The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 01, 1915, Image 1
a HHA A 8 * of this character, : We hes bigein culation and ‘an “ad” here is read by thou- sands of people. VOL. XXXVI. FOURTH OF JULY ~ PRECAUTIONS Fireman to Assist Local Police in Guarding Against Fires and Accidents Here on That Day. The officials of the Meyersdale Fire Department, Pres. W. H. Deeter, and Fire Chief, James Campbell, have rquested the members of the Fire De- partment to assist the local police in preventing fires over the Fourth of July. Officers Hare and Fuller are both members of the Fire Company, and they have expressed the determi- nation to do all within their powers to prohibit celebrations that may result in fire damage. Chief of Police, Fred Hare, who is also, fire marshall, u- ‘mites with Messrs.’ Deeter and Camp- bell in requesting the members of the fire department to give assistance. Fires are always a danger to the lives of citizens and of members of the Fire Company, a8 well as de structive-to property. Hence, strict measures should be taken to prevent them. The fire 1addies will remain on the streets during the Fourth celebra- tion for this especial purpose. They will give advice and warning where- ver they see’ dangerous practices car- ried on; and it is hoped that all cit izens will assist them in applying the adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The folowing are excerpts from. a, timely bulletin issued by State Fire Marshall, Joseph IL. Baldwin: JONAS M. COOK oF © SOMERSET ‘BOROUGH. “On the Return” as Republican Candidate for Prothonotary TO THE VOTERS OF SOMERSET |. COUNTY: — In submitting the ‘foregoing announcement,” it may seem superfluous to state that I was a candidate for the office of Pro- thonotary four years ago, without successs, but with a record “al ways Republican.” I accepted the situation, gracefully congratulated my successful competitor, Mr. Hei- ple, and gave him loyal support, to- gether with the whole . Republican ticket. Now then, it may not be out of place to recite a few facts, name- ly, that I was born on a farm in Southampton, Township, near Wel- lersburg, this county, Nov. 8, 1843; cast my first vote for Abraham Lin- coln in the state of Virginia, Novem- ber 8th, 1864, while serving, as a Sol- dier Boy in the Union Army; attend- ed five terms of public school, the last at’ Wellersburg, in 1865-66 when I had for a pupil one who since be- came the Judge.of our Courts. I never held office , other than School Director in Somerset Borough to the extent of twenty-six and a half years and several yearly terms as Chair- man of the Republican County Com, mittee. And now, to the end that new res-. idents and the more youthful Repub- lican voters of our county may be further informed with reference | ‘to the writer, who respectfully solicits ' the support and influence of Repub- ‘licans at the Primary Election, Tues- NEAR G! Seven Persons Tnjured'ag of Sheriff Hochard | Fatally, When Car CO Seven persons were fi Sunday evening near Ga: returning from Frostburg w attended a ball game. Hocahrd wife of the sher erset . was seriously, tally injured, she having fracture of’ the skull, a brok and internal injuries. She ‘to Garrett where surgical given by Drs. Pollard. and after which she was ‘taken i home in Somerset. Z The party traveled in an auto en by Mr. Meager. The: accid curred on a road ‘leading rg rett to Meyersdale about three from Garrett. Their automob just .passsed a car driven by Merrill, of Garrett, when dent occurred. The Somerset Y suddenly in some way or o ercial. Many’ tell us they are delighted with our job printing. a= Bring us your work. on exhibition store. window. -carefully I be quite a de- ‘sent out. /AU COMPANY he “gompany . which g cement was reorganized into a bank. at the side of the 4 overturned injuring all of the pants. They were placed in car and taken to ‘Somerset they all reside. Those besides Mrs. sscnidl were injured Wi re: Mrs. Po! fore, cut ‘and ; ! ] body; ; bruised on head; Mrs. Frank Br fning and destroyed by. fire. A calf and IN THIS COUNTY The funeral of Clarence A. Swank, of Johnstown, took place at Stoyes- town, Monday afternoon. He died of tubercular trouble, aged 22 years. During am electric storm recently the large barn owned by Wm. Tay- man, Lavansville, was struck by light- seme chickens were burned. A play, ‘The Kingdom of Heart’dh Content,” will be produced by young people of Rockwood early in July. Rehearsals are being held under the direction of Prof. H. S. Wolfersberg- er. : The Mercy Hospital, at Johnstown, will be enlarged by a new addition to the building sufficient to accori- modate 200 ‘additional patients. The board: of directors at a recent meet- ing authorized plans to be drawn for the extension. The Stoyestown Civic League has petitioned council to oil the streets setting forth that the dust kicked up by motor cars is more annoying this year than