The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 08, 1915, Image 1

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Substantial Check Sent Them From Philadel-
phia to be Used as Prizes in Pig Raising
Die Hausenfrauen are giving a lo-
cation to Somerset county in general
and to Meyersdale and vicinity in
particular in that the governor of the
state is taking notice of their plans
and aspirations As stated in the ac-|
count of the last proceedings of this
ladies’ unique organization, Die
Hausenfrauen are now giving some
attention to the pork industry. To
be more explicit, each member has
adopted a pig and this much accom-
plished the race has begun, to see
who can cause her pig to take on the
greatest number of pound of flesh by
a certain time next fall or winter. «
Hausenfrauen, contest, to be known as The Govern- The report was accepted. - - i
The doings of Die
some of whom are personal friends
of Governor Brumbaugh, came to the
latter's ears and he being interested
in the thrift characteristic of the
Pennsylvania Dutch, and as some of
the same blood is in his own veins,
he is anxious to show his apprecia-
tion of the work of Die Hausfrauen.
Not wishing openly to be too prom-
| inent in the movement, he conferred
with one of his distinguished friends,
the Honorable John Gribbel, now pres
ident of the Union League, of Phil-
adelphia, a man of intellectual attain-
ments, wealth and influence and as a
result a substantial check came from
the latter gentlemen a few days ago,
sent to Mrs. Frank Black, one of the
most actve spirits of the order, bear-
ing with it the request that the same
be applied to prizes in the pig raising
or Brumbaugh prizes.
This interest on the part of the chief
executive of the state and that of one
Philadelphia’s most prominent citi-
(zen ought to give added zest to
this contest.
The Pennsylvania Suffragists have
cornered the seed market so far as it
applies to yelldw flowers. The state |
president says the association has e-
nough seed to supply 10,000 gardens.
Hon. S. A. Kendall has gone to
San Francisco, Cal., to attend the an-
nual convention of the Navy League
of the United States, as the personal!
representative of Gov. Brumbaugh.
Somerset County sportsmen are
keeping in‘close touch with the leg-
islative program at Harrisburg, and:
are backing the bills endorsed by
£1 ~qonferences of organized sportsmen
ental a ‘number of organiza-
M. Gnagey hae sold his
inWest Summit township to his
two sons, Norman and Alva, the lat-
ter taking 100 acres, and the former
the remainder of the 234 1-2,except
a few acres reserved by the father
for a home in his declining years.
Roy Foster was badly cut at an
Easter Monday celebration, near
Hooversville, at the Stonycreek mine
settlement. A number of stiches were
useed by Dr. Gilder to close an ugly
wound above the stomach! His as-
sailant has disappeared.
The sawmill of Winfield S. Wal.
located on the D. W. Seibert
farm about three miles from Somer-
set, was destroyed by fire Mouday
evening, causing a loss of about
$2,000. A large quantity of sawed
lumber Was saved by the hard work
of the - men.
—— “Lorentz,
prietor of the Central hotel,
his sister and niece have moved to
their home at the upper part of North |
street.P. J. McGrath, the new land-
lord, who has leased the hotel for
five years, will renovate the entire
building and in the near future make
a number of improvements. He has
been for years an experienced hotel
man in Cambria and Somerset coun-
the former pro-
The following is the program for a!
farmers’ institute to be held at the
Breastwork schoolhouse, Shade town-
ship, Saturday evening, April 10, at
8 o’clock:“Does It pay to Use Fertili-
zer?” D W. Berkebile; “What Breed
of Cattle is the Most Profitable for
the Farm?” W. L. Powell and R. M.
Slick; “Dairying” Russell ‘Wagner;
“Profitable Hog Raising,” James Bu-
chanan and C. D. Berkebile; “Raising
Colts,” John Croyle. All are invited.
The United States District Court
has transferred the bankrupt estate
of Oswalt C. Gates from Altoona to
Somerset, of which Attorney H. KF.
