- I HAVE ON MEMORANDUM A NICE New Stock of the Latest Styles £5 ¥ of Jewelry. OS I get these goods from the different city wholesale houses ML os FOR THE HOLIDAYS ONLY ~~ CAN BE ke. Next door to 00 soi Tess Goods For Less Than If I Bough Them Outrigit. the Republman Be sure to get my prices, I will make them to suit you. ce. : AC | € JEWEIEYr = «id : : , ih o’ clo OPPOSITE SLICER HOTEL. o'clo will ous r SALISBURY. : Mrs. Albert Bowser was on the sick : —- . bers « list for a few days but is getting n man 2. b $ gener . An epidemic of scarlet fever has| potter. S ° 1 Ch . S 1 A Y you re uying “Q) broken out and the local Health su | "yy 5. Howard Meager and moth- pecia ristmas Sale At Christ : ro a Dhotities Wih the Souporsiion of ” er, Mrs. B. M. Connor were Meyers- . . . IlS mas £1 tS or, W 11L . $7] arge, are doing 'neir utm isitors on Saturday. U Th a C . : ) prevent further spread of the di- Hale by horn and vl Theodosio rsina, 18 ounty. like the thin S 11 gease. So far six cases have been re-| ©. M-. eo OF! Noor: Solibur : i > you ported in four different families, If Batkey ND ee y All cord coats and pants, water proof short coats and rain fi d = oe oT many more cases deyelep the sobouls 40 oe Salidbury Shoppers shivokite coats at a Discount of Ten per cenl from now to Dec. 25th, n here which are scheduled to close on Fri- mong All cash purchases of one dollar, your choi . Gioaih an ¥ day December 18th for a week's ya- | to Meyeredale last Saturday were, My ne y JOULE Joie of any ten: The real problem in Christmas gifts f i i t article £ t t and d sh ; J gifts for a man cation, may be closed. by the Board | Samuel Horchler and children, Mrs. cent article ires, €xcopang meat and Sugar, ang shoes is to find the thing that the man reall Ss most; of Directors before that time. 1t|T. Glotfelty and daughter Margaret, Treat yourself to a foot-warmer and make sleighing a aad next to that ne oh 2 rea y oA most; will be well for all citizens to use all | teacher in the Bethe selicels, Mr. comfort; only $1,50. 3 : Tt doead't funk etah I on can Biiord to give : precautionary measure to prevent a | and Mrs. Thomas of Coal Run were . : 3. 2 . ) 0.mugh difference to e man how real epidemic to spring from the also business visitors in Meyersdale. For Cheignuss Sits wedi 2 Die JOWSLLY : watches, THER much the gift costs; it does make a difference what it is cases already announced, To many Misses Emma and Kate Burkhart ware, pipes, poe e ni ves, andkerchiefs, box paper, white 1n 1ts relation to his desires Er people instead of reporting promptly | of Accident spent last week at the and colored tissue paper, (Christmas boxes, sleds and wagons Yeo 3 50 nr = to the proper authorities’or to call a | home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Speicher. and the cheapest and best line of pail and box candy. We en en he ae pet Something he physisian at thues like $his When Join Sik of Gravel Hill spent surely have a standard line and in great yariety of groceries and beautiful things at 1.50, $5, $2.50, 65 cen. they have sickness do nothing In or-| gaturday with Meyersdale friends. Look over our prices on footwear. Butter and eggs accepted $10 t! ful sirable arbeles of weal der tu prevent quarantine and therby : , countless useful and desirable articles of wear pre: a - Dr. O. P. Large, of Meyersdale,was in trade. on > or utility that any man will be glad to have, Mak not only jeopardize the health and : Tq idas last BIDDLE’S. “ URSINA. is . gla €, Make welfare of the'r own families but doa | ® business Visitor. here Friday las 2 : ud this store your Christmas shopping headquarters great injustice to others and also Miss Man Schramm is visiting for men. make themselves liable to heayy fines | friends in Somerset. as prescribed by the laws of the state. | Mrs. P. L. Swank spent last week : HARTLEY & B i Some knowingly violate the quaran- | With her mother, Mrs. Orris, at 4 : WIN : : tine which also makes them liable to | Johnstown. : : ’ fine or imprisonment or both. Lester Boucher, of Horning, Pa., The Home of Hart, Schaffoer & Marx Clothes * ; MEYERSDALE, PA. Miss Violet James, who has an at- | ¢3me f.om Somerset on Monday tack of scarlet fever and was thought Where he and Mss. Boucher were 5 : isiti la'ives for several days. to be improving, was last Sunday | visitiog re S jor zeovem Y Cc G t Th H : : reported to be in a critical condition | MIS. Boucher will join i) na Jew ou an 6 em er e. y ° : \ TT as complications have set in. Miss days and they will spend a wee 06s ‘Our NT 9 with relatives and friends in town. g James was sufforing from a nervous - Fa 8 breakdown before she contracted| Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lichty, return ! the fever. She was a clerk in Meag- 8 on Sanday from a