Heighten the Importance of the Display ] x; Lf 3 gy 3 ? yg o . G8 CL gE ob 2 Py GHD Xo aac SAE Featuring Fashionable Apparel for Easter and After, With Attractive Values to MEN CAN BUY THEIR INTERESTING as have been the collections of Spring ap- parel that we have already shown this season, they are not as comprehensive as the assortments we shall present this week. Our earlier displays have been swelled by new arriv- als which reflect the most recent whims of fashion. We are now prepared to show you the broadest and most complete assortments of Easter and later Spring Wearables this store has ever held. EVERY WOMAN wants new apparel to wear on Easter Sunday; every woman wants to be seen at her best. Winter clothes have no place amid the new fashions with which Easter Day marks the advent of Spring. You can select your Easter Outfit satisfactorily and economically here this week ; satisfactorily because of the complete assortments of correct and stylish garments we offer; economically be- cause of the attractively low prices we quote: THE CORRCT ACCESSORIES FOR EASTER WEAR. MANY NEW -STYLES SKIRTS AND WAISTS. IN YOU WILL LOOK YOUR BEST IN ONE OF THESE OF COURSE YOU WILL WANT A NEW HAT The separate skirt and waist always have a well-defined place in the wardrobes of well- dressed women. We are show- ing some exceptionally attrac- tive styles in both skirts and waists which are sure to please you. EASTER NEEDS AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES THIS WEEK. We have made ample preparation for men in our Easter plans, gath- ering comprehensive lines of the best makes | of men’s wear and se- lecting new Spring styles that will partie- ularly appeal to our NEW SHOES FOR THE - feathers is ashamed when he looks at his feet. Dress your feet in a pair of our shoes and you won’t be a bit uneasy about ance. EASTER PROMENADE. The peacock with all his fine stylish their appear- ‘men customers. BOYS’ KNEEi PANTS’ SUITS. Our showing of the very newest Styles are on display. Prices, $2.50 $5.00, YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO dress goods, or silks you want. Every fashionable weave, pat- tern and color in our stock. Good qualities— low prices. MAKE YOUR OWN APPAREL FOR EASTER We have the wash goods, is represented Neckwear, Ribbons, portant in their way as Gloves, Scarfs, Etc. are just as im- the suit or dress. These aids to an attractive arpearance are here in complete varieties, at pleas- ingly low prices. CHARMING DRESSES Lovely dresses like these are not likely to go begging for purchasers, especially when prices are so attractive. There- fore we advise you to come early in the week and secure the pick of the styles. Miki & (LN y = RSET COUNTY WEDDINGS L Caroline M. Menser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexagader A. Menser, and Ernest P. Cobef, son of Mr. and ._3iibert P. Cober, both of Somer- “get, ‘married at Somerset by the Rev. Dr, Hiram King. Miss Carrie Washington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Henry, and J. Edward Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, both of Meyersdale, were married at Meyersdale, by Justice of the Peace W. H. Hay. i Miss Mary Hostetler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hostetler, and Arthur Faidley, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Albert Faidley, both of Summit town- ship, were married at Garrett by the | Rev. W. H. B. Carney, pastor of the | Garrett Lutheran church. The schools were in session ‘all week and we hope there will be no further necessity to close them on ac- count of contagious diseases. The Socialist branch will weet Fri. evening of this week in St. Paul. if you want to know why the Socialists do not want to divide with those who do no useful labor; why it would take the club from the capitalists with which they commit robbery;why it would establish an industrial system that would make it possible to use all | knowledge in the possession of ' the race for the good of all its members, attend the Socialist meetings. fleyersdale, TT TT clerk of the courts, on the Republi- can ticket. vii : Mrs. Emma Johnson has gone on an extended visit with her som; Howard, in Philadelphia. HOOVERSVILLE. 