TER WF - SOLELY DN. i PILL DRESSED AND LIVE SPRING | CHICKENS AT DONGES' MEAT MARKET. | HARTLEY & See Display of FALL STYLES Clothing and Hats BALDWIN’S Headquarters for Latest In Their Windows. Styles in Men's Ware. HARTLEY & BALDWIN, Miss Genevieve Reinhart, M. D. Reinhart, and W. L. Hamilton, of Cumberland, motored up on Saturday spending the week-end in Grants- ville. Miss Reinhart will remain for a few days. Misses Eleanor -Byrnes, of -Eck- hart, and Mary Maguire, of Frost- burg, are spending their vacation at the Casselman. J. Phillips Roman, of Cumber- land, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. Elwood Offutt, Cleo Frank, A. E. Hesan, W. O. Davis, all of Oak- land, spent Sunday at Dorsey. Mrs. Henry Glick, William Glick with party of eight friends were Grantsville visitors, this week. Mrs. Susan Durst, Henry Baker, ‘in Mr. Younkin’s new Buick. in town, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Younkin spent | Sunday in Addison making the trip Misses Eliza Semler and Lulu Mi- chael spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Susan Durst and Marie Conner. | Mrs. Chas. Getty has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Reppert, of Frostburg. Margaret Getty is visit- new baby. Mayor Matthews, of Oakland, Was I ‘ | Road Commissioner Ramsey and a party of friends, of Mt. Savage, took | supper at the Victoria, Sunday. i | Baker Johnson, who has been suf-| fering with cancer of the stomach, is in a critical condition. Mrs. Frak Folk, who has been con- fined to her bed since last spring, with gangrene of the foot, is slowly | improving. | Misses Effie and Carrie Gingerich, and Lewis Dieffenbaugh, the fever | patients, are all doing nicely and ex-! pect to be out soon. | A party of twenty-eight from Cum- berland, have rented the Evans’ cot- | tage at “The Dam” and will arrive this week. The Frostburg crowd which has had it rented the past few weeks, will vacate this week. A large crowd from Salisbury has been occupying the Hitchens bunga- | low ‘and another party bf about twen- | ty will take it this week. 8ST. PAUL. A baby came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bodes a few days ago. Mr. Jerry Folk, of West Salisbhu- ry spent some time last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sech- ler. Mr. Sechler now occupies the farm once owned by Mr. Folk. The Wilhelm Bible Class held a business meeting one day last week {at the home of Mrs. Cal Rhodes. It consists of 27 members. They will | hold a lawn fete and bazaar on the ning about seven o’clock.on Saturday evening, August 14. The ladies com- posing the class will see to it that you need not go away empty. Chas. Wise had the end of one of his little fingers mashed while try- ing to put a mine car into position by means of a handspike, “Say, papa, do you know that this seems to be getting a better town. The people don’t swear so much,” this having been said of St. Paul GIVES STORE TQ CLERKS Merchant Rewards Employees Who Hel-ed Him Get Rich. Asserting that he had made money enough and that he desired to show his appreciation of the efforts of em- ployees who had aided him, August E C. Becker, for more than thirty year head of a department store in Fort Wayne, Ind.. gave the business to his employees. One of them has been as- sociated with the store since Mr. Becker established it, and none ot them has worked for Mr. Becker less than twelve years. The company has with the new stockhol and officers been reorganized ders as directors | THE BEST SAUSAGE AND PUD- i | DING AT DONGES' MARKET. parsonage’ lawn at St. Paul, begin-| MEYERSDALE, PENNA. ANTILLES ! GARRETT. A large number of our Deople at- tended the Reformed reunion at Riverside Park last Thursday. Lulu Walter left last Friday for several weeks’ visit with friends in Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Speifher re- turned from a five weeks’ visit with relatives at Martinsburg on Friday. J. E. Walter, who had his foot bruised some time ago, has again re- turned to his work. Robert Craig, of Ralphton spent several days at his home here over Sunday. Mrs. Bert Hayes, of Hooversville visited friends and relatives here on Sunday and Monday returning to his home on Monday evening. Dr. R. T. Pollard is treating his ' house on Walker street to a coat of paint. The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a box social and lawn fete on the J. D. Hoffert grounds on Sat- urday evening, August 14 to which a cordial invitation is extended to all. G. W. Oaks and E. E. Carver were Meyersdale visitors on Tuesday. Numerous candidates are busy in town these days and politics seems to be the main issue among the vot- ers. Miss Ruth Sturtz is suffering