months visit in TOILET ARTICLES, CIGARS, All Work Guaranteed in Every Respect : er’s store betore her illness and her | the west. * ; Big selection of men's and w ’ i i : omern’s fabrics from which many frieuds miss her ever pleasant rr FINE BOX CANDIES. to your choice All executed with greatest oh countenance. Her father, George| mhg best Oranges at Holzshu & 3 Women o> ~-n~ger of the Meager | weimer, 15c¢, 20c, 25¢, 30¢, 35c and Pee Crom me were OPT ®| FB. THOMAS, Leading Druggist, The Tri-State Ladies’ & Gents’ Tailoring Parlors, by skilled employees. and he i. ore, after complying | TO Tan Davitt ro GARRETT. Beil, Pi MEVERSDALE. Pa. 122 Centre St.. Meyersdale, Pa ments, svay with the How-| Zero weather in season. 0 ones : is SDA E, PA. : Next Habel and Philips’ Store. ard Mow: wily until the quar-| The jingle of sleigh bells can be dis- antine is 1 dd. A later report is |tinctly heard these days. ah that Miss James is improving. The Reformed bazaar held last Sat- The bome «f Constable and Mrs. B. | urday evening was a grand success, F. Siausv sw yuasraatined on account | and much credit is due to all who had of scarlet fever, their two children |to do with it and helped to make it at home, Margzret and Bernard, be- | such. ing the victims. They had a slight| Rev. W. H. B. Carney left on Mon- attack and will soon be convalescent. | day for a few day’s visit with his Other homes that are quarantined | brother near Salisbury. are Herman Reiber, whose children| wg, BE. Oarver was a business caller have recovered and Mrs. Lydia|in Meyersdale on Saturday. Shaw, Whose datighter. Hester is Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, who spent afflicted. the summer and fall at Magnolia, W. | § The “Up and Doing”, class of St. | Va., returned home last Friday. 4 SUln’s Livivs wd Sunday school held | Messrs. N. J. Judy and W. A, Mer- a bazaar n the soclal room of the | rij] spent Saturday afternoon in Mey- church on Saturday afternoon and | grsdale on business. evening ‘When all kinds of fancy Wes Sarver of Berlin; was seen in| # work, home-made pies, cake, and our town on Saturday. candiec ‘were offcred for sale. Miss Grace Haas, was was taken sud- The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. |denly ill on Tuesday, is slightly im- May, was the scene of a delightful | proyed. surprise pu:iy on Tuesday evening, Don’t forget the bazaar and museum December #tn.. The occasion being in the Lutheran church on Saturday iw in honor of Mrs. May’s birthday. evening. The surprise was arranged by Mr N. E. Beabes attended the Brethren May and thé following ladies were 2 ais Me~dames CO g F. Hay, Ira convention at Meyersdale on Sunday. lB i .. PF. ' PROCLAMATION | When the hands on the dial of the town clock point to the hour of ten Saturday night, the Great Sale will close, our business ended. TNE GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Oi Louis Cohen entire stock, almost given away. i NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED | Can you expect anything more than to buy goods at your own price? Remember, good people, it will positively pay you to come from all parts of the county to participate in this Great Bargain Feast. S. monn, to. ri. miler, Albert Reitz,| Coal teams are kept busy these cold : 1 : Otto Petry RK H. Johnston, J. L. days. : 1068 ] g ll ds e dll er orn i 1806S Barchus, H M. Fogle, Misses Emms Our local churches are making rapid " ) 8 McClure, Aranda Martln, Mima | preparations for Christmas. at which Harding, E iz:beth Reitz, and Carrie | time they will hold special scryice. Johnston Ii ireshments were served.| Donald Craig, who spent over Sun- Migs Lotii- Wagner, second daugh- day with his family here, retuined to Gome to the store and see the wonderful bargains Dec. 26th tor of Mr- Otto Petry and Harry | Ralphton on Monday. ee ° ‘ MeClare, 3 oungest son of the late Mr. ~ and Mrs. 8A Hellure, Were mar- Best For Kidneys ried ini “alvary Presbyterian —Says Doctor. : church, FB: i lo, N. Y., by the Rev. D. W.G s at 10:30 Saturday | * Fe Convince Yourself That Every Statement We Make is the Gospel Truth morning 1) - mber 5th. After the| Dr.J.T. R. Neal, Greenville, So. i ceremont r. and Mrs. McOlure | Car. says that in his 30 years of ex- | £8 & yisited Ni: : Falls and returned to | perience he has fonnd no prepara- . i Salisbury ay evening. They eys equal to Foley y : s = £ Tl will make ir future home at the 0c and $1.00 sizes. | &@ Next door to the Bought by the Philadelphia \ Laut! No] ut Union street. r backache, rhou ial ans y 4 4 - 3 X ailments. Underselling Lompany, & & La : 30 vwhere. a r ~ : 3 to tl SC rywhere. ad The Great { ivers : hi By aims ——armar—— He: Will ; nds Te 9 ao EMR The HB STR ES E : 5 LE a usec
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