Yost is referee, where his estate will
h be settled by J. H. Moore, the trus-
tee. When Mr. Gates became a bank-
rupt, he gave his address as Altoona,
when in fact nearly all of his debts
were contracted in: this county,
where he had been engaged in the
lumber business. This decision trans-
ferring the matter to this county
will be welcomed by the large num-
of creditors.
Golden Loaf o
at $2.00 per la
day’s market bel &
arge bag
Two sisters, one well known
lin this place, died but two days apart,
at Boise Station, near Pittsburg, last!
week. They were Mrs. Wm. Kind, |
who passed away Tuesday afternoon
and Miss Mary Eichor, on Thursday
morning, both deaths being due to
pneumonia. '
Miss Eicher, previous to about a
| year ago, was a resident of Meyers- |
: dale, living in the home of her sister,
Mrs. DeLauter. While here she was
very active in church work, being a
member of the Methodist church.
She was an invalid from spinal trou
ble. Rev. Neeld, her pastor while
was living in Meyersdale and he too
vices on Thursday morning for both
the deceased, though Miss Eicher
was not buried until the day after
her sister had been laid away to rest,
the one being buried on Thursday and
the other on Friday .Mr. Wm. Kind
survivés his wife as do the one sis-
ter, Mrs. DeLauter, and 3 brothers.
The services in Amity Reformed
church last week were well attended
On Wednesday night every seat in the
[church was occupied. On Thursday
| evening extra chairs had to be brought
in and on Friday eveing still more
seats had to be provided and some
| persons had tos tand during the servi-
ces. On Sunday morning and evening
the Holy Communion was adminis-.
tered to large congregations.
During these meetings four infants '
were baptized, six adults were bap-
tized, thirty-four persons were con-
firmed as full members of the church,
three were received on renewal and
seven on certificates. The congrega-
tion seemed to have been spiritually
| revived by the series of Easter ser-
| vices. Class No. 9 had the altar and
chancel neatly decorated with palms
and Easter lilies.
The Meyersdale shirt factory is run-
ning in earnest now with bright pros-
pects for the future. Twenty girls are
now employed and the manager, Mr.
Isadore Weinstein, expects to grad-
ually increase the force until the pre-
sent roll of employes is doubled.
Brethren Church: Sunday, Aprillil,
the Men's Federation will meet at
9:30 a. m. There will be preaching
both morning and evening. The sub-
ject of the evening sermon will be,
“How to Become Crank Proof.” All
are cordially invited. H. L. Gough-
Hammond dairy .feed .$1.50 .per
large 100 Ibs bag. Good for cows,
horses or hogs. Best feed on the mar-
ket for the money. Habel & Phillips.
The number of men who applied to
our police department for shel
ing the month of March aggregated
These were by ng
ere men 1
t number
ional wan
of them w st of
. The hi 1 lodg
; for any
{ciated Press, while a
Dt garbled it so that it read
was here, conducted the funeral ser-'
Iter dur- |
The regularm onthly meeting of
Town Council was held on Tuesd:
evening with the following member
in attendance:—Messrs. Dia, Saylo
Staub, Bauman, and Emeigh; abse
The minutes of the
meeting were approved. t
Mr. Younkin appeared before cous:
cil in referencesto an open ditel
which causes the water to dam over
their land. The matter was reforrex
to the street committee. :
W. H. Klingaman, Health Officer,
last regu
taken as it is the property of ae
Meyersdale Planing Mill Co.
The Burgess’ Report for Marchig
‘| nated a Prohibition—Liquor meeting
| was held in the lecture room adjoin-
| | sized audience turned out. 3
v- the liquor interests. Many people be-
§ cause of the oddity of the idea that
‘What might properly be denomi-
Quite a good-
The circulars announcing this and
other similar meetings in the county
stated that the Prohibition speaker
was being supported by The National
Prohi. League, the inference being that
his opponent was being abetted by
Handle Factory to to be Laun Launched Next Week
in the C. E. Deal Mill. Messrs. Deal and
Snider Back of the Enterprise.
Happy is the town that has many
small industries instead of only a
large one. Meyersdale , next week, is
to launch what promises to be anoth-
er substantial enterprise.
