x weg 46 gr ro : : EEE i BOILING WATER AS © 3 : gt : : -_woidweeerant| + Song and VINO] os MONEY TO BURN Dr. Dixon's Talks: on Health: and : —————— 5 3 Hygiene. Stor y desees $ 3 3 3 3% % % 5 9% . Measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria| ..° BUILDS YOU UP, $ $ $ $$ S$ $$ ss $s $s ¥ and various other communicable dis- We who bh h that h $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ " edses are Perhaps most readily trans- , 1s i > 2% are hanpy CREATES STRENGTH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ i mittd by the discharges from the df $ $ $ $ $ nose and mouth of the patient. When We nd have plenty to est and to s $ $ $ $ ¥ the patient is cared for in the home We a husbzng d child ‘ $ $ and some member of the family must nes ang children 1 | x Oo as act as nurse, it is necessary for the 3 5nd brome f the 6th Each and every package Is giozantesd fo d Protection of whoever acts in this ca- Bio at our si S oLier ones Sold by— EY TO BURN pacity and for those who come in con- think k Tepresented y Ir You HAVE MON tact with the patient that the utmost Think of the homes that have fallen it i i care should be exercised fn hacilieg gong . . Keep it in the house where it may be burned, lost or them, Think of the voices no more raised F B THOM AS, Leading D ruggist, stolen, but if you want to keep it safely where it always Instead of the handkerchiefs com- in song, : . : h ded, d it with monly used for this purpose the pa- Think of the little ones helplessly MEYERSDALE., PA will be ready for you when needed, host Wa us tient should be . supplied with starving, : Both Phones : ! > : Fi : ot maior ber napkins and i Praying for some one to help them ; A bank account will give you a better business stan- Suillclent quantity so that they can be along. ; th : te: i handled with comfort. Those which A905 reporter onls’ Now. York smi : EE . : ding in thc community and a prestige that may never pave been used and discarded should | newspaper was sent to Paterson to mn COOK A SARA have enjoyed before. . If your name is not on our books, be handled by the nurse only. After . write the story of the murder of a . . . £ chandling such materials the hands Fich manufacturer by thieves. He : we shall be pleased to see it there before the close of the should ‘be thoroughly disinfected. in a! spreadhimself on the details and Eye Glasses improve the wearer's YEAR 1915. bichloride of mercury or other good naively concluded his account with certain note of §neatness and refine- is antiseptic solution. y | this sentence: ent that is always commented on. i ' The dishes and eating utensils . “Fortunately for the deceased, he mn 3 ; which are used for the sufferfr should {had deposited all of his money in the favorably by one’s friends. { C 0 n a | on a an in Bo imatenee be ached with those: pank the day before so he lost prac- ; : : ) e Is lita” } gis us n the household but should be | tically nothing but his life.” ! This is the result of Skill, Facilities placed in a receptacle kept for, this M dale Penn’a purpose just outside the sick ' room Why He Could’t Go In. and Experience, which assure you of. eyers 9 . door vontaininga disin fecting solution of jgreosols or formadelhyde aad then placed in boiling water and allowed to boil for ten or fifteen ‘miriités : The sheets and bedclothes which will invariably be covered with .fine “+A small but very black negro was the highest degree of Optical Efficien- standing very erect at one side of fhe) i and all the benefits to be derived from wearing Properissiiied Glasses, Every Farmer with two or more man appeared at the door and said to Ty cows needs a particles of sputum when the patient th little fellow: P ease call and let me «¢ xplain my methods, We enjoy coughs or sneezes, should be placed “The services are ; 3 going to begin. . : harges. in a tub containing one of the three | 4 on’ you. coming inside? E a reputation for accuracy, promptness and moderate c 2 c disinfecting solutions and allowed to 3 : oh : : - vd 9 door of a house where a colored man had just died. The services . were a- bout to begin, when the negro clergy- : “I would if I could,” said the small to 'soak for three hours after which: 3 boy, “but you see Ise de crape. they should be boiled for one hour. which the other members of the fam- ily do, but should be supplied with in- the stomach?’ : s SE EL ee: ee - dividual utensils. These should always). “The function of the stomach,” the ; : r " TY: iT TV be first boiled and thel washed SeDa- | jjttle girl answered, “is to hold up the Wh Th 3 Old P L ks ’ JOSEPH L 1 TRESSLER rately. 