The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 29, 1915, Image 5

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Miss Elizabeth Darrah has return-
d from a.visit to Baltimore.
Miss Nell Gordon has gone to Ni-
agara Falls for a two weeks’ stay.
Homer Collins returned yesterday
from a trip to the Panama exposition.
Gardner, of Johnstown, are the guests
of Mrs. Chas. Plitt.
here for a few days.
MissAlma Krunke, of Washington,
D. C., is visiting her friends, the Mis-
ses Daberko of the South Side.
Miss Sue Baer has returned from
Frostburg where she had been visit-
here for a few weeks.
On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Buhl and Mrs. Frank Gatesman and
the latter's daughter, Miss Clara, left
for the Panama Exposition.
Miss Willison, of Keyser, W. Va,
and Miss Somerlatt, of Cumberland,
Md., were guests over Sunday at the
G. W. Collins home.
The time of holding of the Civic
League meeting for August has been
postponed from the first to the sec-
Mrs. Annie Garlitz and son Joseph
who visited here for a few days, have
returned to their home in Lonaconing
Md. ® .
Miss Hazel Kelso has returned to
her home in Somerset after a week's
visit here with her friend, Miss Cath-
erine Meyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Deal and som
James, of Grove City motored here on
Saturday and remained until Monday
visiting relatives and friends.
Jacob Clark and son Fred, of Brad-
dock, but former residents of this
place, werd calilng upon friends here
on Sunday.
Alexander H. Johnson, our marble
dealer and wife, have been enjoying
the past week at Norfolk, Va., Balti-
more and Washington.
Mrs. Adam Byers and two children,
of Lonaconing, returned home Tues-
day after a visit with her sister, Mrs.
Henry Engle, near town.
Miss Lucile Conrad, daughter of
ond Thursday of the motnh. { day. They were accompanied by Mrs.
terday and a jolly time was had by
all, especially by the hcys and girls.
A game of base ball was played and
Rev. Fr. Brady had erected a board
slide which landed the pursuer of
pleasure in a saw dust heap.
D. H. Weisel has returned from an
conducting a saw mill which has a
capacity of 20,000 feet daily at that
band is pastor of a Reformed church,
in Washington, D. C., and who is the
daughter of Dr. Rupp, is visiting at
the Olinger home as noted in our last
issue. A noteworthy fact is that in
Dr. Rupp’s family three of his sons be
years conducted the Shultz restaurant
on Center street, will retire from the
business August 1, and move to the
South Side. He has not yet decided as
to what he will engage in. John Zinn,
of Listie, a former resident of Meyers-
dale, has purchased the restaurant.
Mrs. E. O. Cosgrove and two chil-
dren who spent a month here visit-
ing the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Graves returned to their
home at Hammond, Ind., last Satur-
Cosgrove’s sister, Miss Jennie Graves
who will visit there for several
| The new Donges brick cased build-
"ing, at the corner of Center street and
Meyers avenue, has now reached the
second story in its progress of erec-
tion and already shows that it will be
quite an improvement to that end of
the town There will be two large
store-rooms on the first floor, one of
which will be occupied by E. L. Don-
ges’ meat market, being fitted up in
white tiling. The upper story will be
made into two flats, George Donges
and his daughter, Miss Mildred, will
reside in one and E. L. Donges and
family the other. W. H. Stoddard, of
Somerset, the contractor, is making a
good job of the work and it is expect-
occupancy by October 1.
Of Republican Candidates
Of Somerset Borough
“On the Return” as Republican Can-
‘the primaries to be held Sept. 21, '16
ed that the building will be ready for |.
Of Somerset Borough.
Solicits your vote and Influence at
the Primary, September 21, 1816.
Of Conemaugh Township.
Of Meyersdale,
Solicits your support and influence.
