The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 20, 1915, Image 1

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in 5 i es NA 5 TIS pare
¢ civilization
{and other visiting parishoners in an-
i ticipated. Classis officers are the fol-|
. Who figured prominently in the organ-
To Be Held in Rockwood Re- Déath h afMes Ros
formed Church. The Ear-
ly Charge in County.
Somerset Classis of the Reformed
church will be held in the Rock-
wood edifice of that denomiation
from May 25th to 27th inclusive.
/A large turnout of pastors, delegates
lowing: President, Rev. H. H. Wiant,
of Berlin: Treasurer, Rev. Mr. Wet-
zel, of Stoyestown, and Stated Clerk,
Rev. BE. Pg. gE Cum erland. |
There are es in
the classis 1 Sofn- |
erset eount’ u ' are across
the border! gounty, several |
in Garrett and in the |
city of Cun erset Classis
is one of Ix > ‘and pros. |
s Of the Gen- |
v so strong in|
ip as others, it,!
front line classis
BEneral church be- |
irches of this re-
point of
however, ri
in contribu
ligious pe ainded by
the earlies jet coun-.
ty and the hce help-
ed blaze t r the advanced
ich we now so proud
ly boast. @ "establishment! of the:
local congregation dates back to 1880!
when, as some residents still rémem-
ber, Rockwood had not yet shaken off
its primeval earmarks. ‘But ofig yurse
we have since grown to bigger _pro-
portions as a town, and so has $his
and other churches. It is noteworthy
that Dr. A. E. Truxall, of Meyersdale,
ization of this congregation and -sub-
sequently promoted the building of ‘an
edifice which remains in a remodeled
form, will be here during the classis.
sessions. This venerable pastor ak
ways drifts back in memory to that
struggling but happy year of the con-
gregation’s inception, when address-
Rockwooders, and
note the doctor’s turn on the program
It is probable that several other for-
mer pastors will be here. Ministerial
and lay delegates may in advance
feel sure of a cordial welcome during
the visit of classis to Rockwood.—
Rockwood Leader.
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, ex-presi-
dent of the suffrage organization, of
Oregon, will be in Meyersdale, Sunday
May 30th and an effort is being made
to hold a Union meeting in one of
larger churches. Mrs. Unruh is one of
the strongest and most eloquent of
National speakers and her coming
will be a treat to all who hear her
talk on this important subject.
Mrs. Unruh will lecture in the
Brethren church, Main street, Meyers-
dale, on Sunday evening, May 30.
Mrs. Unruh will also speak at Con-
fluence on Monday evemag; at Som-
erset, Tuesday evening; Stoyestown,
Wednesday evening; Hooversville,
Thursday evening; on Friday an all
day W. C. T.U. institute will be held
at Holsopple with Mrs. Unruh as the
principal speaker.
The Atlanta Chronicle says: Her
logic is electric, her rhetoric pictur-
esqe and vivid, her style nervous, fer-
vid and forceful. There are flashes of
wit, delicate bits of humor, sharp4
thrusts of sarcasm, catchy figures
and illustrations that illustrate. She is
posted and knows what she knows—
a rare gift. It is no dry stereotyped
lecturer but a discussion with a live
personality behind it.
The first of the spring and summer
Sunday evening concerts after the
evening preaching services, will be
held at the pavilion, at the corner of
Meyers avenue and Centre street
this coming Sabbath evening. Thanks, |
in advance, gentlemen. of our excel- |
lent band!
See our 3-Speed POPE
Climbs any hill with ease
passed away at her home at
s something of rare reminis-
cent interest and value by failing to
|of the Wills Creek Charge, Somerset |
! Classis, Pittsburg
Hickson H 110ct08 / L
The baccalaureate sermon to the
graduates of the Meyersdale High
School graduates will be delivered
on Sunday, May 80, in the Reformed
ner a e of She
ros. 356 Years.
3 GT. GT. GRANDCHILDREN | church by the pastor, Rev. A. E.
Ree Truxal,” D. D.
