The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, February 11, 1915, Image 8

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    MARKLETON. | Ralph Sturtz and Harry Dellbrook ROCKWOOD. | THOSE MARRYING
Fi tly took a | Were pleasant callers to Mt. Savage | D. H. Wolfsberger, who was one of | THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY ; HAR’ I ] EY & BAI D WIN
tii b i r os ink focm y. Yo | saturday night. | Rockwood’s pioneers, was 80 years | _—
Tip to the Smo City. ——
isa r i 1d last Wednesday when he enter- Items of Interest Culled from Our
John Nicholson, Sr., andD. M. Hogan | Miss Grace Cook was a business | © Ss y
Rockwood rallers on Wednesday. | caller in Cumberland last week. | tained about forty of his friends. | Exchanges. | WILL CONTINUE THEIR SALE THROUGH FEBRUARY
hi : f Delaware, was .a| Messrs. Ellsworth Beal, DeSales; Wm. Wait and Bert Murdock, of| J.C. Lowry, Esq., has been appoint- on the following items—
Mx. John Leer, of Delaware, w: | Shas Ceci 2 | Johnstown attended the monthly meet- | i in tk igned estate of
: . Shaffer, Cecil Long, Harry Blank, Jo a8 "ed auditor in the assigned estate 0
ea dy | Reginald Shaffer and Guy and Harry | ing of the First National Bank of this |S. D. Livengood, proprietor of the de- ALL. OVERCOATS—ONE-THIRD OFF.
Weanestay. Sar Witt were callers in Cumberland | Place on Thursday. funct Farmers Bank of Meyersdale. LOT OF RAINCOATS ONE-THIRD OFF. .
B. & 0. Conductor Carl Burnsworth ! |
faviile ns ai a few days | Saturday night. | A freight wreck on the S. & .C. | Thus far Livengood’s creditors have
Ril famiiy are a ts. Mr | Mrs. Catharine Moser and daughter, Pranch Thursday evening blocked traf- | received only 17 cents on the dollar, LOT $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 HATS—ONLY $1.00.
with Mr. Burnsworth’s parents, . Tos. ? i ee ‘ .
and Mrs. Jesse Burnsworth. | Beaulah, and Mr. S. O. Bluebach and fic for several hours. Several cars of but itis expected that another small ALL SWEATERS ONE-FOURTH OFF.
Mic Ruth Phillippi of Kingwood | daughter, Lavada, spent Saturday eve- €0al and merchandise were piled UP- | dividend will soon be paid by the pres-
SS ’ ’ ie ta . '
wa . visitor in Markleton on Thurs- Ding at the home of G. W. Witt. No one Vas ured, jos a | ent assignee, Charles H. Ealy, Esq. : WINTER CAPS—ONE FOURTH OFF.
R58 Yili so Born on Wednesday to Dr. and Mrs.| ih ol :
lay and Frday. imp | : | Cattle, hogs.and chickens were cre- All of the above are of this winter's goods. We make 2
ga 5 aur: p ters’ children who SAND PATCH. 5 PF. Speicher, a daughter. mated about 4 o'clock Friday morning jal . 1 h
Nps Luin Pols i list i v Mr. C. S. Kifer is among the ones on Miss Josephine McKee, of Congu- when the big barn on the farm of specia’ price to c Die them out.
have been on the sicklist are mmprov- Ay ry Me A i nll 5 bE . : : ’ 2 : 4 .
ing under the care of Dr. C. J. Hemmin | the sick list at present. Shoe. huamy wi Heh wm Jesse Horner, near Ralphton, was | ALSO 46 BOYS’ KNEE PANTS SUITS, in gray
u ? ay | snl 1 rani je lockwood. Mis cKee is a s | iad {
ger. BH. Deal Is wearing. such a bie at the Peabody Institute in Baltimore burned fo fhe ground, The bullding colors to go at ONE-HALF PRICE.
