The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 26, 1914, Image 5

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jtems Pertaining to the Town inl General and
Prepared tor the Readers By
Our Busy Staff.
Mrs. W. F. Payne, was a Tuesday
visitor with friends at Hyndman.
Miss Rebekah Will is spending the
week visiting friends at Somerset.
- Miss Edna Smith, of Salisbury vis-
ited relatives and friends in town
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Hartley, re-
turned home on Tuesday from a
visit at Baltimore.
Paul McMillen is speneing & few
days of this week with relatives at
Listonburg. :
Miss Myrtle Smiley is spending
Thanksgiving with relatives near
Mrs. John Stacer visited Mr. and
‘Mrs. M. Hurley in Connellsville, on
Tuesday. Si
-. Charles Bittner, and two children
Visited relatives at Glencoe, over
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Deny,
of Broadway street, last Wednesday
morning—a son.
You will want to begin the read-
ing of our new serial, November Joe,
which will start in our next issue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gill, have re-
‘turned home from a visit with rela-
tives and friends at Hendricks, W. Va.
Comrade *‘Panl’’ Hoffman, of Coal
Run, bas been sick abed. We hope
for his speedy recovery.
Miss Lillian Baer is spending a few
days visiting with friends in Frost-
burg, Md.
Miss Lena Sinsel left yesterday for
Connellsville, where she will be the
guest of relatives over Thanksgiving.
Don’t forget that on December
10th, a turkey supper will be given
by the Ladies’ Aid Society of the
Methodist church.
Mr. N. F. Matteson, of Little Wash-
ington, Butler county, is visiting his
son, Rev. J. C. Matteson, ab the M.
E. parsonage.
Mrs. Daniel Shoemaker, and two
children left Saturday eyening to
spend the week with relatives at
Glencoe. :
Mrs. Harry Hammond, of Pitts-
burgh, is the guest of her parents, |.
Mr. aad Mrs.” H. J. Ebbecka, of
North street,
J. W. Spangler, head of the axle
_ department of the P. R: R. shops in
Altoona, with his wife are guests at
Editor Cleayer’s home. ;
Olayton Wade, clerk in the shoe
department of Miller & Collins store,
is spending Thanksgiving at his home
in Frostburg.
' Miss Mildred Payne returned home
on Tuesday from Keyser, W. Va.,
where she had been the guest of rel-
atives and triends for a few days.
Miss Edna Payne, and her sister,
Mrs. 0. O, Couk, of Berlin, who is
visiting at the Payne home, were
Pittsburgh visitors on Wednesday.
Mr. Joseph Baker, of Greenville
township, has been allowed an in-
crease of pension, through Dr. Mec-
Mr. David Cronin, of Confluence,
came up here last Friday to attend
the funeral of Josephine Diveley,
which took place = that afternoon.
“. Mrs. Bruce Lichty, and daughter
1oft on Tuesday for Cumberland, Md.,
where they will spend a few days
yisiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Rayman. Derry, of Salisbury,
came down Tuesday evening to spend
a few weeks at the home of her pa-
rents, Mr. snd Mrs. Marshall Liven-
good, of Broadway street.
’ November Joe is the name of our
new serial which starts with the first
jssue of December. Have you read
and enjoyed Sherlock Holmes? Then
you will want to read November Joe.
Mr. C. M. Hammond, and son
James of Avalon, spent Sunday
here at the home of their relatives,
Mr. and Mrs C. E. Klingensmith, of
Beachley street, South Side.
Mrs. Blakeley McDonald, of Mac-
donaldton, was the guest of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Philson,
of Centre street, several days last
Mrs. Elizabeth Weyh, who had
been here for some time at the home
of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Schwarner, left on Sunday
for New York City, where she will
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh, who
were recently married returned home
on Monday from a wedding trip to
the eastern cities. They also visited
at the home of the former’s mother,
at Lonaconing, Md., for a few days.
Mrs. Annias Bittner, of Pennsville,
and daughter,
Lida Ritchie, of
, returned to their
; of the death of
Mr and Mrs. Paul D Clutton left
on Wednesday morning to visit the
parents of the former in Butler coun-
ty. Mrs. Clutton and little dauogh
ter and little son purpose remaining
for a few weeks, but Mr. Clutton ex-
pects to return on Saturday.
If you want to spend a pleasant and
enjoyable evening be sure to go fo
the Entertainment Trio of The Ithaca
conseryatory of music which will be
given in the Reformed Sunday school
building, Friday evening, Nov. 27th.
Admission only 25 cents.
‘Postmaster J. F. Naugle, will ac-
commodate Uncle Sam’s patrons on
Thanksgiying Day by maintaining
the postoffice open as usual except
from 12:30 to 4:30, giving the force
hardly time to eat their tu:key. The
money order business will be closed
down at noon.