That one could live to within a few | OR Friday, June 14, in Lyceum
years of the five score mark these Hall fourteen young ladies and
latter days, is quite rem#itkable. |YOUng8 men will receive their diplo-
However, there was one whe? ody n | mas. The class is composed of the fol-
Sunday last whose existafice mi lowing: Frederick Collins, Paul Hos-
such a record, that ope being Mrg tetler, Florence Just, Harve ifer,
Rosanna Pyle Moore Gardner, who | Marion Saylor, Margaret tith,
New | Sylvester Stouffer and Mary June
Lexington, this county, aged 94 | Wiland, all of the Commercial de-
years, 4 months and 7 days. She is | partment, while _ : ical dé
| survived by two sons and one daugh- Partment are
ter—Cyrus B. Moore, a merchant and | Lintz, Paul Jan
| veteran of the Civil war, it being | McQuain, Win
most unusual for a veteran, fifty | ford Weinstei
years after the conflict was ended to! The Alumni “a
have a mother, living; Dr. Harmar D. their sixth ann
Moore, both living at New Lexington; cial room of iB
Mrs. Sarah Countryman, of Jefferson after commence
township; 29 grandchildren,46 great An excellentg
| grandchildren, and three great great pared. Miss
| grandchildren, each of the last being retary to w
by different parents, Mrs. Gardner is ance shoul
algo survived by three brothers: Jo- |
siah and “Salomon Pyle, of Middle
ill hold
June 4,
Wwige married her
Mrs. Gard or
! Creek Wr p, and Jeremiah P. first husb a Mr. Moore, who
Pyle, of Ne Centreville, whose ages “died many Mr. Clarence
are respe ely 90, 84, and 88 years. | Moore, our , the assistant
Mrs. Gardner's, father died in his 97th cashier of the
year and her mother, Mrs. Salome | place, is a gran
Pyle, in her: 94th year. | place on Tuesday.
Sunday last which started off so Samuel T. Wagner from 1882 to 1834.
gloomily with ‘dripping heavens turn- | Rev. C. H. Reiter from 1885 to 1888;
ed out to be a red letter day after all | Rev. J. B. Stonesifer from 1889 to
for the congregation of the Mt. Leb- | 1890; Rev. A. C. Snyder, Ph. D. from
anon Reformed Church of near this | 1890 to 1896; Rev. J. F. Bair from
ns Bank, of this
The funeral took
place, on the occasion of the reopen- | 1897 to 1898; Rev.
J. D. Hunsicker
ing of their church follow- | from 1898 to 1905; Rev. C. G. Sufe
ing extensive repairs and improve- | from 1905 to 1908.
ments. The efficient pastor through Of the members who were living
whose inspiring efforts these things at the time of the erection of the
were brought to pass is Rev. Albert! church only the following few remain
S. Kresge. His son, a rising young | George Bittner, N. B.. Poorbaugh,
clergyman, of Jenners preached in the Dennis Ackerman, W. H. Broadwater,
morning at 10:30 on the theme, “The | Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meyers and Mrs.
Development of Christian Character.” | Zachariah Keefer.
After the sermon an effort was made | yo pastorate of the present incum
to raise funds towards the indebted: | oy, the Ree. A. S. Kresge, began
ness of the church and several hun-| | June 1, 1913. He, with his people,
‘|dred dollars was secured.
At the afternoon service the Rev. |
A. E. Truxal, D. D., and the Rev. H.|
of the Mt. Lebanon church and the
people at once responded cheerfully
H. Wiant delivered brief addresses , . the work was soon begun and
| the work cheerfully carried to a hap-
py culmination at a cost of $1,000.
The church was painted inside and
outside, the walls and ceilings fres-
coed. Parish paper was put on the
windows; the entire floor covered
with carpet; circular pews, pulpit and
and materially assisted the pastor in |
securing cash and pledges from the
people who gave cheerfully until the |
entire amount desired was raised.
The Mt. Lebanon Reformed Church |
synod, was built]
forty years ago. The corner stone |
was laid June 10, 1875 and the church | REV. ALBERT S. KRESGE.
| was dedicated some time in the fa]l1 altar furniture have taken the place |
old and other improvements
lat once began agitating the repairing :
| of the same year. The building was of the
{erected during the pastorate of the|were made so that the church com-
out. Very latesf models.
—— |Rev. Lewis D. Steckel, who served | pares favorably with any of the ru-|
Try our fine job work . the charge from 1876 to 1881. Rev. ' ral churches in the classis.
gersdale Commercial.
Y oz President
(Chairman Ente-tarniment Committee
7 ed
‘Mr. Garland Is Pp ttshurgh’s Official Representative as Well as Vice President of Big Steel City Business
Spent an Hour To-day in Mey-
ersdale. Over 100 Men
Chamber of Commerce.