ever before and that it is a menace to the health of the commu- RECENT HAPPENINGS LARGE CLASS CONFIRMED Bishop Garvey Holds Impressive Services at the Catholic Church Then Went to MacDonaldton. A very impressive service was held in 88. Philip and James Catholic church in this place Sunday morning when Rt. Rev. Eugene Garvey, D. D. bishop of Altoona confirmed a large class of boys and girls and several a- | dults. The services began at ten v’- clock with high mass, the Rev. Fr. Thomas, of Cumberland, being the cel ebrant. In ‘the confirmation service the bishop was assisted by the pastor, the Rev. Fr. Brady; the Rev. Fr. Quinn, of West Salisbury and the Rev. Fr. Thomas. The bishop gave a most excellent talk to the large con- gregation. At 2:30 in the afternoon the clergymen left for Macdonaldton and were followed by a large delega- tion, requiring 20 automobiles to con- vey them thither. On arriving there they were met by the Pine Hill band nity Se inch- January 25th. Following a hearing in Johnstown, Orville Ripple, aged 21, and Lester Fisher, aged. 18, were committed to jail on a charge of arson preferred by the Wilmore Coal company. It is al- leged Ripple and Fisher burned a dwelling house in Stonycreek town- . | ship, near Walnut Grove, owned by this concern, the fire occurring last and different societies and were es- corted to the church which was far too small for the large concourse of people many being obliged to remain outside. Here, also the bishop con- firmed a large class and spoke very encouragingly to the congregation which is made up principally of the foreign element. The Rev. Fr. Qunnn is the pastor and is doing good work among these people. After the: servi- : er; cut and ‘bruised in the fac- ces they all returned to Meyersdale. The fire cracker was borrowed | | day, September 21st, 1915 let me The bishop remained over * until from the Chinese; when used in mod- ge. ‘to advise that I was a member eration and with the greatest care Of t le: firm of Cook & Beerits, pio- | ward Meager, it is the least dangerous, but care. Deer ‘grocers of Somerset for one- | head and tempora lessly handled it has made our 4th a third of a century, and that since my A An examination will be held on Au- gust 5th and 6th in the high school building at Somerset for all persons seeking permauent state certificates. : All applicants desiring to take the Monday going from this place’; to’, wh Cumberland LY mia 0S auto. APN ob PAI EE AP Te NS UA . member the Declaration of Independ- day of calamity and x ‘nuisance. It a day dreaded by ‘many. It is not generally pk ‘realized © great’ loss of life and property Jeur- Wherever . Fourth of July celebrations have been tried without the promiscuous use of fire works it has been found to be the most satisfactory a8 no accidents from gunpowder occurred and there were no fires from explosions report- ed. There are far better ways of teach- 1 of the country to re- ence than by the making of loud nois- es and thus endanger life and prop- erty. Where a general display of fire works is provided by a community for the benefit of all, the display should be given in the evening and then only under the absolute manage- ment and direction of competent per- sons. Don’t under any circumstances per- mit children to have matches or to set off fireworks. There are in all communities per- sons disposed to obstinacy and unrea- sonably persist in doing things con- trary to the wishes of the majority; such persons often cause trouble and may do so on the Fourth of July by the careless handling of fireworks which may result in injury or death of loved ones or the destruction of property Keep buckets filled with water for immediate use and at a convenient place. CHURCH NOTICES. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN— Rev. W. M. Howe, Pastor. Preaching for July 4 at 10:30 a. m. “Christian Liberty;” at 7:30 p. m. —“David and his Sin.” Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.; Christian Workers’ Meeting at 6:45 in the evening. Quarterly Business Meeting at 1:30 p. m. on July 3. Brethren Church: On Sunday, July 4, the Mens’ Federation will meet in connection with the Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. There will be preaching services both morning and evening in the Meyersdale Church. The evening sermon will be patriotic in character. |: All are cordially invited to attend. H. L. Goughnour, pastor. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER 1 hereby announce myself a candi- date for the nomination of County Commissioner on the Republican tick- | et, primaries to be held on September | 21, 1916. John R. Boose, | Somerset, Pa. : retirement therefrom, / likewise to | jeep active and strenuous “in the time, it has beeh my pleasure act in the capacity of Secretary'of. 3 erset. Mut : THOSE WHO HAVE DIED JOHN ALLEN CLARK, One of the best known residents of the Stonycreek valley, died at his home in Hooversville, Friday aged 84 years. Deceased was a na- tive of that section and spent his entire life there. For many years he was a farmer and more recently had conducted the Coal Exchange Hotel. Mr. Clark was a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, the I. O. O. F. and the Christian Church, of Hooversville. Surviving are his widow and the following children: Irvin George and Mrs. John Kenney, all of Johnstown; Joshua, Rolson and Freeman Mrs, Amaniah Rodgers and Mrs. Robert Pebley, all of Hoo- versville. Funeral services were held Sunday morning, Rev, Morris offi- ciating. JOHN P. BROWN, A resident of Elk Lick township near Boynton, died on Monday from stomach trouble. He was aged 66 years and one day. Mr. Brown, who was a farmer, leaves his wife and nine sons and daughters. The deceas- ed was a member of the Church of the Brethren. The funeral services were conducted at 10 a. m., on Wed- nesday. Elder Hostetler officiating. Interment was made in the Hostetler cemetery. MRS LILLIAN B. WALKER, Wife of George B. Walker, died Tueday of last week at her home at Coal Run, from tuberculosis, aged 25 vears Three children survive Funer- al was held on Thursday. Interment in the Odd Fellows cemetery at Salis- bury. Reich & Son, undertakers. Some Good Bargains in MOTOR CYCLES this week at Gurley’s Sport- ing Goods Store. Rev. and Mrs. Angus returned on Wednesday from their wedding trip; they expect to spend the summer at Kendallwood, the summer home of the Kendall’s in Greenville town- ship. A few letter heads and Envelopes don’t cost much here. x LEA] 4 0 PY S | a ell ughter, Miss. Annie Matilda, was united in marriage with Mr. Ross O Coughenour, of Mt. Savage. ° The ceremony was performed by Rev. Alfred Schick Kresge. The | bridesmaid was Miss Sarah Coughe- | nour, sister of the groomsman, Wm. H. Smith, brother of the bride. The flower girl was Miss Loreen A. Poor- baugh, a cousin of the bride. Many beautiful gifts were received by the happy couple. They left on a C. and other eastern points of inter- est. The following guests were present: Rev. A. S. Kresge, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith, parents of the bride; Mr. ence; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Purbaugh, and son, Clarion, of Connellsville; Misses Edna and Anna Purbaugh, of Johnstown; Mrs. Jas. Sivits and daughter, Ella, of Connellsville; Miss Catherine Coughenour, sister of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and children, Robert, Annie and Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zinn and chil- dren, Carl and George, of Cumber- land; Mrs. Harry Smith and daughter Ada; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Cook and children, Mary, Catherine and James of Meyersdale. ERLER— NEVIN. The Rev. John Erler, pastor of the Rockwood Lutheral Church, on Wed- nesday of last week, met at Cumber- land, Miss Rosa Nevin, of New York, and they were married at that place. After several days in eastern cities they returned ‘to their home at Rock- wood, where Dr. Erler had a beauti- ful parsonage ready, the house having recently been repaired and painted and fully equipped with all the mod- ern conveniences. honeymoon trip to Washington, D. | and Mrs. H. E. Purbaugh, of Conflu- | “i examination . for per , cates. 1 ) nited in i * Goughnour, rns journey. The best wishes of many friends are theirs. | GLESSNER— DARR. { At Sipesville, by Rev. C. A. McDow- ‘ell, of the Church of the Brethren, Miss Carrie P. Darr, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs.J. J. Darr, of Lincoln town- ' ship, and James S. Glessner, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson D. Glessner, ‘of Stonycreek township. The young i couple have both been popular teach- * (ers in Lincoln township. They left for la honeymoon trip to Washington and | other eastern cities. | STULL—HESS. ls Miss Ida Stull and Alfred R. Hess, both of Johnstown, were married by Rev. H. B. Burkholder. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Stull, of Stonycreek township, and for some time has been employed at Johns- town. They will make their home in Bedford. YOUNKIN—HAUGER. Clarence Younkin, son of Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Younkin, and Miss Ollie Hauger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauger, both of Rockwood, were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents on Thursday evening. They will make their home in Rock- wood. GROWALL—BRANT. Henry E. Growall son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Growall, of Black township and Miss Iva Brant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brant, of Milford town- ship, were united in mariage Sunday evening, at the home of J. R. Shanks, Rockwood, by the Rev. John Erler. HIS HIP WAS BROKEN. S .8. Rickard, of Rockwood, accom- panied by his family and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rickard, of Blain, Pa., left