The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 15, 1915, Image 1

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    We have a tes cir-
culation and an
here is read by -
sands of people.
| Mepersdale Commercial.
Many tell us they
are delighted with our
job printing.
Bring us your work.
$20,000 FIRE
J ohustows and Windber Fire De-
partment Sunday Night Help
to Save Other Properties but
Baltimore & Ohio Station is De-
Fire totally destroyed the three-sto-
ry grist mill of the White Oak Milling:
Company and the B. & O. pasenger
and freight station at Holsopple be-
tween 10 and 11 o’clock Sunday night.
Both properties are a total loss. In
the destruction of the mill a large
quantity of grain is reported to have
been burned. The loss is estimated
at about $20,000.
Most of the residents of Holsop-
ple were abed when the alarm was
sounded but the character of the
blaze was such that the firemen and
a hastily formed bucket brigade were
unable to cope with it and the best
that they could do was to prevent the
flames from communicating to ad-
*joining buildings.
The Windber Fire Department was
notified and made the run to Holsop-
ple in record time only to find that
its hose would not fit the water
plugs and its apparatus was of no
service, The Johnstown Fire Depart-
ment sent a big auto truck covering
the distance of ten miles in twenty
The destroyed mill was the proper-
ty of the White Oak Milling Compa-
ny, the principal owner being C. C.
Zimmerman, of Holsopple.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
station was an inexpensive wooden
structure. ‘A box car is now being
used as a station. A depot will be e-
rected that will be a credit to the
town, it is hoped.
The origin of the fire is not known.
Within a half hour from the time the
fire was discovered, about 1,500 peo-
ple were on the scene, coming in all
manner of vehicles and afoot as well.
The Republican voters of Somerset
county are being interviewed by
those who seek to serve the people
in one of the various.offices to be
filled next November. But the real con
test in this county will be at the
primaries ‘to be held in September,
and now the race, of course is in the
ranks of the Republicans to see who
are to become the standard bearers
of the party. So overwhelmingly
large is the number of Republicans
in the county, that those who receive
the nomination of the party, are guar-
anteed their election six weeks later
than that of the primaries.
Elsewhere in the columns of The
Commercial is a list of the names of
men whose merits for what duties
they aspire to perform, deserve your
prudent consideration. Try to meet
these men They have the ring of the
true in their make-up.
JONAS M. COOK of Somerset, can-
didate for Prothonotary, in our last
issue made a Brief commentary on
himself which must must have caus-
ed his readers to stop and concede
many things in his favor. Mr. Cook
js back in the race with his former
supporters by his side at present and
is daily adding to that number.
W. H. HANNA, of Addison town-
ship announces his name for the im-
portant office of County Commision-
er, and though the exactions of that
office are marked, yet Mr. Hanna is a
man of unusual ability with a keen
insight into the needs of the people
at large; back of this he has a char-
acter of unswerving integrity.
NOTE—The rush on press day
precludes further mention in this
issue of the other candidates of
the list. Something worthy can
and will be said about each in
the next and subsequent issues of
the Comercial. The Editor.
Farmers are busy making hay at
Mrs. George Weaver was taken to
the Western Maryland Hospital in
Cumberland a few days ago. After an
examination it was found that her
thigh bone was broken. According to
late reports, she is improving as well
as can be expected.
Mr. G. W. Oaks made a business
trip to Maryland on Monday, return-
Four automobiles corivezel the
following party on a trip to Bedford
Springs on Wednesday, July 7:
Frank Lichty and family and E. J.
Walker, of Pine Hill; P. S. Baer and
family; Mr. and Mrs. P, D. Baer, of
Hay’s Mill; C. E. Boyer and family
of Meyersdale; C. B. Dickey and fam-
ily and Mr. McClure, of Salisbury.
The trip was made by way of Berlin,
Roxbury and Downey, intersecting
the Lincoln highway at the residence
of M. D. Reel; from thence on the
highway through Wardsburg and
Schellsburg to Bedford; from Bedford
on the Cumberland and Bedford road
but two miles distant is the famous
Bedford Springs. Near these springs
along the mountain side at one o-
clock was spread out the luncheon
in which all participated in an unus-
ually hearty manner, and which of
course added much to the zest of the |
The party with exultant faces fol-
lowing a stay of about an hour start-
ed on the return journey by way of
Centreville and Cumberland, one
hour being spent at the latter place.
aftér which the journey was resumed
on the National pike, through Frost-
burg to the famous Old Stone House.
