The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 13, 1915, Image 1

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SA ——
re SU
AEE rs
Twenty-Seven Districts Represented and All Pledge Them-
selves to Earnest Effort for May 26th. It has been De-
cided to give Townships Most Attention.
ES ——
Meyersdale’s representatives at) many counties that can boast of bet-
the County Good Roads Meeting held | ter roads, he said.
at the Court House in Somerset on The Good Roads plan, as to how
last Friday afternoon were among | the work is to be done, etc, was ex-
the two hundred men who stood up plained by W. Curtis Truxal, Secre-
at the close of the conference and tary of the Somerset Board of Trade,
Dledged themselves to do a day’s who has given the subject consider-
work on the public highways of Som- able study. He said that each town-
erset county on May 26th, or make a ship ‘should have a committee of
contribution to the cause. The coun- eight, including the three supervis-
ty meeting was called by Somerset ors, and each borough a committee
Board of Trade, which took the ini- of five. The chairmen of these com-
tiative following the proclamation mittees were selected, by a central
made by Governor Brumbaugh, des- committee named below, and en-
ignating May 26th for a state. wide dorsed by the County Commission-
Good ‘Roads Day.
Twenty-seven districts of the coun-
ty were represented, more dele- chairmen, who are as follows:
gates being present from | Meyers-| Addison, Harry Hanna; Addison
dale. Summit, Elk Lick and North- Boro, Tom. E. Null; Allegheny, W. H.
ampton Townships were also repre- Zimmerman; Berlin, J. oO. Ream;
sented. | Boswell, C. 8S. Ickes; Black, Noah
If anything like the degree of en- Pritts; Brothersvalley, J. M. Shober;
thusiasm shown at the meeting i8 Casselman, Harry Heyl; Conemaugh
carried into practice on the last Wed- No. 1, Moses Weaver; Conemaugh,
nesday of this month, it will mark No, 2, John G. Blough; Conemaugh
the dawn of a new epoch in road ma- No. 3, Herman Thomas 7 Confluence,
king in this county, H. P. Meyers; Eik Lick, J. H. Bend-
Judge Ruppel, who presided, der; Fairhope, Henry Ww Ware; Gar-
said that Somerset county has many rett, Chas. Fritz; Greenville, Dr. F.
things of which she cam be proud; | E. Sass; Hooversville, J. =. Custer;
that her farms, homes
mittees will be appointed by the!
j ers. The members of the various com- |
One of the best known farmers in
Stoyestown and Kantner, died Sun-
day evening at Memorial Hospital,
Johnstown, where he had been ad-
| mitted for an operation. An abscess
had formed on the lungs following
Pneumonia and pleurisy. Pearson
Lohr was 72 years old and a veter-
an of the Civil war. He lived at Kant-
ner. His widow, who is a daughter of
State Officer of Association
Gives Very Interesting
Talk Tues. Eve.
" Last Monday evening, Mrs E. ®,
the late David Specht, and the fol-
i ’ 'y
lowing childres survive:— an. Kiernan, of Somerset, chairman of
the Eighth Division of the Woman's
drew Martin, of Ka ntner; Mrs. Wil Suffrage Party of Pennsylvania, gave
| Son Samer of fangs Towa ; sa, a most interesting as well as instruc.
i a. oy 2 pi ip Pp bs 2 tive address in the lecture room of
vid, of Kantner; Ohr,New Cen: lire Meyersdale Methodist Episcopai
tral City; James, Kantner. Also these church. Mrs. Ww S Livengood, the
brothers and sisters: Austin and Cor- ‘President of the organization in town
nelius, near Stoyestown: Obadiah >
’ ? * | being unable to attend the meeting,
Curtin and Mrs. Jno. Yoder,Hoovers- : i
Mrs F. B. Black, the vice President,
ville; Grant and Mrs, James Buchan- |. resided |
f Wilbur; Newton, Wilbur i :
an, o : ’ Mrs. Kiernan’s mission was to urge
the people to make the most of their |
opportunities during the next six
Passed away at her home in
i di Tress. ps, Shales As every one is aware the Woman's
a a ow 2 ei Suffrage Amendment to the Constitu-
. i tion of the stat. 2p
Township. At ‘the time of her death ate of Pennsylvania has
she was 78 years old. Mrs. Shaffer
| Blias, Harvey and Frank, all of Shade
Township; Daniel, of Hooversville;
J. J. , of Berlin; Mrs. J. A. Weaver,
iof Paint Township, and Clara, at
home She was a sister of Mrs. Sar-
ah Lamb, of Rummel, and of Noah
and Joseph Berkebile, of Paint town-
ship. @uneral was held Saturday at
1:30 o'clock in the
Church of the Brethren. Interment
in Berkey Cemetery, Paint Township,
is’ survived by the following children’
~ lots on
already been Passed upon by the
State Legislature twice, and now it
remains for the voters by their bal-
November next to decide
- ‘whether or not, the Constitution shall
be amended so as to give women e-
‘qual suffrage with men. Mrs, Kiernan |
urged that we do our utmost in the
coming six months to put the facts
before the people; for most fair mind-
ed persons need only to have the
fac put before them, and they see
‘that it is only right and proper for
ful alumni reunion was held in the
new school building. An excellent pro-'
gram was given a very enjoyable |
supper served.
