The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, February 11, 1915, Image 4

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    boiler in the Garrett Light & Power
fm o pao — — _— ve Cm en — go E——— . pr
! Mrs. Victoria D ist i
MEYERSDALE (Continued from 1st page) | - Victoria Dean, a typist in the PARTED BY FATE
: “ | Somerset County Star printery, was : Mrs. L
COMMERCIAL land under the name of“All-The-Mead- 2 : . ’
ee sim rs This Simon Hay was born A stricken with scarlet fever the latter a berland
Is . part of the week. Three children who hon
ril 18, 1742 at Zwei Brichen, Ge lr, i
Published Every Thursday I and fi in Brothersvalley a live at home also have the malady By GENE SHEAR. relatives
At Meyersdale, Pennsylvania. ship, Somerset County, Pa., February 2 Sune > Second asin ‘ Thoms
= vie: = in aT : ck of pnuemonia. rs. oe, . : was a r
K. CLEAVER, Editor and 3, 1842, aged 99 years, 9 months and Thomasine McDowell is’ nursing the He's the very nicest man | Mrs.
Busi M 15 days. At the age of about 21 years _, ' g know!” mourned the girl with the . %
usiness anager. sick. ville, vis
he emigrated to the United States and Five child : S vellow hair. “And I keep on treat- : . ’
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE lived for four years at Hagerstown children ranging in age from 10 | ing him as though he belonged in the Mr, an
where he Was married to Anns May i 26 years of the family of Mr. and | - ack yard of civilization! It's aw- day witl
Waen paid strictly in advance $1.25 Shaver. In 1796 he built the stone Is Herman Menhom are going ul!” : Tor 4 + 1&0 1
When not paid in advance $1.50 dwelling house, now owned by E I.) thous a siege of scarlet fever.Marie “Are you talking backward?’ in- tives a 1
Sc | — eee . oe : y p ‘aged 17 months, daughter of Clarence | duired the girl in the green suit. | Mrs. E
: NN eA raim Boger and also built Hay’s grist : “ye § » irk |
Gd We are sending out hundreds of _ a Menhom, also a member of the famil If it keeps on,” proceeded the girl | lin frien
ie : : mill, both being in a good state of |. Ys ok ; . ip i |
5 bills from this office for subscrip- : died Friday evening from complicati with the yellow hair, “I think I shall Mrs. J
preservation. He had ten children, NE P lon | , en ea Vif soy
: tions due on the Commercial, but why - arising from scarlet fever. Int t jose my mind! * Some jinx is mixing was a b
i a §U it necessary. iit. vo many instances five sons and five daughters, to wit: Was made in th 2 eTmen up my fate—some enemy has hoo-
¥ seems strange when the tag on your Miichael, who settied Jon a farm one Micheals Cath 94 PR a> diced. ne! I tell you, the instant hail
’ bors rang » 2 go 5 mile north of Lavansville; Jacob who —Lcheals cs 2 ic Church at West| met Alfred I had a sort of shock. ed here
Pap plainly shows W Spars settled on a farm near Wellersburg; | 3 = aia eside the child’s mother, | Something told me that here was the A. A.
i EE ®X" and afterwards the latter moved to . Sten 3 ie oer a year ago from | man I had been waiting for all my last Sun
? 15 think that the pee take shy Ohio; Valentine became the owner of re m ° th i d Zever, | Clarence Hie 5 Miss §
i HI ears, enjo ne A the farm at Hays Mills; George set- the iio] : Sy ho ik Be ie shone a hig i og Triengs ;
1 \ Pe alll a voir es Tiot sive one pd tled on a farm one-half mile north of home and hy > at Sonor, Is ut didn’t you alii Sglary a . Eo » > A
. Hay’s Mill, now owned by Henry C % scarlet dover , "This store helps to make a lot of h i RR
. * : It was Alfred’ ersonality,” in- a ler
38 Jounn fo help ey Smponyes Yu Hay; Peter S. Hay settled on a 300- Dther Byiiss recently Suaraniined dignantl as rt i Madmen lin h S N 1 i i pe
Bey would be horrified at the thought _ 1. = oo of Hay's | account of the fever epidemic are: oe 0 i e Rd TR ome ot only ‘at Christmas time but alton, w
of going into a store and takin Lor: H i . ope you res 0 . 3 3 ~~ :
of gulag F108 sore 80 iamng wast Mill where Grandfather Hay died in hem Marg 2a] News Newman. | 7. rcenary enough to be influenced by all throngh the year this store aims to help cers. E
2 ; : 1842. Mary married Jacob Young and : een in all over 40 cases | ynything his cousin may have told mothers make thei hild h : : Somers
{little difference in the two cases. The settled on 2 farm onehalf mile north to date in the Borough of Salisbury.| me! I could see by his expression elr caiidren appy and Mrs.