From that point the way lead to Sal-
isbury, Meyersdale, Pine Hill where
round of pleasure was ended, the dis:
tance covered being 106 miles.
Many interesting sights were pass-
ed and some bad roads, about nine
miles made the better part of the way
more appreciated, Grand View Point
along the Lincoln Highway, west of
Wardsburg, where we went by, is
said to be the grandest of mountain
scenery. Here the view is what its
name proclaims, a grand view point
over mountains, hills, lovely valleys
and rugged ravines.
Another marked point of interest :
is an old cemetery about one mile
“west of Schellsburg in which stands
| springs are of different kinds of wa-
a church building one hundred and!
six years old, having been built in
the year 1809. The Bedford Springs,
of which mention has been made, is
a most notable summer resort. These |
ter, mostly of medicinal value. _
The crops -along the route in valley,
hill and mountain sides are quite va-
ried, some very good and some of
the opposite kind. The wheat between
Bedford and Cumberland at that time
was in shock while in other places
the crops had not yet matured. The
fruit crop is irregular and does not
promise so well, BE. J. Walker.
C. W. Bittner and family of Meyers
dale spent part of .the week with the
former’s parents.
Rev. Kresge and wife swere callers
on parishoners here last week.
“Dr. I. C. Miller is rusticating with
his parents after. completing his
course as interne at the Allegheny
General hospital in Pittsburg.
Milton Webreck and family are
home at F. W. Webreck’s for a fort-
night, Alice. Webreck too_is home on
a short vacation from the nurses’
Training School in the West Penn
Hospital in Pittsburg.
Elizabeth Leydig was hostess to
the “M4 A. S.” Club of Meyersdale
lassies from Wednesday to Friday.
The girls enjoyed a Ford trip to Cum-
berland on Friday.
The Misses Cornwell and Fred
Hummel of Cumberland were guests
of Chas. Webreck at his country
home over the week-end.
Merchant I. D. Leydig and daugh-
ter, Miss Leah, motored to Somerset
on Wednesday on business.
Watch the work of that young
men’s class hand of the Reformed S.
S. and give them a warming on their
first appearance on Sunday morning,
July 18,
A new jitney buss for ourcity—MTrs.
W. H. Miller is the chaffeur and the
first pasenger was “U. $8.” Frank
The young ladies of the town will
serve ice cream and cake with other
“eats” on Saturday evening, July 17.
Invite yourself and tell your friends
about this. \
ing on Tuesday evening.
TU. S. Shober and family spent sev-
eral days this week in Pittsburg re- |
turning Tuesday evening. The trip
was made in Mr. Shober’s car.
W. H. Meyers was a business call-
er in town on Tuesday.
Candidates galore in town. these
More than 1200 season tickets have |
already been sold for the Salisbury |
Chautauqua, which begins to-day. !
Farmers, County Grange, Boards
of Trade and Other Bodies En-
dorsed the Movement. Creates
Interest Among Boys and Girls.
At a preliminary meeting for the
discussion of the farm bureau move-
ment for Somerset county held in
Somerset at the Court House last
Saturday, it was evident that the
farmers want a farm bureau. The
movement was endorsed by farmers
from every township in the county
and the opinion was so unanimous
from those present that there can be
no doubt that Somerset County will
have a Farm Bureau in the near he
A, B. Ross, who was one of the
first to take up that lineo of work
among the farmers was present and
addressed the farmers and the coun-
ty commissioners. The speaker said
that there are at: present nineteen
farm bureaus in the state and that
there is a rising demand for them in
all of the progressive counties.
The amount of business gained
in this manner is surprising. The in-
terest of the boys and the girls is
quickened. The farmers who have at-
tended the first meeting urge all
farmers of the county be on hand at
the next meeting. ~
rhe —
rett, on July 6, celebrated their fifti-
eth wedding anniversary in a manner
highly befitting the occasion.
At 8:30 p. m., supper was served to
all the guests in the social room of : or ‘hear the
{ chairs so that more than 600 people .