ee ———
————— | -»
On last Sunday evening the bacca-
laureate sermon to the Berlin High V CES LANNED
School graduates was breached in the :
Reformed church by Rev. H. B. Burk-
holder and the edifice was crowded Veterans Have Many Cemete-
by friends. The class colors of crim-| ¥ies to Visit; Too Many
son and white were used effectively For One Decoration.
in the decorations, besides potted
plants and cut flowers THE MEMORIAL SERMON
On Tuesday evening the Opera 3 7 :
house was crowded to hear the pre- wigs ot Hint ¥ Pd ry
sentation of Tennyson’s classic, “The - 284 No. ) Me ch. W 8 Year
Princess.” This took the place of 28210 go into Twenty-three Ceme-
the regular commencement exercises 2eTjes bi Seoprsie, w will bs Recess
and was ga pleasing innovation. The 2TY to do some of t e Work before
graduates were assisted by other and some after Memorial Day, hence
members of the high school in the following announcements:
the drill§ ang choruses prettily All Comrades, Associations, Orders
interspersed with the play. Each did 2nd A to par-
his and her part exceedingly well and ‘'C!Pate, i AX -
won much commendation. The two _10at a detail will go to St. Johns,
p rincipal p arts’ were taken by Emma (Evangelical) and White Oak Cem-
Deeter as Princess Ida and ‘William | stories on Sunday, May 23rd, in the
Werner as Prince | morning, and to Hostetlers and Green-
1 i dor . ville Cemeteries in the afternoon.
After the t P‘omas er The principal service will be held
given to the 20ving eraduates of |, vu. oot at; 10:15 a. m. where
the year 1915: Clarence Clinton Ca- the: Rev. A. S. Kresge will deliver an
be. Tex Congheno. rons Taue Deg |appropriate address.; the drum corps
er, Ema Leora Deeter, Marian z-
| will accompany this detail.
abeth Groff, Walter Aaron Johnson,
Jacob Speicher
trice Musser, Robert Leroy Miller,
Salome Iceleen Robley, Edna Viola
! Luther Werner.
A sub-detail will 80 from there to
Krepp’s, Comp’s Fink’s Boyer's Wel-
lersburg, Cook's and Getz cemeter-
.. les for decorations. A second detail
John Garman Smith, William will go the same day to Summit Mills
{and St. Paul at 10:15 a. m. The St.
Paul band will furnish the msuic at
St. Paul where an address will be
i The same detail will g0 to Fritz
Church in the afternoon at 2 P. m.;
When the special train
Lowry, Hazel Bea-
On Wednesay evening a delight-
carrying |
are bright, intelligent looking young-
any other county of the state but in
road-making she is behind. There are
Preliminary to a meeting of the
Meyersdale Chautauqua Association
on: Tuesday evening at the Lyceum,
the ' quartette Association,
consisting of Messrs. Cook, Balk Win,
utton and Clark with W. H. Deeter
as director and Ware Deeter as
chaffeur, with faces in ebony and in
white suits, in an auto, traversng the
streets of the town, made the citizens
aware that something was a doin’.
The president of the Association is
Mr. E. C. Kyle and the secretary is
Mr. H. M. Cook. The chief work was
the appointment of the various com-
mittees with the understanding that
they were to be active committees in
the most earnest sense of that term.
The following are the several com-
Publicity—wW. 8S. Livengood, K.