3 Park Boyer, of Hooversville, ' had his left arm mangled by being caught under a trip of cars at the No. 3 mine ‘of the Knickerbocker Coal Ce., and the member was amputated at a Johnstown hospital, Friday. Rev. Wiliam EE. Sunday, of New Bethlehem, has accepted the call of the Hooversvivlle-Lambertville: Luth- eran charge. Rev. Sunday is not WELLERSBURG. | Mrs. G. A. Tressler was a caller at | | the home of her brother, Ira Roger, of | Miss Lucy C. Roberts, daughter of | Alleghany, on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts and | Patsy Monone, son of Mr. and Mrs. | days with relatives in Mt. Savage and Mrs. A. Glessner spent a few days { Paul Monone, both of Garrett, were Cumberland last week. married at Garrett by theRev. 0. G. Fye. of Mr. and Ms. William Thorpe, of Berlin, and Ira E Weigie of Stony- creek township, were married at Som- erset by the Rev J Hess Wagner, pas- tor of the Somerset Lutheran church. Miss Susan Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H Miller of Jefferson moved into the late Mrs. J. P. Meyers house. Miss Lillian Everline, of Corrigans- Mrs. Agnes Kenney, of Mt. Savage, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. ‘Wm. Baker. Mr. W. E. Law, of LaVale has Misses Edna Witt and Susan Shaffer | township, and Clark J Bell, son of Mr were pleasant callers in Mt. Savare and Mrs William Albert Bell of Jen-! on Sunday. ner township, were married at Jen- W. K. Kennell is suffering with La- nertown, by the Rev John W. Albert- | gribpe. s0n. Mrs. Wm. Dom and sons, Curtis ter of Mr and Mrs. Charles Southwell Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Mrs William Hall, both of were married at Holsopple by the Rev. A. Davidson. 4 i’ Mrs. Rebecca BE. Shaffer, dahghter | of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Blough, | | BERLIN . of Stanton’s MIil, and Grover Cleve- | daughter, Margaret, of Moxham, were | land Halfin, son { of Mr. and Mrs. | visitors for a few days at the home | with a severe attack of the grip. Py Miss Lucy Kegg, of Johnstown pass- Thomas Halfin, of Boswell, were mar- of their relatives, Mrs. Lucinda Forn- | ried? at the court house by Marriage | Waldt and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Forn- | waldt. License Clerk Bert F. Landis. | ST. PAUL. with grip,is about again. | The quarantine was lifted from the | home of Francis Sipple last week. No more cases of scarletina devel- | oped during the week and all who short time with little prospect of im- had the disease are rapidly getting | Provement. well. : { Mercantile Mrs. Mamie Sechler, who had been | Visitor to Baltimore confined to her bed for a short time | Ing to see his wife who is a patient | at Johns Hopkins hospital. | Meyersdale visitor. Jerry Smith, manager of the Dull | Co.,at Goodtown, was a | over Sunday, go- Mrs. Mary Philson was a The mines are still working on | | | enings of March 23 and 24 in the Sa- , ville, is spending a few days with | Miss Pearle May Thorpe, daughter relatives in town. , k and Arthur Hall, Jr. son of Mr. and | Henry Suder accompanied by them iS home for a week on account of Jerome, and their daughter, Blanche, return- Sa me lo his !ed to her home in town recently. alphion on y | eran Church on St. Patrick’s Day was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fornwaldt and |2 8rand success. ed several days this week at the home {of Mr. B. BE. Carver. { course was given by The Wells En- | tertainers in the local opera house |on Tuesday evening and was the hest | number of the entire -girse and the recent | attendance was unus afly large. | preparations for their related to the celebrated evangelist. He will assume the new pastorate soon after April 1st, and will have his par- sonage at Hooversville, The Hooversville High School boys | and girls are presenting a playlet en- titled “Finnegan’s Fortune” on the ev- oo LA GLENCOE. * er W. H. Ellman, of Cumberland show- | ed nerve by motoring from the South- ‘land to our prairies in a Ford, Sat’ urday. But the boat is a regular sub- marine for wading snow. a few days of this week with his fam- ily. ei% Mrs. Fanny Webreck returned ‘to her home on Thursday after six weeks’ visit with relatives in Illinois. Mrs. N. B. Poorbaugh spent part of Saturday with her daughter, Frank Miller. Her littie boy Chas. act- ~ Wm. Ephardt, of McKeesport spent | Mrs. | Pema. | ed as chaffeur. Harry Bittner and wife, of Rock- | wood, were Sunday callers in our