The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, December 17, 1914, Image 5

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teran of
last Sun-
e of his
1 of his
6 White
or 36¢, ab
- 5
se coffee,
dy b- :
* onl Bapurday.
. friends in’ Baltimore,
items Pertaining to the Town in General and
Prepared tor the Readers By
Ont Busy Staff.
Mrs. R. D. Ptahler spent Tuesday
* in‘Oumberland, Md.
Miss Evelyn Leckemby is visiting
relatives and friends in Connellsville.
So Stotler, of Boswell, was a
tor here with relatives Sunday.
Bowman Kyle, of Windber, was a
ess visitor here on Tuesdsy.
Misses Tina Oollins and Maud Beal
visited friends in Salisbury on Sunday.
Mrs. Sadie Oritchfield, of Rock-
day. o
., is visiting relatives and friends
hete for a few deys.
Mies Lucy Stacer, left on Monday.
{ Cumberland, Md, where:
t relatives for a few’ ‘weeks. »
B. & O. Engineer Joseph Crone, of + ‘chickenpox cases.
Somerset, was in town on Mor 3
visiting: his many friends. ;
G. ‘J. ‘Bowman of ‘Northamppon
township transacted business: in. Sawn,
Miss Mary Tressler, of OCuiabez la:
Md., visited relatives and friends
here, Sunday last.
The ladies of the Methodist ehurch
cleared $100 by thelr turkey supper
Thursday. evening. of last week.
Mrs. D. B. Malone, of Grant trae, |
was shopping in Cumberland, Mmd.,
on’ Friday last. Se Ep M00]
Mrs. E. J. Donecker, spent last
week with her daughter, Mrs. Wadd
Osrtright, at Somerset. =
Paul Werner, of near town, was on
the jury last week ab Somerset.
He returned home the last of the
week. :
Ezra R. Baer, of Rockwood, was
‘visiting his brother and sister in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Baer, of Broad-
way street, on Tuesday last.
‘Mrs. W. H. Gill, and daughter
Miss Alpha visited relatives and
Md. 2 few
days last week. «=
Mrs. W.. Malone, wi Hae been
visiting at the home of her son, D.
Malone, returned to her home in
Fairmont, W. Va.
“Attorney Curtis Truxal, of Somer-
set spent Sunday here with his pa-
rents, Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Truxal,
at the Reformed parsvnage.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lepley, of Som-
~ erset. spent Sunday here with their
relatives, Nr. and Mrs. James Darn-:
ley, on Front street, South Side.
Miss Clara Stacer, is the profess-
. ional nurse in charge of Miss Grace
McCle d, who is a typhoid fever
patient at her home in Rockwood.
Miss Alice Beal, relurned to her
home in Lonaccning, Md., on Friday
last, after spending several weeks
here with friends.
Mrs, Louise Slicer, visited her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Hammond, in Cumberland,
Md. a few days this week.
“Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin and
little son of Williamsport, are. spend-
ing this week with Mrs. Martin's
mother, Mrs. M. A. Rutter, op, Mey-
os ayenue.
2 ‘Miss Mora 8iehl, left on Satur’
day“'tor Cumberland, Md., 3 s
she will spend a few weeks withih
#ncle'and aunt, Mr. and Mf&: ol
Miss Pauline Groff, who is attend-|
ing California State Normal, bas re-|
turned home to spend the holiday
season with ber parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Groff, of Lincoln ayenue.
Miss Genevieve Lancaster, of Mt.
Savage, Md., was visiting at the
home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Samson McKenzie, of Olinger
street, a few days during the.past
“Mr. and Mrs. H. Olaire Brown, left
Sunday on No. 15, for their home in
Wilkinsburg, after a weeks’ visit here
with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Imboff, of Main street:
“Mrs, Harvey Lamison, and Mrs.
Mary Umberger, of Johnstown, have
returned home from a visit here at
she home of their aunt, Mrs. Mary
Yeager, of Broadway street.
Mrs. Webster Bittner, and two
ehildren who had been spending sev-
eral weeks here with their relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, of Mey-
ers avenue, and Mrs. Henrietta Bitt-
mer, of Main street.
Always Succes
Like It
wood, was s town visitor with friends 8 So
Lg Smith and ios »
br Nellie’ Kilroy. of Cumberland, |
Will Don,
| -y ™ aT
| ad3-3t R. D. No.2.
