The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, August 05, 1915, Image 8

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RT ET SR 7 om Ter,
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ssc aSr—— we a eB RR RRS a ES TT LRP A STR
repress The Store That Satisfies|
burg sn Sunday to see the game be-
tween the Pittsburgh Federals and |
the Frostburg team and the game |
between Frostburg and Lonaconing. |
The principal thing that drew our |
boys that way was that John Krause
a former Salisbury boy pitched the
latter game for Frostburg and all
erly of Rockwood, has been asked to
Frostburgers to victory by a score
of 2 to 1. The first game was won
by the Federals with the score 9 —0.
Petry Brothers. contractors, are
now putting the wood work to the
brick structure of the Elk Lick
Township Municipal Building at West
Salisbury and the building already
shows that it will be a fine building
for the purpose intended. ‘When
finished your scribe will give the
readers a full description of the much
needed township building.
After a shut-down of about eight
months, the Cooke & Seahler saw
mill, near West Salisbury, resumed
operations last week under its new
management. It is hoped that it
will soon run full time since a good
many men are employed ‘there and
need steady work.
Fishing party composed of J. C.
Lichliter, Henry Swearman, Frank
and Glen Farner, R. S, and Walter
Johns spent several days of last week
at Juniata Crossing, Bedford County.
We have not learned with what suc-
cess they met with rod and line.
Prof. and Mrs. C. E. Dickey and
son, Paul, of Avalon, and Mrs. Sav-
illa Boyer and daughter, Miss Char-
lotte Boyer, of town, visited the
Gettysburg battlefield last week
making the trip in the Dickey car.
Mr. and Mrs. M, F. Riley left Wed-
wesday for Harper's Ferry, W. Va,
vhere on Thursday they participated
in a picnic held by the employees
of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barchus and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. J, L.
Beachey, of McKeesport, James Mec-
Clure,Esq., of Pittsburg, Dr. W. B.
McClure, of Chicago, and A. E. Liven-
good attended the Chautuaqua at
Somerset on Monday.
Miss Josephine McMurdo and Dale
Miller, book-keeper for the 20th Cen-
tury Mfg Co., visited Cumberland
last Wednesday, the trip was made
in Mr. Miller's motor cycle,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeLozier, of
New Castle, visited the former’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. DeLozier,
last week.
Mrs. Alice Saylor and daughter,
Miss Marion Saylor, of Meyersdale
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Ringler, last Tuesday,
The Girl Scouts of town accom-
panied by their Scout Captain, Miss
Florence Maust and Miss Mina Hard-
ing, went to Grantsville, Md. on
Monday to spend a week in camp at
Stanton’s dam.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lichliter visit-
ed their daughter, Myra, at the Mar-
kleton Sanitarium last Thursday.
Miss Letitia Furlong, of Charleroi,
and Mrs. H. H. Saylor, of Roscoe, Pa.,
spent Wednesday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Harding,
Mrs. Albert Lawn, of town, and her
sister, Mrs. Mary Koontz and Mrs.
M. C. Kaun, of Braddock, Pa. were
guests at the home of Mrs. Annie
Kretchman one day last week.
The venerable Casper Wahl, who
fell and sustained injuries while at-
tempting to get out of the way of an
automobile the other week is again
able to walk about a little but is still
not« completely over the shack and
mjuries occasioned by the fall.
Quite a number of Salisbury people
attended the Piano Recital in Amity
Reformed church, Meyersdale, on
Thursday evening.
Miss Mary Faunders, of Uniontown, |.
a graduate of the School for the Deaf
at Edgewood, is visiting her friend
and schoolmate, Miss Minnie Liven-
good, at the home of the latter’s par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. P. L. Livengood.
Miss Margaret Newman, a daughter
of Mrs. Mary Newman, who under-
went several operations at the West-
ern Maryland Hospital recently, is
still at that institution but is reported
as recovering rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reiber spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Engle near Meyersdale.
“Doc” Howard DeLozier spent Sat-
urday evening in Meyersdale and
while there took in the suffrage rally.
