tion will be filled by XL J. a SALISBURY. Good Roads Day was successful be- yond most anybne’s expectations. A- bout150 men and boys turned out in {Hy Salisbury lastWednesday to work on Wg the streets and a nice lot of work was accomplished. Besides the 19 teams that were on duty the new steam roll- er which the 20th Century Mig. Co. of Boynton furnished for the work was kept moving until midnight and the streets of Salisbury bear evidence of the effort that was put forth on the first Good Roads Day. A large crowd of people gathered to attend the decoration of graves at this plaec on Monday, May 31. Mem- bers of ‘the G. A. R. of Meyersdale came on the special car at about 3:30 p. m. and at the car line joined the parade which marched from there to the I. O. O. F. cemetery. The most of the old veterans of this community | were also in the parade. The Boynton band and the drum corps from Mey: ersdale furnished the music. Rev. W. W. Wagner, of this place made a very appropriate address following the Memorial services by the G. A. R. Post. A large congregation was in attend- ance at St. John’s Reformed church on Sunday evening at the Union Me- morial services. The music was fur- nished by the Salisbury orchestra and a choir of men from the various churches of town. The sermon was a bly and impressively delivered by Rev. Ira S. Monn, pastor of the Re- formed church; he was assisted in the services by Rev. W. W. Wagner and Rev. E.S. Johnston. In accordance with the Governor's suggestion that church bells be tolled at noon on Sunday , the bell in the Reformed Church where the Memor- ail services were held was tolled for five minutes at noon. On Sunday while most people were in Church or Sunday School several boys of known pilfering proclivities entered the store of Howard Meager & Co. and helped themsevels to sev- eral bottles of pop, quite a lot of chewing gum and some gold rings. The culprits were apprehended on Monday and prosecutions will likely follow. What manner of settlement will be effected is only a matter of conjecture. One of the lads who was likely the leader, has been in several scrapes of this kind and many people here think a term in the reformatory | would be a fitting as well as a befit- ting penalty for him. The young ma- | rauders entered the building through ! a coal chute into the cellar and from | there had easy access to the store] certainly | from a two weeks’ visit at the home - ) , hy EB FY # he. 3 ye a # ES. A We desire to express our ap- preciation to all, who in way, assisted us in leading to a highly successful conclusion our Trade Extension Campaign. ONY Se mm. Hartley Tutton Co. Meyersdale, Penn’a. WFR RS RL SR RR RA AR RRR RA A A AAR RR FARRAR RRA RAR A A ARR AAA ARR ARR A ARRAS was formerly employed by that con- cern but for the past year has held a position with a Pittsburg contracting firm. Mrs. Frank Beachy and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lichty, who were vis- iting relatives here and in Meyers- dale since the funeral of their moth- er, Mrs. Elizabeth Lichty, returned to their homes at Carleton, Nebras- ka, and Wellington. Kansas, on Tues- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Boucher and family and Stanley Boucher last week motored from their home at Damas- cus, Va., to this place to visit the for- mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boucher. The visited Baltimore, Waskington, Frederick and other ‘smaller places. enroute arriving here on Thursday evening. Arthur Thomas arrived last week | of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Herbert Der- ry at Tuscarora, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meager and children, Hazel, Elizabeth and Jean and Mrs. Phyllis Swain motored to Cumberland on Wednesday. GLENCOE. Our township is a First Line one When you buy clothes, 1S: to come to our store makers, we give vou the price advantage that comes with our narrow margin i HH | iR th Your Good Money Ought to Bring Good Value 4 good value; it all depends on the makes of the clothes Hh IR and the man who makes them $i The way to be sure of getting your mone ’'s worth = oS [15 i; I]HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHESK 1 Hi You get all that’s coming to you in clothes from the Hi HARTLEY & BALDWIN EEA RR RR REAR ARRAS SSR AS Lith hh you may or way not gei Hi th and buy of profit. - hhh hh “house by giving it a coat of paint. ; | The Love Feast of the Brethren room above through