The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 29, 1915, Image 1

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Local Institutions to Make
Long Needed Differences
in Hours, as is Gen-
eral Custom.
The change in the banking hours
of our two local institutions effective
May 17th, on and after which date
Miss Myrtle V. Miller, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Miller, of
Friedens, and Harry M. Ogline, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ogline, of
Lincoln Township, were married at
the parsonage of the Somerset M. E.
Church, by the Rev. Charles F. Bol-.
. Miss Nellie Viola Pyle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, William Pyle, and Mar-
tin Patterson Critchfield, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Critchfield, both of
they will be from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m,,
was suggested and recommended by
the Comptroller of the Currency. i
The day’s work for the banks has
been such that with the present
hours they found it necessary to bal-
ance the books for each day’s busi-
ness in the early afternoon. Frequent-
ly after this period, checks on other
banks and deposits of considerable
volume are received which should be
Murdock, were married at Rockwood
by the Rev. I. Jay Duke, pastor of
the United Brethren Church. .
Miss Minnie Michel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Michel, and
Frank Ripple, both ‘of Jenner Town-
ship, were married at Hooversville,
by Justice of the Peace Irvin M.
Hoover. The groom is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Valentine Ripple.
Miss Nannie Ora Livingstone,
certainly carried in the day's work, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Liv-
but which must appear in the follow- ingstone, and Charles Edward Cable.
ing ‘day’s business as the books have Son of Mr. and Mrs.Elmer G. Cable,
previously closed and it is the desire Poth of Conemaugh Township; were
of the department that each day be a married at Davidsville, by the Rev.’
complete unit and as such the banks
approve and feel their patrons will do
likewise as tending towards greater
efficiency and completeness in caring
for all details.
Likewise under, the new system all
mail can be handled = before nine in
the morning with the work done
after closing at three in the after-
noon, thus giving an uninterrupted
period for handling the counter bus-
but be of increased value to the
bank’s customers, as the employes
will then give their entire attention
and time to counter work and the
routine work can also be done in 3
more accurate and satisfactory man-
ner after closing hours when unin-
terrupted from 3 to 5 than it is possi-
ble now to do from 2 to 5 when com-
bined with counter work.
The change is following the general
al banking practice all over the T'ni-
ted States. For example Frostburg!
and all the territory east, with Rock-|
wood, Somerset and the banks on into |
Johnstown west have been observing
the 9—8 hours for years—and we un-}
derstand Berlin banks will also a-'
dopt the 3 o’clock closing hour at
this time. 7 =
It is the wish of our local banks
that their patrons will keep in mind
the date, May 17th, with the hours
9—3 effective then and further that
both banks wiil be open every Satur-
day night thereafter from 7 to 9 o’-
clock and that their cus:omers wil,
willingly assist in putting into opera-
tion a change tha* ig sure to be of in-
creased benefit boct to the working |
force of the banks and their custo- |
mers. i
On Saturday evening at about 8:30
Russell Engle, in company with Theo
Engle, Elmer Engle and Norman
Zimmerman, while driving his auto a-
long the state road about a mile |
from town at the cement bridge met
with an accident concerning which
he can congratulate himself that
the party have the right use of all of
their physical parts. As he approach
ed the bridge, he was blinded by the
light from the auto of Mr. Plack who
was coming in the opposite direction.
Realizing the dangerous condition of
the highway at that point and hesi-
tating between a “turn-turtle” and
a deep ditch he trusted to the tender
mercies of a cement abutment, which
resulted in a general smash up of the
fore part of the machine, but fortun-
nately the occupants came off with
minor bruises. Mr. Plack assisted the
men and the machine back to town,
the latter being very reluctant about
A very interesting subject will be
discussed at the regular meeting of
the Lyceum in the lecture room of the
Reformed church to-morrow night
by Rev. D. W. Michael, pastor of the
Lutheran church.
Every one ought to hear this dis-
cussion. It is “The Value of the Beau-
tiful.” It has a value far greater than
we are at first inclined to think: We
will all be benefitted by this session
of the Lyceum. Let those come who |
have oot enjoyed these valuable
meetings and let all those who have
been attending keep up their records.