Sitter , Soriseistes ne hoest man ) of Levensville; Susannah married Ja: Mrs. z ®ve who about a week | that he was a wonderful man. And contented. This plan not only keeps the Gordon
who settles his account promptly. ago sustained severe injury from hi i k i . t Glen
BC. } 99h Baker and they moved to sad re is not yet out of anil 3 be a vi Td Bo Thi wn a omhe children at home but makes better boys : — 4
: sided in Holmes County, Ohio. Eliz-|, . : g : ; ; i
ABeY, Sunoay oN sooze , beth married George Weller, the fath- Jars my esp her in bed for many i ry those little individualities! and girls and. eventually, better men and Large ri
many lectures and cull Bie 92.0 Sherin Weller and grandiather of wy iy he ly on ea “But listen! Just when I had it women, : > No
y John C. Weller, of Gepharts; Cather- DoRgr bb € well 10 thaw the pump 1 id Posty
books extant upon the evil effects of al- ine married Samuel Miller who scitlod open when she accidently set fire to 31 fred to ride in the same auto with > days of
1 : 1 e ; ; m his cousin called him away to 3
we) a 2 38%00n 229 them Yell 4 oti 5, f5r10 11 AQMISOR ToWStHiD On tie per Glafhing sng before help arrived | igo tm hers to the beach. yicnic, Play Suits and Wigwams. ogvitle
: Sas : ~~~ National road one mile South of Pe- € woman was severely | ‘ng then, when I was about to sit 3 py
thing near to the high points of Billy terthire. Toe aoriol Ress Gonhing burned from her ankles to her shoul-| icside him at the campfire, one of Made by Real Onondago Indians. Stein w
Sunday's sermon on Booze. | who settled on & farm at Gegberes | 1678 and her suffering is intense. the men called him away to carry Indian Romper Suits including war bonnet of pretty colored Thursda
Some of his utterances are Startling He was the Tosher of Oludba op Clyde Newman is boarding at the | wood, and before he got back Arty feathers to correspond with the harmonious colors of suit Mrs. 1
Docmuse hey are not pat but are true. for many vears an attorney ind home of Mr. Norman Newman while arners had flopped down in his trimmings, 8t........ Sawai, fe msinnss 5c. each. land, sp
fear him: “Whisky and beer are all qo 00 oat 0 moved to Din his father’s house is under quarantine lane und all T could do was give Indian and Cowboy Suits, including all the regulation head- iem hom
right in their place, but their place Ha : i for scarlet fever. "im a sad smile across the blaze. Even gear to make the outfit especially attractive; also beit, h Mrs.
. . ton, Ohio, where he died a few years : that was spoiled, because just h : : ; p : ? s ROISLEP,
is in hell. The saloon hasn’t one leg later i - Mrs. Lydia Shaw and childrenn, H.- on Te Jus, as he lariet, pistol, etc., per suit ...... aaa .. $1.50 upward. home or
to stand on. "**The saloon is worse : | ter anu } .tter. gpent several days the cought my evs somebody dropped @ - ti i
: KR Peter S. Hay became the owner of ot y ‘| plate of sandwiches on. his head in aves
than war and pestilence. **New York's latter part of the week as sts of i B S S Mr.
annual drink’ bil consists of the home farm. being the first proper- Or. W. P. Shaw i : guests +f passing, and nothing annoys a man 0)'4 COUT SUITS. . al
aah rosy to bay To ooo0e bay, 17 owned by Wis father, Simon HayltL Ho 0% in Berlinn. like being mussed up that way. The regulation uniforms worn by all Boy Scouts, made of rett, we
I nay» a : > 00 ™ when he came to this county. He mar a . S. Baer and children spent He did call to see me before he heavy dark army cloth, hat with emblem of crossed rifles, haver- last.