a trap door in at the “Good Roads’ Day” stuff. Very church was well attended on Sunday the floor. Much sympathy is felt for few “skirts” were left in Glencoe af- | the parents of the boys but since the ter “eight bells” on Wednesday last. way of the thief or transgressor is H. A. Leydig, of Somerset spent hard if found out, they must make Tuesday here with relatives. the best of it. Frank Miller and wife arrived home Samuel Diehl, who boards with his | on last Monday. They were accompa- : : : i nt un the brother, W. H. Diehl, in West Salis- nied by Dr. L C. Miller, of Pittsburg. © .SPUrg, spent over Sunday at bury, had the misfortune one day |Frank is doing finely and we hope he last week while at work in Meager's Mine, No. 2, of nearly severing a finger on his left hand while engaged in making a wedge to timber the place. A doctor dressed the wounded member and it is hoped the bone will unite again, Mr. and Mrs. John Mort and chil- dren, of Elk Lick township, guests of Mrs. Mort's won't be compelled to use crutches much longer. Chas. Webreck returned Thursday from a month’s tour of the far West. He found that part of the country in about the same slump as here. Wes. Shipley, Ben. Leydig and Al- len Bittner were Meyersdale shoppers were 'last Saturday . They “busted” a nickel parents, Mr [for peanuts and scared at the street and Mrs. Jere Miller, on Sunday last. ' cars. About thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. | Arthur Bittner spent a few days last Victor Schramm, held a miscellane | week visiting Cumberland friends. ous shower for Mrs. Schramm at the | The latest fad in our burg is spar- home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and | row shooting. Beware, boys, lest you Mrs. John Schramm, Thursday even |shoot “the birdie on Nellie’s hat.” ing, May 27. She was the recipient | of many useful presents. Refresh ments were served during theevening. Mrs. Frank Yoder, who was visit. ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Connor, took ill suddenly one day last week and was taken to the Western Maryland Hospital, Cumberland, to be operated upon for appendicitis. Rev. E. E. Oney, the newly elected pastor of the local Lutheran church, is expected to arrive on Wednesday morning. Miss Florence Chalfant, of Browng- | ville, is visiting at the home of her cousins, Mesdames Ella and Sadie Chalfant. { Mrs. Ira S. Monn and son, are on a two weeks’ with the former’s parents in Chambersburg. Miss Barbaras Cochrane and Miss Phyllis Gaston, of Cumberland, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coch- rane, | Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Connor and Mr. Mrs. Howard Meager spent Thurs day in Cumberland where the former's daughter, Mrs. Yoder, operated | upon for appendicitis. W. C. Lichiiter left o and was Sunday for | Portland, Oregon. He return a- bout July 1st. accompanied by his | her par- who has been vi ng | Snyder on Alfred Bittner was the big buyer at’ delegate of en in that city for tl several weeks. fT J 1.iven chtes M id D Tues- d ives and i H g hi 1is connec- tions as salesman witl 20th Cen- | tury Mfg. Co, of His posi- ingle, who ' Ida Getz spent spent the week-end with her school friend, Ruby Poer- baugh. Mrs. W. H. Bittner was a Friedens visitor to her many relatives there ov- | er Sunday. H. W. Poorbaugh with several mem- bers of his family motored to Mt. Zion to decorate graves on Saturday. Ralph had to push- the Ford ribbons! some over the newly made roads. Chas. Love and Mabel Snyder were Meyersdale shoppers for “Mother” Saturday afternoon. the 5¢ and 10c store on Saturday. He caused quite a panic. Marion Leydig was elected as the | Reformed Sunday | the School to attend the Somerset Coun- ty convention at Windber this month. Myrtle Smiley spent two days of last week at J. T. Leydig’s. She came | especially to clear off the Elrick lot in the cemetery. to the inclemency of the weather, Memorial services at Mt. Lebanon stponed. Watch for another date to be set for them. Owing were p SUMI IT TOWNSHIP. W. P. Meyers was a visitor to the county seat on Tuesday. On last Wednesday while Willia: and Ada Herwig were away from home thieves e 1 their home and took valuables h twenty dollars S. D. Gnag:e 1 1 farmer of part of last we Irs. Mary Kretch ence, spent over S 7 at the homsa | of L. A. Kretchman. W. M. Fullem is beautifying his |} evening with several accessions tp the church. ei pinch, "sm Gnagey, one of our DProgress- {ive farmers, has purchased an Olds- | mobile. | J. A. Rishel, who is employed in {home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Andrew Rishel. | Daniel Kinsinger, who lately pur chased the W. B. Schrock farm, is building a storm shed to his barn. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Snyder and Miss Tolley: Snyder, of Fort Hill, vis- ited at the home of Frank Hay and family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hershberger |and family, BE. R. Hay and Mrs. Mary | Kretchman, the latter from Conflu- lence, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Eliza Christner. Boyd Bros., of near Centerville, were recent guests of their cousin, +R. J. Engle and family. i Miss Mary L. Gnagey spent a few days of last week at Lock Haven | State Normal School. | Charles Redinger and John Grew | spent last Tuesday in Pittsburg. Good Roads Day was fairly well attended and much improvement was mas made. ’ VIM. Mrs. Emma Fike amd daughter, E- dith, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nick- olson and son, Cyrus, spent Tuesday | ‘of last week at St. Paul at the home of Ross Sechler. Mr. Christ Martens, of Wellersburg spent from Friday to Monday at the home of his son, C. R. Martens. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Engle, the former a son of Wm. Engle, left for Akron, Ohio, last Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Broadwater, of Iowa, spent Wednesday of last week visiting relatives at Vim. Mr and Mrs Martin Meyer and Mrs. Annje Nicholson spent Monday at Pleasant Hill Mrs, Agnes Swearman and child, of Meyersdale, were callers at the home == 2 LS = \ SE os 2 Any Farmer Can build With Concrete Concrete construction is simple and easv to do suc- cessfully ~~ Any farmer, with his hired man can build a poultry house, a flight of cellar stairs or a house founda- tion, or any other farm structure. In the course of a year or two you can add greatly to the value of your pro- perty by putting in concrete improvements. Lehigh Portland Cement makes the best concrete When’ busing cement do not fail to specify Lehigh. You expect your concrete struc ture to last, but you must remember that the strength of your building depends on the quality of cement you use. A concrete structure built with’ LEHI.,H Cement will stay as long as the land stays. - RP. J. Cover & Son Ar "Your Eyes Perfect?” + Probabl\ no organ of the body is neglected more than the EYES YOU, CERVMVINLY are anxious that your sight should Snowine- be perfect through your num- £5" bered days and when Nature ; warns you through the me- dium of pain in the Eye Balls Aching Head, Blurred Vision " and Twitching Eyelids, you should not neglect these calls of nature, but should imme- diately consent an! UP TOMETRIST OPTICIAN who will tell you about your n:eds. : qe a one cory “rr Our meth: ds of examin.-tion are scientific and accurate CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR CASE 2 COOK The Optometrist Optician. day evening. - ar street. PerryYoder is working for Menno Yoder at present. of her sister, Mrs. last Wednesday. Master William Seggie, Frank Gardner, of Johns- town, spent several days at the home of D. M Lee. -_—- MARKLETON. | Mrs. Lee May. BERKLEY. | crops are suffering with rain. | spring sewing for the good housewives and young ladies. in Berkley. The Sunday School will | R. B. Hayes had his auto loaded to ‘We are having lots of rain for the | its capacity with the fair sex on Sat! | last few weeks, the days having been | urday evening. They motored over to few that we did not have rain. Some | Humbert where a pleasant evening too much | was spent. Ray Marlett, Harry Dwire and J. W. Rockwood visitors Mrs. Cora Weigley is in our neigh- | Nicholson were borhood. She is kept busy doing the | On Saturday. Mr. S. A. May was a Confluence vis- itor between trains on Saturday mor- Saturday night is to be a big night | ning. Mr. William Baker and sister, Mar- | Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leer, of Cumber- | land spent a few days here recently | visiting Mrs. Leer’s parents, Mr. and Thieves entered the cellar of Mr: Snyder’s on Monday evening and hel- ped themselves.to a gallon of cream, six loaves of bread, two bushel sack of potatoes and a dozen or so cans of fruit. Mr. Snyder will have a wel- come supper for the next nightly vis- itors. BERLIN. On Good Roads Day about three hundred men reported for work in this borough and township. They