Elmer J. Blough.
Miss Ida Belle Hoffman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoffman, of
Jenner Township and Saninél Moors
son of Mr.’and Mrs. William Moors,
of Boswell, were married at the par-
sonage of the Jennertown' Lutheran
Church, by the Rev. Elmer F. Rice. i
Miss Edna Repine, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Repine, and Mat- |
thew = Bartholomew, son of Mr. and |
Mrs. Charles R. Bartholomew, both |
of Windber, were married at Wind- |
ber, by.. Justice of the Peace M. H.'
Jacob Poorbaugh, son.of Amon Poor- |
baugh, who is aged about 14, 8 hav. |
ing trouble with one of his legs. In
playing, he injured one of the knee
The ninety-sixth anniversary of the
founding of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows in the State of Penn-
sylvania, was observed by the local
body, Dill Lodge; No. 810 by attend:
ing divine worship at the Lutheran
Church on Sunday. i
At seven o'clock the members as-
sembled at the lodge room on Centre
street in the Hocking block and clad
in their regalias under the command
of Past Grand Wardlow proceeded
numbering over eighty, to the Luth-
eran church,
The serviceswereinchargeof the pas-
tor, Rev. D. W. Michael. He spoke
very effectively upon the financial as-
pect of the order and the wnderful
work that was being accomplished in
assisting all of the crder or related
to the same in distres; and further
of the education of the orphans; if |
these phases of this, society
were better understood by the public |
in general, there wou'd be a higher
appreciation of Odd Fellowship.
Rev. A. 8. Kresge had been asked
A special meeting of the Board of i
directors of the Somerset County Ag- |
ricultural Society .was held at the
court house on Saturday afternoon
and plans for the Fair this fall were
discussed. The Farm Bureau project
was reported favorably on. Its work-
ings in the several counties of the
state were given by C. W. Duppstadt,
a dairyman of Somerset township. It
seems to be the sentiment of the Ag-
ricultural Society that if the several
other agricultural societies, horticui-
tural Society, Grange, Boards of
Trade and other such organizations
will assist, a Farm Bureau will be
established in Somerset county. All
counties in the southwestern part of
Pennsylvania have Farm Bureaus or-
ganized except Somerset and Greene,
and the farmers here believe that a
very successful one could be organ-
ized in Somerset county.
Mrs. Agnes Kuhlman, a daughter |
of Mr. H. D. Altfather was married to |
Mr. William J. Robinson, of Ray-|
mont, W. Va. Wednesday, April 28 |
at the “Old Mill” near Glencoe. The |
ceremony was performed by the Rev. |
A. S, Kresge at high noon, after
which a sumptuous dinner was ser- |
ved to the invited guests. The happy |
couple will reside at Raymond.
jand Rev .Michaels are members of
Representative of Trade Boos-
ters in Meyersdale Satur-
day Arranging for the
Visit of Others.
In order to pave the way for their
coming, Eward C. Sykes, the advance
guard of the trade extension boosters
of the Chamber of Commerce, of
Pittsburg, arrived on Saturday and
called on the city officials .and the
Club to inform them of the visit of
the Pittsburgers to this town. The
party of 100 will tragvel in a
special Pullman train of eight sleep-
ers and two diners. It will be hauled
by two engines and in some instances
three, particularly where the grades
are heavy. .
The special train bearing Pitts
burg’s captains of industry will ar-
rive here May 20th at 11:15 and leave
at 12:16. The coming tour of the
Pittsburgers will be the largest that!
Practically every city is providing land and when quite young came to A. |
A German by birth, and remaining
in the Fatherland until he was 18
years of age, was one who, following
an industrious and successful ca-
reer, ceased from his labors on April
22. Deceased was aged 60 years, 8
months and 13 days. He was employ-
ed for atime as a section man on the
railroad and by frugality and thrift
managed, to buy a farm and later to
fit it out in good modern form. He
lived in this county since 1877. In
1879 he was united in marriage to
Elizabeth Mazer who survives him as
do the following children: Mrs. Her-
man Hersh, Louisa, John, Herman,
Addison and Iva. Mrs. Mary Schadt,
of Cumberland, is a sister. The funer-
al services were held at the White
Oak Reformed church, Rev. Hostetler
and Rev. Kresge officiating. It was
one of the largest funerals held in
that locality for years. Mr. Lottig |
Looking towards an additional ad-
vantage for Meyersdale, a number of
the business men of this place have
been trying to connect the town with
the outside world with good auto
thoroughfares. There is a fairly good
highway connecting this part of the
county with the Pittsburg and Bed-
ffod pike but to get from this point
to the National pike on the South
‘there is a stietch of road about 7
miles in length beyond Salisbury, half
in this state and half in Maryland
| that acts almost as a barrier to hith-
| erward or thitherward bound cars. To
died in the faith that death «does mot | ee us Soren [iles of roa ; is
end all and that “he knew in whom Of our leading
Be had believed. | On Tuesday evenin agout four
o’clock a party of men were about
automobiles for the use of the tour- erich, locating at Louisville, Ky,
ists thus makingtheir visit one of
| pleasure as well "as business, and it
is a foregone conclusion that Meyers-
dale will ,as usual,show due hospi- L
tality. ig
The entire party will be out four 2fter coming to Sand Patch secured |
days and in that time will’ visit twen- |
tyone towns and cover about 550
miles of territory, all of the towns !2bout four years ago, when he was ; :
job ged to retire on account of suffer- jds7 worker, but not all. Sometimes
visited being in wesfern and central
Pennsylvania with the exception of
Cumberland, Md. The Pittsburg rep.
resentative said the delegation was
anticipating a pleasant visit to Mey-
ersdale, :
to assist in the services and it was
arranged that he was to deliver the
discourse of the evening which he
did in a masterly manner to the ed-
ification of the society there so
strongly represented and of the large
audience present.He took for his text:
from the 4th chaper of Ecclesiastes—
“The one shall lift up his fellow.”He
said that humanity in one aspect at
least might be divided into two classes
the lifters and the leaners and that.
the order assembled belonged to the
former as was evidenced by their
many and constant instances of their
locking out for the other fellow. He
sted examples ill strative of the high
principls of the or ler and as both he
the order, each could speax from ob-
servations and knowledge not to be
perceived by those outside of the so-
ciety. The choir rendered some Very
fine selections and Lodge No. 819
highly appreciates the delightful
Christian time they had in the hands
of Rev. Michael and Rev. Kresge.
Next Sunday evening, May 2, the
third Bi-monthly Union Meeting for
1515, will be held in the Zion Evan-
gelical Lutheran church. Rev. A. E.
Truxal, D. D., will preach the sermon,
upon the subject, “The Relation of
Christ to the European War.”
Rev. D. W. Michael will conduct the
services and the Lutheran choir wil
furnish special music. Because of the |
popularity of these union services
and the timely nature of Dr. Truxal’s
discourse an exceptionally large at-
tendance is expected. All are invited
and urged to come. ¥
All dogs running at large in Mey-
ersdale, must be licensed and wear
tags procured from Burgess Valentine
Gress, and these must be secured be-
fore May 1.
All dogs not licensed after May 1st.
will be shot and the bodies cremated. |
Engineer C. P, Lepley, of the B. &
O. R. R. at Somerset was here on
Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Lepley on Broadway.
wherg he remained
ney °
for about six
- after which he came to Sand
He married Miss Mary Court-
years ago and to this union
hiliren were born. Mr. Kelley
employment with the B. & O. railroad
in whose services he remained until
ing with rheumatism and since that
timé he was on the company’s pen-
sion list. He is survived by his wife
and the following ¢hildren: Mrs. “Tho-
mas Courtney, Mrs. Thomas Bracken,
and Jo
oberg Kelley, all of Sand Patch
aft. Patrick, of Acoswa, Pa. Two
daughters died in infancy and Mich-
ael and Owen died several years ago.
He was a member of SS. Philip and
James Catholic church of this place
where services were held on Monday
morning and high requiem mass cele-
brated by Rev. J. J. Brady.
An esteemed citizen of Larimer
township, died last Friday at the
home of his brother, Joseph, in
Greenville township, and the body
was taken to the home of his son in
Larimer township. The deceased was
aged 85 years, 11 months and 23 days.
His wife, who was Mary Bittinger,
preceded him to the other world by
‘eleven years. There survive him the
following: John and Simon Brown, of
Larimer township;
Honshell, of New York; - one step-
daughter, Lila Tayman who lives in
Ohio. Mr. Brown had one brother
Joseph. The funeral services were
held at 2 p .m. on Sunday at the
Greenville Lutheran church conducted
by Rev. D. W. Michael, of the Mey-
ersdale Lutheran church. A very
large gathering of the people of this
section of the country bore evidence
of the true worth of the departed.
A highly respected citizen of Glade
City who has been suffering from
cancr of the stomach for the past
18 months, died at his home on Sun-
day, aged 49 years, 9 months and §
days. :
The deceased is. survived by his
wife, whose maiden name was Ellen
Bittner, and the following children:
Minnie, Edward, Charles and James;
by the following brothers and sisters:
Francis, John, Emmanuel, George, Jo-
seph, Mrs. Amanda Hook, and Clara,
of this vicinity; William, of Berlin;
Mrs. Minni€ Geiger, of Connellsville.
The funeral was held on Wednesday
afternoon conducted by the pastor of
Mr. Swearman, Rev. D. W. Michael,
of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran
Church, of Meyersdale. Intement was
maed in the Union cemetery.
Aged 55 years, died Saturday at the
Somerset County Hospital. She was a
daughter of the late Benjamin and
Susan Berkey Bowman and was born
at Hooversville. She was a sister of
{ Mrs. Ezra Yoder, of Iowa; Mrs. A-
manda Barnhart, of Johnstown; Wm.
Bowman, of near Hooversville and
Hiram, of Johnstown. The body was
Mrs. Malinda B. |.
ready to start for the stone house on
the pike beyond Salisbury, and in fact
Some had already started when a
| Many a battle has been won in the
last hours of the day; many a base
ball gamewon in the ninth inning;
many a horse race has been decided
on the home stretch; many men have
achieved success late in life.
| Most successes come to the person
' who is the plugger, the steady, every
success is justwithin reach, a little
extra effort would more than make
the goal, but the spirit of negligence
and the feeling of “What's the use”
creeps in and all the previous efforts
—the hard work and Worry count for
nothing. Are you going to throw up
the sponge now, to disappoint the
friends that have been working for
you during the past five months, or
are you going to resolve to win and
get the = congratulations of your
friends? You are now on the home
stretch, the last ditch of the Piano
Contest. The votes for you will come
much easier .now than fhey did a
month ago—all that is needed is for
you to go after them. RESOLVE TO
The Special Weekly Silverware
premium goes to a member of Club
No. 16. = i»
The following is the standing of
the Contestants at the close of week
ending April 28:
Word was received here Sunday
morning that John Wade, the three-
mongh-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Ramstead, of Mannington, W. Va.,
had died Saturday afternoon of men-
ingitis and penumonia. The announce
ment came as a shock to Mrs. Ram-
stead’s many friends as she had only
left here with the baby the Monday
previous, having spent several weeks
with her sister, Mrs. Daily. The little
fellow, who was a splendid boy,
seemed then in perfect health. This
is their only child and the sympathy
of their Meyersdale friends is cer-
tainly extended to them in this their
sore bereavement.
Next Thursday, May 6th, the regu-
lar monthly meeting of the Civie
League will be held in the Council
Chamber at 2:30 p. m. It is hoped
that there will be a lareg attendance
as there is much business to be
transacted. All of the ladies who so-
licited orders for seeds and shrub-
| bery are requested to be present and
| make their reports. There are still
la few packages of seeds in the hands
{of the secretary and any one wishing: |
{more can have them by calling on
| Miss Jessie McKinley.
| Remember that the league
| fering prizes for the imp c
|in lawns and for the best display of
4 1,495,145 10 2,729,195 |
22 2283146 28 514,610
33 186,545 38 6,844,310
40 1,745,950 62 12,318,734
73 1,849,015 1561 263,415
153 148,375 157 4,343,855
159 283,135 161 10,028,923
162 459,660 163° 323,430
165 423,990 178 422,485.
is of
rements |
ommercial. 3
Leading Citizens Co-operating with Garrett County,
Maryland. Commissioner there to Expend $400 '
Will Go to Stone House Friday.
storm arose which frustrated the
meeting which was to have a confer
ence with the Garrett County, Md.,
commissioner in regard to the com-
templated improvement. The meet-
ing is now to be held to-morrow, Fri-
1day eveningb; as this is a matter of
public concern, everybody is urged to
go to the stone house mentioned a-
The County Commissioner of ‘the
Maryland end has agreed to expend
$400 and it is thought that the road
supervisors at this end will do like-
wise; and it is further being planned
to raise several hundred dollars by
private subscription. Salisbury has
taken the initiative in this respect
and has a snug sum cornered. It is to
be hoped that there will be a large
crowd at the stone house on Friday
evening. Let everybody go.
Last evhing at 7 o'clock an unus-
ually pretty nuptial event took place
in the Hay's Reformed Church when
Miss Lydia Viola, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hay, of Brothers-
valley township, was united in mar-
riage with the Reverend William
Harrison Bruce Carney, pastor of the
Garret Lutheran Church charge.
The church, which was decorated
with pink and white carnations and
‘ferns, was filled with about 600
! friends of the bride and groom. The
| beautiful ring ceremony of the Re-
formed church was used and the Rev.
B. K. Hay, of Mt. Jackson, Virginia,
a brother of the bride officiated.
other minister brother had been éx-
pected, Rev. Ellis Hay, of Chicago
but had been unavoidably detdined
and Rev. H. H, Wiant, pastor of the
church and Rev. L. R. Young, of
Elk Lick, assisted, the latter being
Missionary Superintendent of the Al-
legheny Synod.
' The bride wore a handsome gown
.of white crepe meteor and veil. The
maid of honor, Miss Jessie Vir
ginia Carney, a sister of the groom,
was attired in an exquisite pink
crepe de chine gown. The grooms-
man was Rev. E. B. Boyer, of Con-
| fluence, who has recently been ap-
| pointed missionary to Amsterdam in
British Guiana. The four little flower
girls, Misses Rosana Gumbert, Clara
Hay, Elizabeth Haer and June Ned-
row, represented the four congrega-
| tions of which the groom is pastor.
| The ring bearer was Miss Sallie Hay
| niece of the bride. The ushers were
| Erle Christner, Hubert DeVore, Erle
| Walker, Henry Smith, Dr. J. A. Car-
ney and Homer Hay. The organist,
Miss Erma Hay, played during the
assembling of the audience and later
the wedding march by Hosmer and at
the close, the Recessional by Mendel-
ssohn. Miss May Walker, a student
of the Susquehanna University, sang
in a charming manner the beautiful
selection by Burleigh, entitled, “O
Perfect Love.” A quartet was also
given “Whither thou goest, I will go.”
After the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride,
about fifty of the near relatives and
friends being present. A sumptuous
wedding feast was served.
The bride is a highly accomplished
lady; is a graduate of Mt. Hood Col-
lege Frederick, Md. and has taken
post graduate work in music. She
w28 organist in the church where
is one of the prominent and highly
esteemed minister of the county
After an extended wedding trip to
Eastern cities they will be at home in
the Lutheran parsonage, Garrett.
Those attending the wedding from
a distance were the following: Mrs.
John Archey, of Lewistown Pa.; Mrs.
{L. I. Axe and Miss Hulda Stricker,
of Belleville; Mrs. Frank Zimmerman
of Springdale; Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Smith of Lancaster . and Dr. J. A.
Carney of Grantsville, Md. Those from
| Meyersdale were Mr. and M Al-
| bert S. Glessner, Miss Ella GI
taken to Stoyestown for burial in the | flowers, so get busy and try to be | Mr. and Mrs. Peter I Glessner uncles
|one of the winners.
Odd Fellows’ cemetery.
|and aunts of the bride.
bove, to be there between five and six =
the wedding took place. Rev. Carney