The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 22, 1915, Image 1

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, as
Meyersdale Commerrial,
E. M. Berkley, with Home near Town Sees Building Aflame
As He Approaches his Home a tNight. Sounds the
: Alarm and With Buckets Puts Qut Fire.
One hears of barns being burned, | so,
but rarely is it reported that a barn
=..1as beenn afire for fifteen minutes or
longer and then it has been extin-'
guished with an appication of a few
bucketfuls af water. Such was the
experience of Mr. E. M. Berkley who
lives about a mile north of town on
the Berlin road. Some evenings ago,
Mr. Berkley was attending a bank
meeting of the Second National in
town and was on his way home a lit-
tle after ten o’clock and as he ap-
proached to ‘within sight of his
dwellings he noticed a light in the
barp; he thought at first that some one
was in the barn with a lantern, but
as he advanced the light seemed to
be growing brighter, but finally - he
came to realize what he was fearing
that his barn was on fire.
He called for help with all his might
and, running quickly to the stormbarn
where the fire was coming through
the weatherboards and was eating up
the straw in the yard under the roof.
he secured a bucket of water from the
secured a bucket of water from the
nearby pump and dashing its contents
upon the flames,
bucketfuls that he was going to win.
By this time horses and catile were
neighing and bellowing in affright,
.and while there was yet a great deal
of smoke, the fire was conquered. and
it was almost a miracle that it was |
saw after a few perturbed
for everyone knows the high com-
bustibility of dry straw.
There were fifteen head of horses
and about thirty head of cattle that
would have had no way of escape,
had not the fire been detected in time.
While about all of the grain was out
of the barn, there was one large mow
of hay, and a great abundance of
It is believed that the barn was un-
intentionally, though recklessly set on
fire bya tramp, for the next evening,
when one of the boys was throwing
down stram above where ihe fire was
burning, he discovered an empty
whiskey bottle and a place where
Some one had lain down, it is thought
the night before. The supposition is
that a tramp had slept there and in
' connnection with his bitters he light-|
ed his pipe and threw the burning
match down, not caring where it
, went and it landed in some straw and
soon began to smolder and later was
ignited into a flame. It is even
thought that the tramp besotted with
drink and”indifferent to what happen
ed or didn’t happen, remained un-
through the comotion.
All in all it was indeed; a close call
| for that valuable barn and its thou-
sands of dollars of stock. To have es-
caped such a disaster must ever be
a source of gratitude to Mr. Berkley
and his family.
are indeed are those, who as man
and wife start out together in life ‘be-
tween the ages of twenty and twenty-
five years who retain the companion-
ship of each up to three score years.
On Monday , Bishop C. G. Lint and
wife at the parsonage of the Church
of the Brethren received many con-
gratulations from some of their
friends on the occasion of their 60th
: wedding anniversary.
: Both of the venerable couple are
past eighty years and infirmities of’
age are weighing: heavily upon them,
both being ill, and the bishop unable
to leave his bed. For about sixty
years he had proclaimed the gospel.
He was for many years, more than
fifty years the pastor of the local
church. The name Lint was origin-
ally Lind, the same as that of the
"great singer, of Sweden, Jenny Lind |
and in fact those living here descend- |
ed from the same forbears.
Dr.C. T 8 Shaffer, aged about 38!
years, druggist: and surgeon for the!
‘Berwind-White Coal Co. of Windber, !
was almost instantly killed in an au-
tomobile accident two miles ‘north of
Tyrone on Sunday evening. The phy-
sician in company with his broth- |
in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. 3]
McMurray, of Altoona, his brother, |
Sr tu Em
The Firemen’s eighth annual ban-
quet was held last Friday evening
in the reading room of the fire en-
gine house-and was quite a success
not so much from the numbers pres-
ent as that every note of the city band
and every sound of voice had the
right ring.
The City Band under the able lead-
ership, of Prof. C. W. Baldwin, gave
a few fine selections on the street be-
ginning at eight o'clock and then
they very delightfuly filled in the
time in the engine house, for the as-
sembling guests. The decorations in
the dining room were very pretty and
if executed by male hands alone
shows that those of the sterner sex
have some of the aesthetic strain in
their makeup. There were flowers on
the tables, due to the generosity of
Druggist H. L. Collins.