Saturday for Pittsburg. When a few miles of the Smoky City the car skidded and turned turtle throw- ing the occupants to the road. J. C. Rickard was taken to Pittsburg to a hospital for treatment for a broken hip bone. The remainder of the occu- pants were badly . shaken up and bruised. Do you want some shipping tags? We have them ready to print? FOR SHERIFF, JAS. T. BERKEY. Jas. T Berkey, of Davidsville, who is a candidate for the office of Sher- iff on the Republican ticket, was a visitor in this end of the county a part of last week. Mr. Berkey is a man who impresses those whom he meets as possessing the qualities of decision, sincerity, courage and abil- ity as those qualities pertain to the in forgetting mere individuals when ing straight to the line. How about your subscription? nent certifi- should notify i president of the Cor § Ville, Li. taiurday night, The annual Somerset county First Aid Meet will be held at Boswell this year instead of Somerset. The meet will be held on Satarday, September 4th, and will be an all-day event. It is said that Boswell is the center of territory employing more miners than any other community in the county and this is assigned as rea- son for making a change in the loca- tion of the place for holding the meet. Judge Ruppel has announced that the twelve cases in equity resulting from the manipulations of Harvey M. Berkeley, the fugitive secretary of the Somerset Telephone Co., will be taken up in court at Sémerset, July 6 with Judge Singleton Bell, of Clear- field County, on the bench. These are the cases in which, it is alleged, Berk- ley increased the number of shares of stock represented on certificates, or issued duplicates, which he deposit- ed as collateral security for large sums of money he borrowed. Mine Foreman J. B. Kirkpatrick lost his life last Wednesday by eles- trocution in the Pretoria mine, near Holsopple in trying to save Losti Solders from death. The latter was a- ble to be about the next day, little the worse for his injuries. He said that he used a file in connecting the signal wires in the mine, which caus- es bell to ring on the tipple and that is the last that he can remember un- til he regained consciuosness. It is believed that Solders mistook the power line for the signal wire and that he received the full force of the current, being found by Foreman Kirkpatrick while in a condition of un consciousness. Kirkpatrick attempt- ed the rescue of the man and recev- ed the shock. The body of Kirkpat- rick was taken to Carrolltown for in- terment in St. Benedict’s cemetery. SURPRISE PARTY. A very pleasant surprise party was tendered Mrs. Mahlon Pugh, Tuesday evening, at her home, near Berkley Mills, it being the 26th anniversary of her natal day. About forty-two of her friends walked in unannounced and office to which he aspires. He believes | | spent by the duties of his office calls for hew- [was served. | number of very nice gifts. | proceeded to take possesssion of the home A very delightful evening was all and an elaborate supper Mrs. Pugh received a| All kinds of job work here. DIED ALGRE E. INT heart failure late Monday afternoon in a clump of woods between Jenner and Somerset. Her daughter was to have had part in al campus eceremo- nial and is heartbroken by the death. With her husband Mrs. was traveling by automobile to ber home, after visiting relatives at Jen- ner. At one point where the road skirts the woods, Mrs. Gallagher gather some soil for her house ferns. ‘She left the car and entered the woods. presently her her and found her dead lying on the Gallagher in the journey expressed her desire to When she did not husband went return after ground. CHAUTAUQUA GREAT SUCCESS The second annual Chautauqua in Meyersdale closed its six days ses- sion last evening with enthusiastic feeling. In every way this year was an advancement over that of last year—in the weather, financially, in the program, attendance etc. if there be any ete. That such was the case is not due to chance but to the incessant plan- ning and working of the general com- mittee and more especially to the di- rect officers—namely E. C. Kyle, W. H. Deeter, H."M. Cook, Chas Griffith. The Chautauqua manager, Mr. Roller last evening complimented in good round words the zeal of the local organization and called for ap- ‘preciation on the part of the big au- dience which was responded to with a sound round of applause. Mr. H. M. Cook, the local secretary mounted the stage of the Chautauqua grounds and announced that the com- mittee had already signed for the next year’s work. This was received with an approving burst of applause. The course provided by the Lin- coln Chautauqua for Meyersdale was excellent. The whole affair was a great success. The tent was taken down immedi- ately after the performance and the performers and all left at one o’clock for Bedford, their next point of en- gagement. We print sale bills quick.