The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 12, 1914, Image 8

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The smoke of battle of the last
election haying cleared away the
politicians of the town haye settled
down to their various ayocations and
all is peace and quiet once more. The
results were rather disappointing to
several of the most rampart politi-
cians but they are getting over their
deep sorrow admirably and all will
be well with them before long. Some
mischievous ‘‘boys’’ went so far after
election as to hang a crepe on the
office door of one of the disappoint-
ed ones, but the yictim of the joke
declares that he will show them that
he is a pretty lively corpse yet.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meager, ison a
trip to New York and other eastern
cities, starting on Monday night.
George O. Hay, deputy revenue
collector came home from Pittsburgh
before the election and is spending
a ten day vacation in Salisbury.
Ross Bird, a mouider at Knecht’s
machine shops was called to Somer
set last week on account of the
death of his wife’s mother, Mrs.
rs. J. C. Lichty, Mrs, V. E, Baum-
gardner, Misses Edith and Elmira
Lichliter and Walter Johns motored
to Cumberland last week. ;
Mrs. John Baker, who spent several
weeks at the home of Miss Mary Liv-
engood, returned to her home in Gar-
rett county, Md., last Thursday.
Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wagner, have
entered suit against the borough of
Salisbury for $2,500 for damages for
injuries they allege Mrs. Wagner sus-
tained by falling on one of the bor-
ough sidewalks which was very much
ont of repair. There are other side
walks in this corporation that are in
very bad shape and if the residents
do not fix them it would be best
for our borough dads to see to it
that is done before there is occasion
for more suits for damages.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deitz and two
youngest chiidren Misses. Romaine
Deitz and Lorena Williams motored
to Johnstown, the forepart of last
Qurtin Chaney, while at work in
the woods for the Newman Bros.,
. last Wednesday had several toes
maushed by a log rolling on his foot.
Miss Helen W. Arney of Philadel-
phia, State Organ‘zer of the Woman’s
Miss Fannie Shaw of Hilldale Farm
Garrett county, Md., spent last week
with Mrs. Lydia Shaw.
Mrs. Harvey Wagner and children
were recent visitors to Scottdale.
Harvey Hay spent part of last week
in Baltimore. ?
Daniel Maust of Somerset was a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Maust during the past week.
D. I. Hay of Akron. Ohio, is visiting
his family on South Grant street.
Henry Livengood of the township
was a businéss visitor to town on Mon-
day evening.
A surprise party was given on Mon-
day evening at the Kirkpatrick
home in honor of Mrs. J. A Kirkpat-
rick, by a large number of her friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick will move
to Holsopple in the near future.
Mrs. F. R. Maxwell, of Oastle Shan-
non, is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. O. Miller.
J. 0. Newcomer of Oonnellsville,
visited here last week and is now on
a hunting trip.
A suffrage meeting was held in the
New Oentreville school building on
Thursday evening, at which Mrs. Ker-
nan delivered an address on woman’s
A surprise and wedding shower
was given in honor of Mrs. C. P.
DeHaven, at the home of her parents
. Monday evening by the members of
the Ladies Aid Society of the Luth-
eran church and others. She re-
ceived many beautiful and useful
presents, which were greatly ap-
A birthday party was given in
honer of Miss Ada Snyder, at the
home ‘of her parents.
Mrs. H. E. Kellar, of Harrisburg,
is the guest of her brother-in law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Snyder. |
O. R. Landsberry has moved his
family from Rockwood to Somerset.
CO. G. Tannehill has purchased the
Rockwood News agency from ex-
charge of the same.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Lutheran church was entertained on
‘Wednesday evening at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. George Earnest. Af-
ter the business meeting the hostess
served delicious refreshments
Suffrage party, made an ad-
dress in the United Evangelical:
church on Tuesday afternoon, No-'
vember I0th, at 3 o’clock. Miss |
Arney is a graduate of Vassar college.
Newton Ringler and Bert Wagner, |
two of Salisbury’s most jovial fellows
have taken up their winter quar ers
in a small honse belonging to Ernest
Welfley. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Mishler ot Somerset
moved into the Lucy Yaist property,
recently vacated by the Ward family.
PF & Towa who for some time was
nvendent of the 20th
Qentir; nufacturing works at
Boynton has severed his connec-
tion with that company as presi-
deni. Tue change came about
through a number of the employes
of the plant who asked for a change
in that line and accordingly Mr.
Lang tend-red his resignation.
Adzm ¥-;'>, Mrs. Harvey Fogle’
Misses Nell Stotler and Lottie Wag-
ner and Harry McClure left last
Wednesday on an automobile trip to
Akron, Ohio, where the party will
yisit relatives and friends at ‘that
place for several weeks and Mr.
McClure will go to Detroit, Mech.