did splendid work as did also the wo- men in furnishing lunches at many points. : Mrs. Ernest Sillman, of Jenkin- | town is visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Carrie Cherrington. |" D. S. Stephan left on Wednesday (for Johnstown where his daughter, | Katharine was operated upon for ad- enoids. . | Messrs. J. B. Shrock, Wilson Gum- | hold a festival, the receipts to be used | 8aret were visiting Rockwood friends | bert and George Engle were visitors over Sunday. | for church lights. All come. Wilson Walker is spending several | weeks in Akron, Ohio. | Isaac Neimiller was a recent visitor | | [to Meyersdale and Somerset on Wed- | M. A. Snyder was a recent business | nesday. | yisitor to Meyersdale. | Miss Annie Poorbaugh was called Rev. House delivered a very inter. | to Pittsburg owing to the illness of of his brother-in-law, Wm. Landis, at esting sermon on Sunday evening. | | | Rockwood, #t: Sunday at Edward Sellers home. Dr. Wright and his brother Emer- | | Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Berkley spent |son, of Greensburg are here spending |a few days’ trying their luck on the wos : 1 Y i Mrs. Isaac Neimiller, we are sorry to | SPeckled beauties. state, is not improving very rapidly. | The hard frost did quite damage in this section. | 11 since last Friday, is able to be a-| bout again. Wilson Bittner helping J. R igh build fence last week rs. J. BR. Ei r spnt Ic t the ho Edison was Fogle spent Tuesday Otto Meyers and Orlo a bit of | Rockwood visitors on Monday. James Weyand Band ery Tuesday and for Fallen Timber to visi Thursday turn out, boys and | 42ys With I husband who is super- | orth. intendent of he mine kc Titi Albert Marshall, o College | ¥,. a1 INE 18 vis S. Post for Charles Sech-' =. © — 2 8, rosumas- | tor. ter and Mrs. W. rshall, of High B. & O. Agent C. O. Burns and fam- | 8lbs. Choice Ev p. Peaches for ily and sawmill has been | steady for the past few May were | her sister, Mrs. Meyers. | A. B. Cober who has ben engaged in educational work in the Philippines for several years arrived here a few {days ago. Rumor has it that Mr_ Cober { will not be a bachelor much longer. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McCabe were | Cumberland visitors for a few days Misses Margaret and Marion Groff. went to Jenkintown, Philadelphia a few days ago to attend commence-' ment exercises at the Beechwood ; School, from which their sister, Miss ; Elegnor graduates. 3 iY WEST LARIMER TOWNSHIP, Lots of rain at present! A wet May brings|lots of -ha¥, is an old saying. | The services at the Hostetler church | was well attended the past week. Rev. Fike delivers the straight gospel. to the people. . | Simon Deal lost a valuable cow last week. Fred Stinely and family were the guests of Mrs. Stinely’s parents, Mr. {and Mrs. J. E. Geiger, over Sunday. Brady Bloom and family, from Ak- ron, Ohio, are visiting at the home of Harrison Hersch, the past few days. * The Wittenberg Cornet Band wiil have a picnic on July 4, in the Witten- burg grove; the boys are preparing for a good time. Ralph Mankamyer was the guest of James Mankamyer on Sunday last.. R. Ramhoff has his cellar dug for [ his new house which he purposes e- | recting in the near future. | | ———— | MISS McKENZIE APPRECIATES | FRIENDS’ ASSISTANCE. I wish to extend, through the col- umns of the Commercial, my sincere {thanks to all who so generously aid- family have taking their daughter, Emily to the |ed me in the recent contest conducted -s. Levi Schultz, who has been in| moved here from Confluence. | The running weeks. visited Hyndman friends on Sun- af Bittner’s Garocery. hospital to be operated upon for ad- {-enoids. | Mrs. Blakely McDonald left Friday 25cts. | FOLEY j [by the Hartley—Clutton Company. | Katharine McKenzie. t for a few (It will pay you to buy your coffee at Bittner’s Grocery and have it ground | free of charge. | Armour’s Fertilizer In one hundred | pound sacks at all times at P. J, Ca AMILY WO | Tedd Tu swan IG IH Cw RATS AT my A REET Pi ra Lig MES sree rr / hen - IS RE Rea McMi man, VE On crowd High ered | which public _.- The backg it mi, from gram. listeni their logic Spence “poet-] verse foibles only a deftly showe render thoven A Alex son of (Snyde June 6 on Fro Turkey ty, 184 his dee days. Earl; parents ersdale uously his ter: and se sixties operate at a po as Boy employ times f iel Bue promin history munity. C TOILE" 25¢c. TA LY PUI —AT F Get « feed, g saive y«