an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Lee W. Pollard left on Tues- day to spend several days with rela- tives in Berlin. Prof. H. C. Bohn who spent last week with friends camping along the Potomac returned to his family here i on Sunday evening. G. W. Oaks purchased a horse of Theodore Romesburg last Friday and the animal is proving very ser- viceable in every respect. J. H. Nedrow and Milton Shoema- ker have recently completed a new house for John Marker. Mrs. J. B. Walker was taken to the Western Cumberland by Dr. E. F. Hemminger on Monday evening and was opera- ted upon’ at once for appendicitis. The - Merchants’ Hotel formerly run by John Clark has been purchas- ed by Mr. Ashhart, of Jerome who will take; possesssion as soon as the license can be transferred. GLENCOE Olive Ridenour and Mrs. Reese, of Scottdale, visited relatives here ov- er the week-end. Rev. Kresge stopped at S. R« Ley- .dig’s on Sunday en route to Mt. Leb- {anon and’ baptized the Leydig baby, | John Daniel. lis spending a fortnight here renew- ing old acquaintances. He certainly remembers the ladies. | Bob Webreck and Arthur Bittner, | full of the Deal picnic, of Saturday, | “busted” their vehicle on their re- Chas. Poorbaugh’s horse and “auto” as first aid. Bennie Leydig and friend “Dot” enjoyed hugely the night program of | the Deal Picnie. | But you should behold Wes Shipley showing Bill Hosselrode’s “Tin Liz- zie!” Last Sunday he drove the Hosselrode family to Cumberland and the reservoir of that city. I. D. Leydig took a business tripto Wellershurg and Cumberland on Thursday. Leroy Snyder and family of Pitts- burg are visiting at the J. L. Snyder house. Pearl Sshrock is home weeks’ visit with relatives at Garrett. {turn and used Sunday VIM. Wm. Fike is working on the State highway this week. Mrs. W. W. Nicholson accompanied {by Mrs. Wm. Wasmuth and child of | Me versdale spent over urday in irironk township with Mrs. Ellen Shockey. | Misses Orpha Fike and {race | Fike spent Sunday in Brothersvalley |at the home of Harvey Walker. much merchandise. chandise begins to arrive. INVENTORY SALE Just finished our semi-annual stock taking and find that in several lines we have too Some of our stock must be cleaned out yet before the fall mer- We are listing a few of the reductions below. : two months of summer weather ahead yet, buy now at these ridiculously low prices There are made free of charge. Any suit in stock at A few numbers of Ladies’ Spring Suits left, in poplins, gabardines, serges, and covert cloth. Every one of them absolutely guaranteed and all alterations . HALF PRICE About a half dozen of the Popular Palm Beach Suits marked from $8.50 to $12.00, now go at $5.00 A beautiful assortment of wash dresses in practi- cally all sizes in lawns, voiles, linenes, chambrays, dimities and swisses, now priced at .. HALF PRICE SPECIAL—A table of $1.00 value House Dresses 80 .........-.-....c..ocesvririrnionrcrnesenes, 49c During stock taking we have accumulated a lot of popular prices. Waists—Final Clean-up on summer waists at two One lot at 98C, and another lot at 59C. Any silk, crepe or crepe de chine waist in SGOCK 80 ....cceealsieriene Sishriase ONE-FOURTH OFF new REMNANTS. Many of these are in dress pat- tern lengths and are surely bargains but are in too small pieces to remain on the shelves. Be sure to see the table of remnants—you will be sure to find on our racks, for summer wear at ceesesassssesesassnne Skirts—Another lot of the $1.50 White Wash Skirts on sale Friday and Saturday at S8c. been the most popular garment we have ever placed Any other summer skirt in stock in sergos, poplins gabardines or mixtures ab .... . ONE-FOURTH OFF Another lot of skirts, some heayy and some light id ONE-HALF OFF several pieces that you can use to advantage. e have TA: Thes Too many laces and embroideries to carry over the winter. That tells the story of the reductions in these lines. Anything that comes under the head of laces or embroideries now on sale at ONE- FOURTH OFF. Be sure to see the lot of laces and embroideries now on sale at ......... 