PEW EW LE LA eet 0 to , as 3 for call =. W. ,chool ry in- elpful yd ev- the preby. en of sk-end in the ay. Mey- of Mt. of W.. were rsday. ebreck ent on rank shower Roads ker to n the 3 a “liv state. 1s, and ducted lens 01 of Mt. eydig’s, . of his inz out town a berland and re- at with Cumber- e of his derwent t. at the e week- srsdale. |, is vis- ht. is home Ge. nthusias- f Good he Hay ay even- t as ma- Elk Lick bury will he town- [iller for sub-com- d: N. B. A. Folk, shty, C.P [. May. GOLD ore than to please IPS. Habel & tch Corn, ry at Ha- IGAR at i tn PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Miss Alice Friedline was a Cum- berland visitor, one day last. ".eek. Miss Cordula Barmay is spending: the week at Sand Patch. - _. : Misses Nelle Cover, Leckemby and | Gordon, of this place, spent Monday | wood. i Mrs. Edgar Berkley Mills, very lately Miss Anna Sellers, was a Mey~| Hady, ‘William Miller, George Stein, ersdale visitor on Wednesday. George Miller, a former resident, but now of Johnstown, was here Sat- urday on business. J. B. Peck and wife spent Sunday with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Scott Moser, of Elk Lick. s ter, over Sunday at the M. A. Rutter home on Meyers avenue. or. Saturday. home Saturday. ting Haworth & Dewhurst, of Pitts- burg, was calling on his trade in town Tuesday : Harvey T. Meyers, a prominent far- mer of Northampton Township was among the business visitors in town Wednesday. Mr. S. C. Hartley and his daughter, ! Mrs. James Hoblitzell attended the funeral of the former’s brother’s wife | Mrs. J. M. Hartley at Fairmont, last: Thurgday. ! W. M. Farnsworth, of the Farns- worth House, Jenners, has gold that hostelry to Glenn Rose," of Braddock, who is expected to ‘take possession about June 1. Mr. Farnsworth will Jive retired at BraddoCk. ; We have still some garden seed left of a large mail bag full arriving this week at this office for 'Commer- cial subscribers, through the cour tesy of United States Senator Oliver. 711 health caused George B. Shaffer 75 years old, a Civil war veteran and a retired farmer of East Liberty, Fayette county, to end his life by shooting last Sunday. He ‘was the father of Mrs. George Lyon, of Con: fluence. | Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoblitzell, who | moving. pictures. The little hostess 8, little more realistic, Mrs. Charles Richards and daugh-| with a train of cars which are opera- Miss Mae, of Johnstown, visited ted by electricity is also there. woman being graduated from a high Arthur Albright, Porter Lntz and gchool was witnessed C. E. Livengood were among the mencement exercises in Rockwood Meyersdale visitors to Cumberland, on Wednesday evening. One of the | young people receiving a diploma Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bolden, and was Mrs. L. Leora Gates, daughter Miss Sara MCKenzie, of Pocahontas, |of Mr. and Mrs. Critchfield. The pre- were visitors at the S. J. McKenzie | ceding Monday, and James B. Gates, of Altoona, went R. F. Witt, of Johnstown, represen-|to Cumberland quel Glosser, for the past few months hare been enjoying the farthest west state and are now in San Francisco, are turn-, ing their thoughts now and then | | homeward and expect to reach here «by Memorial Day. a - G. L. Benford was stricken with pa- ralysis last Friday at his home on Main street. His right side is affect- ed and aldo his speech. There is lit- tle improvement since he was taken 111. His wife has been an invalid for some time and thus the affliction is made doubly hard. Mrs. Ww. H. Rutter, who spent a week in Somerset, recently, has re- turned: and is now packing their household goods for shipment to Somerset where they will reside in the future it being more convenient as Mr. Rutter, who is employed with the Somerset Telephone Co., has been located there for some time. The program for the 39th annual convention of the Lutheran Sunday School association of Somerset dis- trict which will be held in Zion Luth-| eran church, Meyersdale, on June Y, 8, and 9 has just been completed This in full will be published in a later issue of the Comercial. Mr W. W. Nicholson, wife, son, Cy- rus, his mother last week went to State College Centre county to visit his sister. Following his tarrying there for a few days, he went to Pottsville to ‘attend a convention of The Knights of Malta, he being a delegate of the local lodge, the Teu- tonic Commandery. C. C. Streng, who is to continue the milling business of the recent firm of Becker & Streng has had eight years experience in the business. He was a former teacher.The mill he is opera- ting