For some time Messrs. Wm. Deal
and Harry Snider, of this place, have
been planning the establishing of a |
two antagonistic forces should be’
traveling the country over together,
Fines and license for the month, 39:
the same being paid to the treasurer.
Wire and poles reported in goo &
‘condition, with the exception of on
' pole near the brewery which had be
replaced o the 5th of March. O
water plug corner Centre and Cla}
| streets in defective condition b
| water was used on March 18th at t
{ Donges Fire from 5 to 10 o’cloc
{one plug on Main street near sch
i building out of order, would =n
| work
Continued on 4th PRtinusd on ti page,
! Recently the Meyersdale Minister-
we are allowed to speak in a sort of
an editorial way, right here, are not!
fof that opinion.
‘The speakers were Mr. W. M. Li-
kens, of Uniontown , long connected |
“with the Prohibition movement, and
4 Mr. J. C. Young, a lecturer, both some
fyears back of Kentucky, being native
“to that state.
: was
t That Prohibition is impracticable, un |
9 3 American and
The question discussed |
stated’ negatively— Resolved, |
Mr. |
speaker |
Young who was the first
: is a man of fine physique and strong
er voice, while his opponent, is a man
. of slight frame, with no bearing of Mr. Scott Earl Moser, son of Mr. and
the orator; besides his voice ‘was
handle factory. To start with they
had a large 100 foot room in length !
and of ample width in the C E Deal
mill, just above the B & O railroad.
regarded the affair as being a farce, | The present week has witnessed the |
tor that the whole affair was under | unloading of about twelve machines |
I'the control of the liquor men. But, if |
with a half dozen electric motors.
Already considerable hickory lum-
, ber, brought here from North Caroli-
'na, is in stock.-The firm purposes
On Easter Sunday, at noon, Miss
Anna C. Davis, eldest daughter of
James L. Davis, of Summit Mills, and
Mrs. Wm. N. Moser, of near Elk Lick,
| ial Association published a resolu- | lacking in resonance, being weak and | Were united in marriage at the home
tion to the effect that the memb
tion to the effect that the membe
of the association, including all
| Protestant ministers of Meyersd
Pennsylvania, prefer to have no o
i cial associatio in the ritual of buris
services with a lodge that maints
ia liquor sideboard.
Some agent, probably
ble task of disser ing ruth |
a benighted public, seized on th
thatwe have declared ourselves un-
willing to give Christian burial to any
member of a lodge that maintains
a liquor sideboard, sending it through
out the length and breadth of the
land. Some papers even sagely de-
clared that we have forbidden the
members of such organizations the
privilege of dying!
Ever since this report of our resolu
tion—so changed as to give it the
proper sensational tinge—has gone
forth high browed editorial wri-
ters have been agitating their gray
matter, or its substitute, to prove our
supposed action wrong. Really, we
did not think we could come in for so
much attention from these New York,
Chicago and San Francisco writers.
We imagine they did not have time
to ascertain that Meyersdale has but
4,000 inhabitants, or surely they
| would have passed us up. =
But, we want to be honest enough
to admit that the newspapers are
| great little moulders of public opin-
ion. We will admit that we ought to
bury anyone we are asked to bury.
|And, we are quite willing te bury
every member that needs it, of every
liquor dispensing lodge in the U. S. A.
| To these we would be delighted to
add a limited number of editors and
If, however, these sagacious critics
want a real hard problem, let them |
point the inconsistency of our resolu- |
tion as it was really stated. And, by
the way, any intelligent person should
have been able to see from the com-
position of the report as it appear-
ed everywhere but in our local papers |
that it had been mutilated.
‘We are willing to give all the com-
fort we can to any bereaved family,
and we are willing to officiate at
the burial of the most humble or the
most wicked individual in our com-
munity; but we are not willing with-
discordant. The contrast of the two
8 | Speakers from a physical viewpoint
most unfavorable for Mr. Likens.