Two sons aud three daughters of]
Mrs. Samuel Miller, of Pocahontas,
have scarlet fever. Fortunately the
condition of all of those sick, is at
present not very serious, although
this is a disease, the wake of which
is often more terrible than the dis-
ease itself.
Miss Emily Gnagey, niece of the
Editor of the Republican and daugh-
ter of Rev. A. D Gnagey, Editor of
the Brethren Evangelist, at Ashland,
Ohio, after two weeks visit to rela-
‘tives and friends here and at Balis-
bury, has returned to Pittsburgh.
Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lichty of Sal-
isbury are visiting relatiyes in and
around Lincoln, Neb. The doctor’s
brother, W. 8. Lichty, a former res-
ilent of Meyerrdale, but now resid-
ing near Lincoln and has not been in
good health for some time, the doctor
has gone to see him.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kennedy, of
Philadelphia, were guests of Dr. and
Mrs. E. F. Hemminger, over Sunday.
They took in 53 miles of our un-
surpassed beautiful scenery in the
doctor’s auto and to them it was
quite a treat. Some of us some-
times prefer a little more of the hor-
izontal landscape, especially when we
are walking up hill.
rp —————
All of our subscribers can obtain
the splendid 250 page cloth Home
book See our offer elsewhere.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional reme-
dies. Deafness is caused by an infiam-
ed condition of the mucous lining of
the HRustachian Tube. When" this
tube is inflamed yon have a rumbling
sound or imperfect hearing and when
it is entirely.closed, deafness is the
result, and unless the inflammation
can be taken out and this tube re-
stored to its normal condition, hear-
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by Oa-
tarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous sur-
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
Send for testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Teledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 76 cents pur
Take Hall’s Family Pills for Con
stipation. 2 ad
mp—— p———
Made by many Meyersdale residents.
Many people in & misguided way.
Many. people in a misguided effort
to get rid of kidney backache, rely on
plasters, liniments and other make-
shifts. The right treatment is kid-
ney treatment and a remarkably rec-
ommended kidney medicine is Doan’s
Kidney Pills, Meyersdale is no ex-
ception. =
The proof is at your very door.
The following is an experience typi-
cal of the work of Doan’s Kidney
8. W. Bowman, Meyersdale, Pa.
says: ‘‘About a year ago I was
attacked with terrible pains in my
back. I couldn’t sleep well. The
passages of the kidney secretions
were irregular and painful. I could’t
stoop over or lift anything. A friend
recommended Doan’s Kidney Pills fo
me and I used them. Ome box gave
me relief and I used a couple of
boxes. They made me feel all right.
I always recommend Doan’s Kid-
ney Pllls to my friends and keep
thera on hand.
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don
| simply ask for a kidney remedy-
1 | Ww. Bowman, recommends.
Doan’s Kidney Pills the same
| Foster-Milburn Oo. Prop.; Buffa
N. Y
program each and every night.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Nov. 26, 27, and 28th are the dates
show to this city at the Donges
theatre. '
and wife were big hits with the An-
gell Stock Company. Mr. McCall is
now known as the King of Vaudeville
enterprises, ana no doubt will receive
a hearty welcome at his opening per-
formance, Thanksgiving evening.
McCall and Sevier will be seen in
Harmonious songs—Miss Sevier will
offer some new tricks in Spanish
dances. Mr McCall will introduce
some new illustrated songs.
which Rex McCall brings his own |;
It is remembered that Mr. McCall i
Laugh and the world laughs with
you, says Joe Mutt—the ‘Fun Maker’’
—Nuff Oed. The Mysterious La Moth |,
Lewis the worlds greatest handcuff
In conclusion to the Vaudeville each
night Mr. McCall and the entire cast
will present one of the following
“farce comediss:’’—TeHing it to Dad,
The Mountain Girl, The Girl and the
Drummer, Whose Baby are You.
One last word to the public of this
city and that is,—Each bill is care-
fully selected to give a variety, suit-
able to all, and all smut and vulgarity
are eliminated.
Remember the date—Three days
commencing Thursday, Nov. 26th,
with an entire new and complete
Wilbur the young son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Whipkey, is slowly re-
covering from a severe attack of
diphtheria, at the home of his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Metzler.
Mrs. Whipley and her son haye bee
visiting relatives here for sever
weeks and will return to their home
in Oklahoma, as soon as the child has
fully recovered.
The stretch of new state road about
a mile long ‘north of Rockwood bas
been opened to traffic.and is being
used by automobilists. = Contractor
Evans is only waiting until the state
highway inspector approves of the
work before he departs for his home
at Ambler, Pa. It is ‘the opicion of
many that Rockwood borough should
construct a similar roadbed between
the peving on Main street and the
state road, a distance of several hun-
dred feet. The work will likely be
begun in the spring.
J. W. Reitz, of Elkins, W. Va., is
spending several days of this week
as the guest of his parents. Mr. ard
Mrs. J. O. Reitz, of West Broadway
B. & O. agent W. B. Conway, and
family are occupying their new home
on Broadway street.