; Thos. Edwards was in Confluence on Smile and smoking such big cigars Abort wv Ik a abot 5 Care was well stocked with hay and grain, | CALL IN
ne | that his jaws swelled up; when asked ST. Walker, aged abou y all of which was consumed, together | .
1 hursqay, OL Bins wes collie on the reason why, he replied “The Stork 1S confined to the home of his parents, | with many farming Inlet vr.)
Mis. Cy On Bums 3 - left a boy at my place.” | Mr. and Mrsh. Joseph Walker, of near |
Hyndman friends on Saturday. y . 2 ) ,
il Cc Kk th typhoid 1 Horner's loss is very heavy, but is!
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Dwire were Pitts- Miss Lydia Beal left on train No. 49 Wilson Teo : Wi yp 0] over, | partly insured. The origin of the fire | HA RT L EY & BA LDWI N
Mr. ang Mig, 8 Friday for Pittsburgh A team of horses belonging to R. H. Is ’
burg visitors over Sunday. on Xriday for Pittsburgh.
. a | 1s not known. Mr. Horner succeeded |
Messrs. Henry and Martin Philippi | Mrs. I. Bittner was a visitor at LS I= Mayen saving all of his horses and some | The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
and Harry Dwire were Rockwood call- | Kerrigans on Sunday. : day afternoon with a load of baled | of the cattle. Just how many cattle MEYER DA K. A,
ers on Saturday. | Mr. W. H. Cannon, B. & O. night car straw, upretiitg the Joos with i | were cremated could not be learned
Mr. Silas May was a visitor to the inspector, was absent from work Bo ees IE Mr. Mover: was | to-day. The residence is about 150 etn EE
county seat on Saturday. | several nights, when asked for an ex LOLLY Vadls Bruised > ¥ oo from the barn and did not catch
M. A. Snyder has purchased a new | cuse for being away, he replied, | Pretty ¥ :
fire i
“q i , ; is fi H. S. Snyder 1 ted the posi- : DONGLS ! HE ATRE
saw dust blower; he has now an up- | Gee Wai It A a dale. | tion as ee Hoes) Mrs. Henry Lichliter, a San -
fo date sawmill, Mrs. George Benford of Meyersdale, of Levi Lichliter, of Somerset, died
paste sw | | Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 16 - 17 - 18
; : Coal Company of Garrett. Mr. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meyers have re. Spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. January 29 at her home inMurphysbo-
and Mrs. & O. Beal is a B. & O. fireman, but on account of :
turned home from Greensburg where Mr A. A Sharp 200 daughters. ihe Pistiess denession was furlough- | 70 Ill. Shee was found dead in bed.
the former had been a manager of a r. A. A. : p : g *| cd until business mends F. D. Black, of Holland Farm, lost a
five and ten cent store Vesta and Annie and Mr. Simon Brown . : ’
ve and ten : | : Sel Mr. Aaron Meyers, Mrs. Grant Youn- | very valuable cow recently as the re-
Miss Mabel Snyder entertained two | took in the teachers institute at Poca- . i : Le :
Miss Mabel Snj | ae : kin and Mrs. Chas. Meyers, visited | sult of its having eaten moldy ensilage
er girl friends, Misses Margaret | hontas on Saturday evening. ; ,
of her girl friends, | Mr. Wm. Stosen was a business ' the Son of the first named and the lat- | during Mr. and Mrs. Black Ss absence
Baker and Mabel Meyers. | ar, Mey dale Saturd ing | ter's husband at the Cottage State |from home.