Dalton Cook, and family who have
been living at Doe Gulley, W. Va.,
| is moving back to Meyersdale .in the
Deal house, corner of Centre and
Broadway. He will assist his father
in the candy manufactory. i
Marriage licenses were issued on
Wednesday last at Cumberland, Md.,
to Dora E. Ritchey, of Hyndman,
and Nora P. Lingenfelter, of Mey-
ersdale; Forest E. Morrison of Al-
: . snd “Mrs. Win. Klingaman, of
yers avenue, have announced the
gagement of their daughter, Miss
‘Klingaman, to James A. Or-
ment will terminate in a June wed-
i “That mild cases of smallpox have
Contained in a letter from Dr. Samnel
pn, state health commissioner.
;grges the Connellsville health
a. to keep a close tab on the
Mrs. Mary E. McKenzie, Miss Mar-
‘garet Weber, (Mr. and Mrs. John
‘Stacer Rev. Father J.J. Brady and
ta number of the employes of the
| Meyersdale Brewery attended the
“| funeral of Mr. M.
Hurley, at Oon-
| nellsville, which took place there on
Tuesday morning.
JF. Nangle, was elected Second
‘Vice President, of the Southwestern
| Pennsylvania Postmaster’s Associga-
‘tion, which (was organized at Con-
nellsville last Thursday. The object
‘of the ‘organization is to get together
(and discuss postal problems with a
to making the operation of the
department more efficient.
“' The Second National Bank, of Mey-
ersdale. Pa., expects to mail on the
18th about 400 Xmas Savings Checks
aggregating in amout $8,000.00. Con-
sidering the condition of the times.
The Bank feels that it has been well
paid for its effort in behalf of this
‘Savings feature, and hopes to con
tinue the same by starting with a new
1915, club on Monday December 28th.
Mrs. Eisfeller, mother-in-law of the
Editor of The Republican, who had
been visiting her son Harry in New
York City, returned to Meyersdale
on Saturday last accompanied by
Yer son ‘who is on business in the |
city. Mr. Eisfeller has been calling
on his friends of boyhood days in the
village of Meyers Mills and is de-
lighted to mee5 those who are yet
here. He has expressed great pleas-
ure to see the wonderful develop-
ments since he was here thirty-two
years ago. He intended returning to
his home on Wednesday.
eee ese rere
‘Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby ¥iven that a meeting of
the stockholders of the First National Bank
of Confluence, Pa., will be held in their rooms
on Tuesday, January 12, 1915. between the
hours of one and two o'clock P. M., for the
purpose of electing a board of directors for the
ensuing year and transacting such other busi-
ness as may come before them.
. D. L. MILLER, Cashier.
cme eee
Wiel of Annual Meeting.
The Anaual Meeting of the stockholCers of
the Citizens National Bank will be held at its
office in Meyersdale, Pa., on the 12th day of
January 1915, between the hours of 1 p. m. and
2p. m., for the election of nine directors for
the ensuing year, and for the transaction of
Buch other business as may properly come
‘ore the meeting. :
pis R. H, Philson,
. Secretary.
Notice “to “Stockholders.
The Stockholders of the Sand Spring Water
Company of Meyersdale, Pa., will meet in the
Directors room. of the Citizens National
Bank on’ Mondey evening, January, 11th, 1915,
at 7 o'clock for the purpose of electing (9)
Directors for the ensuing year and the trans-
action of any other business that may be
properly brought before the meeting.
Secretary. President.
# —————— pt —a ren —
The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of
the Second National Bank of Meyersdale, Pa.
will be held in their banking rooms on Tuesday
January 12tn, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of electing Directors to serve for the
ensuing year, and for the transaction of any
other legitimate business,
ad-decl7-2¢ J. H. BowMAN, Cashier. -
: Stn sop fms es,
For SALE—Cheap, Rotary Neo
style, No. 7, in No. I. condition.
Will make 1,000 copies from the
original. Reason for selling; need
the money. Apply at this office. ad
conse mer marerm—————
For SALE—Scotch Collie Pups
full blooded. Apply to
| foona and Florence E. Racey, of}
,-0f Clairmont, Pa The engage- |
Connellsville last week.
