AEE | 3 bof When do they sit down? Sambo—On de seat ob war. We will now sing dat beautiful ditty, entitled, “Nebber Mind de Cotton Crop, ef de Chicken Crop Am Good.” Se meet Equine Indifference. “Charley, dear,” said young Mrs, Torkins. “I don’t see how you can tell which horse to bet on.” ' “Well, you see, you have to study it all out very carefully.” “Yes, and when you get it all figured out you can’t make the horses under: stand it, so they go right ahead and do as they please.” ls Polite Disdain. “That man invariably agrees with what I say,” said the argumentative person. “Rather complimentary.” “Not at all. He would rather agree with me than pay attention to what 1 'm saying.” FE ACCOUNTED FOR. — men of merit. That is what happened to some of my chiefs. They could not do justice to their merits, “ ‘Observing those deficiencies, 1 had set about remedying them. Some of these generals were my best comrades; but, while I love my friends, I love France still more. 1 therefore relieved them of their commands. 1 removed them as I expect to be removed my- self if I am found deficient, not, in- deed, as a punishment, but simply for the public weal. I did this with an- guish in my soul, and when left in sol- itude I wept.’ : How Paris March Was Checked. “Turning the general from his mel ancholy memories, I said to him, ‘Now explain to me your retreat, especially by what surprising miracle or what singular caprice General von Kluck obliqued so suddenly when Paris was already within his reach.’ “ ‘The retreat was very simple,’ re- plied Joffre, now smiling again. With numerous details he explained to me how Von Kluck’'s men, casting aside their haversacks, swept like a whirl wind on Paris. Soissons Only an Episode. “ “What 2bout Soissons? I asked. “ ‘Boissons was a fatality if you like, or fault if you prefer, but in any case only an episode.’ “With an air of impatience Joffre added: ‘I command soldiers, but not the barometer. General Chance is a great captain, but not for a single in- stant do I doubt our final victory.’ ” Huard, whose friendship with Joffre has lasted fifty years, says Joffre is not like his photographs. He looks Just like a good natured fat man. His temperament is characterized by in- finite sweetness. His penetrating blue eyes are remarkably limpid. He has a healthy soul in a healthy body and possesses a good appetite. There is nothing cold in his character. He has been called taciturn, but the fact is that while he maintains a rigorous silence on military secrets he really is naturally expansive. The mother ef a simple soldier who called him “Papa Joffre” the other day summed him up best. Towering am bitions he has none. His one object is to retire to the complete seclusion of country life after the war. eee. i RURAL CARRIERS LIKELY | TO RECEIVE MORE PAY. Rural mail carriers will benefit from the new system of pay, incorporated in the postoffice appropriation bill by i the senate a few days ago, providing | the house concurs. | The bill provides that carriers cov- ering 24 miles or over, six days a week shall receive $1200 per year; those having routes of 20 miles, $1080; those having routes of 18 miles, $960 ete. { Authority is conferred upon the post- master general to pay a salary not to exceed $1800 to carriers who furnish and maintain their own motor vehi- cles and who serve routes not less than 50 miles in length. GUKE WORKERS ON CREW LAWS ble to all men, Book wi greatest experts in the country. The second part has many Mechanical Hints, Short Meth- ods of Reckoning, Various Tab- les of Measurements, invalua- especially the Farmer and Mechanic. The last department is a fine Medical Treatise which all can readily comprehend. All new Subscrib- erscanget this t h The Commercial for $1.50. Old Subscribers, $1.60. By mail 10 ; ge «oe «ee «er we ee a. =o = é oe $900000000000000000000e om TT Sis eesrssce NEWS IN GENERAL. i ¥ ANOTHER MATTER. t 4 Condensed Statement 2 i iE & ] * Crows are blamed for carrying cattle & As isrwell known, the law cannot : $ | disease in Chester county, where the 1 : 3 foncern itself in any case before it & © h di : i 3 § with side issues. These are rigorously | & hoot and mout Fgase Is prevalent. 