Mrs. Wilmore Wheaton was a Rock- | Visitor to Meyersdale Satur ay evening | ; 3 : )
h w Mr. A. A. Sharp and family spent | !0SPital, Connellsville, where Mr. My-| This week wil end the work of Evan-
wood visitor n Mnnday. : : ; : ers has been a patient for the past | gelist Starke, at Rockwood, one of the |
rival eting is still in prgress. | Sunday with friends in Salisbury. : > J
Revival me 18 ’ Ra ten days suffering from a severe scal- | most wicked places he was in so he
beautiful solo was sung on Sun-| Mr. E. J. Loraditch from Pocohontas | “© >
A beautifu : ive : ding which he met when a plug of an | states, hut still would not mind livin
day evening in the Markleton church [and his brother, William, of Hinton, Hie blow : ition 1 h : ; 3 g
y Mrs. C. O. Burns | Iowa, were business visitrs at Sang | ©n&8ine blew out. His condition is’ muc | ere. Next week he will begin meet-
by Mrs. C. O. . : . y : (Improved and it is expected that he | ings in Somerset.
Miss Ethel Henry is still detained | Patch, Pa. on Monday. i
from Ber School . ie will be able to return home soon. | The wife of Jas. Premier, who was \,
: ; :
GARRETT. | 1 Shot and kiled at Hooversville last inti
. is K op BERKLEY. : ember. created quite : ior. at 7 ila oS
Mrs. Lewis Kennell, of Garrett, was . quite a sensation at Lal l
SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. i | taken to Cumberland, Mond to b Mrs. Rebecca Miller who is 84 years Hclsopple recently when she r.ace By AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, THE
Eo or] eon fo Lumhioriang Monten 0 Yo] M7 Basins | living by herself for | informa : i HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS
dent for the past thirteen years of Sum | treated for a complication arising itormalion against Tony Falns, of ty
Thursday to the home he recently | little one is getting along nicely. § at about 11 a. m. lying on the floor with the trouble. Mrs. Premier allegess H H
: ” 3 beside her stove nearl frozen to “i
purchased from the Albert Largent es-| Mrs. Elizabeth Kennel is confined to death. Sic had Eons best, Tying that Tony was » ith a gang of men
tate. | her bed suffering withheart trouble. : y who were leaving her house when
| ; there for some time as she was quite | one ofthem fired hot at her h
i ey were It seems as though we are having | ° a shot a er hus-
Mr. and Mrs, Milion Gnagey tone S0T5% ErOURIhOT weatnors rigid and had bled considerably from | band. Sherifr Hochard placed Falns
Mercantile appraiser F. P. Glessner | ® eu on her arm which she had re-| unger arrest. Tony Rabas, said to be :
of Berlin was a business caller in our | °®1Ved When falling. She was found bY | the man who fired the shot, is being ® ® 5
OF 1915
‘ome where she is being cared for. 4 : RIE ag 2 OF YESTERDAY
ebay o 2 Hh Manager Donges has just secured Kr a) THE PHILIPPINES AMD TO-DAY
Physician dingnosed the case as that | ihe best stock company that has ever | POGEIIIBIITIAN 1 xrioe LIFE, CUSTOMS SPORTS FESTIVITIES, ETC.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis Fike in Meyersdale.
Mahlon Werner and Miss Olive Wer-
ner visited their grandparents, Mr.
Mrs. Charles Bingner near Berlin, ov-
er Sunday.
We are certainly enjoying ground-
hog weather at present.
Mr. Harry Walker, of near Centre-
Mr. William Ebaugh and Mr. I .Nei-
miller and was taken to the latter's
town last week.
Several new cases of chickenpox
have developed here lately.