town. J Mrs. Willis Schrock is spending he | week with friends in Connellsville and Bridgeport. | Jacob Meyers and little daughter, of Pittsburg, were week-end visitors of | w.J ‘Meyers. | voy Theatre. The cast of characters ! will be as follows: Larry Finnegan, Andrew Nichol; Mrs. Finnegan, A. B. Wilson; “Dutch Jake,” Harold Crissy; Rafferty, Fred Doyle; Coupt | (De Morney, Frank Ober; Katy, the | | daughter | Boltzer; Lady Hannah Lovejjoy, Mar- | of Dutch Jake, Margaret garet Berkey. i GARRETT. { Farmers are busy making maple | sugar these days, but report a rather | When indoubt which orchestra to | i | poor crop so far. Miss Edith May Southwell, daugh- and Wilbert after spending a few |! Donald Craig, who was confined to | work at The Easter Bazaar held in the Luth- Many of our people are suffering The last number of the lyceum The sick are slowly improving. Our churches arg making rapid |on Bedford strget. Easter ser-| | vices. A. R. Dallam was a business visitor | Beef Plate Boll 12 1-2c ib. Beef | Miss Blanche Engle, who had been in Pittsburg recently. working in Greenville, Pa., is home | for a few weeks. friends J. B. Schrock is being urged by his | Chuck Boll, 16 ¢. Ib. at Donges Mer- diana Normal, is spending a few days | with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Spencer. to become a candidate for ' ket. ’ # ; is erecting a commodious dwelling Wrs. W. H. Cook enjoyed a few | days at Mt. Savage at the home of | Mrs. Frank Aldrich. The Misses Marion and Leah Ley- dig went to Meyersdale on Saturday | to attend the funeral of Miss Nelle | Dom. Irwin Huges and Walter Cattell, ! members of the regular army of U.| S. returned to camp, near Washing- ton, D. C., after ten days of visiting | with friends and relatives here. hire for a dance, try the “Suburb | Quartette”—the big drums are Wal- ter, Ben, Bob, and “Pearlie.” Dr. J. H. Spicer, of Cumberland, happened in, our burg on Saturday night. And Mabel Snyder was made happy again by the arrival of Blondy on Saturday afternoon. PAINT TOWNSHIP. Geo. Cronely, of Middletown, has just completed the erection of a six room cottage in Slavonica. Mrs. M. C. Yoder, of Paint Bor- ough, is improving after a serious iil- ness of several weeks’ duration: Sev- eral physicians have been called in consultation on her case. Jonas Weaver, of Paint township, just outside the borough limits. Jay Ripple is building a new home FOR EASTER The hat is probably the most important of your Easter pur- chases and it should never be selected hastily. We would therefore suggest that you L choose it as early in the week as possible, when you can do so unhurriedly and with the greatest satisfaction. The smart and attractive new hats we now have on display will appeal to you because of their quality and becomin gn e s.s. And you will like their reason- able prices as well. YOU WILL WANT A NEW SUIT OR COAT FOR EASTER. You can select it here ~onfident that whatev- er style you choose is correct. So large is our present assortment that a becoming suit and coat is assured every purchaser. 5 YOU JUDGE A , STORE BY ; The quality of ils merchandise and .ser vice. We sell “WQO Ed ask to be shown a It’s very easy to point out the direct ling of ‘march | you should follow to arrive at the best clothes in town, Just walk right along until you come to this store, and HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX new spring models in suits for men and young'men. HARTLEY & BALDWIN, The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes MEYERSDALE, PA. Acosta. | His fune beyond 8 highway, inal gran ened as a bile tour! quirer. A erated in ty and th and park the top of preserve Tressler Millinery Opening South Side, The Latest Styles Friday and Saturday yd March 26 and 27 3 NS at the Most | ReaSonable Prices. ’ CNL @VRLA. Lutie Tressler Meyersdale. lic, altho one. FORME A youn; ‘ray, whos about five they mov ¥ his sister family mi of the fac ter and h along am ! her husbe with her band wen! was stopr new his cl . Jected to: “with him #¥ which the part. The and hit hi which cat Dallas MN young ma Dallas Sw W. P. ( of the B. Meyersdal to New C Cahill wa burg divi: gret the 1 Earl Spencer, a student of the In- and Sides. Donges Mariet. NS Nt AN St” Country Cured Hame and Should- SS We don’t waigh the paper with our meat. DONGES MARKET.