Of Somerset Borough
Your vote and influence solicited at
Saturday, July 31, 1915, 1:30 P. M. |
This will be an exceptional sale in
regard to the quality and quantity of
puting at y Jumbes camp nesr Wells | i | $8 00 Dresses for .. $4.90
: : : 3 ! goods offered. There will be sold a ease Ss OF revere -J
Miss Mary McDevitt, of Philadelphia | Tannery, Fulton County , stopping PROTHONOTARY. large lot of goods belonging to Vrs. 700 ........ we ee 4.50
arrived here to-day to be the guest of | with his sister, Mrs. Chamberlain, em — Gira. Miller, besides goods of other e00 ..... wy “ wn 3.75
Mrs. S. B. Philson. in whose home there are nine boys JONAS M. COOK parties inciuding an excellent Quar- 4.00 .... .... : $l 2.25
Misses Pauline Gross and Mary and two daughters. A company is y * | 995 i... a $e eo 1.50
tered Oak Book Case, an Oak Bed |
Room Suit, Splendid Sewing Ma-
aE 16h Surly oh Al ites didate for Prothonotary of Somerset | chine, Half Dozen Rocking Chairs, A Big Line of Children’s Coats
os : County. and one Office Chair, 4 Stands( one
two weeks’ visit at York, Gettysburg| Mrs. Philip Geidt and daughter, Y ; a marble top) Four tools, naa Chi- $250 ......... Coats for senain .... -$L50
and Hagerstown. = . Marian, have gone to Waynesboro for SHERIFF. na Toilet Sets, Four rooms Brussels 2.00 se emesis nne i Lareav assess 1.38
Miss Ella Brady, of Lonaconing is|a two weeks’ visit with relatives. —— Carpet, Lot of Rugs, Lot of Home- 150... 8. 0 ese. ari YY
visiting with relatives and friends| Mrs. Emma Barnhart, whose hus- 195 .... ... 0 aes +19
made Carpet, Lot of pictures, Lot of
Mirrors, Lot of Picture frames Beds,
and thefinest lot of Bedding ever off-
ered in Meyersdale at public sale,
‘including good feather bolsters, Pil-
lows, Blankets, Bed Springs, Com-
‘forts Sheets etc. an old time counter
ing for several days. came ministers and three of his|your Vv i i i
ur Vote and influence is solicited. | pane In exce ent condition, a fine
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beltz, of Akron, [daughters married ministers. Bo 2tivereare. rastiy Fons . hl eile Suits for casi. iin , 9.5
0., are visiting relatives and friends| Charles Shultz, who for the last six VALENTINE GRESS .| 1 1847 and some sterling. A lot of 1 2% wrtesssvy “ errr rare 6.50
old and new dishes, glassware, and a
fine lot of Aluminium pans and ket-
tles, iron and steel and enamel, lot
of skillets, pots and pans, One Excel-
lent Quartered Oak self-carrying Ex-
tension Table, One Major Double
Heating Stove in Good Repair, One
Lawn Mower, Lot of Ladies’ Clothes
in Excellent Condition, Two Trunks,
Two Washbaskets, Folding Ironing
Board, One Folding Sewing Table, 1
Of Somerset Borough.
Respectfully solicits your influence
and support at the Republican FIri-
mary Election to be held on Tuesday
September 21 1915.
Baby Carriage, One Victor Talking
Machine with about 50 disc Records,
One Lot of Tools, Cross cut Saw,
Scythes etc. Ice Cream Cone Baker,
One lot of Wide Window Blinds. ...
Just the opportunity for School.
Of Somerset Borough,
Your Vote and Influence is solicited
Of Addison Township.
Your Vote and Influence Solicited at
the Primaries on Sept. 21, 1915.
Of Somerset Borough,
Your Vote and influence is solicited.
Of Holsopple
Your Vote and Influence Solicited at!
Prof. Charles Baldwin of, Meyers-
the Primaries on Sept. 21, 1915.
“co Binding in 2 Vols. One self-inter-
teachers and lovers of Good Books.
' One Standard Dictionary full Moroc-
preting Bible Full Morrocco Binding
in 4 Vols. One Teacher's Indexed Bi-
" ple. Full Morocco Binding and about
50 to 75 other good books of all kinds.
One two-seated Surrey, One Threé-
Seated Spring Wagon.
The above goods are now in our
. possession and can be looked over by
| any one contemplating buying besides
goods yet to come in.
: J. M. COOK & SON CO..
Insects and Flowers.
Experiments on showy flowers like
the poppy tend to show that insects
are not always attracted to flowers by
the brightly colored petals, but rather
by the perception - doubtless by means
Our Stock of Ladies’ White Dresses
We are also closing out Ladies’ skirts in shepherd plaids
and stripes, $2 50 values for ............ $1.75
32.90 Felt Hats, in All Styles, for
160 © wire osu Tee
We still have a nice assortment of the 69c House Dresses
Sale Begins July 31st and continues until August ith
Next to Post Office, Meyersdale, Pa.
Read “THE BLACK TORTOISE.” Our job work merits “Fine!”
