iss 2 FRAT OW PERSONAL AND LOCAL COLUMN. Miss Anna Sellers was a Berlin vis- itor, Thursday. Miss Edna Payne spent Friday with Cumberland friends. Miss Elizabeth Payne is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. D. Cook at Berlin. Mrs. Harry Habel spent Saturday with Cumberland friends. Miss Edna Payne enjoyed last Fri- day with Cumberland friends. Geo. H. Stein was transacting busi- ness in Cumberland on Wednesday. Miss Josephine Damico spent yester- day with friends in Cumberland. Miss Alice Friedline is back home again foulowing a week of visiting Cumberland friends. Mrs. Grace Price is visiting friends at Keyser, W. Va,, for a week. Mrs. Robert Warn, of Seebert, W. Va., is spending a few weeks visiting in town. Miss Ethel Ritter left yesterday for Berlin where she will spend a week visiting. : Miss Elizabeth Payne is home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. O. 0.Cook of Berlin. Mrs. N. B. Hanna, of Salisbury, was shopping and calling on friends in Meyersdale, Saturday. R. S. Kemp, who family on Olinger street. Earl and Lee Crowe, of Frostburg, spent Sunday here visiting their brother, Mr. Glen Crowe. Mrs. N. B. Hanna, of Salisbury was shopping and calling on friends in our town on Saturday . Mrs. HaHrry Habel spent Saturday in Cumberland visiting relatives and friends. M. F. Riley, B. & O. station master, at West Salisbury was a recent Mey- ersdale visitor. R. S. Kemp who is employed at Cum- berland spent Saturday and Sunday here with his family on Olinger St. Mrs. Ralph Zufall, of Somerset is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Landis of Large street. Mrs. Levi Deal and daughter, Mrs. Robert Warn, of Elkins, W. Va., are spending a few days at the Mr. C. E. Deal home. John Irwin, of Connellsville, reve- nue collector attended to matters per- taining to his calling on Thursday of last week. The Misses Zura and Emma Peck and Ashland, Ohio, and Uniontown and Connellsville, of their own state. Edgar Klingaman, of Johnstown en- joyed a few days with his parents, W. H. Klingaman, of Meyers avenue a part of the present week. Miss Lizzie Walker departed yester- day for Johnstown where she will vis- it her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Yo- der, for a few weeks. Mrs. Ezra Deal and daughter spent several days last week bere visiting Mr | His body was turned over Undertaker | fal times as being in critical condi- and Mrs. C. E. Deal and other rela- | Friedline, of Boswell tives and friends. .. S. England, of Bed- ford were guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dahl several days dur- ing the week. W. H. Habel, senior member of the firm of Habel & Phillips attended to business matters in Frostburg on Tuesday Miss Estella Miller who is teaching school at Stoyestown, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives here and at Salisbury. Concilman H. E. Bauman has re- turned from Washington, Alexandria, Va. week. Suffrage organizations have been ef- fected recently at Boswell and one will summer had his right be rganized at Hooversville in the! near future. Miss Annie Stacer left on Sunday for a two weeks stay with her broth- | ers, F. J. and J. G. Stacer in Home- stead. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blume, Mrs. Jo- seph Tressler and daughters, Misses | Myrtle and Lutie were Sunday visitors | to Wellersburg. Paul Dom of Pittsburgh, is spending ‘a few weeks herewith relatives. Miss Evelyn Leckenby has gone to : Connellsville for a few days. Harry Michael Short of Meyersdale and Frances Leonard of Cumberland, and Albert Stephensor of Jerome and ; Margaret Williams of Barnesboro . were married in Cumberland, recently. Mrs. Wm. Podlich, of Baltimore, has returned home after having spent al week here visiting at the homes of | Mr, James. Cook and Mr. E. E. Con- rad. Mrs. George Kuhs has returned from a very uelightful visit to Canton, o.! where she visited her father, Mr. John Bonheimer, a former well-known resident of Meyersdale. Miss Emma May, of the May Millin- ery store, spent Ist Friday in Cumber- land attending to business matters. The Frostburg Spirit, spent Sunday here visiting at the home of his broth- | er, W. S. Livengood, of the South Side. ! Mrs. George S. Pfeiffer, after having spent some time with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deeter, has gone to her new h is employed in Cumberland, spent Sunday with his’ LADIES SUITS ano COATS At One-Fourth to One Half Less Than Cost. DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. This is the final clean-up on these COATS and SUITS, at prices never before equaled in Meyersdale. Every Coat and Suit in the Store is included. ALTERATIONS FREE. One Lot of Eighteen Suits |§ Regular Price $10. to $16. NOW $4.98 One Lot of Fourteen Suits Regular Price $18 to $23. NOW $8.48 One Lot of Thirteen Suits—Regular Price $24.00 $32.50 NOW $11.48 NOW $8.48 One Lot of Eight Coats Regular Price $11.50 to $15.00 NOW $6.48. One Lot of Nine Coats Regular $17.50 to $21.00 One Lot of Sixteen Coats—Regular Price $22 to $35.00 NOW $11.48. Hartley, Clutton (o., (The Women’s Store,) ‘oy Hartley Block, Meyersdale. SECURITY is the first thought of the man opening or carrying a bank account. It is likewise the FIRST THOUGHT, the spirit that dominates and guides the management of this bank. ® The Positive-Absolute Security we give our depositors is the basis on which we invite your business. 