While it was the firemen’s banquet
and was originated and carried on
by them to a sucessful finish, it might
have been called the Firemen-Citi-
zens’ Banquet in which the former
were the hosts and the latter the
All assembled at the dining tables
when Rev. Goughnour asked 8race, about Meyersdals, “The Relation ot | Horner,
following which all prepared to make Christ to the European War,” will be | ried by
themselves ready; there was ample
room for all to be seated except those
Michael Ludden, an outside work-
(man at the Hamilton mine, now op-
erated by Mr. Rowe, at Boynton, and
whose home is on Keystone street,
this place, suffered a concussion of
the brain, caused by falling over a
slate bank on Monday afternoon
which resulted in his death the fol
lowing morning.
Mr. Ludden after accident was able
to arise and walk to the trolley car
coming to his home with but little
assistance, but when he arrived at
the house, he fell unconscious to the
floor and never rallied to conscious-
ness, he dying at five o’clock the next
The deceased was a worthy, in-
dustrious man. He leaves a wife and
five children. He was born in this
state and was aged 34 years, Mr.
Ludden was a member of the Cath-
olic church and high requiem mass
was said at 9a. m. to-day, following
which interment was - made in
Catholic cemetery. The funeral
i conducted by Reich & Son.
the ]
was | Of this fascinating story in our next
'issue. |
S $10.000
Fruit Pealer Damico located second
door below the Second National bank
building’ on Centre street, has close
an extensive real estate transaction
whereby he became the owner of all
y between Miller & Col-
'® and the Colonial hotel. It
dccupied by the Bittner Meat
market, the Lenhart poo! room and
Maust’s Mestaurant. Mr. Damico for
thé present wil continue’ the present
tenants.; The price paid by the new
owner i8 the snug sum of $10,000.
Next week we will start a new seri-
In each 'issue of the Commercial a
page of the wonderful adventures of
the herofne will be given and the fol-
lowing ursday evening the moving
pictures of the same adventures will
be given in the Summer Garden on
Broadway. Walch for the beginning
Five in the Morelli boarding house
Sunday night at Listie, this county,
resulted in theb uilding being blown
to pieces and two children of Angelo
Morelli Ferrie, aged four years and
Arthur aged four months. The tipple
of the Meyersdale Coal Co. was also
months. The tipple of the Meyersdale
Coal Co. was also destroyed.
All of the twelve boarders and the
members of the Morelli family, with
the exception of Mrs. Morelli, .had re-
tired for the night, nearly .mid-
night. An oil lamp exploded and one
of the rooms almost instantly became
a mass of flames.Then them istake was
made that cost the lives of the chil-
dren and injury to four of the others.
the flames by other means,
was thrown on the burning oil and
the flames greatly spread. It is
thought that the burning oil ran down
a crack in the floor and reached the
oil can and then a keg of powder in
the cellar. besides several sticks of
dynamite. The explosion of the pow-
der was followed by the explosion of
the dynamite and the burning build-
ing was in a moment a mass of ruins.
It is believed that the children were
killed by the explosion and that they
Instead of attemptng to extinguish *
water |
rt ————————————
suffered mo pain. Their charred bod.
ies were found in the ruins.
For miles around people heard the
explosion and soon hundreds were at
the scene. The boarders not injured
lin the letgo used sheer force in pre-
| venting Morelli from rushng into the
ruins in an effort to save his children,
‘notwithstanding that he had already
been injured so badly that the out-
come may be n doubt. Flying glass
thrown by the explosion had cut the
man in a dozen places. The _ three
boarders were injured in a similar
manner but not so seriously.
In a remarkably short time and be-
fore the-shinjurdd boarders could do
anything to prevent it, the flames
spread to the tipple of the Meyers-
dale coal company by whch all of the
men are employed and in less than
half hour that structure was in ruins.
A call for aid was sent to Meyersdale
and fire apparatus was started for
ot tn but it was stopepd when half
of the distance was covered, as no
other buildings were in danger. The
| total loss to Morelli and the coal com-
pany will be in the neighborhood of
$10,000. All that the family had was
{invested in the house and contents
[2nd they are now in a destitute condi-
| tion.