Cleaver, R. D. Pfahler, G. W. Collins.
Arrangements—W. H. Deeter, J. |
Reich, R. H Philson, S. W. Bittner, |
John Weimer, Oscar Gurley. |
Finance—Chas. Griffith, P. D. Clut-
ton, J. M. Gnagey. |
Decoration—Clarence Moore, F. N.
Shipley, Fred Wilmoth, W. H. Holz- |
shu, A. Ww, Poorbaugh. |
ees eeeit— 1
You—Mr. City Man and Mr. Man
in the . Small Town, the Common- |
on the “State-wide Good Roads Day.” |
Don’t be afraid to take off your coat, |
roll up your sleeves,
work. You will get blisters on your |
n, | visit
and stock | Jefferson, J. W. Barclay; Jenner No.
compared favorably with those in |
1, J. W. Griffith; Jenner, No. 2, R. W.
'R. W. Lohr; Jennertown, L. W. Van-
J Continued on 3rd page.
When the train with the members
Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg
pulls out ofthat city on May 18th on
Visit to this. town, to arrive here “at
11:15’ a. m. May 20th, it will have
on board 111 participants represent-
ing 79 manufacturing, jobbing and
banking concerns of the steel city;
many of them being the foremost
leaders of the business life of Pitts-
burg. It will be the largest delegation
of business men that has ever left
Pittsburg on a similar mission.
The party wil travel in a special
train of seven Pullman sleepers, one
administration compartment car car-
rying the. officers of the Chamber of
Commerce and the city’s official
representative, Councilman Robert
Garland, who is also vice president
of the big trade body; President Dav-
id P. Black, of the Chamber of Com-
merce, a corps of star newspaper
men representing all the daily papers
women to have the ballot.
For the past eight years,
private secretary of Norman Critch-
field, of Harrisburg, state secretary
of agriculture, died Tuesday at her
Woman must be out of her home to
20 ol months. She was aged about Sypenr the right of franchise. But at
30 years and was'a daughter of W. the same time g woman may often ne-
W. Gustin, a prominent merchant of slect her home far more by staying in
Somerset. Surviving are her parents it all the time than vy going out of it.
a twin sister, Miss Maud and numer-| ditions are constantly changing
: temptations are contin-
ous other relatives. The funeral took ' ;
place on this Thursday afternoon.
: maw Y AER
a DAVID CALDWELL, |® . 1 ang
not go out a
David Caldwell, a: one time a ho- [gn rer With the Trt ay veep
tel keeper at Berlin, died recently at being brought to bear upon the life
Lincoln, Nebraska, aged 69 years. of that boy or girl is neglecti that
js ee 2 lanshir of Jacob Heff- child and she is neglecting him far
ey, of Berlin, survives him, more than if she were not staying
home all the time. Then again women
have more liesure than men and
Mrs. Catherine Cauffiel, age 94 died
therefore mo t .
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. It i Te tame to mvestigeie
Isabellla Emert, near Ralphton, 8 the duty of the women, who
Thursday eve ning. ; do not have to enter the industrial
world to come to the rescue of the
Mrs. Salina Matthews, 85 years old,
became very ill Tuesday morning
while waiting in the B, & 0. staton at
Stoyestown, and while being taken
to her home n an automobile, expired.
eight million sisters who do. It is DOs-
itively selfish for them not to do it.
And how is this possible without the
ballot. The moral standard of women
is generally higher than that of men,
and therefore they would raise the
moral standard of the ballot. Where
and other guests and two dining cars,
where the best that nature produces ! £00d health when she left her home
will be served to satisfy the hunger
of the travelers. ~ .
While the trdin which will be com-
Mrs. Matthews seemed to be in they have the ballot they aid Yory
largely in protecting the girls from
the White Slave Traffic, Seventy-five
ber cent of the fifty thousand girls
who enter that life of shame are for-
in Jenners that morning to visit rela-
tives in Virginia. She was accompa-
nied by her daughter, Mrs, H. H.
posed of all steel red Pullman palace
cars is side tracked here it will be
from the Pittsburg Chamber
section in each sleeper
merchants, but to have a better bus-
hands and sunburn on your face, but | iness understanding and all indications
don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt you; it
will do you good.
If you have not joined your county
association to aid in making the day
set aside by the governor of the state
successful, hustle around and do it.
