Song and Story ...... THE SILLY LITTLE GIRL. She is such a little girl!— Such a pretty litlle girl! And pasted on her forehead is a cun- ning little curl. And on her youthful cheek, alas! 4 like peach-blow showing taiit Or courtesan in temple white, a little daub of paint. For the childish sprightly little fool, As dainty as a butterfly and stubborn as a mule, Has the idiotic notion that the stuff that mars and harms Will add to her attractiveness, will multiply her charms. ignoramus, the She is such a little girl!—such a win- some little girl! - One grieves to see her captive in MissVanity’s mad whirl. She is ramping like a thoroughbred all ready for the race— A silly little filly that can never keep the pace. Poor little kid! She’s never learned while striving after style That the cheeks by Heaven painted are the only kind worth while— I wonder why her mother doesn’t spank her as she ought ter!— I i CHURCH OF THE BRETH- REN DEDICATED. The Pike Church of the Brethren about five’ miles west of Somerset was dedicated on Sunday May 9, with services beginning at tén o’clock in the morning in charge of H. S. Rep- | role, of Sealp Level. The church cost about $5,000. For many years there were two Churches of the Brethren in the western part of thé county, known as the Plank Road Church and the Kimmell Church, erected Drobably 50 and 40 years ago respectively, their memberships being branches of the Middlecreek congregation. A- bout a year ago the members of the two branches decided to unite in the erection of a single house of worship, and selected a site about five miles west of Somerset and almost midway between the old churches which have been sold and will be torn down by the purchasers. The new building, the dimensions of which are 40 by46 feet, framed and cased with brick, was completed in the latter part of last December, but although meet- | ings have ben held in it since then, it was not permanently furnished un- til a month ago. RR The 92nd annual session of the |: Pittsburg Conference of the Metho- ‘Well, maybe, ’tis because mamma is as foolish as her daughter! A Doubtful Compliment The banquet hall was adorned with many beautiful paintings and the president of the little called upon to respond to a toast. . Wishing to pay a compliment to the ladies present he = designated the » Paintings with an eloquent gesture e and said: “What need is there of: these painted beauties when we have 80 many with us at the table?” Cne OnBilly .... ...... Billy’ Sunday stopped a newsboy in Philadelphia the other day and in- quired the way to the postoffice. “Up one block and turn to the right,” said the boy. “You seem a bright little boy,” said Sunday. “Do you know who I am?” “Nope.” “I'm Billy Sunday, and if you come to my meeting tonight I'll show you the way to Heaven.” “Aw, go on!” answered the young- ster; you didn’t even know the way to the postoffice.” Repented Her Choice *, Ashort time ago a servant living in Yorkshire, gave notice of leaving | her situation, informing her mistress that she was about to'be married. As the time drew near for leaving, she addressed her mistress thus: “Please, mum, have you got a girl yet?” 9 “No, Bridget. Why do you ask?” “Because, if you haven’t I should like to stay.” “Why, I thought you were going to marry the sweep!” “Oh, yes mum,” replied hesitatingly. “But when I saw ’im with ’is face washed I felt I could] not love ’im.”—Tit-Bits, Bridget, A Gentle Hint A bachelor had courted a girl for a long time without coming to the point. One evening in Leap Year, the young lady being musical, he took t her to a concert. The orchestra played No. 6, a se- lection that seemed to the bachelor very beautiful. He bent his head over his companion and whispered : “How lovely that is! What is it. Do you know?” She smiled demurely and replied in a low, thrilling voice: “It is the ‘Mai- den’s Prayer.” “The Maiden’s Prayer,” he re T peated in astonishment. “Why—" But she handed him her program, pointing to No. 6 with her finger. He read amd started for the real sohn’s Wedding March.” He bought the ring the nex. day. : Whenever I get in a fog and can’t see clear and so tired out I can’t eat and plum run down, I say to myself: “Your folks ain’t ever flunked yet, and you just keep your head up where the Lord put it.” He put it up. Folks see me laugh a lot. I do. I couldn’t learn to play on the pianer, though I'm clean crazy about music. I couldn’t learn none of the things I yearned for inside, so I said to my- self: “You learn to laugh, laugh