On Sunday evening, May 2, the
third of the Bi-monthly Sunday even-
ing Union Meetings of the Meyers-
dale churches for 1915, will be held
in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran
| church. Dr.,A. E. Truxal, the pastor
|of Amity. Reformed church, will
| breach the sermon of the evening. He
{ has chosen for his subject one that
| should interest every person in and
the subject discussed. The fact that
Miss Stella Tomlinson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tomlinson, of
Buffalo Mills, and William Oran
Duppstadt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
| Duppstadt, of Stonycreek Township,
| were married by the Rev. I Hess
| Wagner, pastor of Trinity Lutheran
{ church.
| Mrs. Lucy Fleegle, daughter of Mr.
| dnd Mrs. Samuel Rose, and John
| Horner, son of Mr, and Mrs. John A.
both of Windber, were mar-
Justice of the Peace Ww. J.
| Vickroy.
| Miss Mary Elizabeth King, daughter
: : : 3 : ill
i un rs | who did the serving. All told there | this timely and important subject wi jo Mr. and Mrs. William Domer. King
ber, were" driving towards
from a visit to Phillipsburg.
‘When near Vail station, Dr. Shaffer
who was driving the car, seemed to
lose control of it. He made an =
to skirt another car on a narrow road
and in doing so drove his machine
into a deep ditch, turning the car over
three times, completely demolishing
it. Dr. Shaffer was picked up in an
unconscious condition and died within
a few minutes. The car had just been
purchased Saturday by Dr. Shaffer.
His wife died three years ago.
Orders were received at the office
of Superintendent Charles A. Steiner,
of the Western Maryland Railway, in
Cumberland, from the general offices |
in Baltimore to begin work last Mon- |
day morning for the construction of |
a spur connecting
§ company with the Somerset ang Cam-
“bria Branch of the Baltimore sai
Ohio at Rockwood. This follows the
turning over of the coal trade in the |
11 and Jenner fields from the
more and Ohio to the WwW stern
for similar work in the Rairmont
of the Consolidation Coal Co.
orders were also received for sur- | ¢
must have been nearly 100 present.
The menu, while i mayhave lacked
in some of the excrescences of the | make this meeting one of the best in |
so-called finer menus, was not wanting
in the basal parts as heaped high in
the centre with barely sufficient cir-
cumference {0 contain the part allot-
ted lavishly to each, being sour crout,
wieners biscuit etc; after having
done your duty by one of these plates,
ice cream, cake and coffee made a
complete meal, and you had your ap-
petite satiated and without much fuss.
Mr. George W. Collins, the town’s
always dependable toastmaster was
preseni and very happily elicited the
best in those who were called upon
to speak. The ball was very signif-
icantly started rolling when the chair-
man called for a standing rising three
cheers for our brave unselfish fire-
men and the challenge was responded
to most lustily. The toastmaster sug- BO es Seoiered ane dis,
the line of that | gested that next year things be re- | 311Y1DE =
versed and hosts and guests trade
Toasts or remarks were responded
to by Mr. W. H. Deeter, Pres. of the
Department; Cashier R. H.
mn, Rev. H. L. Goughnour, May-
88, Mr. George Donges, Rditors
ngood and Cleaver. Reference
made by different speakers to
*in th
Nestor of the
will, no doubt
| be discussed by the
| Meyersdale ministers,
the entire series. All persons should
{plan to attend.
heroic and commendable work or the
firemen at the late conflagration. The
| volunteer fire fighter was pretty well
| though not adequately discussed. To
| show the fire laddies some practical
appreciation of their services, a col- |
lection was taken up and what was
| collected that night and subsequently
raised it is thought that about
will be realized.
R. H. Philson, F. J. Thomas and J.
J. Bowser were appoined a commit-
| tee to solicit subscriptions from those
| citizens outside of those present.
| About eleven o'clock, an adjourn-
with each
the idea that a
{touch of nature makes the whole
it world kin.
officers of the Fire
follows: W. H. D
urer, Fred F
38 mpbell; secretary,
e leading
hearing of rumors of peace
rar times.
of Westmoreland county, and Chas.
| Irvin Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Klein, of Somerset Township, were
married at Somerset by the Rev. I.
| Hess Wagner.
| » Miss Mabel L. Barnhart, daughter
lof Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Barnhart,
|of Coleman, and Stewart M. Dickey,
|son of Mr. and Mrs. John William
| Diekey, of Friedens, were married
|at Friedens by the Rev. J. C. McCar-
| ney, pastor of the Lutheran church.