5c PER YARD Maryland Hospital in Earle Shumaker, of Mt. Pleasant, ! after a ' Dr. Spicer of Cumberland motored | to our city pleasure seeking for over This ers this Made in In black been as popular as it is this summer—it's a case of ‘‘everybody doing it ” Nicely made garments in black and blue, in cotton or worsted . material, moderately priced from ....... $1.50 to $3.25 per sui¢ The kind that are different—made for both beauty and service in nearly all collors and styles at ...... aa gizes4tobat .... BATHING APPAREL store has been the headquarters for outfits for the bath- summer. This most popular of summer sports has never Come in and get an outfit and join in the sport. LADIES’ BATHING SUITS. GIRLS’ BATHING SUITS black only tor the girls at BATHING CAPS $1.00 per suit vee ess eesss + oe a 25¢ to $1.00 BATHING SUITS and white, made of heavy drill with cork soles, in 5 caine 25¢ and 50¢ HARTLEY BLOCK, Hartley, Clutton Co. - The Women’s Store MEYERSDALE, PA RR RR EE Ra ES ECC oR SR ERS a RR ER SRR CS RATS, George Sipple and Henry Werner were welcome callers at Vim last Menday. P. C. Miller traded a span of gray mares on a span of mules with Mil- ton Race in Frostburg on Wednes- day of last week. Henry Suder spent Thursday of last week at Pen Mar, Pa. Mrs Chas. Schrader, of Greenville township visited at the home of Hen- ry Brown last Thursday. Geo. Marten and John Tressler at- tended the picnic at Deal last Satur- day. Howard Fike and family and Miss Edna Tressler spent last Sunday at the home of S. M. Gnagey at the Handwerk school. BOYNTON. Edward Bittner, of Berlin is visit- ing relatives and friends in this place for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith, of Mey- ersdale and Mr. and Mrs. Victor | Schramm of Salisbury were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. + Michael Bowman. The street car company is putting up new smoke stacks for the pewer house. Mrs. Caler and two children of Patterson Creek, W. Va. arrived here Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Oscar Haus. Milton Bowman and Charles Thom- mas spent Sunday at Ellersburg vis- iting the former’s brother-in-law, Mr. Hasselrode. Miss Margaret Darr was the able hostess of a party held on Friday af- ternoon in honor of her thirteenth birthday. After a very pleasant af- ternoon, light refreshments were ser- ved and the well wishers departed for their respective homes. Those present were—Misses Essie and EI- sie Pyle, Edna Bowman, Margaret Darr, Edith Trent, Lily Robertson, and Beatrice Rosensteele. Mrs. James Robertson and four children visited at Frankfort, W. Va. from Saturday to Tuesday. The trip was made in Oscar Haus’ car. Chas. Garlitz arrived here Satur- day evening to spend Sunday with his family. Mr. Garlitz is employed Here’s the Latest Store News OUSE dresses are a necessity ever mn demand by the maid or H the woman that takes a personal interest in her own house- work. We have a large exhibit of these dresses in gingham and calico already made up of sizes that will be sure to enable you to be satisfied in that regard. Or if you decide that you would prefer the goods itself and have the garment made under your own supervision our stock of gingham and calico in the roll is at your disposal. Pretty figures in colors that will not run. 2 2 3 3 Just the thimg, also, for aprons an@ for play clothes for the. children. Qutfitters For the Home. MILLER & COLLINS ~~ ma. ~~, SP A nr pe mn Te Oscar Haus whistles merrily as he Mr. Patton affirms that with his works with his automobile for it is |beer keg attachment he has been able to operate his harvester in fields in which he could not have ce used th i i is SEER KEGs IN HARVEST FIELDS ; e machine otherwise. His de- : : vice is attracting considerable atten- Following the advice of farmers tion, as farmers all over the country in Kansas, farmers in the vicinity of ! 516 in a quandary as to how they will Greenville, Pa., have found a new use harvest their wheat, many having for beer kegs. They are used as ato revert to the old method of crad- a big boy. by Ed. Miller, of Rockwood. Mrs. Mm. Haus went to Swanton , child. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lowery, Essie and Elsie Pyle and Mary Fogle were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pyle of Coal Run. Saturday morning to attend a sick | new attachment to grain harvesters | Jing. { preventing miring in wet fields and | J. S. Patton, a armer there, is au-|wE ARE PREPARED TO DO Cus. { thority for the statement that the] | keg is a great success. The keg is ato" CHOPPING AT ALL TIMES; |tached under the knotter and in a|ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF |line with the master wheel of the ma- | GRAIN, FEED, SALT ETC. AT | chine. | HABEL & PHILLIPS, RR RF RE BE EE a RE a ER A Raa a ————————_7t aT ee p— Te — en A ESE Ran Anni GOC The famil; ham, ty ne at th Crum! day, the o to the many jority and C The be de relati bers ¢ other noon al, wi A s held song Bedfo ily, S addre of the Myrtl great- Oldha Warre ty me tions of atk Ove playir car in yards evenil Paul phyxi follow bors. gasoli dead]: The found year awoki ca along Ru other left thems car, ¢ He 1 Wher home for I sleep: to th Yor ed th other len i on ti He d Neith matte than Thi boys the ft sent the c Bo Chris had | atten were grour Their was ratio: Th drn ¢ ers Sout] railre BAU