Mr. Young essayed to prove that |
‘e is a wide difference between
Prohubition and temperance claiming
er is synonomous with
: aw the use of liquor,
and that Prohibition does not prohth.
Mr. Likens, though not a speaker
that would entertain an audience with
his delivery, he was a fair logician.
His arguments on cold paper would
have passed careful analysis. He con-
tended in reply to the arguments of
his -opponent that one cannot be tem-
perate in that which is wrong, that if
Prohibition dees not prohibit and that
more liquor is drunk under Prohibi-
tion laws, why does not the liquor
interest want it so that they could do
more business. The speaker said that
he would not use the Bible to estab-
lish his argument for Holy Writ has
been used to defend all manner of
evil. Ninety per cent of the crime of,
the country is traceable directly or
indirectly to liquor and costs a half
billion dollors against a third of a
billion in licenses.
Dallas Murray, aged 21 years a
former resident of Meyersdale, ac-
cused as thes layer of his brother-in-
law, Wm. Swarner, as told in the last
issue, was captured at Garrett on
last Thursday and taken to Cumbet-
land by Chief of Police Eisenhauer.
He ‘admitted the killing. It was
thought that Murray would go to
Garrett where a married sister re-
sides and they apprehended him there
Murray waived a hearing and was re-
manded to jail.
The body of William Swarner was
taken to Garrett where his parents re-
side for burial, the funeral being
held on Saturday .
Typhoid fever proved fatal to the
third member of the family of Mrs.
Ida Coughenour in the past few
months when Miss Estella Coughe-
nour, aged 20 years, died at the fam-
ily home in Connellsville, March 27.
On December 18, the father, E. G.
out protest to be officially associated
with any liquior-dispensing lodge in|
its ritualistic burial service.
One New York paper(the name |
awes us), says we sit in judgment. |
We do not. For that reason we do
like to give our fervent amen when
some Right Royal Supreme Mogul
says: “This lofty soul has turned a
flip-flop into the happy hunting
grounds,” when some poor ell
whom the very lodge he re
1ade a rummy, is laid away.
| Cougenour, a B. & O. freight conduc-
( tor, died of the fever. On January 17,
Miss Edna Pearle Coughenour, a
| daughter aged 21 years, died of the
| same disease. Of the family which
| came from Gladdens, Somerset coun-
| ty, there remain only themecther, one |
son and one gaughier.
dispensing lodges as “such, were clear
ly set forth in cur resolution. But,
since the demands of the resolution |
|.emphasize the rights of the church in- |
stead of the he boozer, we
1 consider
nai nor
b- take his
of the bride’s father. Both are highly
estimable young people with a wide
‘circle of friends. There were about
twenty persons present at the cere-
! mony, most of them being close rel-
atives of the contracting parties. The
groom, who has been one of Summit
Township’s successful teachers, will
bride to the C B. Dickey
farm, recently purchased by his fath-
er, where they will reside Rev. H. L.
| Goughnour performed the ceremony.
Li ; Horner-Shaffer
Levi Horner, of*near Hooversville,
and Miss Lottie Shaffer, of near Stoy-
estown, were married Saturday even-
ing at the parsonage of the Lutheran
church, Stoyestown, by the Rev. J. S.
English and a reception was tendered
them later in the evening at the
home of the bride’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. Henry. Shaffer. On Easter the
newly-weds were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon Miller
and Miss Pearl Horner.
Clayton G. Keim and Miss Rebecca
Thomas, both of Holsopple, were mar-
ried Monday afternoon by the Rev.
Albert Berkley, of the Brethren
church,, Johnstown. They will reside
at Jerome, where the groom is em-
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad offi-
cers announced on Friday that after
May 1, no refund will be made on ex-
cess fares collected on the trains.
Announcement was also: made that
after May 1st, ‘the two-cent fare law
in West Virginia, will no longer be ef-
fective and two and one-half cents a
mile will be charged.
Under the able pastorate of Rev. D.
W. Michael, 46 new members were
added to the Zion Evangelical Lu-
theran church in this place,recently.