Toy'and Grown Up Wonderful Feature at the
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Mrs. E. E. Conrad, of Meyersdale, ,dale was here on Thursday evening of smell that there is honey or pollen.
was elected one of the Larimer town- instructing the Markleton Band. EDWARD HOOVER, In these experiments the unopened
ship teachers, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs . Z. H. Heinbaugh Of Somerset Township, . flower bud is inclosed in a gauze net
Misses Mae and Margaret Wilson made a flying trip to Rockwood on Your Vote and influence fs sollcited. so as to protect it from insects. and oh. an
have gone to Pittsburg, where the for- Friday evening in their new Maxwell. when it expands the petals are care-
mer will enter a commercial school, |. The following were the guests of W. Ww. LANDIS. fully removed without touching the re-
while the latter will visit relatives for | Mrs. W. F. Lembower on last Wed- Of Jerome, maining parts with the fingers (for
Y two weeks. : nesday: Mrs. W. F. Brant, of Johns- Your Vote and Influence Solicited &t ' pees avoid a flower if the smell of hu-
i The painting of Wm. Hocking’s|town, Mrs. G. L. Brant, Mrs. Harry| ‘he Primaries on Sept. 21, 1915. man Angers is left 2 it), 5nd the petal
i _ W.T.McMillan | Landisand daughter, Mari > 3 ess flowers receive practically as
£3 be home ang fue oe * 2 ’ Ton, Mrs A. J, WEIMER many insect visits as untouched flow- |
th on Main Street, is just being com- A. L. Lowry and son Edgar, of Ber- Of Friedens. era do
pleted and the result is very pleasing my Your Vote and Influence Solicited at Bo
indeed. ; : rs. Nedrow, of Casselman, was| the Primaries on Sept. 21, 1915. :
Balyi= Mr. and Mrs, David Lewis and two | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Otto | Mar rm Spin of
children of Wilmerding are visiting Meyers on Thursday. RECORDER OF DEEDS girls has evidently he: n
¢ fis heart the disappointment of her par- .
ces. at the home of the former’s mother, |% Mr. and Mrs. James Cook, of Hynd- ED. B. BARNETT os fhe oxcosiive foraiuinity ak
— Mrs. Joseph Tressler of Be South re Mending Bow days here ot Of Somerset Borough lotted by the generous fates to the
——— Sia. : Lie Son ome © eir daughter, Mrs. © Your vote and influence solicited at i! family quiver.
Mrs. Eugene Crowe, a few days ago, | ©: the primaries to be held Sept. 21,15 hen recently the fifth little daugh-
entrrtained at dinner in honor of Mrs. | he i Wheaton was calling : | ter was, born Mudge was playing on
Joseph Levy and Miss Harriet Staub be ends in Confluence and Ursina JOHN E. CUSTER, | ¢he garden with one of her sisters an a
aii of Philadelphia. Covers were laid for, STaesney: : ; OF Hoovereville Boroughs Formerly of us a neighbor aa
mer ; ten. i rs. Dyke and children of W. Va, Quemahoning Township. ly rough with the child. ;
' Miss Irene Binks; of -the South Are Visiting at the home of Mrs.|y =. vito ang influence is solicited. | “Madge. don’t treat your little sister :
Side, is on a visit to the W. W. Stiver Dyke's brother, F. Robinette. mt i go,” remonstrated the neighbor. “You ‘ :
’ : a 1 al Miss Ida King, of Ursina, spent a : ; might kill her.” ~“ENES in famous Toyland concession on the Zone at the Panama-Pa-
family, of Bedford, Pa. and will alsoj days here with her sister, Mrs. |. ED. B. BARNETT, of Somerset; . gy. if 1 did” was the cool re cific International Exposition, San Francisco. In this great amusement
visit the famous Bedford Springs and Wheaten: 1 ? Borough, candidate for the office of | cnonge, “there's plenty more In the device, which covers fourteen acres, toys are reproduced upon a gigantie
return by way of Cumberland, Md. ; | Recorder of Deeds, is a man who im- |p »_ Philadelphia Led ; . scale. the figures here shown being eighty feet in height
at which place she expects to meet Mrs. James Smith is improving) ' yo jersonality at once upon ouse, adelphia Lecger.
her friend, Helen Boucher. —— the care of- Dr. C. J. Hemm- |, thom he meets. If one’s pen- d h F 7 : h ;
Mrs. Carl Dinger, wife of a promi The festival held at the Mt. Zion manship is an index , to character row S on t e un one at t e
nent dentist of Phillipsburg, and her Church on Saturday evening was then Mr. Barnett’s chirography would : . ae . 1 .. iv
CE. daughter arrived here Saturday to attended by young and old. ‘be a passport to the fact that he is Panama-Pacific Internationa F xposition
late of visit the former's mother, Mrs. M. A. Mrs Floyd Robinette was a sight- he right kind of a man. He has qual-
t' Coun- Rutter, of Meyers Avenue. seer in Rockwood on Sunday. ities of which more will be said later.
