STRIKE For the Hour has come. g Every Dollar’s Cohen’s Bankrupt Stock must be sold as our time is limited And we must vacate the premises. $1.00 will more than trip A few prices to give you an idea of the HORRIBLE SLAUGHTER at this Great Bankrupt Sale: Worth of Louis le its value. LADIES SHOES Values up to $3.50 a pair Bankrupt Sale Price 89c¢. $2.00 and $2.50 Hats The Very Latest Styles Bankrupt Sale Price $1.00 $6.00 Furs, Extra Fine Quality Bankrupt Sale Price $1.49 $1.50 HATS Only a few left Bankrupt Sale Price 59c, $15.00 Ladies’ Suits, The Very Latest Styles, Bankrupt Sale Price $7.49. Men’s and Boys’ Suits, overcoats and pants Slaughtered Unmercifully $10.00 Ladies’ Coats, Extra Fine Quality, Bankrupt Sale Price $4.49. RUBBERS For Everybody at Bankrupt Prices. Ladies’ Misses’ dresses, skirts, waists and children’s coats Almost Given Away. “A Full and Complete Line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings and notions Almost Given Away. Thousands of Other Articles Too Numerous to Mention. Look for the Bankrupt Sign. FIXTURES FOR SALE. —— LA Next door to the Sec. National Bank Blding. oe Lis Cohen, Meyersdale. Bought by The Phila. Underselling Co. or, ee Three Fine Posirargh. Pa. PT Agua 39.0048 ITS TAL BEST FARM SRPLR iN THU WORD AND YOU KNOW iT" Our Splendid Combination Offer! with The Commercial for $1.85. Not wishing to handle the cheap, trashy magazines, often filled i Magazines in Connection | with questionable stories and advertisements unfit for the home and children’s reading, we have made a contract by which our subscribers can obtain superior reading matter for a mere nominal price when combined with The Commercial, their favorite county which is a leader in quality. For only $1.85 per year we will send the following with our paper: Kimballs being the world’s greatet farm paper, Dairy Farmer and we would have you Tots Bit it i miss i a weekly farm paper—not monthly Teh most RE You can’t get this from The Nationa] Stockman And Farmer, the publishers for less than $1.00, The Woman’s World, a very superior home paper, : Kimball,s Dairy Farmer, which comes every two weeks; these constituue a Great-Four Combination rarely equal- ed- J You can Get McCall’s and Commercial through us for $1.60. We have other very attractive combinations. 3 CPR LORE OF THE DAIRY. ed When the cows have recovered their ample milk fiow on the lush September grass, maintain it by judicious feeding. It is here that 2 the benefit of the silo is dggion 5 dairy cow's diet. See to it that she has free access to a liberal supply at all times. Success in the dairy seems to be most all “s;” separator, silo, scales—then the following letter, “t,” test is a close second. Good care consists in‘doing ev- erything from milking and car- ing for the cows to marketing the butter or cream as if your whole life success depended on it. Successful dairying means that it is vital to steer clear of dry cows and indifferent producers. High priced feed brings this home. DISTRIBUTING AND strated. Salt is an essential part of the ALAA ALLALLLALLALALAALLLALALALLL ALLLALLLLLLLLLS & POVIVPIVIVIIVIIIIPIIIITIIIITIIIIITIIVIVIITVYYY VEY Y PACKING SILAGE | [Prepared by United States department of | agriculture.] Unless there is some one in the silo te distribute and tramp the material the cut material will be thrown too much in one place and the leaves, stalks and grain will not be uniformly distributed, says farmers’ bulletin No. 578 of the United States department of agriculture. The sides should be kept | bigher than the center of the whole surface, while tramping should be done close to the wall. Various contrivances have been used for distributing the silage. The one most to be recommended for this pur- pose, however, is a metal pipe similar to the one in which the cut corn is ele- vated, but put together loosely in sec- tions. The corn from the blower pass- es down this pipe into the silo, and, be- ing loosely put together, it can be swung 80 that the material can be placed anywhere in the silo. With this contrivance no work with a fork is necessary and one man can do the work of two or three and do it more easily. There is very little loose mate- rial flying about in the silo, and the work is much cleaner. Another advan- tage 1s a lessening of the danger of be- ing struck by some foreign object which might pass up the blower pipe. Heavy knives of the cutter have been known to pass through the blower and into the silo. The pipe is put together PY Haars The Holstein cow is larger, strong- er and longer lived than any other dairy breed, say the admirers of the black and whites. The calves are stronger, hardier and easier " They raise nearly all of their