. were accommodated with seats, the
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lape, of Gar- steps at the pulpit being filled with
Many in Meyersdale had been
looking forward for months to the
promised visit of Hon. M, G. Brum-
baugh, Governor of Pennsylvania, to
these parts. It had been well known
that he intended to be in Meyers-
dale on the Lord’s Day and it was
earnestly hoped that he would speak
twice when in this vicinity or at
least give an afternoon address when
the ehurches were closed, in the open
air where all who desired could hear
him§f But when the governor's pro-
gram had its final setting, he made
it very clear that he could speak but
once and that at 10:30 a. m. for he
at 1
obliged to leave for Harrisburg
00 p. m. %Sunday.
e whole community heard of the
fal of the governor on Saturday
aftefnoon being a guest at the hos-
pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Black at Holland Farm, and many
no doubt retired earlier than usual
to make sure of getting up in time to
arriye at the Church of the Brethren
to provide themselves with a good
seatl where the chief executive of the
state was scheduled to speak at 10:30
a om.
Sunday morning though “the
roa were not good because of a
hea¥y shower early Sunday morning
and though it rained more at the time
for the assembling of the people, yet
they.came on foo,t in autos, and in
other conveyances, from all ’ parts,
as far as Somerset and Hooversville,
till the church yard was packed with
vehicles and the building with peo-
ple before the hour of service. In or-
der to seat as many as many as possi-
blef the audience room. had been
ded with extra
benches and
children, the sides of the room and
. the vestibule being crowded with peo- |
ple!who could not find seats. But few
the Mt. Tabor Evangelical*church, af-'
! ter which all adjourned to the Sunday
School room where a very interest-
| ing program,
lasting until 10:30 o-
clock, was given."
Remarks were made by Rev. W, H.
B. Carney, Walter Blair, B. S. Walker
W. W. Kistler, W. A. Merrill, N. J.
Judy, H. Crissey, C. D. Fritz and F. C,
Lape,B, S, Rush gave a solo; aquar-
tette was sung by Rev. Carney and
wife and C. D. Fritz and wife, and
a duet by Rev. and Mrs. Carney.
Besides the bride and groom of fif-
wife, Garrett; F. C. Lape and wife and
Irwin ‘Lape, Youngstown, O; grand-
children, H. E. Devore, Garrett; Mrs.
Bruce Byers, Miss Margaret Lape and
Master Clyde Lape, Youngstown,O.
Other guests were: Mrs Samuel
Blair, Six Mile Run, Pa; from Garrett,
and son, Ellwood; W. A. Merrill and
wife, J. H, Nedrow and wife, P. B.
Walker, wife and son Harold, Wallac
Walker and wife, C. D. Fritz and wife
, Cupps, of Geiger, Prof. J. C. Beam, of |
went away because they could not see
distinguished speaker
yet there were hundreds who did not | ¥
essay to go at all believing that they !
: wopld be among the number who
o there and be turned away.
The usual Sunday School program
was necessarily dispensed with and
the hour was easily and profitably ,
filled with short addresses on the les-
son and on other themes from Prof.
H. H, Saylor, Roscoe, Pa., Mr. W. W.
Salisbury, who also led the singing
at both services and the Rev. W. M.
. Howe, the pastor.
ty years ago, the following were pres-
ent: Their children, W. S_ Lape and .
Before the service the Governor
called on Bishop C. G. Lint, retired
pastor of the local Church of the
Brethren. The Bishop now blind and
occupying the parsonage quite near
the church is held in high esteem
. by the governor because of a pleas-
‘Rev. and Mrs. Carney, N. J. Judy wife |
W. A. Lohr and wife, Conrad H. Cris-
sey and wife, Walter Blair and wife,
Chas. Stevenson and wife and son,
Robert, Z. Walter and wife and
daughter Naomi, C. S. Claar and wife
Perry Sheeler, wife and children,
Howard, Ernest, and Grace, S, P.
ant acquaintance -that has
for quite a stretch of years.
The Governor was escorted to the
church by Mr. Black, whose guest
he was and to the pulpit by the lc-
cal pastor, Rev. W. M. Howe. Seals
had been reserved for the governor's
party, On the platform also were
“seated Elders Gnagey and J. W. Peck
Lease and wife, Mrs. Sarah Devore; |
Mrs. W .M. Clements,
Curry. Miss Della Kearney, Miss El-
sie Satterfield, Miss Emma Schrock,
Miss Gertrude Schrock, Mr.