Mr. Luther Walter who had been
confined to his home on account of |°f apoplexy. played Meyersdale , namely—“The
sickness, is again able to be around. Miss Mabel Sellers, who had 8 tooth
ville, this county, visited his uncle Mr.| On account of a break in the machin- nein oy np ova opea 2 two weeks’ engagement here
Gillian Walker over Sunday. ery at the Electric light ‘plant, our thet day Bd oven nil mi Ht wieniq beginning Monday, ,F'eb. 15th, show-
A jolly sleighing party was royally | town has been without light for the PE ioton wos cap Yo ue Ing every night except Thursday 18,
entertained at the hospital home of |last two weeks, but the necessary re- £5000 In Shonnrie he et oy when they will lay off for Lyman H. |
Joseph Ebaugh on last Friday evening, | Pairs are now being made and it is Mrs. Wilson Neimillor wag 4 Tor Howe. This company has a reputa-
Miss Tillie Brown, of Meyersdale, | expected that we will have that which ot the Howard Blessner home pines tion that will speak for itself as to
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and | has been greatly missed. dik ; their merits. They played in Clarks-
Mrs. D. W. Long. Mr. and Mrs. E. BE. Carver visited Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gless. burg, W. Va., for 38 straight weeks; in -
The spelling Bee at the Handwerk | relatives at Niverton Junction on > . Huntington, W. Va., for 16 weeks and
. > : R = :
school on last Friday night was well | Sunday. ner, of Hay's Mill an 8-pound baby in Elkins for 14 weeks. They change Pr RICES: 25 35 50 CE N
Br : ’
ie a ay a £051 198107 76 EPL Busy. thors. coll vy E. E. Boger, of Hay's mill, sqp. | "0" 20d sPecialties evely night, Ly ||. Seats on Sale at Thomas Drug Store.
On Saturday evening a crowd of |days. fore on de dy a SU | dies tickets for opening night only.
young folks enjoyed a sled ride to the| Only two more months will bring gestion on | port fail to see the great company
v Saturday. .
: as the management positivel uar-
hospital home of E. K. Suder near | the schools to a close for the present Miss Ida Wilhelm, is still suffering g D y g
sought in West Virginia.
Ce Ad a A
mit Mills moved to Meyersdale on last | from the birth of a child, Monday. 3 many years was found Monday, Feb. Holsopple, holding him in connection AND THE COMMANDERS AND OFFICERS OF THE NEW U.S. NAVY?
ip SE
Aubrey Players”. This Company will’ ig Ea
: tees it the best company ever here,
Berlin. The evening was spent in |term. an
layi ious games and music lent| The prtracted meetings in the Evan- With rheumatism, Some of their bills are—Trail of the
eying Talos elical church are still in progress | AT infant child of Geo. Fritz who Lonesome Pine—Shepherd of the . .
its charms also. An oyster supper was | & has been quite ill, is improving. Matinee - 2:30 and Night - 8:30. i
served to which all did ample justice. |and much interest is being manifest- The mill Tv a Heady grind boo 't Hills—Blindness of Virtue—Baby : i ©
Morning was not very far distant [ed in them and the attendance is very Berkley. YE ¢ 10! Mine. Etc. Saturd ay, February 13th 1915 | At
when all had reached their homes. The | large. Last Fri i TTT ; { min
party consisted of the following: Or-| Our band was over the town on Wed. of tr vening 2 jony owe] Dairy farmers who ship milk to 1 on
pha Meyers, Esther Conrad, Nettie |nesday evening and serenaded several hivoush quite & in re ee Some Johnstown for sale have learned BENNER & HERMAN Present Their i men;
: , : through I 8. Pyle, manager of the I.X- i
Maust, Mary Gnagey, Ada Fike, Fan-| new business houses. The band under to the home of J. R. Ebaugh. They all g ie g : 1015 MODEL 1 i daug
nie Miller, Darl Saylor, Harry Meyers, | the leadership of Prof. Wm. Martin, enjoyed a pleagant creme 2 L creamery of Friedens, that the rules B. (
E. R. Hay, Frank Fike, A. G. Maust, | is making rapid strides to perfection iy Uod0s ater il on > of the Johnstown Board of Health re- 9 cbr