Whether he went to get enlightened
on the woman’s suffrage question ox
whether he went hither to see the
great crowd of suffragettes he does
not say but we would not be at all
surprised, that if the venerable doctor
attended another rally of the kind,
he would be “toe and nail” for
woman's suirage.
Emmet Stevanus is at present
working for his grandfather, J. S.
Stevanus, on the Sand Flat Fruit
Chas. Messersmith went to Mor-|
gantown, W. Va., last Thursday, on |
Candidates Jos. B. Miller, of Some- |
get. and J. W. Barclay, of Bakers-|
ville, accompaied by H. R,
man, of Meyersdale, were Salisbury
Kretch- | RUBBERS
Imported and domestic notions
of finest texture and design.
pearance. Our clerks are skilled
yal WN
Pra J
Res » 7
that we have spared no pains te provide a great variety in our
stock. Women’s wear, men’s wear, children’s outfits” and
A VISIT to the various departments in this store will convince you
household goods of every description at bargain day prices.
and specialties are 4 feature. Our
gloves and shoes are the products of the best factories. Dress goods
This store is a joy to the woman who prides herself on her ap-
in advising customers as to their
purchases, and speedy delivery is one of our hobbies.
i ) v
Newest Styles
In All Goods.
withstand the
can have i any width or any length.
Iron posts or wire fencing can be
obtained here.
"REENS for the housewife
and business man and wire
nett:ng for the poultry
raiser are useful articles
included in our big list of hardware
screens as well as the woven net in
the roll, which can be cut any de-
sired length.
We have sdjonag
Qur poultry wire is treated to
ravages of bad
It will not rust.
Home Dealer
Knows the Wants
of the Home People.
llardware More
visitors, on Monday evening.
The Wildcat Club held one of
their celebrated festivals, at Findlay
Spring, onSunday last.
Calvin Rumiser, who until recent-
ly was employed by the 20th Century
Mfg. Co., at Boynton, has secured
employment on the West Salisbury
The W. C. T. U. met at the home
of Mrs, Thomasine McDowell, on
Monday evening.
Mrs. Chas. Wright and two chil-
dren, after spending several weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Harding returned to their home in
Brownsville, on Thursday.
Miss Ellen Rodomer, of West Salia-
bury, on Wednesday visited her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. John Rodomer, at the
Western Maryland Hospital.
Miss Bessie Mimna, of Harneds-
ville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Al-
fred Ringler. :
Miss Carrie McDonnel, who had
been visiting friends in Salisbury has
gone to McDonaldton to visit her
sister, Mrs, Herbert McKinley, be-
fore returning to her home in Balti-
Mrs. James McKenna and daugh-
ter, Stella, of McKeesport, spent
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Dickey.
6 DOZ. 6 ¢c. OR 3 DOZ, 10 c. JAR
2b c.
Miss Esther Zehner has been spend-
ind a few days at the home of Mrs.
Ed. Beachey.
Miss Edna Lauraway of Johnstown,
has returned home after spending
some time at Mrs. Joel Miller's. Miss
Mary Miller returned with her.
A. Fezenmier and George Stark, of
Cumberland, were Grantsville visit-
ors on Sunday.
Miss May Blocher has left for De-
troit, Mich. where she will spend her
vacation at home.
Mrs. Milton Younkin attended the
funeral of her sister-in-law atAvilton.
Miss Lucretia Bousher spent Sun-
day with Misses Angela and Wilda
A party of seveinty-five took dinner
and supper at the Casselman on Sun-
Master Willie Garlitz, of Avalon,
was kicked by a horse and seriously
but not dangerously injured.
Miss Margaret Getty is suffering
from a sprained arm.
A party was given in honor of Em-
erson Hayes on Tuesday at his home
[He received a number of presents
jad dainty refreshments were served.
| The Rob Ray Construction Co. held
{a Stag Party at Bear Creek on Sun-
| day.
| A number of Garrett County men
attended the road meeting at Union-
| town, Pa. in the interests of an Ocean-
| to-Ocean Highway which is to take
| the route of the National Pike.
| Professor Snow, the wellknown
| vocalist, of Cumberland, is a guest
|at the National for a fortnight.
| A company of girl-scouts and boy-
| scouts are camping at Casselman
| Cabin.