Matthew Hagne and Miss |/
Kenneil, Mrs. G W. Witt and Mrs
A. Glessner were shopping in Cum-
berland Friday.
. Miss Grace Shaffer spent the latter
part of last week with Mrs. Laura
Lean, of Sea Vale.
Messrs. Earl Witt and Raloh Storte
were business callers in Cumberland
Friday last.
Ralph Sturtz, Homer Beal, Cecil
Long, Misses Dorothea Shaffer, ‘and
Florence Sturtz were visitors in Oum-
berland Saturday.
Miss Ethel Ringler who had for
the past several weeks been making
‘her home with W. K. Kennell’s hag
recently desusnod to George Meyers’
near White Oak
Born to Mr. «id Mrs. Austin Ken- 1
nel, Thursday, December don]
daughter. i eis
| Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Geo:
Fectig. :
“Miss Pearl Cook snd Mrs. H: E.
‘Baker were Cumberland - visitors on
Mr. G. Wi Witt, ‘and. son Ta
spent - Wedn with Mrs. hg
dat Mrs. Frank Detbrogks ab
Mt, Bayage. rEg Spleen
3 developed from chickenpox ‘in ‘four{ *’ -
Lconnties of the state is the warning
oud king winter ter madd his appoFaiice |
on Sunday and has certainly held the
weather in his grip since then.
Rumors are atloat that the mill has
been sold, and will change hands
Mr. Johnson of Pittsburg, the owner
of the distillery, was seen on our
streets last week.
Tom and Jerry the two faithful mules
owned by the Summit Distilling Co. }
are having a vacation, the Oo. is not
delivering any whiskey just now.
Wm.R. Ebangh has started his
store, and is now prepared to deal out
merchandies, he expects to. increase
his stock, from time to time handling
hardware, dry good and groceries.
‘yeorge Fritz is now busily engaged | per 15
digging the black diamonds at Good |
The institute at the Walker school |
was well attended.
Mrs. Edward Sellers was called to|you onght to know too, the sense of
Connelsyille on Mon, Morning by tele- | security that comes
Foley’s Honey & Tar
in the house.
gram, saying that her daughter Mrs.
Edith Smith was seriously ill.
with his sister and Brother inlaw, |
Mr. and Mrs Harry Boyer.
cn at ee meee
Mrs. Daniel Steirs of Min Run
spent Friday with Connellsville:
Kauffman Run, left tor Connellsville
on Friday to spend, a few days with
Jake Dull has retarned to duty
on the passenger train on the I. 1
V. He had been called to Connells-
ville on account of the serious illness
of his mother. i
Paddy Boyle spent a few days in
Lizzie Hague were Connellsville bus
iness visitors Thursday last.
J. M. Stauffer of Scottdale was a
business visitor here on Saturday.
Mrs. Jake Dull of Jones Mill spent
Satnrday among Connellsville friends
and doing Cbristmas shopping.
K. Solomon of Champion is trans-
acting business in Uniontown.
M. E. Frazee, of Connellsville was
here Friday on a business mission. :
Friday with Connellsville friends.’
ness in Uniontown on Saturday.
Charles Rose, the Rogers Mill mer-
chant; left for Pittsburgh on Saturdays
to purchase Christmas goods.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. English, of the
Killarney, Park, spent Saturday with
Oonnellsville friends.
Mrs. Jose. Oaks, of Connellsyille, is
spending a few days with friends at
Indian Head.
Oharles McClain of Jones Mill was |
a business visitor in Connellsyille on}
J. W. Barger, of Indian Head, was}
transacting business in Connellsville
and Uniontown.
.H. L. Fisher spent Sunday with his
family at Wilkinsburg.
A. P. Dearley spent. Sunday with |
his home folks in Scottdale. ]
A. G. Sherbandy of Normalsville
was a business visitor at Uniontown |
on Saturday."
George Arzbacher, Frank Stickle
and OC. Funkhauser, of Mill Run, were
business visitors at Connellsville on |
Mr. and Mrs. James Welch of Con-
nellsville speiit a few days with Mrs.
Henry Miner at Mill Run.
Mrs. Dayton Younkin of Mill Ronn
is moving to Connellsville and will
make that their futnre home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mountain, of
Mill Run, are spending a few days
with friends in Connellsville and
17 nion OWD.