$305 oF Muy mes id Rosy > gis ov. ied Elizabetli Walker and the follow 36v0rs days last week with her sister | went back to New York—and arrived |} sack and leggings, bronze buttons, silk embroidery sleeve em- $e The
ey man woman and child in the coun ny are theo hildren: David, Michael, | C. B. ike Utes street. Vien Tr ing room was full of || blems in colors. The real thing for the real Boy Scout. Tale
well 55 to Taodlace el mighs ** Philip, Peter S., and Valentine, al of |, i oh Jn. company with his relatives, whom We just lau
hell as to try to ai the nie Whom are deaq except the last nemed, - a d . Smale Toon: JUVENILE SQUA SUITS. .
with license laws. The whisky Gang mop mois orooes YOURE; SUSAn-|gyoq of Mr. Waits rot Beautifully trimmed skirt and jacket, coronet of beautiful ge
: : ; nah married Samuel Walker; Eliza- 1 a x var feathers of ied shades t h i eT
Knows that their fate is sealed. | pray path amid ns Ro, or PUZ2 | garet Rumeiser. On Friday, February of varied shades to match the suit, at .. $1.00 upward. Mir:
God to let me live lon § /watherine i -
eo. ve long enough to, .1ied Frederick Weller: and Gare 5 Mr. Wahl celebrated his 81st birth ter, Mr:
. | line married Samuel M. Saylor. Mrs is Biward Loechel MORE COTTON BATTING. In Mary
A COLLEGE TO STUDY Young and Mrs. Weller are dead; the beth Pa tH rey Tent Ba A 12-ounce Batt for only...... 9 cents. . oe. 4
, . arents, Te : : . a
CHILD LiF, | Other three daughters are living and |i" 1° VE b Here is your chauce to get batting for comforts and quilts at SY
The! Kibevicsn: Indiitare of Cidls: "Eo 91, 89 and 75 years respectively. | LM : the lowest price you ever paid for this size batt. It opens half 4
; ! Pioneer Simon Hay's farm wh h r. an rs. C. E. Oglethorpe, of the size of a comfort, that is 36 X 84 inch Mrs. |
Life, with headquarters in Philadel- Wigro he Bittinger, Md., were registered at the ELIS inches. As long as these spent
Live, with Sesiuuasions in Philedel ros when he Genie WIE, i8 wite| sir ds Yore o8 lastatonly ..... ..... ..... ...... i..5.).. Oeents a batt. Ahir
, tp! . from Hagerstown in 1769 has been in 3 y ’ i
last week's issue of The Commercial, | tne Hay family ever since snd | Miss Margaret Glotfelty a teacher 2-1b. — Large Batts — Comfort Size — 35 cents. Miiss ]
is having its excellent features ex-!i tno possession of ate ar ov in the Berlin Schools, spent the week- These large batts open the full size of a comfort, that is 72 x spent S
plained in this part of Somerset coun- | Bdison Hos wha i . Yl end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 84 inches in a solid sheet — a good extra. carded, lofty, white home fc
ty by Miss Maria W. M. Ballentine. |, .. Y Who is great grandson, |. yw miSireity dn Grant sticel batt, BOW. w.uu.a.iniinnin ini: 35 ts. Mrs
The name of the organization is in. | "oF, the only child of Sylvester 8.1 ‘go 1" 4 Adolphus Bowser drove ard Regn cents, : io wal
"| Hay. It is one of them ost desirabl : az
dicative of its aims and purposes. It sirable’ to Accident on i “Ei i
strives to apply to each child in the | farms in Somerset county. Every foot aged father = Say ome their Did you try our ‘‘Eighesgie’’ brand of Coffee at-12c. per 1b.? Seren:
home, what has been accomplished in | of it is ZVatialie for agricultural pur- teen ie . ae a The ‘Lucky Find” coffee with the large premiums is gaining atte a
EY , poses and the whole underlaid with : ’ or, popularity, price Je z 2
poms Yat 199 Dest accumnlis PPE sie oe LE LOS EL EEE
i Ee ost etl twpal, The Bulldiuge’ are fine, 3 large)" © SUCKS Of Yatalvsis Jaisly. fr