hear- ty:” and somehow it’s helped a lot, laughin’ has. There’s many a time T| done it to keep the tears back. Ain’t | hel nobody but has tears to shed time or other. But ’tain’t no use in | house keepin’ a tank of ’em to be tapped at | din’s. every slip-up. When I get so I can’t|in t keep mine back any longer I goes to | the wood-house and locks the and have it out. But that’s just when Pm tiredout and there don’t nothin” ahead. dist cludes the Allegheny, Blairsville, Me- Keesport, Pittsburg and Washington districts, will be held in Christ M. E. Church, East End Pittsburg, on September 15, two weeks earlier than usual. The semi-annual college was | the board of bish ed at Des-Moines, Ia, Earl Cranston has been named to preside over the Pittsburg Confer- w no other tobacce can be the same as FIVE BROTHERS and FIVE BROTHERS itself can never vary in quality. you may be usiag now, just try FIVE DROTHERS for a week, and see if FIVE BRO. greater satisfaction, day in and day out, working or rest- ing, chewing or smoking, out- doors or indoors. By the end name of the selection was “Mendels- of nent userof FIVE BROTHERS, sold everywhere. SA A a I tell the Lord about it. Tell Him there ain’t nothin’ human can help— just Him, and if He don’t I'm done for | - Episcopal Church, which in- meeting of ops has just adjourn- and Bishop nce session. ma OV CY © Ne Kl AE i i We use the pure Southern Kentucky leaf in FIVZ BROTHERS hree (0 five years so as {o bring No matt>r what tobacco HERS dcesn’t give you the week you'll be a perma- Get a package today— | | dollars creat’ na tchacco b that the reason Fiz Learty smoel-er or chewer 1 cutis full richness. HOLT OT TC! ON —— 1 (Genuine Gastoria J ENT. § AVegelable Preparai : §| | sinters! Always ling the Siouacts and Bo. NN I A el bi FST 19D) Fhe eee ; Promotes Digestion Cheer ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium Motplire nor Mineral ‘I NOT NARCOTIC. ees £8 Recipe of Old DeSIMUELPITOIR Aperfect Remedy for Con tion »Sour Som Dist Worms Convulsions. Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSinile Signarure of For Over Thirty Years RIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, KEW YORK CITY. 7 CENTAUR CoMPARY, ""NEW YORK. At6 months old | : BA. Lh -35 CENTS | = Exact Copy of Wrapper. NO 0 — Right Up Among the Live Wires down the lineman’s job are 1 for a tobacc A has et, mellow flavor 3 on ey Aab%in acta diva le 7 cling that's man-siz ard all thera’ something that malo: a he-man feel And that is . HVC VIro, ar. - ¥ Tobacco We've spent bfty years Pipe Smoking and millions of rands. And we know EROTHERS pleases the ; is because its quality s honest and i*5 volvo the biggest. { ZR3. We carefully age it for 3¢ proces can’t be hurried. So you see ~ The Banking Hours Will 9A. M to 3P.M. OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT FROM 7 Ty In making this change we do so at the suggestion of the Comptroller of the Caur- rency. -:- -:- : By doing so it follows the line of general banking practice and it means no shortenin of hours for the working force but better systematizes the day’s work and permits more time, more care and more attention to each individual customer- - Kindly assist in making the change by keeping in mind the new hours on and after May 17th. -- -:- . CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK MEYERSDALE, le ata = PENNA. You will be pleased with our job work. Baltimore & Ohio EXCURSION TO | CUMBERLAND AND RETURN SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1915 ROUND FROM TRIP $1 . 00 Meyersdale Special Train Leaves at 11:10 A. M CROUP AND WHOOPINGCOUGH. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says, “Foley’s Honey ad Tar Com- pound cured my boy of a very severe attack o croup after other remedies had failed. Our milkman cured his children of whoopingcough.” Foley's has a forty years record of similar cases. Contains no opiates. Always in- sist on Foley's. Sold everywhere. Hundreds of health articles appear in newspapers and magazines, and in practically every one of them the im- portance of keeping the ‘bowels reg- ular is emphasized. A constipated condition invites disease. A dependa- ble physic that acts without inconve- nience or griping in Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. A A AB RA Biri Ari rs FOR A FIRST-CLASS GALVANIZED OR ~ SLATE ROOF. PT ON COMPLETE & REASONABLE Also spouting, write to J. S. . . ‘Wengerd, Meyersdale, Pa., Baltimore & Ohio IR. F.D. 2. bod RAILROAD | mma SPRING TOURS ‘Write for