4 Dre excluded. 2: . . $ | Several herds of cows have been killed aed ’ ? + 1 In a case in which a man was ac | & , $ | by the state. There is said to be a big RSDAIL E * cused of forgery, a witness for the : i 3 roost of crows near where farms are OF MEYE D ? PA. 3 ) Yetesse managed to say: s : $ | infected. At Close of Business December 31st, 1914. * ri ow — 2s, prisoner cannot 3 —- Th 2 Eighteen hundred British troops } v By . : : € . efor “All that is excluded,” said the : Blames Mistakes of His Own Real Test of Men War Itself ¢ | were lg in he English enue) RESOURCES : ‘ Judge. “The prisoner is not charged | $ ; ¢ [recently when a German submarine Gl With writing bis own name bot Coo |S Staff For Retreat From Rather Than Strategi- $ [sent an English transport to the bot | Loans and Investments.. ................ .. ... $715,878.01 3 1%. : of someone else,” $ Charleroi, cal Coileges. $ | tom Eleven ships have been destroyed | J, S. Bonds...... vas bade es Cetiainea, ee... 77,000.00 hese. res & #® | by German submarines since Feb. 18 - ? )000000004000000000000 T0005 000000000000000004 ? ; x . Greatness Conceded. ! Se igi biting ol "| when their great destructive policy | Banking House.............. vasa srnrvinee...s 20,300.00 them “I want you to understand,” said . went into effect. ; ; 116.240.56 “Fake ¢ the man of ardent local pride, “that ¥ far the most thrilling document | treat of the ‘ten thousand,’ the famous A petition signed by over 1,000 i Due from Banks and Reserve AZERIS--. 2 pore. nly os Philadelphia is one of the greatest published since the war began | Jingle about the Napoleon army that p y : n- Cash 53,671.15 not been eities of the country. It 1s famous is an Interview with General ‘went up the hill. and down again. mates of the Eastern Penitentiary ask- BBN. ee re eae ae a .__9950(l.1o ehickans” throughout the world.” Joffre giving his views of mili- However,’ said Joffre, ‘this will be [ing the legislature to give favorable Total. . .. $992,681.73 “Goodb: “Of course it is,’ replied the Massa. | try operations from the battle of | Written in history. My staff will write consideration to any legislation look- : den in a ohusetts man. ‘I know all about Phil. | Charleroi to the French reverse at it when the war is terminated and I ing to curtailment of the sale of liquor LIABILITIES on th adelphia. It’s the town everybody went | Soissons, says C. F. Bertelli in the Wi sce to It ahat the toy 16:Well pup- | rae prcsentod to the hogse at Harris: 1 Capital Stoek ......... 0... crrerunrenna 865,000.00 oe > to to see the Bostons play ball.” New York American. The interview pos a burg, Monday night by Mr. Williams, : whirled was obtained by his lifelong friend. About the present,” resumed Huard, The petition declared that the signers Surplus ..... ............ sssteiersnaversssssess. 100,000.00 the great Knows When to Stop. Paul Huard, and printed in Depeche | “it 1s truly regrettable that such de- that led t “Wh de Toulouse on Jan. 30. clsive maneuvers as the Marne affair | believed that 75 per cent of crimes | {1divided Profita..... .......... ............. 2. 23,934.52 “What y &re you always bragging about gees . , your preacher?” asked the old fox. | “After the preliminary greetings,” | 87 no longer possible, .and, bending | were due to liquor. It was referred ; : dear?’ a "Wig lent se done) a? his | Huard writes, “I turned the conversa- | O¥er General Joffre,” says Huard, “I | to the committee on law and order. Ceoulation .. ......)......... ....0o 0... 