calves. They resist diseases well, They are more free from tu- berculosis than other breeds, as a rule. « They give, therefore, a pure, wholesome milk, more nearly lke that of the human being. It is bet- ter for babies and invalids than any milk. It is not so rich in butter fat per gallon as the milk of the Jersey, but because a Holstein gives more milk she will yleld more but- ter per cow than a Jersey. The Holstein bull shown was a prize winner last fall. in sections so that as the silage rises in the silo the sections can be readily de- tached. In case the material has become too dry before it is put into the silo water should be added to supply the moisture necessary to make the silage pack prop- erly. Unless it fs well packed the sil- age will “fire fang” or deteriorate through the growth of mold. Enough water should be added to restore the would be if cut at the proper stage. Wm. C WwW. A . { . Price: Back and Hips., larke Are a1 TEE ation of Kidney trouble to build up the weaken- vigorous, s ¥ Doge Dnt Nn y COULUAL make Th FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Si fT FOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER { is no question The water may be added by running directly into the silo by means of a hose or by running through the blower, It is claimed that by running it into the blower the water is more thor- oughly mixed with the cut corn. It seems to be good practice, no mat- ter what the condition of the corn is, to wet down the material thoroughly at the top of the silo when through filling. Several years ago it was a common practice to cover the silage with some 2 material, such as dirt or cut straw, in order to prevent the top layer from spoiling. At present when any pro- vision at all is made for this purpose it consists usually in merely running in on top cornstalks from which the ears have been removed. Alfalfa and Mangels. { It would be difficult to find a much better combination than alfalfa and mangels for feeding dairy cows. There that alfalfa is far Sip Peri s r hay | ri moisture content of the corn to what it | MANY PEOPLE Say— ‘We know we ought to save money”. But do nothing towards that end. SOME make the start— Regularly deposit a few dollors each week or month with us and early find that the problem for them has been solved. Our Spirit of Friendly Helpfulness assists wonderfully in the good work. COME IN LET US AID YOU Start a Savings Account for Yourself with the : CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK MEYERSDALE, -:- “t= oy PENNA. Largest Shoe Repair Shop In Somerset County and the most finely equipped, with modern machinery, is that of Angelo Vitale, 322 Main St. All work quickly done and guaranteed by us to be satisfactory. O’Sullivan’s Rubber Heels Used in This Shop. Have them put on your shoes as they are the best in America. NEW LINE OF SHOES. Have recently put in a good line of dress and work shoes at the right price. Call in to see us. If you are in a hurry we can repair your shoes while you wait, We maintain an up-to-date Shoe Shine Parlor Gents and Ladies. ANGELO VITALE, 322 Main St. Meyersdale, Pa. Every Farmer with two or more cows needs a A DelLAVAL,, THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. J. T.YODER, io ame Johnstown, - Penn'a. Boys! Do you want this dandy - 3 net a 1. 22 Contest. t»d mals the comer cou- . 3 $ ? Lvery boy 75 get one of your high-grade / Dicyc! 5, without money, and 0 ji pon can cam t's hich-rrade Licycle Jo for vers Lule effort. for very little clort during. spars 3 Nere,ocoviien ume. AJ “The Bicvcle Man.” 7 SY Adres Ln Mail this coupon TO-DAY. / a a , : . Winter Term Opens Jan. New students may enter the PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL OF INDIANA, PA. at the Opening of the Winter Term—Jan. 5th For further information, address the Principal, DR. JAMES E. AMENT INDIANA, PA. SR —. —, Why They Recommend | because “it gives the best results | for coughs and colds of anything I sell’”’”. Eyery user is a friend. f | | { | '4 cause ‘‘produces the best results, al-{ WHEN i and lungs and does not contain opi- | ates or harmful drugs,” Foley's Honey nnd Tar — Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. ad ! rte ars EGGS ARE UP you want all you can get. Pratts’ Poultry Regu- lator insures heavy egz production. Dr. John | Roup—Profit destroying, contagious, Ga., be- | trouble-mak r. Positively prevented an honest | 31d R Rem nt., | back’guarantee by, Hz MAU P. A. Enfield, Canejo, (aiif.—Be- ways cures severe colds, sore chest laylor, Lutherville, ““I believe it to be cured by Pratts’ and it I'ablets of Pow Dear Bicycle Motions fan’) - Please teil’ me hi " ot an A SEER LBREN Reg tg ; war : L