Albert Meyers, Walter Fike, Ed-|and many concerts will be held in Davis: was Gib: dorves Y Siies. Mrilafire that every cow from which milk C( 1 : S a . O | infor
ward and Skyles Suder. the future, ? is sold in Johnstown, must be tested lune]
The Rev. H .H. Wiant, of Berlin INSTA and certified to be free from tubercu- : - b
os ’ , | ers
WELLERSBURG. i" sor of the Graace Reformed church INDIAN SREEX. . losis. As this is quite an expense A MERRY RIOT OF FUN AND MUSIC mite
Mrs. Frank Delbrook and daughters | vas calling upon bis people here on H. I Fisher spent Friday night at | many of the farmers will return to but- : Th
spent the week-end with Mrs. Del- | Thursday afternoon. pin is Camp at Roaring Rup, ter making. : E thi N . i th N tine
brook’s parents, Mr. and Mrs'G. W.| S. P. Zimmerman, passenger engi. sss Moser, one. of our teachers, TEE very Ing Bw u 8 ame gust
Witt neer on the Berlin branch is taking a | from Mlll Run was called to her home The matinee for Peck’s Bad Boy at Evel
A number of people from town attend- | short vacation this week. His post is - Connstivvile by the sudden death | Donges Theatre Saturday, Feb. 13 at . 2 i Roar
ed the public sale of the personal pro- | being filled by Engineer W. H. Heffley. | ©1 ner sister. . 2:30 p. m. is the children’s delight and oy
perty of Win. Kesl, about a. mile end John Malcolm, of Paw Paw, W. Va., Miss Jean Illig and her brother, Joe an event of the season for the “Kid- IN in UI ! ! ers - |
half northeast of town on Saturday. spent the beginning of the week here | 37 Sbending a week with their uncle dies.” The show will be put on in .
Mr. W. F. Webreck and son, Robert | attending the funeral, of his son, | 20d aunt in Blairsville. its entirety—all songs, danncing and BER
of near Glencoe spent Friday at the | Chas. Malcolm. J. M. Stauffer, of Seottdale, was 2) gnociaitios wits be given; nothing cut G | i L S T0 0
home of G. W. Witt. Cecil Brown is instructing a number | T€cent visitor. : out. Prices, Children 10 cents; adults, : Pe
Mr. Frank Paul, of Mt. Savage, and | of people here in music. . he enw Pat > sal one 25 cents. : Sang
Miss Gertrude Paul and Mrs. Chas. | Joe Taccino is spending the week he ne B.£ 2 oMcidls nacky w FOR A am ens, He Come Out and Get a Good “LAFF MASSAGE.” There tr
O'Donnell, of Cumberland spent Sun- ; With his family in Frostburg. ib quite reasonable. Apply a ce. : ro . ’ .
day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs, Mowry Royston and| H.L Fisher spent over Sunday with | | EGHORN EGGS FOR SALE—Single | | iS a problem with this show. It’s how to stop laughing, It is
George Paul in this place. daughter of Confluence, attended the | Dis family in Wilkinsburg. Comb White Léghorn Eggs for hatch- - . , ted
Miss Hylda Langer, of Cumberland , funeral here of Mrs. Royston’s brother, | Hiram Connor, the express carload-|ing, $1.00 per dozen. Alfred Broad- PRICES: Matinee - Children 10 cents; Adults 25 cents. to er
: { : a
is spending a few weeks with her aunt, er os Be Moreen Ed Co, He water, Glencoe, Pa. Apri o Night - 25 - 35 and 50 cents. Spa
Mrs. D. P. Everline. ST. PAUL. again added a feather 8 hat by : .
Mrs. Jas. Eggleson and children, Miss Flora Faidley spent Sunday at | loading over seventeen thousand feet J. B. Werner, of Somerset, has tak- Seats now selling at Thomas Drug Store. fired
Harry and Lucile are visitors with | her home, She is the affable young la- of lumberin a car. Mr. Conner can load | en charge of the Somerset Democrat = tered
M ‘ 1 : from one thousand to fifteen hundred as the former editor, Wilbur F. Cleav- arres
rs. Eggleson's mother, Mrs. Elia | dy who yields the broomstick in the ? : 0 Iot Musi : A 1
Elrick, of Thomas, W. Va. home of H. G. Lepley. feet more of lumber in a car than er, has resigned the position as ed- Bird or 3 uss Mas or. Stir. ¥ ease
: : er any other employe. itor. .