63,100.00 ping a 15 sermons, doesn’t he?” tion to military operations, and Joffre Iehisperey in his ear, ‘I suppose you If the combined fleets of Great Deposites : 740,055.21 erness. “That's why I'm for him,” replied |eXDressed his utmost confidence in ve got something up your sleeve. Britain and France can prevent it p terra trrtsnaa ye On “Mothe the grouch. “He can tell when bh {final victory. He had told me the German Loss 1,000,000. no commodities of any kind except Total.... $992 089.73 put in Al - gets to the end.” Barge: fing the very Jay wep yess “Joffre laughed gayly. ‘Surely, sure. | those now on the seas shall henceforth Northam) ae TT Caren. wow my mind went pag 1 ly,’ be replied, tapping my shoulder. | until the conclusion of the war reach | Arr ro a Polly X AT THE COUNTY FAIR. the anxious howrs of the Germany |¥- we are really still ma ring. |orleave the sh tf G i 2 breaih overwhelming march on Paris and to y neuvering. | orleave the shores o ermany. This PT more twi the defeat of Charleroi, which haq | N2P° leon said he won battles with his |is England's answer to Germanys some wh seemed to me a bloody denial of Jof- Soldiers Jess. re tem wi OUT | submarine blockade, and it is effect- - had a wi fre's persistent confidence, Lp hoihiiin all rw ive forthwith. If this policy is enforc. ures. Ds : * ‘You ought really to give me some too much. To begin with, it has en. | €d it Will no longer be possible to ship beautiful : explanation of Charleroi’ I said to abled us to increase our Rr tools, to | cotton, manufactured articles and mores, a him. | adapt them, even create new ones. If | commodities of a contraband char more of ! Joffre’s Criticism of Staff. {this kind of fighting must go on we | acter from the United States to Ger- ol on Inder . : mustn't imagine the word attrition has many, directly or indirectly, and from Tn The general was neither astonished no meaning. It is a mistake to suppos. ery and nor offended by my question. that any army that is beaten can re fhe uer comntry the supply of dye wing of o“ 3 : : L J 4 i I asked him if it was really true, as treat indefinitely into new trenches; ai Stutis Bi) other Terchandise Yor con 4 the twin the general public and even the com army that doesn’t retain the ascenq | SUXPtion in this country will be cut dl simplest batants believed, that we were out ancy is very ‘near panic. Now the off. the drav flanked in Belgium by overwhelming ascendancy belongs to us: there isn: All drivers of motor vehicles would parents Tasses, : the slightest doubt of that. Under th- | be compelled to secure a certificate 4 “Ho, bh Not at all. Not at all,’ replied Gen- | fire of our army the Germans have lost | from a physician that their eyesight that some eral Joffre. Our army was in sufficient | more than 1.000.000 men, yes more than | is unimpaired and their phyical condi- in this g numbers. We ought to have won the 1,000,000, w 10 will never reappear on |. oop as to qualify them t t had read battle of Charleroi. We had ten any battlefield. : 0g y 0 Oberate a beautif chances to one to win it. We lost it | a “Their famous guard is only a col | CoS ID 8 bill offered by Sen. Washers '] was invit through our own faults, by mistakes of lection of uniforms; their old officers’ [°f York. It is estimated that this dinner ts our commanders. Long before the war | jjoec are only a historic memory. Thei- | Would cost the motorists, $1,250,000 charm a broke out I was aware a great number officers were gallant; they've nearly all | annually in examinaion fees. Repres- entire ga of our generals were worn out (“fa- | gayjen. The German troops are now [sentative Davis, of Lackawanna, man pres tigues”). § xme of them seemed to me | 56 much weakened morally that their | would forbid the operation of any mo- married | Reuben Fax—Yonger’s a farmer that | unfit to fulfill their duties. Some in- improvised officers are compelled, in | tor vehicle by a person under 15 years ome - ‘Ther raised a pumpkin so big that when it | spired me with doubts, others even order to avoid stampede, to lead them unless such person is accompanied b smiled P was cut in two his twins each used | With disquietude. 1 had made know. | 4 battle ip massive formation, eight li d chaff The Bi : 2y through half for a cradle. my intention to introduce a young ele men abreast. It is leading them to a |= ‘cé0sed cha Sur, Tne bil woud ab basket cs Cityleigh—That’s nothing. In our | ment into our superior command. De- hecatomb, a prey for our artillery.’ S0 prevent the issuance of licenses to “And town we often have three or four full | spite all comments and in face of all | ‘What about our men? I asked. [Persons between fifteen and eighteen 00 added Ct grown policemen asleep on a single | ll feeling I would have pursued TY | The general rose. ‘In al armies, at all | years of age unless competency to op- e “And beat. ‘ ut the war came te SO ¢ | times, all places, there have been de- | erate cars shall be sworn to by two Ales 4 : Se “ ‘There were a certain number of | feiencies. It is possible there are some | licensedd drivers. A bill that has ised i wih i Perhaps. generals whom I trusted, but who Im | 1 our army, too, but oop heros 7e | brought forin 5 busty we fron Consisting of % Recipe de- ¥ Somehow, it makes us very sad perfectly came up to my hopes. The numbered by the thousands. yes, by motorists is that ted by R ! partment, a Practical Mechanic To read a winter-clothing ad. fact is the real test of men fitted for | the thousands. What a great and bd. | © Sts 5, that presented by Rep, d tment, and Medical Book : Jernans we'd Tore Fomplacent look, | warpare is war itself rather than | mirapie ‘country is France! You a3, [Mangan of Pittsburg, The measure epar ent, an edica. 00K, : : d we a well-filled pocketbook, trategical colleges. The keenest in. cry that aloud. We are living td gredt “would permit all cities to levy a li- all in a handsome cloth hound , prs 1 telligence, the most complete knowl. & cense tax upon all resident t 1 f 250 3 Why Minstrelsy Is Dyin ut. ce, the times. With ar army like ours it would D automo- volume o pages. s 4 ela y ying O edge are of little value if to them are be a crime against France to despair. | bile owners, equal to the state license ; : ] ambo — Mister Interlocutor, can oti : The first sect yoah tell mah whah de standin’ armi-- | 2°t 8dded certain qualities of action. | «prom whatever part of France |tax “for revenue purposes.” This would ISt section 1s a com- 8it down when dey’s tired? . ig oe oe Tel Tae hy es they 2 Wi a of the | make it possible for the cities to add a plete volume of Recipes and : . ow co n \ 7 : ! Interlocutor—No, Sambo, I cannot. they paralyze the rarest faculties in } million dollars to their bank accounts, Home Hints by two of the ; “He explained how during the ten When Paris was advised the De. cents extra to all. Says the Para en peche de Toulouse had appeared with 1) oilre pul i] e- hat i ; this interview the hesd censor tele ———————————— i Selene ins 18,00 A re graphed to the Toulouse authorities to Belisve Repeal Would Give { T Ok Invasion an army Wl the entire issue. . E . A A re Dens Savasatws the terrier: | | Smdious Jn Trade RHEUMATIC Cu.idren Cry 4 the Germans, until the day when this was published with the complete con- | FOR FLETCHER’S : Nr Conon Mannoury $7¥e SUCH | Coot of rioneral Talis, Tot toe ore Revival SUFFERE CAST i : a sudden and violent elbow blow to the or >on deleting sovorel Dasingos eviy GIVEN QUICK RELIEF oO = I A i { ontons tant he Hirer them 2% ise thereafter ‘intimating the newspaper ; ; r A i PPP PP Parr in fn and lis : j Ded, on to our lines on the . + 3 : ! Pain leaves almost Bo’ wi ? 4 1d print the remainder. The De Connellsville, Pa., Feb. 27 : : Ble’ were # ral Joffre explained these mili- | €0U 0 ) 0 2 2d, f by magic when . . Gene Bl tore oD = [peche, ‘however, refused to publish | pyoapeet., or the repeal of the ly bor ta “5- Baltimore I RE i tary events to me in the most indiffer th you begin using Tod 4 ent tones, as though he himself had | merely a portion. The censor there Pennsylvania and New Jersey Full Drops,” the famousold Tg fy played a most secondary role, with the | pon banned republication of any por- | oo" oo TL daily growing warmer remedy for Rheuma- SYSTEM A go 4 same air as an assistant military pro | tion of the interview by other mews. |," jC a foregone conclusion, ac- tism, Lumbago, Gost, i fra be fessor would explain to a class the re- | PADers. cording to men who know what they : Seinfies, Neuralgia LOW BF RES » “Pooh! be = = | BB are talking about, that the wiping out ! A hE, aim A : joi . 