Postmaster J. F. Naugle spent last| we have a young man in our town ED. B. BARNETT
i ilki a d on . i —
in the week in Wilkinsburg. He returne who went to see the moon; had his :
sued to Monday evening and was accompani- | grm around the moon and yet he] LESTER G. sen of Some
by giv- ed by his aged mother who Willican't, give a good description of the set, cofididate for the.o ce of sher
said es- spend a couple of weeks with her two: noon. : it, polled in the last election gyer
nt, and sons in this place. i Adame Nicholson of Draketown is Gig pores - Yar 2 oo Som jo
the es- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McKenzie atten- | visiting relatives here. bead ol a a a
tlement; ded the funeral of a relative at Frost- Merchant Meyers was a Rockwood 1s te ian ob sincortiy and InteZ
te resi- burg, Wednesday. The former return- visitor on Tuesday afternoon. sit arom Whom hero on
aturday ed home the same evening while the; Farmers’ Day at Edgewood was at- ; > on ns hot : Hen te
, at one latter went on to Mt. Savage for a ' tended by Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Hein | oe . > 0 1 ns 0
| few days to visit with her daughter, baugh and Misses Laura Carter, Mary | Pleasant in hig = L.
i Mrs. Max Shaffer. | Heinbaugh Mrs. Ross Kreger, Mrs.
Se My sed ME W.H fiahel Mr ood Runssell Younkin, Mrs. S. A. May and NEW MOVIES TO START MONDAY
ly 8—6t Mrs. Clarence Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. | W. F. Sembower. R. O. Stoddard, proprietor of the
y 4 B ¢ Kyle, Dr. and ‘Mrs WwW. T. Mec- - new moving picture show in the Gur;
| LC Bye > Pn | FARMERS’ DAY A GREAT SUCCESS | ley building, is getting everything in
{ Millan left on Saturday morning on, 3 2
31ST. automobile trip to Luray Cave i A farm Bureau for Somerset coun- | readiness for Monday night—the op-
nmunity | a) inia, to be absent for soveral; LY was launched at Edgewood Grove | ening. The initial show will be a six
e Candy | “ 2 Mr and Mrs. George Benford | Rear Somerset at the very success- reel performance, just new, entitled
in your oye. 1 : uomihers of the party [ful Farmers’ Day. Jacob Musser was | “Tess of the Storm Country.” In ad-.
July 20, Were 80. h — Sli made president. Jacob Freet, of Mil-| dition there will be a comedy feature
our next ou Jom sod Sy a ford township, won first prize hav-|on the opening night. {
rot ads cer, lott on onday Beith ing 98 persons qn his hay wagon and
actually Florida, going by boa i Hi Reuben Knepp, of Somerset town- | NOTICE—Is hereby given that all |
ten out. more. They gspect fo be EO io | ship second prize having 58. {patrons of the Sand Spring Water |
2 Jtwo or three Weeks atid w isd Three prizes were awarded in the Company are urged to see that Shetr |
ity, the back the automobile holonging 1p hl oats-binding contest as follows— "spigots and flush tanks are in good re- |
promise Kemp which was left thers 15st fe ‘la. N. Schrock, of Summit township { pair, so as to prevent waste of wa-
er, Sala. Prof. H. G. Geidt, a son ol Chief | fret; Peter Bumbauld, of Milford | ter.
sending Burgess Gress, of this place, Who has | ¢,ynghip, second; and Eugene Moore JOHN M. OATES, SUPT.
pose of been elected superintendent of the | o¢ Somerset township, third. Mr. |
Jung Beccaria Township, Clearfield coun: |gehrock bound 12 sheaves in one) THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN
<ing for. tv. schools, at a snug salary, is at the | .;.¢0 | n v. W. M. Howe, Pastor. Morning AST crowds throng The Zone, the arausement and concessions section of the Panama Pacific Tr‘errati
To of his arents hha aE Ig tect: “The Jewish Tithe.” Even- ! Exposition at San Frangisco. The Dayton Flood is shown on the left, the Chinese Village &n¢
home © s parents. . rrr — og vein pag. dE Grown Up on the right The Exposition is breaking al} world’s attendance records
ACTORY The Catholic congregation held their {8 DOZ. BEST JAR RINGS FOR 25 [i bject, n Introductions of :
: annual picnic at Riverside park yes- CENTS, AT BITTNER’S GROCERY. rd, the King.” Song service at - : oreo ~