3 Though you may be young, old or in the prime of life— Though your account may be large or small— There is a form ef account specially adapted for your needs, provided to meet your particular requireme.tns FOR ABUNDANT SECURITY COMBINED WITH A- BILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO SERVE YOU WELL— COME TO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK MEYERSDALE, ~ -- wt PENNA. Mr. F A. Bittner was at Rockwood on Sunday evening and spoke to the Reformed congregation of that place on the subject, The Prince of Peace Movement. Mrs. L. E. Starnes who had been vis- of Mr and Mrs. George E. Rayman and Harvey N. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walker, both of Stonycreek township, were married at Friedens by Rév. J. C. McCarney of the Luther- Miss Cynthia M Rayman, daughter | VT have returned from visiting Cleveland | ! ward Diveley were at | yesterday, : : | the former's nephew, Emerson Bitt- A. Rutter in this place on Sunday. Mr. D. C. and | son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Miller, where he spent a |of Milford township were married at an church. Miss Anna McDonald of Harrisburg, will deliver an address at the High school Friday evening, Feb. 5th, under the auspices of the Civic League, in the interest of a free li- iting her sister, Mrs. Henry Engle near town, returned to her home at Lona- coning, Md. on Tuesday. Messrs. J. Milton Gnagey and E. M. Beachley are at Harrisburg for a few days where they are attending a school convention. They are delegates | Prary for Meyersdale. from the Meyersdale school board. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bently, of On Monday evening, Mr. Geo. Burke | Pittsburg, who were recently marri- of Garrett and Miss Alma Smith, of ©d and are now returning home from Meyersdale, were quietly married in a honéymoon trip to the National cap- the parlor of the Methodist parson- ital are spending a few days at the age by Rev. J. C. Matteson. | home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith Mr. P. L. Livengood editor and pub- | on North Ytrest, this Place lisher of The Frostburg Spirit, has| Miss Emma Cora Dietz daughter of sold that paper to Lawrence Hitchins Mr. and Mrs, Christopher Dietz, and | who will change the name back to the i Ephraim Lincoln Countryman, son of former name of The Mining Journal MT. and Mrs. Francis J. Compdryman, with J. Benson Oder as editor. [Joe of Boswell, were married at the “Caught under a fall of rock on Wed- be nang ik he by church nesday night in the mine of the Con-! : : solidation Coal Company at Biesecker, Mr. Thos. Martin, of Williamsport, Mike Dembroski was instantly killed, | °f Whom mention has been made sev- tion in the Allegany hospital, Cumber- Mrs. C. H. Diveley and grandson, Ed- land, suffering from appendicitis and 11. | Other aiments, was brought to the Oonnelloville ome of his. motherintae. Mire 3 attending the funeral of gLuerin fam Wide ner who was buried at Mount Olive rn EY salisiac church cemetery in the afternoon. i ie ome Is Yn msport. W. P. Cahill ‘and family left here | ™% son A Hater etn = on Thursday for Wheeling, W. Va., y g e | of his brother, Wm. O. Rutter, at Or- here th where they were called by the death | Huntingdon County, this bi in of Mrs. Cahill’s brother who will bel dicenved was. ozod. £7 best Gore Baan er. dnuzhi years and leaves a wife and one son + Junmmyer, Gaug ©T | and daughter. He about thirty years of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunmyer of | : : | a lerk for t 7 Somerset township, and Wm. E. Miller 2go wv 8 & clerk for he Hocking Ero} in this place. The Misses Helen and Irene Collins Berlin by Rev. P. U. Miller, and Josephine Damico, Rev. Father Jonah H. Boyd, of Elk Lick, who last | Brady and Gus. Damico were at hand blown | lonaconing, Md. on Thursday even- off by the explosion of a shotgun, is 18 Where Miss Irene Collins and starting a boarding house for the Rath- | Mr. Damico sang at a minstrel given storm & Cunningham Lumber Compa- | for the benefit of the Glassworkers’ ny at Trafford, Pa. Union. The engagement as been anounced | Rev. A. 8. Kresge on Tuesday was at Washington, D. C., of Miss Grace (in Frostburg in the interest of The Kendall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. | Prince of Peace Fund movement of A. Kendal, of Meyersdale, to Rev. Har- | the Reformed Church. He also, called ry B. Angus, pastor of the Presbyteri- upon Mr. Herman Shockey, whose an church in that city. home is at Deal this county, who a Miss Elizabeth Tobias, daughter of | short time ago underwent