Satterfield, Master Ned Black.
A number of handsome gifts were
received by Mr. and Mrs. Lape which
they greatly appreciated. The occa-
sion was a delightful one, indeed and
much enjoyed by all present.
Pierce Ream, aged 62 years, died at
his home in Berlin, Thursday morning
following a brief sickness.
weeks ago he contracted a heavy cold
Mrs. W. M.!
Clyde |
' expounded God’s
of Meyersdale; Dr. R. T. Pollard, of
Garrett, and Rev. Angus, of Wash-
ington, D. C., the latter leading in
the opening prayer.
The governor chose as his text:
“The spirit of the Lord is upon me,”
emphasizing the word “me” and while
the scriptures had been read in that
day the listeners were stirred by the
manner in which the Savior read and
word. The fact
i was noted that this first public ad-
dress of this young man was given
to the home folks who knew him
best, yet with the clearest conscience
| The governor spoke very feelingly
the importance of keeping in
touch with mother and father and
ithe old home with its environments
"and early associations and of young
' people so conducting themselves
Three |
which developed into pneumonia He
was a son of Charles Ream, who died
at Berlin, last February. Before be-
coming a resident of Berlin he op-
erated a farm at Brotherton, He is
survived by his wife and two children:
Mrs. Austin Pritts, of Brothersvalley
township, and William M. Ream, of
Stonycreek township. He is also sur-
vived by three brothers: Benjamif,
Charles and William, all of Jefferson
township, and two sisters: Mrs. Hen-
ry Gumbert, of Brothersvalley town-
ship, and Mrs. W. P. Brant, of Somer-
set. The funeral took place Saturday
their early days and later as well so
that they would always be pleased
at the thought of going home to meet
the good friends of early days.
The thorough preparation of this
young man for life was dwelt upon
in a helpful way and we are sure that
all of the young people that heard
the plea were inclined more than ev-
er to prepare well for life’s work.
While Jesus waited until he was of
the Jewish proper age to begin his
life ministry he lost no time to im-
prove every opportunity to accom-
plish his work. Let us likewise be’
“minute men” for God. The speaker
closed his very excellent address
with an inspiring tribute to the Sav-
ior of the World who is to be man’s
Sometimes surprises are only so-
called. However, Mrs. J. F. Naugle,
wife of our postmaster had the gen-
uine article meted out to her on Mon- |
day evening at her home on Main |
street, by the ladies of her Bible!
class, of the Lutheran church. After |
their arrival at the home, the 27 la-- |
dies remained silent, for some space |
of time, until Mrs. Naugle was called |
in; then there was the opposite of si
lence for the space of three hours.
In other words a most delightful ev-
, ening was spent. The guests brought
an abundance along that none might
80 away hungry. Those present were:
Mesdames J. H. Ebbecka, C. G.
Knieriem, Edgar Kyle, N. Klingaman
M. Saylor, E. E. Klingaman, D, H.
Ford, Jno. Albright, Jas. Darniey,
Ida Staub, H. G. Stahl, Ray Stahl,
W. B. Groff, H. G. Will, Cyrus Baer,
Wilson Beal, C. W. Baldwin, James
Wilson Hannah Mervine, Matilda
Benford,, Walter Plitt; Misses Lucin-
da Geiger, Cora ' Knepp, Matilda
Knepp, Myrtle Saylor, Maggie Baer,
Lillie Baer, Daisy Ebbecka,
Rev. Dr. C. L. E. Cartwright, pas-
tor of the Methodist church here in
85 and ’86, now pastor of the Mary
S. Bowman Memorial Church in
Pittsburg, is expected here on Sun-
day evening to preach.
Dr. Cartwright will open the Chau-
tauqua at Salisbury on Sunday morn-
ing with a sermon, He is a lecturer
of note.
The Church of the Brethren, Rev.
W. M. Howe, pastor, has engaged
the services of Prof. J. C. Beahm of
Salisbury to meet all lovers of sacred
‘song at 6:30 p. m. each Lord’s Day
for a service of song:
+ Two Boys Rounded Up Here Af-
ter Getting Animals From Pied-
mont Liveryman and Joining
Wild West Show. Local Police
Help Trace Them.
Two young horse
thieves were
rounded up here last Saturday morn-
ing through Special Police H. R.