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey F. De-
town, to visit Mrs. DeHayen’s broth-
in-law and sister, Alderman and Mrs.
M. R. Brennan, for a few days.
Albert Laffey, of Pittsburgh is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Laffey, of Broadway street.
Mrs. G. W. Christner, of Somerset,
was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Walter, on Monday.
Mrs. Oaarles Bush and son Charles,
Jr., who had been yisiting friends
and relatives in Greensburg and
Pittsburgh, have returned home.
Mrs. Charles Cunningham of the
Miller apartments is visiting her pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zu-
fall, of Casselman.
On Friday of this week, the Tri-
State Tailor Company, of Cumberland
will open up a branch department at
this place in the Hocking building
next to the Habel & Phillips grocery
store on Centre street.
This firm is a very reliable one and
they carry in stock a fine line of
woolens, broadcloths, serges, wor-
steds, etc. An expert tailor from
New York who has had quite a suc-
cessful experience in the making of
ladies and gentlemen’s “suits, has
charge of the store at this place.
This firm gives attention to press-
ing and cleaning of clothing, and they
guarantee all their work as equal to
any done anywhere. This will be an
unequalled opportunity to secure
clothes that fit at prices which are
very reasonable.
Floyd Lincoln, the one year old son
of W.J.Needham, died at New Derry
and was brought to this place for in-
terment on last Saturday. Services
were -Leld here at the home of Mrs.
Needham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.
L. Wedge.
Brethren Church, H. L. Goughnour
pastor—Services are being held on
| Nov Salisbury in the
: Mills in the after-
e in thelevening.
Haven left here Monday for Johns-|
Jhristian Endeay- |
. All cordially in-
price here than elsewhere.
each and you can see that a smaller
All votes to count must be brought in at least monthly as colors will be changed.
1000 Free Votes will be furnished to any contestant free.
town or surrounding country can become a contestant. and we will vive 2,000 otes free 'o each person who
enters as a contestant; so don’t delay but send your name right in.
you get friends to patronize our store.
We expect the greaier volume of bu Lic
We would rather sell to 100 people One Dcliar’s worih
give yon even more for your money ii:an we have in the past.
‘We Can Save You Money and Are Ready to Prove It.
| 3801S STH.
$2,200.00 IN PREMIUMS
We will issue trade coupons with every purchase at our store. These coupons represent one vote for each
cent purchased. The person holding cou
contest will receive as a first bremium a
distributed $1600.00 in additional premiums.
testant you can help some friend secure one of these beautiful and valuable premiums.
first week of the second month of the contest we will each week give silverware premiums to the person bring-
ing in the largest number of votes during the week. All can secure silverware.
ns representing the largest number of votes at the end of this
0.00 Player Piano free of cost, and to the next six highest will be
The votes are transferable and if you are not interested as a con-
Beginning with the
Postal Cards geod for
Any of our customers or any other person in this
Our object ix tu interest you, and through
We want» chsnee to s+. w vou tha you ean get better goods at less
» 4 more than ~ffset the expense of: this
tan o 10 people Five Dollars’ worth
7 increased business is our aim. We will
pac cent of pro¥ ona ead
Hartley Block,
Meyersdale, Pa.
the contest each week.
THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL will also issue votes at the rate of 1,000 VOTES
FOR EACH YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION. Watch the Commercial for details and special news of
Eyesight Specialist
At Collins’ Drug Store,
TUESDAY, DEC., 1, 1914.
If troubled with Headaches, Diz-
ziness ete,, or in wearing glasses that
do not fit correctly, do not deiay or
neglect your eyes. Call and see me
at Collins’ Drug Sture Tuesday, Dec.
1st. All glasses guaranteed for 2 years.
mms l
Jane E. Anderson, Mrs. D. Shu-
maker. :
Qards—R. A. Lincoln, Mrs. W. A.
Miller, Morley & Co., Vincen{, Paui,
C. A. Speelman.
Special Thanksgsving Attraction
NOVEMBER 26, 27, AND 28th
Rex Vaudeville Compaiy
The Best in Vaudeville
ew ig
eat est
ifty etter
First Show 7.30, Second Show 9.15
Special Low Prices for this En-
gagement, 10 and 20 Cents.
Hack! Hack! Hack! | Don’t forget you can get the great-
est WEEKLY farm journal in the
With raw tickling throat, tight
| chest, sore lungs, yon need Foley’s \
Honey and Tar Compound, and Farmer,’’ the price of which is $1.00
quickly. The first dose helps, it | per year, “The Woman’s World,”
| Ioaves a soothing, healing coating a8 | and Kimball’s Dairy ]
| it glides down your throat, you feel | : ' Set. a. en
| Rar at once. Every user is a friend | Shree with the Commerei D
| Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. ad | Per year.
i mmm — | elie ee
world, ‘‘The National Stockman and