Over one hundred members of the
Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg,
long and much advertised, arrived on
their special seven car Pullman at |
11:15 amidst a downfall of rain. |
They were met at the station oy
a large delegation of the representa- |
tive business men. The purpose of
these trips and this is the fifteenth
annual one, is to get acquainted with
the trade in this section of the state.
Rgy. J. C. Matteson was selected to
make a few words of welcome which
he did it in a most happy manner,
though the skies almost forbade it.He
said—Gentlemen of the City of Pitts-
burg: —On behalf of the Commercial
Club I bid you welcome to the moun-
tain city of Meyersdale. We deeply
appreciate your interest in us and has
ten to assure that it is reciprocated
on our part. We feel that you made
no mistake in making our little city
one of your stopping places. You
have many things in your city which
we need and expect to have in the
near future, and you have some
things that we don’t want. We don’t
want your smoke or your ore dust.
On the other hand we have some
things that you need; pure fresh,
mountain gir, unadulterated by graft
that brings the roses to your cheeks
and the sparkle to your eyes. If there
is some genius among you who could
‘arrange to pipe it to Pittsburg you
could sell it at 2bc per with a dis-
! count for cash and make money. We
{ will give you all you want while here
| sufficient for
a souvenir to take a-.
long but no more. Our latch strings |
are out and the town is yours. Again |
| we bid you welcome.
David P. Black, president of the;
‘Chamber of Comemrce responded that |
'm., when Rev.
| by Mr. W. H. Deeter, the County Com-
{and then Mr.
The time for Memorial oY EE Do at St. |
Paul is changed from 10:15 a. m. to
9:15 a. m. Note the change.
On Sunday May 30th, a detail ol
the Post will go to Mt. Lebanon, |
Johnsburg and other cemeteries in '
that vicinity. The principal
will be held at Mt.
Lebanon at 2 p.
Kresge will deliver!
an address.
On Monday, May 31st, a detail will
go to Garrett to decorate at about
8 a. m. and will return at 10:20 and
proceed to the Reformed and the
two Catholic cemeteries for decora-
At 1 p. m. sharp the Post will form
at Post Hall for service in the Union
cemetery, Meyersdale. Rev. J, C.
Matteson will deliver an address at
the cemetery and the usual service
will be held.
Immediately after the Union ceme-
tery services the Post will take a
special car for Salisbury where an
address will be delivered and the us-
ual services held.
On Sunday June 6th the Post will
go in a body to Grantsville to assist
the good people there in decoration
services in the mornng at 10 a. m.
All members of the Post at Mey-
_ersdale and vicinity will take the 8:20
car for Salisbury where conveyances
provided by the citizens of Grants-
l ville will await them and will return
to Salisbury after the service.
The citizens of Grantsville will
furnish lunch for all who attend and
a full turnout is requested.
All Civic organizations and all Sun-
day Schools and the people generally
are invited to all the memorial ser-
vices. Please bring flowers with you.
Attention is again called to the
Memorial sermon of the Post, in the
Lutheran Church at Meyersdale, on
Sunday evening, May 23rd. Rev. Mich-
ael will preach. Post will meet at
Post room at 7 p. m. and proceed to
the church in a body.
By Order of H. C. McKinley,
J. H. Lepley, Commander.
An interesting and enthusiastic
Good Roads Day meeting was held
in the Reich auditorium, this place on
Saturday afternoon, embodying the
township of Summit and the borough
of Meyersdale.
The meeting was called to order
mitteeman for Meyersdale borough,
F. M. Black the
Continued on Page 4.
he appreciated heartily the words
of welcome extended to him; that he
noticed many autos there at the sta-
tion and that this spoke well for the
condition of the town, that no poor
town could have such an array of au- |
Continued on Page 2. i
John Shoemaker, of Larimer town-
ship had a hearing before ’Squire Hay
in this place on charges preferred by
State Fish Warden, F. B. Whitéman
for allowing or causing sawdust to be
thrown into Wills ereek, which is a
violation of the law. The serving of
the warrant was executed by Officer
H. E. Bittner on April 5th. Witness-
es in behalf of the defendant regard-
{ed the charge as unjust; their inspec-
tion of conditions at the sawmill
was made one month after the charge
had been preferred. Other witnesses
: | bore testimony that there was sever-
in the bottom of
ice imposed a fine
al feet of
the cree
of $10( 0
and costs.
1 can good peaches or pears for
15¢ at Bittner’s Grocery .
Try our fine job work