Milton Snyder of Mt. Savage spent | : n
ge |
wor ee (00K'S Jewelry]
We are very anxious that
our patrons shall have the best
and newest goods for the least
possible money,
F ta
n addition to our Jewelry
We « catty in a stack a very select fe ot
and where it is nedessary to make a
will be very reasonable.
Codk s Jewelry Store.
For RENT—Nine room house, or
would rent part of same, on Main
street; above B. & O. Also one-half
of house for rent, of four rooms, rear
of 413 Main street. For Sale—Good
Christmas Bargains
Ladies’, Misses’ and
Children’s Coats
You know the quality of our stock.
These are Actual Reductions on Former Prices.
$1.00 .... Coats .... $.75 $650 .... Coats $475
1.50%... his 850 Lins ... 95D
200..... "5 ... L50 1000 5:00 LL 105
260&27 “ .... 1.90 1200... .“ .....850
300..... " ... 2% 1350 Loon. tno ivs 10400
3.60&3.7 * .... 250 Bo..." 1150
400... *“ 300 1890 i... “ 14.00
450 ....- " .... 350 20.08 .,..;.. ** 15.00
© $2500 ...... Suits $19.50
‘charge for this kind of work the price
Don't miss this opportunity to get a
~ First Class Garment ata Bargain.
‘Miller & Collins.
per.’ year,
and Kimball's
Frank Kooser and daughter 2pent Hl)
‘0. 8. Pore, was transacting’ "busi: IN
: V. Silver Ware
sized double heater and other articles.
Apply to
Luke HAY,
413 Main Street.
rem eer———————
Don’t forget you can get the great-
est WEEKLY farm journal in tke
world, “The Nationa! Stockman snd
Farmer,’’ the price of which is $1.00
“The Woman’s World,”
- Dairy Farmer,
three with the Commercial, for $1.85 ‘Symphony Lawn
: Shins Correspondence, Cards. ... .. 40c and 50¢
~ Chetks Croup Instantly. Box Paper...... 2! has cne. DC and up
ot : Gilt Edge ....} EE 60 cents
Yoli know croup is dangerous. And Faney Boxes .....::....... up to $4.00
Air i re
FOr RENT— Farm, Oe-fourth mile]
east end of the W. M. R.R.,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S Kauffman, of | Possession at once.
ad - 310 Broadway, Meyersdale,
PSSS3355333533555355553 >:
we know is that you'll
will appeal
from haying
It cuts the thick mu-
s cus and clears away the phlegm,
Mr. Virgil Smith spent several days stops the ‘Shranzline cough nd gives
easy breathing and quied
Every user is a friend.
Sold by all Dealers Everywhere,
Roady for Xmas!
JA There fire Many Good Reasons for Buying Gis Early.
Better attenteon,
we have that, being more or less exclusive in design, and always high quality,
are therefore most suitable for gifts.
pn Writing Pap: ris
Stylish, of best quality, exquisite in finish and good-
ness. “You buy right when 3 ou buy Symphony Lawn,
Special Stationery
in Holiday Boxes, 24 sheets, 24 envel-
25¢ value, 19c.
Beautiful Cards that fittingly convey your sentiments,
ad 1c up to 25¢.
. Stickers, Tags, Cards, Tissue Paper ..... .... 5¢ a Pkg.
Pas Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa.
~~ A
better assortments, better deliveries. The best reason
have more time to learn to know what a lot of things
These are a few of the things we feel
to you and should be on your Christmas list.
: Pocket Knives
A Carving Sets
\ Percolaters
Lisk Roasters
- ‘Wagner and
Meat Choppers
Asbestos Irons.
Razors |
Skates and
: Watches
Tool chests
Air Rifles
Flash Lights
‘Toy Stoves
Doll Go-carts
Wood and steel
Wabash hand car
Toy ‘Enamel
Dinner Sets
Toy Sad Irons
Spinning Tops.
NN hm VS
"Cua..dren Cry
'o SPs 7, cle 7. Gs Gs Ss ST GP, ST
Pt at in St Nan Sine Wnt ne Wn Wr a Tt a a Ne a — ——
your orders for turkey and |
for Xmas, at |
Holzshu & Weimer ner’s Grocery.