is well equipped with modern machinery and the liberal patronage accorded to the firm will no doubt be continued to the present owner. Miss Bertha Lantz, aged 18 years, a daughter of Charles H. Lantz, died at her home in Cumberland on ¥ri- day evening from a complication of diseases. The father frequently visits Meyersdale and other parts of the county in the capacity of a piano tuner. One other daughter is left to the parents. The bill repealing the full crew law and in its place requiring the public service commission to require railroads to employ an adequate num- | ber of men upon trains, was passed finally by the senate Monday night by a vote of 32 to 16. The bill now goes to the governor. A very delightful birthday party was held a few days ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reich in honor of the eleventh birthday anniversary of their daughter, Adalaid. The even- ing was pleasantly spent in playing | various games, with music and parta- | king of a delicious lunch, after which Mrs. Reich escorted the party to the auditorium where they enjoyed the | Shutrof, was remembered by all of her guests, sixteen in number. H. M. Cook, the jeweler, always has a very attractife show window. Just at this time he is making a rec- ord. Passers-by are stopipng and looking at the photographs, which are of seven local engineers, namely— Chas. Meyers, B. F. O’'Bryon, W. Pr. James Darley and Joseph Dougherty, each holding a timepiece in his hand and saying something apt and laconic. These photographs are the work of Photographer Geidt and are a credit to his calling. To make the scene a a tiny R. R. The unusual scene of a married at the com- Miss Critchfield and were married. Mrs. Gates returned to Rockwood that she might participate in the commencement, in which sheh ad been assigned a prominent part. On Thurs- she left for Altoona to join her hsuband. PE——— te BEFORE THE BAR OF JUSTICE District Attorney Virgil R. Saylor has compiled the trial list for the regular May term of criminal court, which will convene May 17. The fol- lowing cases are scheduled for trial: ; Monday—Quemahoning Branch R. R obstructing public highway, Eman- prosecutor; Julia Tur- ocki, larceny by bailee, Caroline Tur- ocki, prosecutrix; Abe Ober, selling liquor without license, Harry Thomm prosecutor; George W. Hutzell, lar- ceny by bailee, William Crissey, pro secutor; John Muha, false pretense, William Friedline, prosecutor; Rich- ard Day, offense against morality, Violet Dick¥on, prosecutrix; Mike Wascholok, assault and battery, Was- yl Movko, prosecutor; Max Bolen, fraudulently removing and conceal ing partnership property, Isaac Tull- man, prosecutor; Jenner Brewing Co. vielating liquor laws, Constable Frank B. Shaffer, prosecutor; Cath-| arine Shutrof, assault and battery, Peter Shutrof, prosecutor; Catharine offense against morality, Peter Shutrof, prosecutor; John Ste- phano, assault and battery, Peter Shutrof, prosecutor; . Adam Mehal- chick, assault and battery, John Sille prosecutor; Alfred Jenetti, larceny, J. L. Tressler, prosecutor; Frank Bledado and James Vertroma, lar- ceny, W. O. Honk, prosecutor; John Robb, misrepresenting age to procure 'Alex Zelansky, prosecutor; intoxicating liquor, M. P. Shaffer, prosecutor; Leo Lecevitz, larceny, Peter Peterson, larceny, Charles G. Shaffer prosecutor; Paul Duriski, assault and battery, John Styska, prosecutor; R. S. Shaver, violating liquor laws, Burl 0. Griffith, prosecutor; Lester De- Vore, pointing firearms, Tony Ledger prosecutor; Lester DeVore, larceny, Rudy Poris, prosecutor; Lester De- Vore, assault and battery and point- ing firearms, Richard Meriony, prose- cutor; Lester DeVore, larceny, Mike | Krusmydo, prosecutor; John Bolhe, aggravated assault and battery, Shandor Nestor, prosecutor. Tuesday—J. H. Murphy, forgery, Harvey ‘Shaffer, prosecutor; Andrew Tankalovish and Frank Tankalovish, aggravated assault and battery, An- | thony Good, prosecutor; Andrew | Shytok, assault and battery, Tony | Kalochek, prosecutor; Benny Gedrys assault and battery, Joseph Bolko- ! sky, prosecutor; Howard Crawford, Special Sales! Saturday, May 15th I Boys’ 50c Knee Pants 4s: 9a a “ 50c Waists. ...... aeiies $ Be Faas A Big Variety of Children’s Up-to-date $2.00 Hats for only ..... Corsets formerly sold for $1.00, at ees cscs ses esas nsesessanssives ses sess essssessavssse Also Big Reductions in Boys’ Suits. $1.00 19c sess ssce cesses cesses 1% Very fine 12¢ curtain scrim for Monday, May 17th Different patterns of 12¢ percale for Come and Look Over Our Beauti= ful Line of Ladies’ Coats. THE LOW PRICE Next to Post Office, NO. B33d _ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of Meyersdale, Penn’a. At the close of business, May 1st, 1915. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts (notes held in bank) — — — — — 578,839.01 Total loans — — — — — 587,839.01 2. Overdrafts unsecured $193.33 -— 193.32 3. a U. S. bonds deposited to secure . circulation (par -value) — — 65,000.00 b U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) — 8,000.00 c¢c U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits par value 2,000.00 \ Total U. S- bonds — ——- 765,000.00 4. b Bonds other than U. S. bonds . pledged to secure U. S. deposits 2,000.00 c Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings : deposits — — — — — — — — 3,000.90 f Securities other than U. S. bonds -. (not including stocks) owned unpledged — — — — — — — 81,885.00 3 Total bonds, securities etec.— 86,885.00 5. Subscription of stock of Federal -, ’ Reserve Bank — —9,900.00 . a Less amount unpaid —4,950.00 4,950.00 ‘ b All other stocks including pre- mium on same — — — — — — 7,125.00 12,075.00 6. Banking house $26,000.00; furni- ture and fixtures, $3,300.00 — 29,300.00 7. Other real estate owned — — 6,200.00 8. Due from Federal Reserve Bank 9,950.87 9. a Due from approved reserve a- gents in New York, Chicago ° s and St. Louis — — — — — — 12,914.26 b Due from approved reserve &a- -. gents in other reserve cities — - 80,267.44 93,181.70 10. Due from banks and bankers oth- er than included in 8 or 9 — — 84,632.16 13. a Outside checks and other cash items — — — — — — — — 2,811.00 b Fractional currency, nickels | and cents — — — — — — — 300.83 3.11183 | 14. Notes of other national banks — ’ 5,000.00 | 15. Federal reserve notes — — — — 1,000.00 | 16. Total coin certificates — — — 33,696.90 17 Legal tender notes — — — — 17,620.00 18. Redemption fund with U. S. Trea-- . | surer, not more than 5 per on FT ea circulation — — — — — — — 2,260.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer — — =. oh 2,260.00 Total — — — — — — 988,836.79 LIABILITIES 1. Capital Stock paid in — — — —. 65,000.00 2. Surplus find — —— — — — = 100,000.00 3. Undivided profits — — $39,749.93 _ Reserved for interest — $2,000.00 41,749.93 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid — — — —~— 9,910.78 81,839.16 4. Circulating notes — — — — — 65,000.00 Less amount on hand and im ’ Treasury for redemption or in . transit — — — — — — — — 1,000.00 64,000.00 9. Demand deposits: a Individual deposits subject to : check — — — — — — — — 211,580.26 b Certificates of deposits due in less than 30 days — — — — — 81,866.78 ¢ Certified checks — — — — — 758.14 d. Cashier's checks outstanding — t ~ 830.58 e United States deposits — —: | 9,458.71 \ f Postal Savings deposits — — — 3,28:.62 \ h Deposits requiring less than 30 : Mays me = ne = 828.05 308,608.14 i eof Sioa & 10 a Oertiisates of de due on or Yaa : ma Spa «after 80 days ~— — m= —_ 127,128.83 ¥ ¢ Deposits subject to 30 or more * dgyg> notice — — — — — —_— + 291,992.66 419,115.88 Total — — — — — — 988,835.79 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF SOMERSET 88S: / I, R. H. Philson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. H. PHILSON, Cashier. 3 Correct—Adttest: S. B. PHILSON, CLARENCE MOORBE, 8. C. HARTLEY, Directors this fifth day of May, 1915. ROBERT COOK, Notary Public. Subscribed and sworn to before me My commission expires Mar. 26, ie | See our splendid line of ROOM SIZE RUGS TAPESTRY VELVET, AXMINSTERS AND BODY BRUSSELS. In addition to our stock on hand, we have a line of Samples representing hundreds us dollars worth of fine rugs from which you can make your selection in any size to fit any size room and at less price than you ! offense against morality, May Hanes, prosecutrix; R. L. Byrd, practising medicine without license, County De- tective Lester G. Wagner, prosecutor Joseph Phillips, assault and battery S. M. Bigman, prosecutor; J. H.Lose, larceny, Jacob P. Hillegross, prose- cutor; Crist Swartzendruber, offense against morality, Margie Viola Miller | prosecutrix; Edward Greyback, of- fense against morality, Oleita Lewis, prosecutrix; John Wesley Alexander, offense against morality, Ida M. ; Yoder, prosecutrix; A. R. Stacek, of- fense against morality, Nellie Clay- comb, prosecutrix; Lucy Ohler, of- fnese against morality, Constable S. | P. Lyons, prosecutor; Jennie Thoemp- son, offense against morality, Con- stable R. D. Mey, prosecutor; Samuel Bige, aggravated assault and battery, J. W. Foster, prosecutor; Edward Lidstorm and David Latz, offense against morality, S. HH. McDonald, prosecutor; Joseph €parado, Cornelo