13 peiticont. "Buffalo Express. = = ¥en at an €a . ; Eh LE These afte ndamental’ ‘precautions ] sa 4 rth ’ in the handling of communicable dis- An ‘old fa rmer in Ayrshire had ease which can. only be. disregarded y 2 habit of feigni deaf: h : d F Di to d Emb Im at the: peril of the nurse ‘and’ the en- wanted to ne re en We have on hand a large stock of galvanized ir iron use : unera IrecC r an a er tirg: household. Unquéstionihly the for making sugar pans, : 1 ward question. One. day a Heighhor transmission ofdisease’ rom one mem- said to him: : ber of a family to another in many Pr like, fo borrow sear cart ‘this If in need of one, come in and let us quote you pr ices. Meyersdale, Somerset Co. ’ Penn’ a cages is due to the failure to follow morning; mine is having a spring : wK : : ''_ THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. ey Gi s a. wig - fo | The teacher was examining the C @ O : . EE s ; Office 223 Levergood St, osis in a house ey should |" 1ags in physiolo : hh, sy : . hts ~ ‘ SEEN not use the dishds and eating utensils yy You es tell us” She : The Optometrist Optician. it : J ° T. YODE R, Johnstown, - Penn’a: asked, “What is the function of 2 ou os method of precedufe ‘con: mended.” oe Material and workmanship guaranteed to be the best. Residencs: 309, North Street. i once: 229 Genter Street en old ey De oan Jouner oe . When the old one give sawayunexpectedly let us know, oo JSESousiny ail rm 5: Ouas. Webreck, of Somerset, ‘spent yer. welled I don’t like to lend my |§ we will have the new one ready in a few hours. ia pe : ; Wednesday at home—from here he y > If you can't come in, just telephone Foye order. o! Baltimore & Ohio ; Baltimore & Ohio went to Chicago for the Weekend, His Gompenaation. : a oe ’ _ Annie Smith is acting “first ald” to| Bought » pig last Fall, paying : SYSTEM . R*ILROAD to her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Kessler. The wap. ; Tn rd : .. SPRING TOURS latter is suffering from the effects of eh) Juries ae 2 > iy BAER & CO. Li( YW FA RB ES a fall in the springhe sold the pig for $17.50 = EE W A S HH L IN TY ) N G. G. Delosier went to Salisbury 00, no” 7 | | Bi Log = Ei SN A neighbor asked him how much he ol OR THE : Sajujday to attend the funeral of Mr. | 11 SiR 22 when Pat told him he A" 4 a a : BALTIMORE John Engle. said: “Well, you didn’t make much on XY E RR | S | 5 L P 8 fi ( t MARCH 7 end Sav 5a 2 spent Thursday to Saturday in il Pat, “but, you dee. I hod| ® Lubrication Without Carbon del 0 0 ds Misses Mary ad Nettie Poorbaugh Cumberland. Miss Nettie had a minor ROUND TRIP $6. 45 + th f »_Tiv. mn ; operation on the ear while there. wil > of oyun Br peheren no that ood of SW aoerly 3 AND FROM MEYERSDALE N Mrs. Chas. Raupach,Sr., of Philson, . p . $ ucla] 8 te hgh itis Len i . a FULL INFORMATION AT TICKET OFFICE visited her relatives here, Sunday. . . geal. The ideal ofl for either air-cooled Californi a — — N : : Quite a Stretch. or water-cooled cars. ; - elson Bittner and wife left town dcal Nei. If write to : . | Count Karolyl, on returning to- his Yourdonler se Zot, mn, : Saturday; the frmer ging to Akron, 8 A test will convince you, : Wm ( : Pri e Out castle in Hungary, met one of his old WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. : ° C 0, fr emplyment and his wife to - oo PITTSBURGH, PA. ; } . servants who had just been sent back penden a er mother at Johnstown. : ae RAT : Th 3 wounded from the war. 330 Page Book— - Successor to W. A.[Clarke e climbers of our vicinity under- “My good miss. I for vou fonghs FREE 232, Dk. VIA ; took th urpey to The Mountain’ ’ ¥ ous! 4 E the journey valiantly at the front,” said the Waverly Products Sold by School on Saturday. They report a fine entertainment. Funeral Director my BN ne ig Five you some BONER DEW) K co pH WEREL -:- PJ CoVek & SON—MNeyersdale CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS Business conducted at the same place st LY Be i a1] be : : Prompt attention given to all calls HEED THE WARNING. 2 TY Pliec: ER i ——. at all times. Both Phones. Well, if you insist upon it, just : PULL INFORMATION AT BALTIMORE & Many ..Meyersdale People ..Have give me enough kronen to reach from . . . . eT Ya Done So one ear to the other.” R H E um A TI C SE OyFioes For baby’s croup, Willie's daily When the kidneys are weak they “That seems to be a very small re- & ry FF E BR E RS | cuts and bruises, mamma’s sore give unmistakable warnings cannot |auest,” replied the count, smiling at CHICHESTER SPILLS throat, grandma’s lameness—Dr GIVEN QUICK RELIEF mr r= not be ignored. By examination of |the odd request. Thomas’ Electric Oii—the household the urine and the treatment of the “It's enough for me, sir,” answered Pain leaves almost : : rem edv. 25c and 50c a kidneys, upon the first sign of the dis- | the servant, modestly. as Ey i ou De rrr s order many days of suffering can be| Ag the count was about to comply Sia lm on , saved. Weak kidneys usually expel a with the strange request, he noticed remedy for Rheuma- Brake. dark, ill-smelling urine, full of “brick: | that the servant had only one ear and tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia S 1 dust” sediment and painful in passage remarked upon the fact. Aad E cared troublss. Ask your Dra t r= Cmcmms TER 8 6 Sluggish kidneys often cause a dull! «yeg sir 1 Jeft the other ear on the pain in the small of the back, head-' pattiefield at Shabatz!” answered aches, dizzy spells, tired languid feel-' modest man.