Do it now. Don’t write, don’t send
word by a neighbor that you will be
there, but hunt up the man who i
the "phone. GET BUSY.
:p, hit her with his fist, struck Swarner
i » D,
Poor Director J. W. oo a) ie | over the head with a beer bottle, kill
went to Fairhope,
bringing back with them two orphans
children, Hewy and Blanche Beck,
aged two and five years respectively.
They were placed in the Amish-Men-
nonite home at Grantsville, Mad.
These good people have established a
Pocahontas las:
home where they care for a number [the following officers:
desirable | Layman; Asst. Supt. Mi
secured for the un-|Sec’y William Snyder: ments are being made for a rousing |
Teauist ry aie Baker. 65 schol; eting of thec itizens of this place |
Church re-opening at Mt. Lebanon |2nd of Summit township jointly here
unday, May 16. Rev. S.R. Kresge, of | in Meyersdale on Saturday afternoon.
of poor children until
homes can be
fortunate ones. Hewy and Blanche |®©
| a
sters and with the proper food and | S
attention will grow into useful | 3
manhood and womanhood.
afgo, acquited Dallas Murray a form-
er resident of this place, on the South
Side, accused of manslaughter, in
f hi ther-in-law, Wm.
getting the crowd together and tell [fehe death of his brother.
SY 5s | Swarner.
him you will join it. Call him up on
Ing him instantly. The young man
killing the man.
point to the delegation receiving a
rousing reception.
A jury at Cumberland a few days
. | thought
{ his sister, Mrs. Lottie Swarner, when a
| 1 rect site Ss built
| her husband, a big man of 200 pounds building erected on the wa
man for this borough has added to
A Sunday Sen re ond 3s help the following: Postmaster
treas. Lutzy;
enners will preach at 10 a. m. Neigh-
oring ministers will deliver address- |
es in the afternoon.
Ling. Soon after arriving at the de-
pot, Mrs. Matthews took sick and lay “e
Ho to I i : Lon "| down on a bench’ there. H. H. Ling | to fine persons who rent buildings for
Doss SS ° Tn nti only EB | was called who ‘came with an auto:
Tonpani iF me il ¥ Dare She was then in a helpless conditi
| Hach oh i hn 4 and- unable to talk. Heart disease : : !
wealth expects YOU to do your part | Merce. Each participan > ve 1¢. | the cause of her death. Her husband, | #WaY minor children or unborn child
> 3 O Wmsell. | oo fiiam Matthews, died
Pittsburg’s business men are coming
years ago.
pitch in and | here not to solicit business from our
one mile north -of Lavansville, was
| laced with appropriate ceremonies
Sunday last at 2:30 Pp m. While there
are no records extant. to fix the date
QUITTED OF MURDER. of the organization of the Samuels
church and the erection of the first
house of worship on the site, present
members estimate that the date runs
back at least 120 years. The church
was incorporated by the Somerset
Murray, in attempting to protect | County Court in "1846,
recently torn down and a foundation
for a new building, 40by 50 feet in
: 3 size, has been laid. The new edifice
estified that he had no intention of | will be of brich and cost about$5,000.
Jonas | Naugle, John Weimer, Amon Poor this
ss Bllen Lint; |baugh, and Simon Bittner. Arrange-
ced into it unwillingly. In states
where women vote laws are passed
immoral purposes. In eight of our
tates at the bresent time a man no
atter how worthless he is can will
without the mother’s consent.
In California, one year after they
obtained the ballot they had equal
guardianship. The only people who
do not have the ballot are idiots,
criminals, children and women, ang
why should women be thus classed.
Women are given the most important
work in the world that of raising and
caring for children, then why should
she not have a Voice in the making of
the laws for the protecting of those
children. Not until woman sufirage
prevailed in Illinois was better condi-
tions for the babies and children
brought about. Before that all peti-
tions were ignored by the lawmaking
about two
The corner stone of the Evangel-
it is
that the second
bout 63 years ago. This building was| There is a gradual moral evolution
after women have the ballot.
Definite plans were laid for a thor-
ough campaign. The next meeting for
Meyersdale will be held in the Munie-
ipal building on Friday evening, May
14, at 7 p. m. Everybody invited.
W. H. Deeter, the county committee
Several good Bicycles
week, Second
Hand. Very Cheap.