Merrico, Alfred Jennetti and James Vertronia, burglary, L. R. Devore, prosecutor; Joseph Sparado, Corne- lo Merrico, Angelo Onessti, Alfred Jennetti, James Vertroma, Frank Bk dorado, burglary, Harry Phillips, pros- | "HARTLEY &. BALDWIN, MEYERSDALE, PA. GIVEN FREEDOM BUT UNDER PAROLE FOR ONE YEAR. F. J. Dolan, who some time ago a- bused his wife and failed to provide for her and their two children, was arrested and placed in jail. A few days ago he agreed that the charges against him were true and asked for a sentence. This was given him by Judge Ruppel to the effect that his freedom is a.iowed hip: on the condi tion that he pay costs, 80 to wrk, pay for h's family’s support tw) dol- lars weekly for one year and report to the parole officer, Officer H. E. PRATT'S ROUP CURE, white di-} Bistaer monthly paying him at that | ecutor. Wednesday—Harry Smith, murder, B. H. Matthews, prosecutor; William Scott offense against morality, Jac- Capriattl, prosecutor. ee CHANCE TO HEAR ANTI-SUFFRAGETTE. Miss Clara Markeson, 2a national organizer of the Anti-Suffragstte movement, was a Meyersdale visitor on Monday, making arrangements for a public meeting to be held here in June. —— —— arrhoea Remedy and louse killer. | time for his wife’s support. The wife | Guaranteed to cure. At HABEL & | and children have gone to PHILLIPS. Indiana | ecunty. 1. WEINSTEIN - STORE. ~ Meyersdale, Pa. NO. 8301 . : REPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF of Meyersdale, At the Close of Business. May 1st1915. Pa. RESOURCES (notes 1. a Loans and discounts held in bank) Total loans —- ~— — == Overdrafts unsecured $92.06 — a TU. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) —- — b U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits, par value— — f Premium on U. S. bonds. — — Total U. 8. Bond — — — — 4. b Bonds other than U. S. honds pledged to secure U. S. deposits ¢ Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits — — — — — — — — f Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged — — 1 — — — — Total bonds, securities etc.— Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank $6,600.00 a Less amount unpaid 3,300.00 b All other stocks including pre- mium on same — — =r = === Banking house, $55,413.45; furni- ture and fixtures, $7,086.06 — Other real estate owned — — Due from Federal Reserve Bank a Due from approved reserve a- gents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis — — — — — — b Due from approved reserve a- gents in other reserve cities — 13. a Outside checks and other cash items b Fractional currency nickels and cents — — —m — — — — — Lawful money reserve in bank: 16. Total coin certificates — — — 17. Legal tender notes — — — 18. Redemption fund with U. 8. Trea surer, not more than 5 per on circulation — — — — — — — -Due from U. S. Treasurer — -— ne = Pw; 344.696.17 66,000.00 7,000.00 231.87 4,000.00 7,308.70 49,971.30 ' 3,300.00 4,381.19 48,925.69 373.90 232.44 3,260.00 \ 344.696.17 92.06 72,281.87 61,280.00 8,300.00 62,499.60 26,395.03 5,999.60 63,306.88 606.34 14,192.40 2,600.00 3,250.00 660,348:86 ' LIABILITIES 1. Capital Stock paid in — —— == + + 2 Surplus fund — -— — —— -—— — ~~ 3. Undivided profits — — $12,058.80 Reserved for interest — — 1,100.00 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid — — — — 4. Circulating notes Less amount on hand and in Treasury for redemption or in trapgit —— — — — — — — — 6 a Due approved reserve agents in other reserve cities — — — 8. Dividends unpaid 9. Demand deposits: a Individual deposits subject to check b Certificates of deposits due in jess than 30 days — — — — ~ . ¢ Certified checks — — — *— — e United States deposits — — f Postal Savings deposits — — — h Deposits requiring less than 30 days — — —m— —— — — — 10 a Certificates of deposit due on or after ,30 days - ¢ Deposits subject to 30 or more days’ notice 11. U. S. Bonds furnishing for same borrowed without collateral security swear that the above statement is true and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sixth day of May, 1916. ROBERT COOK, Notary Public. My commission expires Mar. 26, 10. 13,158.80 5,116.84 65,000.00 1,200.00 593.61 166.401.58 16.872.60 128.34 9,044.64 8,043.32 46,252.81 226,161.02 65,000.00 45,000.00 8,041.96 63,800.00 593.61 9.00 196,490.45 272.413.83 650,348.86 Correct—Attest: STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF SOMERSET SS: 1, J. H. Bowman, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly to the best of my knowledge J. H. B , Cashier. JOHN N. COVER, Directors W. H. HABEL, MN. B. MILLER, THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK