I US NOTICES. Car of the old ortland Cement. DEAL, 2 and Maternity qualifications and Mrs. Roy Bills, hand wardrobe. the Commercial. SE bargain, 5 room wo lots adjoining 30, 231 232, Basy office or address ‘entre SSt. Frost- FOR SALE— Leghorn Eggs r dozen. ALFRED 2ncoe, Pa. AKE NOTICE-- n the field for li- Give us a trial. 8S. P. Fritz, cas- . P. O. Address, >nomy Phone, at . SUMMER NOR- open on Monday, ie in session un- aichers’ Examina- n, address, . LETCHMAN, Pricipal. Motorcycles, “In- to be in the best eed models and thing for hilly rices and partic- arage Co. South Berkley Mills at . Rebecca Miller, at 2 p. m,, beds , furniture, sau- numerous other PRINTED BILL. R, Administrator, Rebecca Miller. TICE— All par- ock, furniture or to have sold can or sale conduct- Son Co. at their their first Com- is but another c sale. The first D. m. on Saturday stock or whatev- to sell please el- place or a list of ell at least one in order to give the sale.. 2 Co., » Logic No. 4 lerchandise only high-grade : our WR Linoleum ried conviction. and every inch is the factory. | colors put Arm- self. Patterns for & SON JRNISHERS lar to Attic. Meyersdale RETIREES CT SRI 'S NOTICE Secrest, late of Somerset Coun- eceased. aving been ap- in the Estate ecedent, hereby jons indebted to rompt payment | claims against . them duly au- indersigned ad- ome in Sand Pa., Saturday, his attorney. W. H. Connor, Administrator. E. Jaly, of Somer- Livengood, ex- sdale the 24th 4 p. m at the Esq., to deliver f 8. D. Liven- e dividends al- ‘PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Miss Anna Robinson has gone to Visiting her many Somerset for a couple weeks visit. The woods in this vicinity have Fairmont, W. Va. been on fire the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Malone are visit Siehl, who has been suffering from an ing at her home in Morgantown. Mrs. C. W. Tressler atives and friends. Mrs. Howard Mazer, of White Oak, visitor in town, on was a business Tuesday. Mrs. John Whitford, who suffered a paralytic stroke a couple weeks ago ’ is gaining strength slowly. Mr. Solomon Lepley, of Connells- vilie was a visitor in these parts over the end of last week. The annual convention of theAlle- gheny synod will be held at Friedens in May. Mrs. L. G. Orris, of Johnstown, has been visiting at the home of her aunt, Miss Platt, one of our teachers. Miss ClaraStacer went to Rockwood yesterday to take charge of a patient in her capacity as a trained nurse. Mrs. Thos. Carter, who is in a Cum- berland hospital, is convalescing very nicely from an ‘operation. Jonas Lenhart has very much im- proved his residence on North street by the erection of a fine sun porch. Mr. W. H.Deeter a few days. ago sold 3,000 acres of timber Green Brier, W. Va, Trout season opened April 18th. and fishermen report that fish as plentiful. Miss Florence Meyers and brother, erkley, returned home on Monday from a visit with friends in Connells vilel and Pittsburg. There are three cases of smallpox in a foreign family at Coal Run, all children. The origin of the disease is not known. Miss Mary Hughes returned home on Saturday evening after spending the winter in the home of Rev. A. C. Neeld in Pittsburg. John Wagner, who has been in poor health for the last few months, has gone to the Allegany hospital, Cumberland, for treatment. Mr. Clarence Moore, of the Citizens’ National bank, is enjoying the initial rides in his new five passenger Dodge car. : : The Meyersdale planing mill is tak- ing on more men. There is considera- . ble improving now going on in and about town. ; Mrs. Thomas Cowles and children, of Connellsville, have been visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. -N. Newcomer. ; Miss Mary Bittinger, of Jennings, Md., who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Bittner, returned to her home Saturday. C. P. Baer, of Meyersdale is visit ing relatives and friends at Akron, 0. where there is a larg colony of form- er Somerset County folks. Elder Walz, of Lancaster, the new pastor at Salisbury, Garreit and Beachdale, has arrived to take up his duties. | Alta, the three-year-old daughter of Wm. Gray, of North strest, is con- valescing from an attack of pneumo- nia. : Mrs. 8. J. Miller, wife of Dr. Mil- ler, of Clearfield county, is a guest of her sister’s Mrs. M. A. Rutter, Meyers avenue, Miss Lucy Stacer returned Satur- day from Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. ‘Charles Payne, of Connellsville, spent part of Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Payne, Meyers avenue. Miss Emma Mosgraves, of Baiti- more is here for a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mos- graves. Ey Mrs. Albert Engle and Miss Emma Goughnour have returned to their homes in Berlin after spending 2 few days with Meyersdale friends. has gone to Scottdale for a week’s visit with rel- | Mrs. Margaret Montgomery, a tormer HARTLEY—CLUTTON resident of this place, who has been friends here on 10’ hier ‘heme at There are two important changes : Tuesday returned i Minnie Siehl daughter of Albert | First—All subscribtions to ‘abscess on the lungs was taken Sun- day to the Johnstown hospital. Lloyd H. Imler and family accom- ! panied by Mrs. Imler's mother are! moving from this place to Vander-' grift where Mr. Imler has secured a’ good position. Mrs. Mary Lynch and daughter, | contest. Miss Bernadette, who spent the last! | Special Service Check. This still of silverware and gold watch awards. ten to twenty new subscriptions ! during the remaining weeks of the PIANO CONTEST be made this week in the Player: ' Piano Contest at the Women’s Store. the COMMERCIAL wil entitle to $1.50 in i gives 15,000 votes on each subscrip- tion, and will count in the awarding Each contestant should hand in from I two months visiting in Columbus, o.! and Pittsburg, returned home last | Friday. Mr. R. F.. Mason, manager of the | Dull Mercantile Co. store at this place, is back from a two weeks’ stay at Berkley Springs, W. Va. and his apearance indicates that the trip did not fail in its purpose. Mr. W. H. Deeter has purchased for his own occupancy the Graves pron- erty on North street; he has also dis- posed of his house in which he is now living to Mr, E. S. Boyer. Appendicitis has increased from 300 to 4000 per ,cent. because of the in- Second—NO TRADE BOOKS WILL BE RECOGNIZED UNTIL THEY ARE PAID FOR. The orgaizer who has been with us the past week ab- solutely forbids the issuing or sign- | ing of trade books until they are paid | for. That means that contestants mav | take out trade books before they are paid for, but they will be taken out UNSIGNED and will not be recog- nized as good for the purchasz of merchandise until they are signea and will not be signed until they are paid for. It is very important that ! each contestant sees to it that the book is paid for promptly in order | that the person who purchases the the JURORS FOR MAY COURT The following jurors have been drawn to serve at the regular May term of criminal court which will con- ,vene in Somerset, Monday, May 17: Grand Jurors. Addison Borough—George L. Stark, laborer. Boswell—Elza Gable, contractor. Casselman—A. W. Snyder, farmer. Elk Lick—H. C. Newman, clerk; Christian W. Bender, farmer. Jenner—Joseph Walter, farmer. Lincoln—W. A. Emmert, Lab.; Jes- se Shaulis, farmer. Meyersdale—Harry T, Staub, man- ager; Harvey Saylor, carpenter; George H. Benford, clerk. Paint Borough—Norman carpenter. Quemahoning—Chas. A. Lease, far- mer. . Shade—Howard Powell, farmer; J. A. Lohr, farmer; L. D. Sober, farmer; John A. Carver, carpenter. Somerset—H. H. Hodge, clerk; Jno. R. Boose, clerk; Henry Heffley, clerk. Somerset township—J. Wesley Ross carpenter; Harrison Bender, laborer. Ripple, land in | ! church of this place closed Wednesday : { store, Again—NO TRADE BOOK 13 enders, according to Dr. J. W. Ma 0, | D 2 ¥* | GOOD UNTIL IT IS PAID FOP. Following a habeas corpus hearing | Only thirty two more working days | before Judge Ruppel at Somerset, Sat- | 1°T the contest; five weeks and the urday, Policeman Matthias Alexander ( contest wil be over and some one the of Boswell, charged with the murder | Proud Dossessor of the PLAYER-PI | of John Kapio, was released from the 1 ANO and other grand prizes. Every | county jail on $10,000 bail. | contestant should be especially busy ] 2 in the sale of Trade Books during the PV. iii of Sand Patch, had a remaining short time of the contest— Sure a) im one ung Toco each trade book counts as 80,000 2 ne i one "| votes and will be good to purchase = Sows a borne oe Lie gibi merchandise here even after the con- th ough each is hgh = t Spots, test closes. The book is just the same vs Mov pid a > d 2% one San as cash to us, either in purchasing oe vid e Stinguishe om ° power or on the payment of accounts. other, The weekly prize this week goes to Dr. Ie Miller, of Pittsburg, was to Club 157. in Meyersdale a few days ago. He was * The monthly gold watch in this vicinity looking after his broth goes to member of Club 38 er n Johnsburg who is suffering from . : typhoid fever and whom Dr. Miller The following is the standing of the took to a Pittsburg hospital. contestants at the close of the fifth : mont ndi A 2 Chas. Kimmell, of Rockwood, 34|ONtR ending April 31st | Creare use of belts instead of sus | 00K will be able to use it at {a world famous surgeon. award years old, suffered a painful lacera- 4 1,493,820 10 2,727,580 tion of his left foot Thursday when he | 22 2,277,071 38 6,711,360 was caught in Henry Miller's sawmill. 40 1,745,510 62 12,078,746 He was employed on the mill when 73 1,849,015 157 4,328,855 the accident occurred. 161 9,826,173 | Miss Margaret Griffith has return- fea from Lakewood, N. J., where she had been during the past winter for the benefit of her health. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that her Solemn. by fhe 8 Jus muh 1m was well attended last Saturday. Proved hier healt, P. W. Suder, of Deal, spent Friday Mrs. Charlotte McGee, mother of and Saturday at the home of his son, Mrs Paul D. Clutton, is able to be a-| Henry. Se bows the home: again after | thees| TYR op Frank Gisbert, of Weeks’ illness during which She wa Keystone Mines spent Sunday at the threatened with pneumonia. : home of Eugene Weller. The road supervisors of Somerset | Andrew Stein and famiy of Meyers- township have taken an appeal from dale, spent Sunday at the home of Judge Ruppel’'s decree, dismissing : Mrs. Wm. Seggie. . mandamus proceedings instituted Walter Martin and son, of Frost- with a view to compelling the county burg, were over-Sunday visitors at commissioners to keep the old Glade the home of the elder’s ‘parents, Mr. Road better known as the Somerset- and Mrs. C. R. Martin, : Bedford Pike, in repair. Ross Augustine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaspar Augustine, of Addison, has just been appointed court crier for the Supreme court of the District of Columbia. ‘The appointment was made by Judge Thomas H. Hender- son, of the District of Columbia Su- preme Court bench. The new crier was the successful one out of thirty applicants, ViM. John Bangard bought a fine horse in Frostburg on last Thursday 218 on for few weeks’ visit in Scottdale. i Mrs. Harvey Bittner and Miss Lulu | Lee, of Meyersdale were Vim callers on Sunday afternoon. Wm. Horning, of South Myersdae, | is a freqeunt caller at Vim. Daniel May, of near Hyndman spent over Monday at the home of Wm. Shuck. Freeman Fike enjoyed last Sunday | afternoon at the home of John Dietle | at Woodlawn. Henry Brown spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brown in Greenville township. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. W Nicholson and son, Cyrus enjoyed two days at the home of relatives in Brothersvalley township, this week. Revival services in the Evangelical evening. There were 27 who professed to have found Christ. Thirteen have united with the church and a number of others will do so soon. Regular ser- vices Sunday with reception of mem- bers in the evening. Rev. A. G. Mead. The Somerset Fish and Game Asso- ciation has just received a shipment of Ring-necked Pheasants, from the WILLIAM DANIELS, Friday shot their old horse, “John.” |. The sale of D. M. Fike, deceused; {400 W..Hanna, dealer. : Summit—Jno. A. Opel, farmer. Windber—Geo. N. Good, mail car- rier. Petit Jurors. Addison Twp.—Jno. Hanna, farm- er; Chas. H. Bird, farmer. Allegheny—Geo. Croft, farmer. Conemaugh—Jno. Forrest, farmer; Jeremiah Miller, farmer. : Confluence—J. S. Turney, man, Elk Lick—1J. C. Hartman, merchant; P. D. Miller, teacher. Fairhope—Uriah Poorbaugh, farm- er;; Jas. H. P. Long, farmer. Hooversville—F. F. Clarke, farmer Adam Custer, laborer; D. C. Storey, plasterer. Jefferson—N. R. Kuhlman, carpen- ter; Harry Schrock, farmer. Jenner—@G. B. Coleman, farmer ; Wm K. Heiple, farmer; A. E. Thomas, farmer, Jennertown—E. F. Rice, minister, Lincoln—Jno. BE. Brant, farmer. Meyersdale—Franklin Williams, eci- garmaker; Jno. D. Snyder, miner; G. E. Hammond, retired; Jno. M. Oats, | superintendent ; Jno. Baer, plumber. Milford—Franklin Barkman, farm- er. - Northampton Twp.—W. H. Schiller, farmer. Rockwood—H. E. Miller, merchant; livery- * Salisbury—Levi Lichliter, supt. Somerset—M. K. Lentz, telegraph operator. . Somerset Twp.—J. J. Snyder, farm- er; Pierce Miller, farmer, Stonycreek—Jno. W. Pile, farmer; Jacob M. Knepper, farmer; A. R. Wagner, laborer. Summit—Chas., F. Glessner, labor- er; H. E. Hershberger, farmer; Ira C. Fike, laborer, | Mr. C. W Tressler left on Sunqay | Windber, G. W. McVicker, chant. mer- LINES ON DEATH OF MABEL MAY YOULER. (Mabel May Youler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Youler, born Feb. 5th., 1907; died April "10, 1915. ag- ed 8 years, 2 months and 5 days, at Rockwood.) Mabel, we are sad and lonely, since you have gone from us; And it seems there is no pleasure in this dreary world for us. We loved you yes, we loved you, but Jesus loved you best; And He has called you home from us to a better world to rest. Oh, thou dear one, how we loved thee Oh, how hard to give thee up; But an angel came down for thee and removed thee from our flock. Sad are we that thou art not with us Oh, we miss thee everywhere Toc. Fresh Cut CARNATIONS FREE —Saturday April 24th—— With a 25¢ Box of either : Violet Dulee Talcum Powder Ct. - Trailing Arbutus Taleum Powder round Harmony Carnation Talcum Powder or Rexall Violet Talcum Powder ¥ NewEnciLano One dozen carnations free with a 50c box of Bouquet Jeanice Talcum Powder COLLINS DRUG STORE ‘ tow oF ‘Cu HARTLEY BLOCK, MEYERSDALE, PA. 1 secoscasior Siete ndelinnins SLUR LiL CRURSLSU SLRLR TITS Ie osiery Sale! For One Day Only Satu-day, April 24 Ladies’ 25¢ Hose, All Colors ............. 19¢ ' ibe *' re EL lle 2 10e. * dui aniTe Misses 15¢ Hose, All Colors ......... 11c od 25¢ fe fut ea 19¢ Boys’ “Ie Lina iin aan llc Infant’d5e. .... 0. ei He We tna... 0 ; Te — Men’s 25¢ * All. Colors... ........... He fe 15¢ * $e GE RR | € 10e¢ ee earl cee iE te i0e * ee Mire a Ye This is an opportunity to save some money. The above items are our regular stock. Quality is good. Come In and Satisfy Yourself That ~ These Are Genuine Bargains. Monday, April 26th ~ 10c Bleached Muslin 7c Lancaster Apron Gingham 6c “I. WEINSTEIN THE LOW PRICE STORE. Next to Post Office, Meyersdale, Pa. > State Game Commission. Two of the a bin an - oe covey died en-route. The birds, Which a recent visitor at the home of his 2'¢ 8bPout the size of chickens, will H. Lepley be set at liberty this week in ..the ni ima 7’, woods near Somerset. These birds are protected by law with a heavy Miss Annie Gardner, of Jornsiown (fine for any person killing them. i gsm of por rd The society event of the week week from the home of his sister, Past was the dance given by the Mrs. Charles Plitt. | for the one given by the young men Young ladies of Meyersdale in return | Aged 65 years who had been an invalid for five or six years died on Monday afternoon at his home at Jenners. He had been afflicted with rheumatism. He had been twice mar- ried. He is survived by his second wife and a number of children. Funeral services were held on Wednesday af- ternoon in the Hoffman church and interment was made in the cemetery at that place. At the table, at the fireside stands the lonely vacant chair. Friends' may think we'll soon forget thee, and our wounded hearts be ‘healed, But they little know the sorrow that’s within our hearts concealed. Farewell, dear daughter, a long fare- well Thou hast left us here to weep. Our awful grief, no tongue can tell! ! But sleep gently, sweet spirit, sleep! Mrs. Charles Provens, of Mason- town, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plitt, last week she having come to attend the funeral of her relative, H. R. Fawner. Mrs. F. B. Black is in Washington, D. C. this week, attending the nation- al convention of the Daughters of the Revolution, she being regent of the Great Crossings Chapter. Miss Nan Hocking delightfully en- tertained a number of her friends at her home on Meyers avenue, Mon- day evening. Miss Rose Mitchell, of Oaklandd, Md., was an honor guest. John Cavanaugh, of Homestead, spent a week here at the Union Hotel and was looking up conditions here as he purposes locating in Meyersdale to embark in the butter and eggs bus- moss. | Purity”. The conspiracy of ' generally maintained by parents a- | gainst the questionings of their chil- | recently. The affair was held Tuesday evening in Reich’s auditorium, which was brilliantly lighted and decoratel | for the occasion. The music was fur- | nished by Livengood’s orchestra. | The committee in charge were Misses | Edna Payne, Kdthryn Leonard, Kath- | ryn Meyers, Nell Cover and Florence | Wilmoth. | The Lewistown papers speak very | highly of an address made in that town recently by Mrs. Azubah Jones, | president of the W, C. T. U. in Somer- set county. Her subject was “Social silence | 1 | | | | dren in matters pertaining to the| mysteries of life, relations of the sex- | es and social hygiene, was roundly | ! scored. Save Coupons WE GIVE THEM WITH EVERY CASH PURCHASE When you have accumulated 25 of them return them together with $2.98 in cash, and you will be entitled to one of these handsome 42-Piece Din- ner Sets. We have several patterns for you to select from. AAA ee ee et ee ee ee et ea edie arms See our splendid line of ROOM SIZE RUGS TAPESTRY VELVET, AXMINSTERS AND BODY BRUSSELS. In addition to our stock on hand, we have a line of Samples representing hundreds us dollars worth of fine rugs from which you can make your selection in any size to fit any size room and at less price than you can buy in the cities. -: HARTLEY & BALDWIN, MEY ERSDALE, PA, Understand that this is no-catch penny premium offer, as we are not at- tempting to make you believe that you are getting something for nothings. We are only giving you the opportunity of buying these sets at just what they cost us on a large contract made with the leading pottery of Amer ica. Our Contract does not permit our selilng these except in connection with thec oupons, and one of these sets in a retail store would cost you from $6.00 to $8.00. F. B. THOMAS, Leading Druggist, Both Phones MEYERSDALE. PA, The Store Where Nyal's Remedier are Sold. Agent for Norris Chocolates, . i ONE COUPON IS GIVEN WITH EACH 25 CENT CASH PURCHASE. | tate are requested to make immedi- | ate payment and those having legal | Representatives at claims against the same will present | Wednesday afternoon them without delay in proper form | Williams Local Optios ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. | for settlement to ‘Squire W. H. HAY, Estate of Mrs. Margaret Hersh, tate | Meversdals, Pa. on or before May Of Greenville Township, Somerset 37 1915. County, State of Pennssylvania, | JAS. G. OTT, Administrator. Deceased. All persons indebted to the said es- | By a vote of 128 to 78 the House of Harrisburg oa