< ia BLATT antl € brick dwelling house, bank barn and Is, Tan oder and childreg, of . : oil Ail 2
specific lines. other numerous outbuildings on the Hooversville, visited the former's par- rr iR bs Sunday,
* Jo look ints the scope of the work, farm. Besides his fathe Po ents, Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Connor last CN : -at Balti
Pe + farm. Besides his father and Uncle}... = ag ‘I “1 Think | Shall Lose My Mind.” ; th : WE
of the varius lines planned fr the lit- Peter built splendid houses in prox- : Toad Lh 3 i i “a * $ : : Ronan aes ih : ‘ cin joved Iz
tle ones must captivate the mind and | imity to the mansion house. has. King of Springs was a Salisbu- Mave 0 ky x ce to Benants t 53 own . Q |. ol
the heart of every parent who loves| The three dwelling houses stand |! Viitor on Monday vening. ne that may pan out well some (Successor to Appel & Glessner.) © Mr. D
his own 80. well. This not a new fad The quarantine was recently remov- | 8y—énd my total conversation with | §- : pray)
yes ew fad, | pack from the public highway about hi isted of ‘W do you ~ xo h i
something new for the leisure class,’ ed from the home of Prof. Chas. But-| BI consisted o hy, how do you d 1 9 ere w
»' one hundred feet and have beautiful TOM the : : #8!’ and ‘Good night!” Th eyersdaaie FF f-
or the children of the well to-do. It is! : ler in Elk Lick township where 2 $- Tog: of ’ enna. | day laa!
Of the wel lodo. t 18 ; surrroundings. The occupants of these Dw SCar“ | the time Uncle Benjamin was explain- v, : nee orf = B. J.
in no Sense exclusive. Already some homes are not only happy themselves | [6 fever had existed. Prof. Butler is| ing to him how to get 80 bushels of : et E ’ ; been t
miners families at Garrett have en- but their hospitality is always ex- teacher of the Salisbury Grammar | potatges frm am acre instead of 40. a ; "more &
rolled and an organization has been | tended to their numerous friends and grade and boarded with his mother | Alfred is in the wholesale dry goods Here it 1S the I on L k d f a Mrs.
effect at Salisbury. Meyersdale seems | acquaintances and a pleasanter, hap- during the quarantine of his home. | business, &nd, of course, was in- 9 g 0OO0Ke or. aie Th is visit
just slightly tardy in accepting the' pier community cannot be found any.| Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shoemaker and easy interested in the potatoes. . —— iy Goores
work. To merely glance at the aims | where. children, of Boynton were guests at e sent me a ten-pound box of A Money Saving Device for all Railroad Companies. Mrs
of the work is to be convinced of its | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Brown | 304 on my birthday, and I wrote eu : :
word: The name Hay is spelled Hays, toss Sunda ? : him a perfectly beautiful letter, : ; : ? : week w
J | visice, Floize, tiags, Hoye itwes y. which he never answered, THAL Way Away with the Bolts and Splice Bars and use a Perfect . P. P. R
» Ta Hayse, Hase, Hey and Heyes. There | Elder Jacob Peck, of Meyersdale, | because he never got it. That mon- : : . wad Miss
] sia ELECTRIC DEALS. | , IsY AE He Tie | visited Salisbury last Sunday on @w| ogrammed expression of thanks Is Boltless Lap Rail Joint. Needs no Bolts or Splice Bars. It can home o
ome big electrical deals are about i ati ini i i » - 3 $ :
he a 2,431 persons of this name, of which Bo% Doviainine to his office as director A I Pi is soma: be connected up In One-third the time as the old joint, and Garrett
| 529 were heads of families. 112 of the . : : J. A.
t C : : : Z example to b qd i ? 3 : .