On Palm Sunday there were baptized
18 persons. In the ten months Mr.
Michael has been here there have
been added to the Church.
Rev. Michael spent Tuesday in Pits-
burg on business.
Every property owner or tenant is
earnestly requested to clean up his
premises, to remove all ashes, limbs,
rubbish of all kinds by May 1st; oth-
| erwise this work will
ithe expense of the delinquent.
Order of Council,
J. O. Weller St. Commissioner.
e Big Cand
will start to burn
you registere
be done by |
{ the street commissioner by May 10 at
using what lumber from this locality
that will be suited to their needs. Ev-
ery scrap of wood , even the shav-
ings, will be turned into money.
There will be little or no waste. In the
| by-products are much of the profits.
All kinds of handles from the great-
est down to the least, are to be man-
| ufactured. The business will be under
the management of Mr. Deal. Mr. Sni-
der has had years of experience in
the work, in some of the large facto-
ries of the country.
It is purposed to start up in a small
{ way at first and gradually to increase
the output. It will employ later about
i twenty men. Success to the new en-
terpriss! May we soon have more
of them! ”
Frederick Swearman, one of the
oldest residents of Keystone Junc-
tion and one much esteemed in that
vicinity, died at 5 a. m,, Thursday,
after having been ill only five days
with grip. Deceased was born in Han-
over, Germany, in 1830 and at the
time of his death was aged 84 years,
6mos. and 1 day. He came to this
country when only eight years of age
his parents remaining in the old coun-
try. He settled in Somerset county,
living here ever since. Mr. Swearman
was a blacksmith by trade. Hwas a
civil war veteran and a member of
the Lutheran church of Meyersdale.
His wife, who was Miss Elizabeth
Domer, died about twenty years ago
leaving eleven children, all of whom
have grown to manhood and woman-
hood They are as follows: Francis, of
Glade City; John, Meyersdale;
George, Mechanicsburg; Joe, at |
home; Henry, near Glade City, who
is critically ill; William, Berlin;
Emanuei, Meyersdale; Susan, at
home; Mrs. Minnie Geiger, Connells-
ville; Mrs. Charles Hook, Shaw,
Mines and Clara, at home. There are
58 grandchildren and 22 great grand-
children. The funeral was held at
Keystone Junction church, Saturday,
at 2 p. m., his pastor, Rev. Michael,
officiating. Interment in Union cem-
Widow of Josiah Brant, a former
widely kown hotel man of Somerset,
died at that place, aged 86 years. The
funeral took place Monday at nine a.
m. Mrs. Brant was the widow of Jo-
siah Brant, for many years proprie-
tor of the Glade house, one of the
oldest hotels in the county, which
stood on the present site of the Ho-
tel Vannear and which was destroyed
by fire a number of years ago. Mr.
Brant died four years ago at the age
of 85. . Mrs. Brant was born at Frie-
dens, a daughter of the late John and
Catherine (Wendell) Woy. She is
survived by two brothers—Josiah and
Andrew Woy of Somerset—and a sis-
ter, Mrs. Margaret Umberger of Som-
erset. She “4s also survived by an
adopted daughter, Mayme, wife of
Robert Fritz of North Dakota.
A highly esteemed resident of North
ampton Township, died at her home
on Saturday and was buried on Tues-
day. She was aged 70 years. Four
sda. She was aged about 70 yrs. Four
children survive—John Bittner, Mrs.
Joseph Bayer, Mrs. Milton Snyder
and Mrs. Henry Snyder. Interment in
Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Mrs. Bitt-
ner was a devoted member of the Lu-
theran church.
Mrs. L. M. Schuitz,
Wife of the proprietor of the Cen-
| tral Hoel, Boswell, died Sunday of
dropsy, aged 44 years. Surviving are
her husband and four children—XKarl,
Elizabeth, Louis and Frank, all at
home. Mrs. Schultz was a sister of
| Mrs. William Swindleman and Miss
| Elizabeth Houston; both of Buffalo,
N. Y. and of Houston, of Bos-
remains were n to
well. The
trobe for interment,