Delivered Pric WASHINGTON [|| to Any Railroad Station. OR . — PALTIMORE J S. WENGERD MAY 20 UEVERSME, TT. mewn, ROUND TRIP $6.45 [|= — di i | FROM MEYERSDALE A True Tonic FULL INFORMATION AT TICKET OFFICE - ; : : : ; 18 one that assists Nature, ‘Regular and’ natural action of the stomach, liver, Kidneys and bowels will keep you well and fit, and thisactionis promoted by BEECHAM'S PILLS ET IT ITT CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED. with LOCAL APPLICATION! S, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu- tional disease, and inorder to cure it you must take internal remedies, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall’'s' Catarrh The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World, Cure is ont a quack medicie. It was Sold svesrwiers, hum, le, 25, Prescribed by one of the best physt-| —————————— cians in this country for years and is GHICHESTER $ PILLS a regular prescription. It is compos- be ‘ oy t. stipation. ed of the best tonics known, combin-| DIAMOND $C) BRAND ed with the best blood purifiers, act- od EL To Rey, 8° xs 2) 2) st ho) Ing directly on the mucous surfaces, rote 7 Yost; aly The perfect combination of the two in- gredients is what produces such Ak Toor for CHICHESTER § wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Conn OND BRAND PILLS in Rep Ed LD metallic boxes, sealed with Bhu Send for testimonials free, Efbvon IT Send for testimonials d DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for Sie Years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Relis le. P.J. CHENEY, & Co » Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents pur SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS bottle, taep EVERYWHERE Joiix Take Hall’s Family Pills for Oon ad How to Cure a La Grippe Cough. TT Tere Lagrippe coughs demana instant treatment. They show a serious condt Bal timore & Oh io tion of the system and are weakening, SYSTEM Postmaster Collins, Barnegat, N. J. LOW FARES says: “I took Foley's Honey and Tar OF THE ; and less than a half bottle stopped the cough.” Try it. Sold everywhere, 3 a I x Sa 3 VY NE Rd! [ : NE em, ZSAre WAITE BRIGHT [IGA] Wm. C, Price Successor to W. A. Clarke Funeral Director Pacific Coast cough that compieiely exhausted me California *:= Py J. COVER & S0N—Neyersdal. | Pom Bac Business conducted at the same place = = Prompt attention given to all calls 3 = Se Ain't ever seen a time et that when Z a at all times. Both Phones. I come right down to it and says, | 7 \ The light that Saves your eyes and saves you trouble, Poor ofl cannot ANA AA “Lord, I need you.” that the help FAMILY FAVORITE OIL For baby’s croup, Willie's daily ain? i 3 ’ | ain’t handed out. I mean help to take | the best oll made, the ofl that gives the steady light—no Hicks. vo via cuts and bruises, mamma’s sore d again and keep on laughin’. I | 3397 2 Soot—costs little more than inferios grades. Triple-refined, throat grandma’s lameness—Dr some | don’t ask for automobiles and a brick | \ Dui fom your dealer, Itls there in barreis shipped direct from our ~ : h ’ i ths 2 tor conte md rs eg | \ Guta OIL WORKS CO., Intepsndint Reiners, PITTSBURG, sa. || CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS | Fomas Bieri on the household olines, = : 3 y Never did think the Lord was | Lubricants, Parafing Wax. FREE PS iBook frems Y. 25e an ° 5 hat kind of supply business. But | = are fino tio dh : Xam “You and me’s got to i 4 v f : i PULL INFORMATION Ar SamimonEs | Children Cry oor | fight this ing out,” He ain’t ever hs FOR FLETCH p gone back on me yet. : amy Ucte:So y ER 1 ER'S seem —Kate Langley Bogher BITINER MACHINE WORKS -:- D. H. WEISEL j / | From “Miss Gibbie Gault.” — | IDWEYS 2 Read The Expl un § Gi { Hilaine, Tr ARES SSS Sa an om a 3 TPP IPVITIITIIIPIVIVIVIPP VY YOY Y A fd ede fous ruse Elaine's she supp: papers. it is plac ad) Dreve rrowly 8 are Cl 1:53 1 Be. Tc oto and Elaine ér durir how or of the ( confere: even, in into th neighbo its fash biles ax deed, as as Gran +» But t side of Kenn come Ot the step ter face way ‘net It was He wi and eoa strap on had left it, his f black b tive. He si and sh railing, Laughir Then tion an Dodge 1 “Tele loud to place f door. He at sign, ar . As it sprayir used f then t« an elas over hi tected He s ing att the sp cloud ¢ the wa Mea on gua the Ch gvercol master door a throug! Clute the rug Elaine tor. EF rug. happer it he Michac room. “The ing Hz discov! He sprayi the ba the dc fully, | Clut and, s oned scarce obeyet the CI door “We ed the