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Baker called| A number of our Youpe men guys : bout 10:30 THE TURNING POINT. Authorities on harmony have written
on relatives in Hyndman recently. an oyster supper to a select crowd at Train No. 6 on Sunday abou : : Slt Lens Hoss 0 ; : Voluines In search of tre origin of the
Mr. and Mrs. John Troutman, of the St. Paul Club house last Friday |a. m. derailed the engine tank and four | The Finest ait wake string © In all lives, the highest and hum- minor scale. If they had turned to N
near Kennels Mills, spent Saturday evening. cars at Bluestone due to the journal | ever sold in all size Packages; also blest, there is a crisis in the forma- the birds they might hve discovered Dahl
with their daughter, Mrs. William | Lagrippe is keeping a number in |breaking on tank truck. This was a Norway Mackerel, and Columbia Riv- tion of character and in the bent of Without 757 saith Wester oo Pras
Sturtz. doors during the cold wave which is | bad wreck but fortunately no one was | er Salmon at Habel & Phillips, Shposiion, comes fon may every English copse the cuckoo (who in w
i ? inj . teel coaches were sources an om some w on A
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lepley and fam- | now in progress. Injured. The heavy 8 : 2 bas but two notes at his command) on
ily, of Ellerslie, R. F. D, spent Sun-| This town is patiently looking for | badly twisted and if the cars had been | GOLD MEDAL FLOUR—Is ope big | |, fhe Wii 0s Copassiily trivial. BITEY 8 DTTort Tatar tilt Inter
day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lepley, | the predicted wave of prosperity to | wooden the loss of life would have | trade winner. Are you using it? t may be a 00K, a speech, a ser- Listen 10 our wood thiush's melody! of ti
eg been great. Habel & Phillips. mon, a great misfortune or a burst | | Miss
of near town. strike it. ; of prosperity. But the result isthe | | His cluster of three notes forms a per- .
Mr. H. Delbrook is on the sick list. | The Reformed Sunday School will -—-— aa . ope 1d Lions | fect minor chord. Four hundred years indus
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Witt and children | meet at 9:30 next Sunday morning. | Mr. D. H. Manges, the drayman has Oscar Taggart, 2 one time a resi- Same ; sudden revelation to a | before Christ, Aristophanes wrote a ing :
ladys and Marshal t Sunday | | returned from the Johnstown hospital | dent of this place, died on Sunday at Ves of our secret purpose and a | play entitled “The Birds, which was W. E
~~ Gladys and Marshal, spen | bain ¢ k, hay- his home in Altoona and the remains recognition of our perhaps long | produced at Harvard a few years ago.
with Mrs s mother, Mrs. Dora Schmucker’s Calf Meal,—Very good | Where he had been for a week, hay 11 “shed 0 ful pro 2 ye g
Ev TI 18ville Md. Shmucks s : : ling gone there with the intention of were brought here for interment on nadowe ut now master con- | the vocal part being set to music by
ye. In lovin 8 : od Sons for y calves or pigs at Habel & | rgoing an operation for appendi- Tuesda. Undertaker Reich had charge victions, | John K. Paine.—Suburban Life,
an MTS, INE 1 Shailer and sons | 2 . ’ o .
PT li3 home of | Phill Ray disclosed the fact that of the body at this place. { = | Vegetan tion
i, ‘calied atl € nome | Aye, There i egetabi b -
I's parents 7 ERE ers a different charac- ——— | It wo — Wl Paraguay has ga ere
£8 LarTents, 4 : : 108% OF Of or 25 ROY escaped the F & STRAW WANTED— At - | ® Hn ich is use n ma =
Dunn, of Mt. Savage. i [Pa0cs or com for x the Dresent hs cscaped the Hay TRA ANTED-- Al Ha | stones we woul | Najcn Is use 1 ma}
Earl Witt, Homer Beal, cents at Bittner’s’ Grocery. surgeon’s knife bel & lips : | silk.