The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 15, 1915, Image 8

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Miss Verda Mae Brant, who -has
been spending the Easter vacation
with her parents, Mr. ad Mrs. W. L.
Brant, hag returned to resume her
studies at Hood College, Frederick,
C. W. Weimer and Prof. Carver are
doing jury duty at Samerset this
William Walker, assistant cashier
at the First National Bank, has pur-
chased a new Buick touring car.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rector, of
Ralphton, visited friends and rela-
tives here for several days the fore
part of the week.
J. H. Herzog was a Meyersdale vis-
tor Saturday night.
W. J. Currie, second trick operator
at GA tower and local Chairman of the
0. R. T., spent the fore part of the
week in Baltimore on matters pertain
ing to O. R. T. business.
Dr. W. R. McClellan this week pur-'
chased a 1915 Model Buick runabout
from the Somerset Auto Company.
Mrs. W. E. Van, who was taken to
Cottage State Hospital, Connellsville,
early Wednesday morning to be oper-
ated on for appendicitis, is improved.
Mrs. Herman McClintock, of Me-
Keesport, was a caller in town the
first of the week owing to the serious
illness of her mother, Mrs. John Ryle.
W. J. B. Merrill, who had been
spending the Easter vacatin with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Merrill,
left Monday for Lancaster, where he
is a student.
Hubert Devore is this week putting
in a pool and billiard parlor in con-
nection with his bowling alleys.
Roy Christner, of Blaine, W. Va.
spent Sunday .here with his father,
Austin Christner.
Mrs. Reeves Hill has returned to her
home in New Castle , after visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Black
for several days.
Lloyd, the eight year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Jeffries, was taken
to the hospital at Connellsville It is
thought he will have to be operated
on for an abcess in the side. The
boy’s mother and Dr. H. P. Meyers
accompanied him. !
Catherine Butler, who has been liv-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Marcelus Bura-
‘worth at Johnson’s Chapel for sever-
al months, has gone to her home in
Mrs. John Havner, an aged lady of
this place, who recently suffered with
an attack of grip, is improving.
Amos Prevere, street commissioner,
with a force of men, is doing some
work on the state road through the
borough. :
8. B. Snyder of Meyersdale, was a
business called here Friday.
The members of the high school
graduating class are making prepara-
tions for a home talent play in the
near future.
David Cronin shows great improve-
‘ment in his serious illness.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Le Constance is recovering from
A regent illness.
Mrs. Patrick Hogan, who brought
the body of her husband here for
burial this week from Chicago, re-
turned to her home Friday.
Mrs. Kirstensteiner is able to be up
and about the house, and Mrs. Herbert
Harding is also convalescing.
Sunday School was well attended as
was the preaching at Keystone Junc-
tion last Sunday by Rev. D. W. Mich-
Mrs. John Whitford on Sunday suf-
fered a severe paralytic stroke and
her condition is quite critical. |
Rev. Wm. Howe will preach in the
Glade City schoolhouse next Sunday |
From imperfect vision and
| are called dull in studies. We
give careful attention to the
fitting of Children’s study
glasses, assuring good results
in all cases.
Bring Your Child in For *
| an Eye Examination.
. The Optometrist Optician.
will have her
Summer Millinery Opening
Friday and Saturday
Of the present week.
Wm. Stein and family moved from
the stone house to Roumania on Sat- | Dennis Bell to John O. Gindlesperg-
| urday. er, Jenner twp., $4,300; Peter Knavel
Henry Meyers spent Sunday at the to Willis C. Knavel, Paint Borough,
' home of Elmer Walker in Larimer $100; Edward Murphy to W. E.
| township. . Specht, Shanksville, $100; J. G. Kim-
Mrs. Henry Engle spent several $900; Peter Knavel to Willis C. Kna-
days of last week in Frostburg, Mg. vel Paint Borough, $325; Howard
| Mr. John Tressler and family. o ¢ | Walker to Earl L. Walker, Brothers-
i valley twp.$2,500; Ross Bowman to
Meyersdale spent Sunday at the home :
of C. W. Tressler. {Earl L. Walker to Howard Walker,
i Brothersvalley twp. $2,500; Bdward
Henry Suder and son, Gorman, A :
Bauermaster to C. L. Maust,
, Spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. lersvalley twp., $9,500: Ross K. En
Suder’s parents at Deal. |
$2,000; Stewart H. Miller to Daisy
Kenney, Somerset, $135: Albert Nau-
gl to Ira J. Naugle, Paint twp. $5,000;
Emily J. Meyers’ heirs to Laura
Died on Monday at the Mercy Hos- {Jane Law, Wellersburg, $550; Urias
pital, Johnstown, after an operation | Firl to Ellen C Lindeman, Summit
for an affection of the glands of the ion $1; William H Speicher to Ho-
neck. Mrs. Hummel had resided former E Swartz, Stoyestown, $3,700;
a time with her sister, Mrs. W. 8.1 1 Baio § J. Ball, Berlin, $2,000; |
Griffith, Johnstown. Deceased was the Michael C Maurer to Royal C.