{ Mrs. Mary Williams, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John James, and David
$100 | Griffith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas | tp
{ Griffith, both of Jerome, were mar
ried at Jerome by Justice of the
| Peace Joseph Kuhlman.
Miss Viola Grace Friedline, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fried-
{line,. and John I. Holder, son of Mr.
| and Mrs. Isaac Holder, both of Jen-
ner Township, were married at Jen-
|nertown, by the Rev. John W. Al
| bertson.
The local order of Odd Fellows
preaching s
day evening at the Lutherar
ivered by
Michael and
Short addreses will be d
the paster, Rev. D. Ww.
iRev. A. S. Kresge.
Several persons, mostly in the vi-
cinity of Salisbury have been arrest-
ed the past few days for violation of
the game and fish laws.
Constable Harvey E. Bittner made
the arrests on information made by
F. B, Whitman, state game protect-
er and the cases were heard before
Squire Hay, of Meyersdale.
Christ Bowers and Albert Baker,
{of Boynton were charged with using
| explosives in fish. They filled bond for
la hearing in the near future. , the
amount of bond being $300.
Robt. Livengood, a young man of
——— ———. Sika tm
i Mrs. -Mary Jane Heronimus, aged
| 75 years, widow of S. M. Heronimus,
died very suddenly last Saturday at
| Davis, W. Va, Surviving are one son,
| Robert, of Davis and three daughters—
| Mrs. H. E. Heinbaugh, Thomas, W.
| Va., Mrs. W. M. Faw, also of Davis;
and Mrs. Jno. B. ‘Dailey, of McRoberts
Kentucky Mrs. Heronimus was well
known in Meyersdale as she fre-
, quently visited her daughter, Mrs. J.
|B. Dailey, when the latter resided
'here on Meyers avenue,
Who grew to manhood in Green-
ville township, ‘this county, and lat.
er attended school at Valparaiso, in
Indiana, died on Saturday at Kansas
City, Kan. on Saturday, aged 63 years.
Twelve years ago he visited in this
section and he has many relatives
living in Somerset county. Miss Al.
ice Lin, of Meyersdale is a sister;
Simon S. Lint, of Hooversville and
Frank Lint, of Greenville township,
are brothers.
Died at her home in Windber, April
14, aged 75 years from a complication
of diseases. These children survive:
Hugh, of Hooversville; John, of Pitts-
burg; Adam, Portage and James .at
home. Mrs. Brown was a devoted
member of the Presbyterian church.
The remains were interred in the
East End cemetery by the body of her
husband who died last February.
Aged 36 years, died at her home
near Trent, on April 5. She is sur
vived by her husband and four
small children; also by her parents,
five sisters and four brothers. The
funeral was held at the Brethren
church, Rev. H. Kimmel officiating.
Interment in the family cemetery.
Mrs. Alice Lohr Wechtenheiser,
widow of Johm Wechtenheiser, died
at her home in Central City, April 16
in her 69th year. She is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. John Gordon and three
sons. Frank, William and George, all
of Central City. Deceased was born
near Stoyestown and was a member
of theU nited Brethren church.
A son of the late Henry
near Jennerstown, died, at this home
in Johnstown, Monday, from Bright's
disease, aged 55 years. For over 20
years he has been a successful prac-
titioner in Johnstown. His wife and
one daughter survive. Interment at
Jennertown on Wednesday mcrning,
Governor Brumbaugh has signed
e Crow bill authorizing the game
commissioners to close any county
| for - hunting deer, elk, squirrels, wild
| turkey, quail, ring-necked pheasant,
| Hungarian quail as may appear nec-
essary to citizens of the county. This
act repeals the act of 1913, but the
| counties closed under it may remain
j closed to hunting upon the petition
| of 200 citizens.
Rauch, of
and wife, at-
ent f the ins
{ entered pleas of
| Rupple. Killen
[to jail for
fined $50 a
fine of
His wife was
Several Persons From Salisbury Arrested and Fined Before
Squire Hay in Meyersdale.
Uudersized Trout in
Used Explosives, Had
Possession Etc.