2 “America of these laws means greater activity | os othe Ch Miss a Joyiul Punishment, ib A letter written by Rev. Samuel F. | In the coke regions. 3 and pains and makes OF THE Ree? : 2 Noticing one of her small boys nib- f "America eivi It is asserted that when the rail life worth living. Get 42 § bling at some luncheon in school one | Smith, author of “America.” giving the roads can apply the $2,000,000 now a bottle of “5-Drops” dear? # 5 ; os ; ,000, -Drop: . 5 day the teacher called the culprit to | Circumstances of She Tatas of Stat paid annually to extra trainmen, for today. A booklet with y Polly B the desk. “You know." she began | &bthem; Says that the wor WAS: S M- | whom the railroads have no need, to each bottle fives full : Only Paces sternly, “that you must not eat during | 9lated into being by a collection of making necessary improvements and Lions ee Bie, sh Hewitt—How did Gruet get so near- lesson hours! Now as a punishment | German music books. brought to this | jp buying additional equipment, a per- "5 Drops.” Don't ac: AND ‘Come, 1 sighted ? ° t stand here in front of the | cOUDBLry by Mr. Woodbridge and hand- | ceptible expansion of business is to cept anything else in when w Jewett—Trying to see his own jokes, oe pi png on £ it.” ed to me by Mr. Mason with the re- | be expected, and this coming espe- # place of it. Any drug- . . eat our ¢ = gesy ood eat oY tox west that | would adapt any of the | cially in the steel regions, would cause | gist can supply you. If you live too far the stor} i bid, a | @ The Despondent Dove. The smali boy did as be was . pieces that struck me as favorably to | lore coke ovens to be fired. from a drug store send One Dollar to After | The Dove of Peace piped up once nore | CUrious grin overspreading his face. .,. | English words. It is not a translation. It is significant of the trend of pub. Swanson Rbsunsti Coe Co, Nowak sumed a w And said: “What shall I do! The teacher misunderstood that grin though in German the words were pa- | He opinion here that many who, a Ohio, and 2 battle © -Drops” wi had bees The Gpinon fers ony oar until the last scrap had disappeared, triotic. It was first sung at a chii- | few weeks ago, argued that the Full Scot prepaid. the little Noone nme when from the Wills small voice dren’s Fourth of July celebration in| Crew Laws were ast, now are be | - Ma Mf fur\res Ye chat : bis wailed in tearful accents: < in 1832 ginning to take a different view, and y + Town w Sensitive Suspicion. . : 3 Park Street church. Boston. in 1832 or | , Don’t forget you can get, the great- VIA : “You don’t seem a when I Please, teacher. Jun wasnt his 1833.” Dr. Smith states that Lowell | it is confidently predicted that, be- est et farm journal in the | ‘Let u or BoGl thet o So rh yay lunch he was eatin’; it was mine.” —F.a- Mason was his chief enconrager. cause of the heavy pressure now be 2 8 | By gee that you have a lovely dispo- dies’ Home Journal. ee RE ing brought to bear upon the members world, he National Stockman and CH ICAGO or ST. LOU IS Blin. nol” reuli Miss Cavein - rn Rovense | of the legislature by the people, that | Farmer, the price of Which is $1.00/ “Tellin t % 2itl sho 5 a oval ar: The One Drawback. | Teacher— Willie. oo is your great. | these laws soon must meet the fate | Per year: 1¥he Woman's World, > sition is u f apology for | Most town men would I 'r | est ambition? lie—To wash moth | of a similar n 2 Missour!, [and Kimball's Dairy Parmer, 3111] PULL INFORMATION AT BALTIMORE & being 5 § she is eith if it were not.for doing tl er'’s ears.—Stamf al |W submitted to popular vote, was : three withithe Commercial, for $1.85 OHIO TICKET OFFICES. ty & ori f ing.” oer A atoh be Th ee i repealed by a two to one majority. I per year. 1 looking or interesting. I a