"low o Millard Hummel and was a Rhoades, Jenner twp. $1; Wm. F.
native of Jenner township, For a
number of years she lived at Rhivedes © Wn H. alexander, Que
B | mahoning twp $3,000; Jerome Mar-|
set where her husband was the man- | chetti to Jos. Polemont, Jenner Twp.,
ager of the old Somerset Creamery | o, 600; J. R. Hemminger to Ada M
before his death. For a time Mrs. ' Foltz Somerset $1; Samuel Dizon
jRumme grape id The lto D. L. Calahan, Windber $1700: H.
ny. : “| C. Umberger to Jno. Vick
vived by two daughters, Misses Nelle | 2 BO iohortn, Shane
ad Mas fa Lath rs {two $120; Edw. Herrick to Samuel
n gare: Hummel, al Nome; IWO | rerrick, Somersct Go. $10; Daniel
sisters, Mrs. Nell Griffith, he : 2
i YI Dr WS chifin Mig [to W. H. Petenbrink ,Hooversville,
[vite o T s.r 2 ally, Miss | $850; Matilda E. Betzler to Lewis Ha-
Lucile Sipe, who also lives at the | : : ; :
i bernicht, Ursina, $800; Louise Sech-
| Griffith home and by one brother, J.|. :
M. Sipe. The body Was faker to Soi i ler’s heirs to Geo. W. Ohler, Som. twp
go, Pe res 0 $6,500; Jacob Spiegel to R. F. Hammer
Jenner twp., $2,000; Jerome Stufft to
| Annie E. Metzgar, Quemahoning twp.,
$100; Frank S. Croyle to Geo. Mec-
| Garry, Somerset twp., $6,000; David
A prominent resident of Somerset,
% *
| field to Josephine Snyder, Rockwood, |
How Long will it Take You to Earn
At four Present Salary?
We doubt very much if there is one of the contes
tants in the Piano Contest earning more than $600.00 per
year working from from eight to ten hour per day.
's Yet here is an opportunity that we are offering to
these same contestants, or to any person who desires to
take advantage of it, an oppartunity to earn the equivalent -
of $600.00 in six months working only one or two hours
per day at the very most.
"J You cannot hope to win the Piano
' or many of the Grand Prizes
he unless eT
You are active in the sale of
Trade Books.
Remember that the sale of each book brings to the
club that sells it 75,000 votes before it is ever used, and
5.000 additional when the back is turned in. Ten books
would net you 760,000 votes this would certainly give
your standing a boost -: Sn
Then what about the special sales?
‘The purchase of one dollar’s worth
of sale merchandise on Wednes-
day gives the purchaser 11,000
=0a lm
Next Wednesday's Sale
Apnl 21st
ladies” House Dresses
Hartley, Clutton Co.
x Meyersdale,
“Everything New That's Good”
: White z
afternoon at 3 o'clock and he will also {died at that place on Monday night, : i
preach each week day evening at a- i aged 71 years, death being due to liv- Anger » nis o> Mier Milford twp
bout 7:8 Oo’clock. A very cordial in- er trouble. He was a son of Benja- ; Jonor te Eon if io rey umn
vitation is extended to the people of min Woolley, for many years a prom- N Criss Hooversvillc $3 000- va
the community to be present. i inent resident of the county seat and pic E Sterner’s admin. to Tose BE
The Mankamyer Bros. who by call- | Was a veteran of the Civil war. Mr. Keller. Black twp $825: Wm A Dic.
ing are carpenters are now turning, Woolley was twice married, both to Chas. R Stuydor Gucnsshonti
their attention to matters agricultural , wives being dead. For a number of | wp $12 000: Wm A Dickeon to ng
having begun plowing on the John years he was a dealer in tombstones | sia A Dickson GUtrnior is tv
Merschbecher farm. , and monuments and did paving work | $450: Sim Baker 6 Samuel Er
A. W. Bittner has struck coal on 20d more recently was health OFH0eT | borser. Elk Lick twp., $13,500: Wm
his farm by the state road about 69 Cf the borough. The surviving child-| Platter to W. H. Fritz, Summit
feet beneath the surface; he has a 'TeR are—Virgil J, Miss Daisy Bnd | iD $310; Millard W. Walker to W.
