Eger T cst ni tgp NEWS IN GENERAL. Over a million persons have sign- ed petitions, sent telegrams or letters to the governor of Georgia to stay the execution of Leo. M. Frank, of Atlanta, Ga., condemned to death for the murd- er of 14-year-old Mary Phagan. There never has been such an appeal made in the history of the country and there is much probability that Frank is innocent. Notwithstanding Holland's mount desire to keep out of the war there is evidence that the situation is para becoming intolerable to the Dutch government. The attitude of Belgi- um’s neighbor is being watched with keenest interest in London. The sink- ing of the Lusitania had an immense effect. The whole nation is becoming intensely angered. But with the spec- tacle of devastation in Belgium, just across the border, Hollanders are loath to decide to make the great sac- rifice until it becomes vital. President Wilson has received a most unsatisfactory reply from Ger- many in answer to the American note sent after the sinking of the Lusitania. The note expresses Germany's reg- ret for injuries sustained by Ameri- cans as a result of submarine and ae- roplane attacks and offers compensa- tion in cases in which Germany is found to be in the wrong. As indicated previously in these dispatches, the note defers a direct answer to the qu- estions raised by President Wilson, pending a further exchange of views. Germany desires to establish whether the Lusitania was a defenceless mer- chant ship or was being used for the transportation of warm unitions and soldiers, on which unsuspecting pass- engers were permitted to take pass- age to safeguard the war materials. A million and half dollars will be spent in deveoping the Mingo coal fields at Huntingdon, W. Va., during the next few months. Operations are planned on gigantic proportions. Operators from all over the country are making investments there.Twen- ty new mines will be developed within a radius of 12 miles from Williamson, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has practically completed arrange- ments for a new feeder into the terri- tory. The Orinoco Mining Co. will erect a $25,000 tipple, the Red Jack- et Coal and Coke company has begun work on a $300,000 operation and an- other company will begin at once the openings of mines there at a cost ap- proximately of $300,000. The United States Steel Corporation is rushing to completion wor begun several months ago, 4 il SOMERSET'S NEW BALTIMORE & OHIO STATION. Carrying out its intention to pro- vide adequate passenger terminal fa- cilities at Somerset, the Baltimore & Ohio railroad has completed plans for erecting a passenger station which while affordng ample accom- modations for travelers, will add to the attractiveness of that borough. The new station, upon which work will be started at once by the rail- road’s forces, will be thoroughly mod- ern in design and of brick construc- tion, with tapestry effect and a tile roof. The building will be 756 feet long by 30 feet wide. The interior plan of the station calls for a general waiting room, from which room passengers can purchase tickets, check baggage and reach the women’s retiring room and the men’s smokng room. Ample toilet facilities for both men and women will be pro- vided. Spacious seats will be in the waiting room and bubbling foun- tain will enhance the general attrac- tiveness, The station will be heated by low pressure steam. The station platform will be of vit- rified brick with concrete curb, ex- tending from Patriot street to South sreeet.Between these streets and the station, an attractive parking effect will be created by grass plots and flower beds, while in the rear of the station will be a driveway. The new station was designed by M. A. Long, architect of the Baltimore & Ohio, who has prepared the plans of numerous attractive stations e- rected in recent years by the compa- ny. The present station wich will be replaced by the new station will be moved across the tracks and fitted up as a freight station having separate team and house tracks. STORK SAVES DAD FROM JAIL _ Unemployed, Was on Trial Charged With Stealing When It Came. Chicago.—It was a mite of a girl baby that saved Power Rokoezure from a possible jail sentence for stealing six potatoes. [Ihe man had walked Chi eago’s streets for work for eighteen months. His wife did the same thing until recently. Rokoezure was in court charged with stealing the potatoes from the railroad “Are you married?’ asked Judge Caverly. v “Yes. We have one little girl,” re plied Rokoezure. «How old?” asked the court solicit: ously. “Ahout five hours,” said Rokoezure. “Case dismissed. Congratulations,” sat] the judge, who then ordered his own grocer to ‘take some things out te CAPTAIN HOBSON A FINE : TYPE OF AMERICAN. From an editorial in The New York | Mail: | “Captain Hobson, aside from being | a hero, is a man, a fine type of the A- merican of today. “He is a young Southerner who will | grow in Congress until some day, un- less I miss my guess, you will see [him still greater. He is a most con- | vincing speaker, an orator, a student l'of conditions, a man of ideas. He is "tall, well built, with sharp, clean-cut features and a calm, steady eye that tells the story of the Merrimac the minute you see him. “Those who look upon Captain Hobson as a mere hero to be wor- shipped will be made wiser. They ‘will find in him one who has forgot- ten that he sank the Merrimac. “He is a man who couldn’t be con- tent to live an idler’s life in the army or navy—a man that has a purpose in life higher than gold braid and e- paulets. “Captain Hobson appears on the Meyersdale Chautauqua program the evening of the second day following a concert given by “Ye Olde New England Choir.” Judge Ruppel recently announced the following appointment of Masters in divorce cases: C. W. Walker, in the case of Jennie M. Stoddard vs. William Stoddard; F. J. Kooser, in ‘the case of Russell R. Landis vs. Is- may Landis; L. C. Colborn, in the case of Bert N. Rosenberger vs. Pearl Am- ick Rosenberger; J. G. Ogle, in the case of Priscilla Holsopple vs. Leon E. Holsopple; George R. Scull, in the case of Nellie F. Crider vs. George W. Crider; John R. Scott, in the case of George Beal vs. Clara Beal. We have the greatest to- bacco organization in the world and are in business to stay inbusiness—Ly giving the best values. FIVE BROTHERS ' isonly oneofourmany brands, | but like all it is the “highest | quality—biggest quantity” of its kind sold. We tell the big brawny men of this country that FIVE BROTHERS is the best to- bacco for them on the market and they know they can bank on that statement. FIVE BROTHERS is sold everywhere —get a package today. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY = a Every person in the United States ten years old or over may open an ac- count in a postal savings bank after July 1st. according to an instructive leaflet on the postal savings system | recently issued by Postmaster Gener- al Burleson. This important extension of the service will be made possible by permitting persons living n com-! munities so sparsely settled as not | to justify the designation of their lo- | cal postoffices as regular postal sav- | ing banks to open accounts by mail. | | Mrs. Milton Rupp, of Casselman, has gone to North Dakota, to visit her | the new little girl.” son, Harry Rupp. a a NSN WAVERLY Childre Cry. for. Fieichc 2% hk, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Les and has been made under his per= sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢¢ Just-as-good ’>’ are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor C5, Pare= goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. has been in Flatulency, Diarrhoea. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverizhness. For more than thirty years it constant use for the relief of Constipation, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of & In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought ¢ THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CI a NNSA SANIT SSNS NASI NSN iis 1 sweetness. HVE TY, RPT a WN We're Hammering Away B® At This Fact FIVE. BROTHERS is the best tobacco in: the world for big, strong, manly men. purposely to please this kind of man. lt is a juicy, full-bodied tobacco that thoroughly satisfies a powerful man’s tobacco hunger. It is made FIvi. BROTHERS is pure Scuthern Kentucky tobacco, naturally aged for three to five years so asto bring out all nellow, healthful richness and honest Take the case of the blacksmith. When he wanis tobacco satisfaction, he cannot get it out of “flat,” insipid mix- tures. real old natural he-fobacco. He has got to have a man’s size, I £ 4 SEE 5 iy Re SPECIAL Lubrication Without Carbon There’s nothing more important to an automobile than good oil. “Waverly Bpecial” is free from carbon—it is light— itis thin—it feeds easily—it will not con- geal. The ideal oil for either air-cooled or water-cooled cars. Your dealer gelis it. If not, write to us. A test will convince you, WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. Independent Refiners PITTSBURGH, PA. Qasolines—illuminants—Lubricants FREE $38.53 2vent ont Waverly Products Soid by BITTNER MACHINE WORKS -:- D. H. WEIMEL -:- BE. J. COVER & SON—Neyersdale On and After May 17th The Banking Hours Will Be 9 AM to 3 P.M OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FROM 7 TO 9 rency. -:- May 17th. In making this change we do so at the suggestion of the Comptroller of the Cur- By doing so it follows the line of general banking practice and it means no shortening of hours for the working force but better systematizes the day’s work and permits more time, more care and more attention to each individual customer- -:- Kindly assist in making the change by keeping in mind the new hours on and after -’e -te . . MEYERSDALE, -i- CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK -- -:- PENNA. You will be pleased with our job work. CROUP AND WHOOPINGCCUGH. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says, “Foley's Honey ad Tar Com- pound cured my boy of a very severe attack o croup after other remedies had failed. Our milkman cured his children of whoopingcough.” Foley's has a forty years record of similar cases. Contains no opiates. Always in- sist on Foley's. Sold everywhere. Hundreds of health articles appear in newspapers and magazines, and in practically every one of them the im- portance of keeping the bowels reg- ular is emphasized. A constipated condition invites disease. A depends- ble physic that acts without inconve- nience or griping in Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a blood or comstitu- tional disease, and inorder to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's CatarrR Ci is taken inter- nally” es Re on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is ont a quack medicie. It was prescribed by one of the best physi- cians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is compos- ed of the best tonics known, combin- ed with the best blood purifiers, act- ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in- gredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. Send for testimonials. F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents pur bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for Con stipation. ad Are you well stocked on flour? We are selling flour for less than we can buy it, Now is the time to use Dr. Hess! Stock Tonic, Poul- try Pan-a ce-a, Louse kil- ler, etc. and you will get results. Our Lake Herring are very nice, price right. Please let us have your Grocery orders. Holzshu & Weimer Ame Pitfalls of Siang. Host (in Indiay—Do you see that fa. natic over there? He has sat on that corner and in that posture without moving for six months. Traveler (from America)—Gee, that's going some!— Chicago Tribune. A Hatter of Compensation. Wark is liked, not for its own sae, but for what can be aceomplished by means of it.—Albany Journal FOR A FIRST-CLASS GALVANIZED OR SLATE ROOF. PUT ON COMPLETE & REASONABLE Also spouting, write to J. S. -Wengerd, Meyersdale, Pa., R.F.D. a -: Write for Delivered Prices to Any Railroad Station. J. S. WENGERD R.D. 2 MEYERSDALE, - PENN’A. BOWMAN'S MAGIC SEAL, GOLDEN OIL, Mustard Ointment Manufactured by U. J. & J, BOWMAN, Johnstown, Pa., FOR SALE BY J. W. WASMUTH, MEYERSDALE, PENN'A ~~ CHICHESTER S PILL DIAMOND £5 EQ) ot ) a Dy ! y your Druggist for CHI-CHES- DIAMOND BRAND PILLS REG GoLp metallic boxes, sealed with Blu Ed , TAES Xo OormER, Buy of your Drugeist and as OHI-CHES. DIAMOND BRAND ny PILLS, for twenty-fi regarded as Best, Safest, Always Rellable; years SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS samp EVERYWHERE Z&IH Sr AAA SA How to Cure a La Grippe Cough. Lagrippe coughs demand instant treatment. They show a serious cond* tion of the system and are weakening, Postmaster Collins, Barnegat, N. J. says: “I took Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound for a violent lagrippe | cough that completely exhausted me and less than a half bottle stopped the cough.” Try it. Sold everywhere. A A a A SS Wm. LC. Price Successor to W. A. Clarke Funeral Director Business conducted at the same place Prompt attention given to all galls at all times. Both Phones. AAA A For baby’s croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, throat, grandma’s lameness—Dr Thomas’ Electric Oii—the household remedy. 25c and 50c a AAA Our Job Work HAVE YOU TRIED THE JOB WORK OF THE COMMERCIAL? OUR WORK IS OF THE BEST AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. mamma’s sofe Nm GIVE US A TRIAL A a ee stat Po rr cr ar PT ate Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA BN INS SS FOLEY*KIDNEY PILLS RATUACH ti 1 PPPIVPIIIVITITIIITTIVIVYVYYY AALS OOADSSSLSLS SSS SS LS The New geries of m principal elt ing letter w with a “clu daughter, nedy, the try to unre nedy accor Jameson, a naped by tl cued by Ke whereabout methods o E “James The str beginning keeping 1 hours to Hand, by with whe anything I leape jamas, an about. Toom. I eyes, sta “Hey— It was “Where manded. Sudden no doubt “Here 1 scratc was certs A laug] it came f to it and gan to th There long oak inches sg were tw from the about the a swingi the disk I pick thing in oak box laughter. “Come away,” | “I've 801 “Well, know ab Very: got up, never we citement He ha and set other of like that our root! Half into the sheepish none th about it. laughing the litt] It talk too—no the mo the ea mitter 1 even a placed 1 like pyr He w ly pack and a 1 “1 be been sh continu we wat nothing tentatio haps he may be tity ove I nod of thes: ry and compan can list will ne At al and I sion, E ers on Dodge was in the par the CI him. She | but, as in som tried t touche which Insts panel : a stror Elair a mon and or Insic an eny Corres ‘The papers hesitaf do.