a very crit- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tobias, of Pittsburg |ical operation for the removal of a and Martin Harnichar, son of Mr. and | growth on the side of his neck. The Mrs. Matthew Harnicher, of Jenner | condition of Mr. Shockey is quite se- township, wre married at Ralphton ' rious. by Rev. C. E. Haley. Miss Helen Wagner was hostess on The B. T. L. Club met at the home | Tuesday evening when she entertain- of Mrs. W. H. Baldwin on Wednes- | ed a few of her friends at the home of day afternoon and were delightfully | her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John entertained by the hostess. A few | Wagner, in honor of the 15th anniver- hours were spent in doing fancy work | sary of her birth. Those present were: after which refreshments were serv- —Misses Grace Michael, Elizabeth ed. Leydig, Clair Rowe, Nelle Boucher, Mrs. Lizzie E. Will, €augter of Mr. |and Olive Lindemaon. The amuse- and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman, of Stony- ments of the evening were parlor creek twp. and John Gashaw, son of games and music after which refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gashaw, of Johns- ments were serevd. town, were married at the parsonage On Saturday night about 8:30 o’clock by Rev. S. G. Buckner. | Mr. J. W. Forrest, of Glade City, had The Wednesday afteroon Club met a blanket stolen from his horse which this week at the home of Mrs. T. W. , was tied to a post in the alleyat the Gurley, having been postponed: from side of the store of Cover’s in this last week on account of the death of place. The owner desires to give the Mrs. Ralph D. Pfahler, who was one culprit an escape from exposure of | of the accomplished members of that his crime, provided he returns the organization. stolen article so that it falls into the Miss Annie M. Murray, daughter of proper hands. No questions will be Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of Summit < and nothing wil be said. A township, and Clarence L. Saylor, son word to the wise ought to be sufficient, Li Reasons why our EYE GLASSES and SPECTACLES are good. ; 1st —Because we are very particular to fit the frame to the features like it was made to order. 2nd. Because we fit the eyes properly—the lenses must be accurate to be satisactory. 3rd: Because we are cautious to buy only such lenses and mountings that we know to be the best. Because our own examinations are thorough and scientific—We use the best Optical Instruments—There is no experimenting or guess work. COOK, The Optometrist Optcian. HARTLEY & BALDWIN WILL CONTINUE THEIR SALE THROUGH FEBRUAR on the following items— ; ALL OVERCOATS—ONE-THIRD OFF. LOT OF RAINCOATS—ONE-THIRD OFF. LOT $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 HATS—ONLY $1.00. ALL SWEATERS—ONE-FOURTH OFF. WINTER CAPS—ONE FOURTH OFF. All of the above are of this winter’s goods. We make a special price to close them out. ALSO 46 BOYS’ KNEE PANTS SUITS, in gray colors to go at ONE-HALF PRICE. CALL IN. HARTLEY & BALDWIN, The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes MEYERSDALE, PA. HOOVERSVILLE. Dominick Brezzi is confined to his brother’s house with the la grippe. Sledding parties are the order of the day. Ice froze on Stonycreek last Thurs- day and Friday nights and Saturday being a beautiful day, with sunshine, galore. Mrs. Dr. Gildner, of Rockwood is visiting at Davidsville among her sis- ters and brothers. Jno. Demetes is suffering from two carbuncles, He has been residing at the B. & W. Mines for the last month. Jas. Tarbngo is confined to his home with diphtheria. Donato Menchella has a severe at- tack of pneumonia. Larro Dairy Feed is not the cheap- st feed on the market, but the best for the money. Try it. At C. E. Deal’s. CHAS. W. BENNER As Old Man Peck in PECK'S BAD BOY CO, Donges Theatre Matinee and Night CASTORIA 1 Mrs of Bos-! en mami on Seed M For Infants and Children | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th. § ULL A i AR OR RHEUMATIS 1 hite oods ale. Thursday, Friday and Don’t Miss This Event. a Big Navings to You. It Means Miller Collins = The Place for a aE A 0 en En ST RT Siler VOL A Ww the phi to aid s Meyers Beachle has bee represe churche Friday, the pub and all welcom Mr. B on Thu surroun to make and to | building Solici house i ceries, ( It is ho serve of created. in town home, f to provi fering c Don’t nothing and cha vice. EXCEI On M the Me tion hel at the r Rev. | of the “The Bi had bee of the It was who hes of the n prehens: been pr is simpl has nev the sub; customs with fu most of clearnes tion of Becau ful natu tion upo to preac Sunday will be in Marc preach c yielded minister The announc cause of services in whic] the time discuss, ance at Brethrer the Men 30 a. m. vices bc the M School a usual ho Reforn Foreign Church lish The held in . jthe mor: "Scripture an addr body is | Ev. L Michael, Preachin League ¢ 7:30. Pr day ever Evang Mead, p Sabbath vices in meeting Methoc vices are the weel day eve the past