PD Sr a ond sons. Fred | latter being in Pa. The legend of the Edward Bevans, of Union Bridge, in i ae 2 Sonishodrs whed connected up there is nothing can get loose. There is the B, {
L. and Bafticy D ol Moverad Ie oy | origin of the name is—In the early | Md, recently visited his sister, Mrs. | mlegant Letters.’ also plenty of room for expansion and contraction, and i ' nellevill
on February 23 ore CAs Jgsys of Seotlane 8 poor farmer was |W Boschi of West 2alispury, “1 know he never got it because [ 4),ipy : re 5
the governor to Incorporate. IRs | plowing with a wooden plow share in| Wilson Kendall has been on the sick | the next time he was in Chicago on irds stronger than any other part of the rail, thus preventing hotel, 1
new olectric light, heii ond power his sparse field when a lord rode up | list for several weeks. Three other business trip he phoned me, and | Jow joints or wheels bumping on rails. avism,
comipanies; one to be known as the! ® him exclaiming, “My enemies are | members of the family have just re-|! cleared the matter up. He forgave Willi
Garrett ofother the S it T | pursuing me and I shall be killed, | covered from scarlet fever. me at once and asked me to come If vo i th I £ oa : ; ersdale
: : as the Summit ZOWND- 4.1; me and I shall reward you.”. Then ! y ; lown for dinner and the theater— you are m e market for a joint of this kind, call up- Garrett.
ship, and the third as the Black Town- | "p= oo toward the enorny Wm. Wagner, Sr, of Elk Lick town-| .nq I had already promised Arty on or write He. the } t f thi 1 Miss
bs, te Li | | ship went to Copley, ‘Ohio, on Thurs-| ho § idi s inventor o 1s a iance, —,
if DE Bout ona Power foros, “Hey! Hey!” and with his|gay to visit his daughter, Mrs. Geo Hii i igi COOK, 514 High Street my > oN i
og , t - : 3 J ’ : =] 28 er, bu ) 1 ree
£ porations will be to furnish electric | honoy ge lmeitl Latin) 24d | Baum and family. insistent on one’s keeping engage- 2 ¥ : E, PA, wg: Us
: , : -be- . The | ments. And it was Alfred’s onl TS.
gt light : : : . 4 8. n S re only eve . . .
le und povr in hose mms nin arid ave th armor al ir, PM I I. Johnston enter] S221, SU WAITING | Will be pleased to Furnish you with model or blue print com
i a SEE i hn lof the land a vulture could fly over | Ch Prides oradine sut for afternoon tea because he had showing full detail of the same. I ted J 191 visiting
1 3S 3 Z asl til five o'clock!” . Invented June s i i
i or township other than the one in mi day. hence the name of Hey. : | Miss Nellie Bevans, of Union Bridge gn - : a ? os : S P ? 4; United Miss
A ae a he genealogical part of this arti-|_ SN month later A'fred was again in | States Patent allowed, November 23, 1914, Victor J. E enterta
pe D corporation 18] cle was prepared by Mrs. Frank | 18 visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. | "hicago. He had taken the precau- , + Lvens school
i located. | Black, of Garrett. and Mr. Valentine | Knecht in West Salisbury. ‘ion to write that he was coming and Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. Misse
p All three of these new companies | gq : — to reserve the afternoon and evening 3
y of Somerset. A i Pittsbu
i will be subsidiary to the Meyersdale | Vim. of my time. The morning of that | BUCKING THE SNOW IN A of thei
Pe Electric Light, Heat & Power Com-| No FULL MOON THIS MONTH | Mrs. Lou Knepp, of Larimer town- day I fell off the stepladder and “FAMOUS MAXWELL 25” | The b The: Bayonet, Miss
3 pany. Mrs. Wilmoth last week bought Phore will te no fail. moon thi ship, spent Friday night at the home sprained my ankle so badly that I e bayonet was due to the fortu-
- the Garrett Light & Power plant from 5 2 S of Henry Suder., her brother was In bed or o Week, 1 couldny The Meyersdale Auto Company cer-| nate inspiration of a Basque soldier, ly er