Salisbury was fined $20 for fishing on
Sunday. He had been misinformed,
and did not know that he was liable
' Clarence Garlitz, of West Salisbu-
‘ry confessed to having in his poss-
| ession five brook trout undersized
{and was fined $50.
! Clarence Swatzwalter, of Ww. Sal-
| isbury, pleaded guilty to shooting a
| wild duck out of season and was fin-
| ed $10.
Several other prosecutions involy-
| ing large fines, for similar violations
| are now pending and wild be shortly
"brought to trial.
$140,000 COAL
Among the realty deals in Somer-
' set County recently recorded at Som-
| erset is that showing a conveyance
| of coal land from Mahlon W. Keim
| Sr. to the Scalp Level Coal Mining.
| Company for a consideration of
: $140,000.
| Other deals recorded are as follows:
| Peter Lohr to Elias Crissey, Que-
| mahoning Township, $61; Elias Cris-
sey to Robert P. Crissey, Hoovers-
| ville, $1,500; Franklin W. Schmucker
to Edward H. Schmucker, Somerset
Township, $4,500; M. B. Smith to Ra-
,chael Noon, Windber, $335; William
Ip Geddes to Blanche K. Poorman,
Windber, $2,500: Arbert Wentz' to
! Tena, Seese, Paint Township, $2,350;
; William H. Bruner to John W. Bar-
(clay, Jefferson Twp. $2,500; Geo. Rok
to Banks Lumadue, Paint Twp. $70;
Willis Wingard to Geo. Rok, Paint
Twp. $110; Adam Lehman to Mary
Jones, Paint Twp., $50; Geo. B. Kalp-
enbaugh to Jacob Kalpenbaugh,
Paint Twp., $150; Casper Wahl to
J. P. Smearman, Salisbury $1,075;
Simon P. Naugle to Andrew Ander-
son, Windber, $350; Henry J. Menser
to Effie M. Dixon Somerset $2,750:
Adalaine Lape to Geo. W. Pritts, Mil-
ford Twp. $600; Wm. S. Kennel to
David J Ansell, Milford Twp., $700;
| Catherine Critchfield to David Ansell
| Milfora Twp., $700; Jno. Prunia to
| Embrus Dida, Jenner Twp.. $130;
Henry S. Schell to Mahlon W. Keim,
St orione Twp., $1.; Chas. P. Myers
| to Annie I, Myers, Meyersdale, $1;
| Wilmore Coal Co. to Mt. Coal Co. in
| Conner Twp. $1; Mahlon A.
| Berkey to Wm. Penrod Windber,
| $1750; Albert Flick to Sol. Ashe, in
Jefferson Twp. $1778; David Fuller’s
heirs to Herbert W. Jones, W. Sal-
| isbury, $1775; Israel Bruner to Park
| L. Bruner, Milford Twp. $7,000;
| _——
| The will of Flora E. Coffin, late of
| Jenner Twp. was probated on Mon-
| day. She made the following cash be-
quests: To her sister, Missouri L
| Groff, $100; to her brother, James @.
| Coffin, $100; to brother, Edw. P.
| Coffin, $100; to her brother, Wm. A
| Coffin, $500 in trust for the payment
jof certain sums to individuals and
charities as to which he has been in-
| structed. She leaves the balance of hr
| estate to her brother, Wm, A. Coffin,
| who is appointd executor. The will
| was dated Nov. 18, 19911 and witness-
|ed by Park Hoffman and Jno. Hoft-
{ man.
H. R. Fawner, late of Meyersdale
|made cash bequests as follows: Mrs,
| Chas. Plitt, $400; Chas. Plitt $100;
| Mrs Belle Hoffmeyer $400: Albert
| Fawner, $5; Lizzie Fawner (divore-
|ed wife of the testator) $1.He di-
| rects that the balance of his proper-
| ty shall be divided equally a-
| mong Mrs. Chas. Plitt, Chas. Plitt
| and Mrs. Belle Hoffmeyer. Mrs. Plitt
[is named as executor. The will was
| dated July 18, 1913 and witnessed by
Robert Willimas and W. H. Hay.
Esther Lowry, late of Shade Twp.
directs that her estate shall be equal-
ly divided among Herman Lowry,
Mary Cook, Susan Lohr, Minnie Mil-
ler and Miss Rella Miller. Testatrix’s
Herman Lowry
ira M er Are appointed 1 I'S.