See them at Once,
Sporting Goods Dept. pis
Another Car of HAMMOND DAI-
| Among other important things that
Mrs. Kiernan said, was that S0 many
People insist that the ballot will take
women outo f the home, She said this
statement is not true, for about ten’ Simon Fullem, of Second
minutes twice a year is really all t
home in Somerset after an illness of 4 ’ y y ia
the Berkley band is requested to fur-
erates (nish music at Fritz’s and an address
LAD FRACTURES ARM | will be made.
CRANKING UP AUTO. | All detail will return to Post room
On Sunday morning, Joseph Fullem at
} 7 p. m. to attend services in the
aged about thirteen years, a son 0! | Lutheran church where the Memorial
street, in
sermon will be preached by Rev. D.
cranking up an auto, received the re- ‘W. Michael.
bound on his right forearm, result-
ing- fracture of both bones of that to
The Commander invites everybody
attend all these services; he es-
_H. C. McKinley,
tive sports of boyhood. Commander
NE —
ST ——
The society of country women,
“Die Hausfrauen” met this
Wednesday, May §th., at the
of Mrs, Missouri Walker near Pine ing it a seedling from some of the
Hill. Mrs. Walker, who is the widow | cherry trees in the orchard. He was
of Norman Walker, lives on the home | surprised when the tree commenced
farm with her three children, two !to bear to find it a strage variety of
sons and a daughter.
| cherry unnamed and unknown. The
The popular idea of our boys to | fruit is ver
How charming the idea of the home |
farm following down through
family. What memories for each suec-
cessive generation to treasure!
trees now great and productive. | planted a tree,
grandfather planted when a young
man. The flowers and shrubs brought
with loving care from her old home
or received as gifts from dear friends!
Truly these are jewels of memory!
In conformity with this idea and
in accordance with it, the subject of
this meeting was “Tree-planting.”
The Governor's proclamation for Ap-
bor Day was read, a message of much
bower and fitness.
An original and practical idea was
given the society when Mrs. “Walter
Boose, secretary of Die Hausfrauen,
presented each member with a seed-
ling cherry tree she had raised from
the Big Tree.
The Big Cherry tree on the old
Boose farm is a well known tree in
this section. It Spreasd a very king
of trees in the open field, apart from
the rest of the orchard, and its his-
tory as follows: Many years ago
the elder Boose noticed a little cher-
ry tree growing along the old rail
fence in the field, and according to
the way of these older people, to friends of “Die Hausfrauen.”
whom a tree of any kind was precious | Interspersed with the regular meet-
and quite contrary to the modern way
| ings will be quiltings, evening and
of hewing and cutting down every- meetings ete. at the
| educational
thing that looks like ga tree growing Dleasure of the members.
a. TE EM ev Joan Ag NEATH Ae STS em ea
Mr. George Donges is soon to be- | CLUTTON PIANO CONTEST.
gin the erection of a Substantial two- |
From this fine old
cherry each
The member of Die Hausfra
uen has now
making one more bond
in this already popular society, hand
ing down to posterity one more
treasure, ga blessing alike to her
family and the community in which
she lives. As this cherry has no name
and richly deserves one, we have
asked his Excellency, Governor Brum-
baugh, to name it. The society sug-
gests he name ‘it for himself—*“The
Governor Brumbaugh Cherry.”
The planting of trees, both fruit
and shade is 'of such importance in
this county which has suffered such
grievous loss of orchard and forest
through storms and tornadoes in
these last years, We would suggest
continuous planting of trees, as the
life of a tree or shrub does not de-
bend so much on the time of the year
it is planted, as the care it receives
The regular meetings in the sum-
mer months will be of a Social nature,
The June meeting being a reception
notice of which later, and July a pie
nic given to the husbands, sons and
story brick building with two store| 4 1,479,950 10 2,762 195
rooms to replace the frame dwellings | 22 2452 076 28 523170
which were destroyed by fire. One of | 33 189495 33 7217535
the store rooms is tc be occupied by, 40 1,795 945 62 13,037,159
Mr. E. L*Donges with his meat mar | 73 1 861 1¢ 151 264 355
ket and it is to be one ofthe ‘most up- | 167 43
169 283135
RY FEED in; $28.00 per ton. HABEL
Read The Exploits of Elaine. & PHILLIPS.
to-date markets
to be found any. [161 1060 163 323430
{166 464,
, i