The following are spending a few
weeks at the Casselman:
You Can’t Name Any
For Women and Childre
nails?’ plan—they are strong, light
neatly around the ankle, have no
Hosiery at 10c That Will Bear
This Strength Testing Strain
n 10c (large sizes 12%c)
Don’t think however that Whit-Leather is made on the “Keg of
and smooth of texture. They set
seams, and have elastic tops that
“keep up.’’ Made of color-fast, selected yarns, all sizes.
Hartley, Clutton Co.,
Misses Ada German, McKeesport
Amelia Rhodenhauer, Walker; Mary
Birmingham, of Cumberland; Mary
E. Birmingham, of Toronto, Canada;
and Miss O'Hara, of Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. Dr. Bowen and two children
are spending the week at her home
in Dennison, Ohio,
Miss Ruth Stanton, of British Co-
lumbia, is the guest of the Misses
Stanton at “Little Crossings,”
Miss Blanche Miller has returned
home after spending a few months
at Summer school in Oakland.
Mr. Henry Bill, of Wheeling, is the
guest of his brother, C. H. Bill.
Rev. Oney held service in the Luth
eran Church n Sunday. He made the
trip from Salisbury in his new car
which has recenly been presented to
him by his congregation.
Mrs. Ray Bivans, of Chicdgo, is the
guest of Miss Maud Bivans.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Metzger and |
, child Miss Estelle Williams, all of |
‘ Frostburg, Mrs. Porter, of Schenec- |
tady, are guests at the Victoria. |
Miss Nelle Lee, of Mt. Lake Park, |
is visiting the Misses Engle, of Engle-
wood. |
Miss Lucretia Baucher is at home |
' from Oakland, where she has been |
spending several weeks in school.
The Mountaineer Club, of |
burg, drove to Grantsville on Sunday
taking dinner at the Casselman and
spending the afternoon at The Dam.,
Messrs. A. T. Mathews and Thomas |
Little, of Oakland, were Grantsville |
visitors last week,
Hogan, Pearl Hogan and Wesley |
Phillips took in the picnic at Edge- |
wood, Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Marlett and Mrs. Wil-
more Wheaton were Rockwcod shop-
pers, Thursday, :
Miss Mary Sembower, of Rock-
wood was calling on friends here on |
Thursday and Friday. :
The band concert on Saturday ev-,
ening was quite a success. |
Mrs. James Smith has been taken |
to the Sanatarium for treatment.
Floyd Robinette has been on the |
sick list for the past few days but is |
now improving.
George Himes has
Snyder’s lumber camp,
chief cook.
Any one going to the country on
Saturday evening can get their shoes |
shined on Sunday morning by calling
on Roy Snyder.
Several of ourpeople attended the
baptizing at Fort Hill, on Sunday af-
returned to
where he is:
A birthday dinner was served in the
park on Sunday for the five-year-old
twins of Mrs. Laura Peters, The
following children were present: Jen-
nie and Evelyn Snyder, Helen Sem-
bower, Pauline Peters, Maurice,
Adam, Maynard, Harold, Leonard and
William Sembower, and William, Ed-
ward, Ernest and Earl Peters. -
Noah Philippi, a well known resi-
dent, of this community, died Sunday
night and was buried on Tuesday at
the Laurel cemetery.
Farmers are busy making hay in
this vicinity.
Pocahontas is the scene of a thun-
der storm about every day.
| Dr. and Mrs. F. EB. Sass paid a
friendly visit to Ira McKinzie and
wife at Pinto ,Md., one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Steinly and
family were welcome callers at Geo.
Callers, of Deal, Pa., last Sunday.
The infant son of James Baker fell |
into a tub of water and narrowly es-
Lailoring Display
Sale at Oar Store
By an Expert Representative of the
B F C Tailoring Company,
“Creators of American Clothes”
Who will take your measure and make suit to order
AUGUST 6, 7, 9, 10, 1985
Step into our store on any
newest clothes and fashions.
Order now for later
Remember the date.
Woolens shown in large lengths. 8
of these days and see the
Display of the New Fall
delivery, if desired.
No obligation to buy
caped drowning, last’ Wednesday,
| sonburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
'G. Yutzy.
last Friday was well attended and all
the heavy : timbers in place
3:30 p. m., after which refreshments
| were
raised that were there. They ret-
,urned home
{they were present.
Mrs. Otto Meyers, Misses Florence grove at Pocahontas, Saturday, Aug,
i joyed a swim in Lake Shockey, Sun-
| were delighted that Krause led the
Miss Emma Miller, of near John-
The barn raising at A. G. Yutzy’s
served and all the fellows
saying they were glad
The St. Mark’s Reformed Sunday
picnic will be held in the
A number of our young people en-
Sunday School in St. Mark’s Re-
formed church, next Sunday, at 10
o’clock. >
The Order of Owls will hold their
annual picnic and reunion at the Owl
Grove at Deal, Saturday, August, 7.
Everybody is cordially invited to at-
tend. :
Prof. E. E. Bach of Charleroi form-
serve as an official judge of the inter-
state mine rescue contests to be held
at the Panama?Pacific Exposition
from Sep. 23 to 26 in San Francisco.
Mr. Bach is the sociological supt. of
the Elsworth Collieries Co., at Char-
A son was born Saturday morning
to Postmaster’ and Mrs. R Souser.
The home talent play which was
rendered in the high school auditori-
um Friday for the benefit of the band
was pronounced fine by all and was
well patronized.
Misses Florence and Elizabeth
Newman, of Salisbury, who had been
visiting their brother-in-law and sis-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bepler,
left Thurday for Boswell to visit
their brother, C. J, Newman.
Mrs. C. B. Lane, of Pittsburg, who
had been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Foster Walter, for several days, has
returned home,
Miss Josephine McKee, of Conflu-
ence, spent Friday in town.
Dr. C, J. Hemminger has purchased
a new automobile.
The Pythian Sisters will soon have
a parcels post sale.
Mrs. Frank Walter and sons, Blaine
and »John, have returned home from
a visit with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. W, Christner, in Somer-
Harry Snyder, of Akron, Ohio,
Wilson Coughenour has purchased
a new automobile.
Dr, and Mrs. C. J. Hemminger and
son, Charles, were Sunday visitors
in Somerset.
John Miller, of New York, was a
guest Sunday of his mother, Mrs.
Helen Miller. Another son, Ernest,
of Pittsburg, is also at the same
home, at present.
George Hamilton has resigned as
clerk in the E E, Miller restaurant,
and is succeeded by Freeman Moyer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Earnest and
son, Earl, have returned from a trip
to Canada.
Mrs. C, E Swanson and daughter-
Margaret, of Ohio, are guests of the
former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. E. E.
A large number of men of this place
are working at the Beggs tannery.
E. C. Firestone, who runs a res-
taurant and grocery store on Park
street, is increasing his stock con-
siderable and is now handling made
to measure clothes.
Miss Lizzie Benford, of Ursina. who
is spending the summer at Atlantic
City, came up for a few days’ visit
with her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Benford in Mey-
ersdale, who have both been ill for
some time.
Warren Younkin, of Ursina, a
section hand or the Baltimore & Ohio
R. R. was covered with a revolver dy
an unknown man while flagging a
train near this place, one. night re-
cently. Instead of holding up his
hands Younkin quickly knocked the
weapon from the bandit’s hands,
picked it up and told him to “beat
it,” which he did.
The Primary department of the
Confluence Lutheran Sunday school
were treated to a picnic recently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L
Groff, along the Ursina road. They
were taken there on a hay wagon.
Two men and a boy, in a buggy,
on Monday evening while descending
Hunsrick hill on the other side
moved too lively in rounding the
turn;near the base of the hill the ve-
hicle overturned throwing all out. No
one was seriously hurt
from Coal Run.
They were
spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
jena Snyder, of this place.
If you have any good news In your
| locality send It In to the Commer
[cial for your friends to read.
. 9
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