3 ill & Walk f the Ent : month, a phenomena which has not G Hib 2 £ Mt 2 d k 2ven go to the phone to talk to him! | tainly had their nerve last Saturday | who. when he and his regiment. havin lends
ed Merri alker, of the Hnterprise taken place since 1866. This happens eorge Hibner, of Mt. Braddock, | zo gizuck Chicago on his return trip | as they delivered a Maxwell 25 Tour-| expended their ammunition. we ig Mrs
Mining Company and the Enterprise | three or four times in a century. In SPent Saturday with his daughter, | and phoned. asking me to dinner, and | jng car to L. J. Holiday at Confluence. | en to bay on a donate ra iv 1s Spent
Supply Company, of Garrett. This | january the moon was full on the 1st. Mrs. D. M. Lee and family. { accepted. That afternoon We got | mye snow on the mountains was what | Bayonne, suggested that the Rr atives,
auxiliary of the Meyersdale Electric | ng the 30th. The lunar month con- | Henry Brown and family were Sun a telegram saying that grandmother some call fierce and the roads abound- | fiX the long knives with a ol the Sot
plant will be _moved and used as an | {5ing a little more than 29 days, so the | day visitors of Mr. Brown's parents in pad Bed, 2nd on on fhe Ine ed in snow galore but the undaunted Were armed into the musket De John
Light, Heat and Power plant. A 20,000 | noxt full moon after Jan. 31 will be ; Greenville twp. 5 Ta - Thy, it's enough to i 3 tuto the 7 7, #38 charge. the : a r d fro
? ; y : : make any man think 1 was sitting up | Car plunged into the fray as if only y enemy. This advice. gh @F
volt high tension line will also be run | pmrarch 1, since February has but 28 Henry Suder and children spent| ! : : : which : : . ; ’
’ ry ! : aights planning how to avoid him!” | stone walls were the barriers that ich was followed with complete < week
from the Meyersdale plant through |g,vs The last similar observance was | Sunday at Peter Bowman's. The yvellow-haired girl beat her | would halt it in its course. Snow- | SUCCESS. was the means of introducing national
Summii Tomushn to Darren od a peace year after the Civil war. en Vo btu TI ie Mo hands upon her brow. “Oh!” she | banks three and four deep Wore plow- | the weap6n to the notice of military Mrs
thence into Blac ownship, to furnis argare adys unk o reenville | _ caned “It's ons g ' > Europe :
: me rm m , anspeakable! I'm | ed through as a mere incident on th p g
light and power for the mines and for | stalling of a 350-tube water-tube twp. last Sunday by Rev. Stephan. | .hairman of the banquet given by our | way Eyam as 2a ok £
domestic use in those townships and | plant, located at the Enterprise mine On Monday evening the boys got their | :ollege club Thursday night. ard un- des each adverse conditions withopt : M i
Garrett Borough. | in Summit Township, and a large paraphernalia together and gave them | {ess I die I've got tc go! Oh, Alfred, a balk as the Maxwell obeys orders “Jack Positive Proof. = Y
The Wilmoths intend to spend $40, steam turbine in the Meyersdale elec- a serenading. Alfregse : and takes Yon Jit: Whore You Want to] Beit to ave M5 faults, but his Mrs.
000 or $50,000 during the present year | tric Pant totake the placcofanen-1. ~~. . Bat ha! ssaiq her unsympathetic “Well, you ihe : biace, houseke
in extensions and improvements of gine and dynamo now in use. This . Pend Exouse We for laughing at 180 1 ! ’ ROW, 17 dehy, Jof Lome
] H : Gd re C hil dren C T | anything so sad—but I guess this is | ~~~ 8aW you with your ear against it last whos
i Th 11 greatly increase the capacity of | yY oe
their light and power properties. ese | will greatl; cre Ihe Di 3 i - vhen Alfred tears your memory from ~% sd ~ - ime + gv | Dight in the conservatory.” —Boston
improvements will include the. in- the central plant, which is already one FOR FLETCHER’S ds Beart!”—Chicago Daily Nowa, W 8 y Transcript : Mrs. |
of the largest and best in the county.’ C AS TO RI A : FOR RHEL. home of