pump propelled by a gasolene en. Nellie, the latter the wife of Consta- |» Fritz, Summit twp., $10,000: Levi
gine and the cars to convey the coal , ble Schrock, all of Somerset and | 2
3 | Lee to Harriet Wetmiller, Summitt
to the surface are to be operated by ; H2IT¥, of Chicago. twp. $180; Harriet Wetmiller to W. H.
the same power. This will make al
Fritz, Summit twp. $375; Isabella
very convenient place for loading for | MRS. MARY TIPTON; . | Fritz to C. D. Fritz, Garrett, $2800;
this town. ” ¢ Mrs. Mary Tipton died ADH! 2, at Emanuel Long to W. H. Fritz, Garrett
her home near Somerset, aged 34 yrs. g nn ?
gr .
VIM ! Tuberculosis caused her death. She | $1700; Simon W. Fritz to Chas. D.
Henry Brown and family moved is survived by her husband, her fath- | Fritz, Brothersvalley twp. $7,000; W.
H. Fritz to Benj. G. Bittner, Garrett
f | »
on Tuesday from the McKenzie pro- | €T (Jacob Sauter of Johnstown), and $1300.
perty into Henry Meyers’ house and | the following named caildren: How
Henry Meyers moved in with his bro- | ard, Charles, James and Marion. |
ther, Martin. |
W. W. Nicholson accompanied CC.
BE. Deal to Grantsville, Md., on Tues-
day of last week.
C. W. Tressler drove to Somerset
on Thursday of last week, returning’
the same day.
DEATH OF CHILD. 3 5 Logis has pan furnished
Mabel, the little five-year-old daugh- a ros y with a good line of merchan-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yowler, of | fie i ap "
Shamrock, died at the Somerset wi € pretty well repre-
Markleton | ted 1 dh
Sanatorium, Saturday morning, as the | Sente Tom aroun ore.
i result of typhoid fever.
George Fike who has been working
| at Davis, Md. arrived home on Sat-
Full pound can salmon for 10 cts at | Urday evening to do some farming for
Bittner’s Grocery. | J. G. McClintock.
Sm ———— |
Mrs. Norman Hechler and daughter |
of east Meyersdale, spent Monday at
the home of C. W. Tressler.
ook suddenly
Mrs. H. Morrison and two children
Loose sweet pea and nasturtium | of Confluence w
- e guests of her sis-
seed at Habel & Phillips. | ter, Mrs. 1
Men will be fashionably shod if they wear
any one of Tom & Jim’s new spring and sum-
i mer styles in Black, White or Russet.
Women will be fashionably shod if they wear
a pair of Tom & Jim’s Exclusive styles in Col-
lonial Pumps and Tailor Tops in the colors
above mentioned.
We also have the prettiest line of Baby Doll and Mary Jane pumps for Misses, Chil-
dren and growing girls, thet was ever shown in the town. -:- :
Meyersdale, Penn’a
SA at rn sm mA
mm A
i ‘Elias McClintck from the Cove in
Maryland visited his parents, Mr. | John Engle, when not working in| In our ‘last week’s issue mention
and Mrs. J. G. McClintock on Sunday. | the mines, is busily employed in|was made of the political candidacy
! W. A. Bird, our supervisor, of near plowing lots. of Edward Hoover, of Somerset, as
; Listonburg, was doing some work On| Farmers of this community are being inthe race for Sheriff. The
ithe roads last week. | busy preparing the soil for planting | Statement was in error and should
Mrs. J. G. McClintock spent a |oats. * |have been that Mr. Hoover is a can-
couple of ‘days last week at Vickha-| Jonn A Lepley, of Carigansville, | 1ldate for County Treasurer.
ven: visiting her mother, who is sick. Md., was visiting his parents, Mr. Se Eh
ST. FALL | and Mrs. A. C. Lepley, over Sunday. oe ie public schools
d . { close onday after a very success-
Miss Emma Christner, of Meyers- | The Reformed Sunday School meets ful term. About 260 re enrolled
| :30 a. m. S y :
dale, was visiting her parents, Mr. | at 9:30 a. m. Sunday | during the term, this being the high.
Miss Florence Engle is working for
H. G. Lepley’s.
and Mrs. Norman Christner. om > cher and | Mr.’ dnd Mrs; est number of scholars ever attend-
Gladys Sipple is confined to her b | Alex. Bpe closed their sugar | ing the schools there. Profs. Vernon
Gladys Sipple § o he 9 er bed | camps a he week. | Naugle and Claude Welch will open
due to a complication arising from | Born . and Mrs. Washington | teachers’ normal school, April
scarlet fever. Bockas, a boy 19
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