—Vossische Zeitung. ings and frequent rheumatic twinges. { Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kid: $100. REWARD. $100. - neys only. There is no better recom- The readers of tfhis paper will be It goes Fight to ihe goo metalic boxes, Eimer Blu spot, stops the aches nm. TAKER NO a uy pus and pains and makes | EEE And ear or PILLS, for twenty-five life worth living. Get years regarded as Best, Safest, ay Reliable, a bottle of “5-Drops” today. A booklet with $0LD BY AL L DRUGGISTS each bottle gives full ave EV ERYWHERE X TESTED directions for use. Anyone sending a sketch and description may TRADE MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS &c¢. c 4 i h i mended remedy. | visaned to learn that there is at least! MEC HANICS E3708 be 8 Don’t delay. Demand fa vention is probably piientibieoec wes ns Meyersdale people endorse Doan’s .,. dreaded disease that science has! i a 0 fll “5-Drops.” Don’t ac- C aR d re C Tr Sent hat Odo ential for securing pate Kidney Pills. been able to cure in all of its stages, GC 2 INE Seti hil cept anything else ix . Puenis taken {fron h bu & Ro: Tecsive 2 REE place of it. Any drug- FOR FLETCHER'S Special wiktice; Sito ge, Philip Arnold, 306 Beachley street, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Meyersdale, Pa., says: “I used three, Cure is the omly positive cure now Fc or F ather and Son gist can supply Fou. 1f you live too far C A S T oO R i A Scientific American. : from a drug store send One Dollar to A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I known to the medical fraternity. Ca-||AND ALL THE FAMILY] | Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co, Newark, | ~~ te Te poly: Larpos or. know that they are tbe best medicine 'tarrh being a constitutional disease !lTwo and a half million readers find it of Ohio, and a bottle of “5-Drops™ will be ™ pi § Ni NEY PILLS MUI IN & Co, sorrows. New York for kidney and bladder ailments to be requires a constitutional treatment. || absorbing interest. Everything in it is sent prepaid. aR fokied £5 K1OWEYS AND BLADDER re Oe st. Weyl 10 had. I had pains through my back and ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- | | Written So You Can Understand It| | CELEBRATED 16TH BIRTHDAY. was troubled by the kidney secretions | 1y, acting directly upon the blood} | We. = pow « SRI Svaty ogi without On Thursday evening a birthday Since taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, I'and mucous surfaces of the system. Decale wil show you's Copy: or wai ths party was held at the home of W. H. have not been bothered. thereby destroying the foundation of - Lichty on High Street, in honor of THIS CO UPON Price 50 cts. at all .dealers. Don’t the disease, and giving the patient 32:50 A Jeag Ee vi SS Miss Ida’s sixteenth birthday. Teed i remedy, get | strength by building up the conmstitu- ular Mechanics Magazine | | who participated in the celebration o : . a Simply a er 8 Kidney fin afi {tion and assisting nature in doing its | {.€_ 8 No. Michigan Ave., CHICACO ¢ the event were the following: Prof. Will entitie the person presenting it at Mr. Arnold had. Foster-Milburn Co., | work. The proprietors have so much OI hil ee al > Clifton Baker, Jas. Baker, Walter and THE HARTLEY CLUTTON STORE Props., Buffalo, N. Y. | faith in its curative powers that they Children Cr J Carl Bisler, Jas. Schardt, Raymond ) Sb | offer One Hundred Dollars for any FOR FLETCHER’S | Lichty and W. H. Lichty. Mrs. S. Ro- MEYERSDALE, PA. I a A A C4 A 5 F oO R I A seinberger, Mrs. W. H. Lichty, Cora to 100 Votes in Piano Player Contest. C A STO Ft i A | os & Co., Toledo, Ohio. —Sold by all Everybody will attend the | Crosby, Elizabeth Daugherty, Salina By THE COMMERCIAL. For Infants and Children Druggists. —Take Hall's Family Pills | “Nationally Adyertised Goods | myrtle Largent, Ethel Wilhelm, Cath- Void After March 24th, 1915. orld | for constipation. Celebration in’ Meyersdale on|_. Richiy, Dorothy and Margaret —— IR ks In Use For Over 30 Years | i LL March 22 to 27. Lichty Pellticis tolreshments Were Note—a new or an old subscription to The Commecial =< bears { 8 t TE : oli this office entitles to 15,000 Votes. LLS hs Rk ous ind. cheaper ALT per KIDNEY PILLS [2° 2nd the occasion was very paid af shi pODEE Signature of DR. ; : FOLEY LS v all present. '100 Ibs. Try it at Habel & Phillips. FOR BAGKAGHE KIONEYS AND BLAD PER | uch enjoyed by all 1