Stotler and Liveryman Kerns, of
Piedmont, W. Va., and our local po-
lice. and are now in the Piedmont
jail as the result of their escapade,
_On July 1, two strange young men
about 20 years of age, who later gave
their names as Raymond Wilson, of
Pittsburg, and John Cook, of New Jer-
sey, hired two horses from Liveryman
W. B. Kerns, of Piedmont, saying they
were going to a camp for two days.
When three days had passed and they
had not returned Mr. Kerns began
tracing them and found that they had
stayed all night near here and traded
one horse for a pony at Mahlon
Fike’s. They were traced to Rock-
wood, Connellsville, Jeannette and
back to Connellsville, where they
joined a Wild West show.
On last Saturday morning the young
miscreants were captured by the Pied-
mont men and U. B. Fuller, of town
in a tent of the Wild West show at
Connellsville. They were dressed as
Mexicans and upon the appearance
of the men to arrest them, one drew
his revolver but it was knccked out
of his hand before he could use it,
He later said he thought the men
were town rowdies trying to fight.
After they were brought to Meyers-
dale, Clyde Ickes, of town, drove the
i party to Piedmont.
Meyersdale and vicinity were
ored last Saturday and Sunday by
the presence of Governor Martin G,
Brumbaugh, the host and hostess of
the occasion being Mr. and Frank
Ip, Black, personal friends of the
. chief executive, at their comodicus
and well appointed home at Holland |
Farm, about three miles from town.
Not at all selfish, Mr. and Mrs.
Black, desirous that their very
many friends should share with them
the occasion and not to make it ex-
clusive, issued a sort of a general in-
vitation that any who desired to call
would be welcomed.
The governor made the trip to this
place, about 150 miles, in his hand-
some Pierce-Arrow car arriving at
four o’clock. Judge and Mrs. W. H.
Ruppel were guests at the evening |
‘meal, at the Black home. |
But dinner was hardly over before
ere oma she aut automobiles began to arrive, filled
with county people from far and near
to see the first man of the state. Som-
erset was largely represented, more
especially by those “of the profession-
al line; Garrett sent up a fine delega-
tion. Meyersdale was there but not
exactly in toto, but almost too numer-
ous to account,
In line with the governor to receive
the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Black
and Judge and Mrs. Ruppel. Follow-
ing this more formal part, neighbor
chatted with neighbor and many new
acquaintances formed as the visitors
sallied about on the broad veranda
and the velvet covered lawns. All
were pleased with the striking per-
sonality of the governor and from
his demeanor, all felt that he was ev-
ery inch a governor, and in line for
promotion. A separate account is giv-
|en of the occasion of the Governr’s
| sermon in this place on Sunday. :
Misses Mary Bangard and Ethel
Spence spent Thursday of last week
with friends at Salisbury.
Rev. A. E, Truxal, D. D., of Meyers-
dale visited at the home of Mrs, Hen-
ry Bangard last Thursday.
Mrs. C.. W. Tressler and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Engle spent last Sunday
at Coal Run with Frank Thomas,.
Henry Brown is helping to build a
house for J. E. Geiger at Wittenberg
at present.
Fremont Fike and D. M. Lee made
a business trip to Wittenberg on last
Miss Mary Bangard left for Balti-
more last Friday to resume her work
in the hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyer and Miss
Mamie Klingaman of Berkley Mills
spent last Sunday at the home of
Bruce Fike.
Milton Shunk and family of Lari-|
mer township spent Sunday with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Shunk. ;
Misses Sarah and Rilla Nicholson
spent Wednesday of last week at the
home of Richard Nicholson.
Try our fine job work .
Hundreds of friends and others
were eager to shake the governor's
hand and they did so, but as soon as |
the party could get'to their cars, they |
hurried back to the home of the ad
and hostess of the governor.
Our job work merits “Vine!”
Mr, A. E. Cassler, of Holsopple,
announced himself as a candidate for
County Treasurer, subject to the de-
cision of the Republican voters at
the primary election, September 21.
For the past thirty years, Mr. Cass-
iler has had wide experience in Mer-
| cantile and Banking business, and has
| proven successful in both enterprises.
He is capable of filling the office and
| respectfully solicits your support.
Some Good Bargains in
ing Goods Store.
| ; week at QGurley’s Sport.