that he andfas- the im- t was a ng, ull vith Hs 45 CO- 0O0rs say they nnot ther A in three , a Severe d a possi- the skull, said to be urg, is ex- e accident.§ de 2 4 8 # NEED A CHANGE. mely Talks by Commissioner Dix- . on on Health and Hygiene. The majority of people who are oc- fupied for fifty weeks out of the year ould seek in the remaining two) ‘to find, not necessiraly rest, but ‘change of environment. The man wHo has a struggled * through the crowded streets of a city, ridden on packed trolley cars and railroad trains for months on end should make his way to the quiet country side, the camp in the woods or some spot equally free from the the press of humanity. The man who lives in the country or small town may find a correspon- ding benefit from a week or more spent amid the rush and turmoil of the city. Each of these widely vary- ing environments holds the possibil- ity of affording a mental stimulus to those who are unfamiliar with their moods. The mind no less than the body needs the stimulation of new ideas. It is more difficult to acquire this in our ordinary surroundings than where everything is strange and unusual and the mind is stirred to activity. It is out of the question for the man who maintains his regular routine day in and day out to continue to put into his work the same vigor. We can become over developed a- long one line mentally just as readily as physically and the results may even more seriously affect our wel- fare.. If in seeking a change we encoun- ter surroundings, which owing to un- familiarity, are not agreeable, in the long run we profit. If in no other way, at least they make our own daily round seem more acceptable by con- trast. So plan your vacation that it will bring you to realize afresh how mul- tifarious and interesting are the activ ities of mankind or how soothing to the weary mind are Mother Nature's marvels. DANGER OF TYPHOID. According to official figures two million Pennsylvanians attended tke County Fairs in this state last year, thousands more at some time during the season attended some public fes tivity at a picnic grove or camp- meeting ground. In many these places of amusement which are used but a few days each year, thie sanitary arrangements have, been more or less primitive. In carrying on a campaign for the still further reduction of typhoid fever throughout the state. Dr, Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of Health, has arranged for a complete inspection of every one of these public amuse- ment places. This work is already un- | der way and will be completed be- begins. The inspectors will study the source of the water supply in every | Sutphen Metropolitan Musical Men SAYS ~The Second National Bank OF MEYERSDALE, PA. At the Close of Business May 1,1915- RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. $435,762.26 | Capital stock paid in____$ 65,000.00 Loans and Investments__ U. S. Bonds and Premiums 72,231.87} Surplus Fund and Profits 53,041.96 Real Estate, Furniture, Fix. 62,499.50} Circulation. ._. ._. ______ 63,800.00 Cash and due from Banks__ 79,855.22 | Deposits ____________. 468,506.89 Total Resources. $650,348.85 Total Liabilities_.. $650,348.85 Growth 8 shown in following statements made to Cemptroller of Currercy. ASSETS July 15, ’08 June 23, ’09 March 7,11 April 4, 1913 Mar. 4, ’19 March 4, '15 May 1, 1915 $262,014,92 $411,680.13 $512,574.48 $605,870.62 $610,212.34 $624,867.35 $659,348.85 Every Farmer with twe or wore cows needs a A DelLAVAL, THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. J. T. YODER, Office 223 Levergood St, Penn’a Johnstown, win an artist. Sl ROCKWOOD . The following students from Rock- wood and community have returned from the state normal at California, Pa., to spend the Summer vacation: Misses Mamie Brant, Nettie Bark- man, Mae Bittner, Pearle Meyers, Edna Synder, Marian and Martha Dull and Irene VanSickel and Messrs | Clifford Saylor and Peter Putman. Miss Elizabeth DeMuth and Margaret Rose have returned to their home in a several days’ visit ‘with Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. Nt ANd dt lI Nt A NSS THROUGHOUT COUNTY Gordon Levi, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, George Fritz, of Friedens, died recently aged 5 months and 23 days. The suftrage liberty bell, which has attracted national attention, will be in Somerset on Monday, July 26th. The bell comes here after touring the northern tier of Pennsylvania counties. Judge Ruppel has called a apecial term of court for the trial of : cases to convene in October. A two Mr and Mrs. William Knight of | weeks’ session will be held during the fore the season for the county fairs Oshewa, Canada, and Mr and Mrs. | weeks commencing October 4th and | Arthur Knight of Sault Ste Marie, | October 11th. Canada, are with relatives here for several days. Ogle is the first township in the