A chicken and waffle supper was
given at the St. Paul (Wilhelm)
Reformed church parsonage on
Satnrdav evening under the auspi-
¢ée8 of the Sunday school of thet
church and a large attendance is
W. H. Boucher, who for several
years was employed at Horning, Pa.,
came home on election day and will
spend the winter here at the Brauch-
er home though away most of the
time for several years, never missed
an important election
Marion Glotfelty, of Old Town,
Md., visited relatives and friends
here several days last week He was
accomparicd by his step-daughter,
Miss Ruby Orites, who will spend
several weeks with her step-sister,|
Mrs. Victoria Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Glotfelty, spent
geveral days of last week in Johns-
Mrs. Christian Beachy, of Bittinger,
Md., was a gnest at the home of
Prof. and Mrs, J. OC. Beahm, during
the past week.
Mrs, J. L. Barchus visited relatives
and friends in Pittsburgh and Mec-
Keesport last week.
Guerney Swauger,
who lives al
Mrs. J. D. Snyder of Rockwood,
has returned home after spending sev-
ecal days in Pittsburgh, where she
was the guest of Mrs. W. 8. Tressler.
Harry Wood, a studenuv at the
Pittsburgh Uniyersity, is the guest of
his parents tor a few days.
Mr. and Mrs C. O. Miller, of Cum-
b rland, spent Saturday and Sunday the former’s brother and sister-
ia-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller.
Mrs, David Gildner, and grand-
daughter, are visiting relatives at
Davyidsville this week.
Mrs. Clarence Critchfield, who has
been a patient in the Allegheny Gen-
eral Hospital for some time has re-
turned home greatly improved in
health, accompanied by her husband.
R. E. Emerick, B. & O. operator,
has moved his family from Hynd-
man, to Rockwood, where he occu-
pies the Wolf house, on West Broad-
The Trent school bas been closed
indefinitely on account or an epidemic
of scarlet fever.
rr —— —————————
The chicken and biscuit supper gat
the parsonage on Saturday evening
was a good success.
Butchering is in full moving this
Rev. Benjamin Hay preached a
very interesting sermon fo a large
and appreciative audience in the
Reformed" ¢hurch on Sunday morn-
Is it practical for the farmer to re-
turn to the soil as much in plant
food as he remoyes by his crops?
° Would it be practical to return to
the worker his full social product?
Will it pay in the ‘end any better to
rob the workers than it will to rob
the farm.
Russel “Engle of Somerset . visited
his sister, Mrs. Albert Engle on
Sunday last. )
Prof. and Mrs. Kretchman, of Mey-
ersdale passed through town on their
way home from attending teacher’s
institute at Springs. They took sup-
per at the parsonage and met quite a
number of their old friends.
Sunday school in the Reformed
church at 9:30.
Church services will be held in the
Lutheran church at 2:00 p.m. Sun-
day November 14th. .
rr nf ————————
short distance south of town, in the
George DeLozisr property purchased
the Merrill property but later owned
by the BH. ©. Shaw estate. :
Ward and Howard Williams, of
Akron, Ohio, spent last week with |
their mother Mrs. Alice Williams.
Miss Florence Maust left Friday | Allen Ravenscraft and Herman Lot-
for a non isit with friends at | tig returned home on T lay morn-
Washicaton, D. C., Hagerstown and: ing from Akron, Ohio after visiting
Frederick, Md. ! friends for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ravenscraft vis-
ited the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. H.
Lindeman of Meyersdale, last Thurs-
day, who has been very ill for five
Elizabeth Habel and Regina ‘Reel
were Meyersdale callers one this
burgess P, E, Weimer and has taken |"
Have them put on your
in America.
Largest Shoe Repair Shop
In Somerset County and the most finely equipped, with
modern machinery, is that of Angelo Vitale, 322 Main St.
All work quickly done and guaranteed .by us to be
O’Sullivan’s Rubber Heels Used in This Shop.
shoes as they are the best
| shoes at the right price.
Have recently put in a good line of dress and work
Call in to see us. If you are in
a hurry we can repair your shoes while you wait, :
We maintain an up-to-date Shoe Shine Parlor Gents and Ladies.
322 Main St.
Meyersdale, Pa.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his pers
sonal supervision since its infancy.
’ ro % Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ‘‘Just-as-good >’ are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor ¢., Pare’
oric, Drops and Scothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlicr Narcotie
substance. Its age is its gnarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
0.0.0 00 on oe.
aetese: 06% ote%%s ¥,
oe Se
ole! oqoe
win the customer’s good wil
sity for repairs which accompanies
““‘cheap’’ plumbing. np Eh
Our plumbing is not theap.
Our real service plumbing is bound to
when he
realizes that long use develops no defects,
no poor arrangement of fixtures, no détails
overlooked and never that continuous neces-
so called
best of workmanship, material'ahd “Standard”
fixtures installed at a reasonable price.
Baer & Co.
0 tate teetete et00%e 00000 ete 0 Tun ets
05% %00%0 0% 00%
009.88. 0.9 9 0. 0 0.0.0 0 08 0 00
It is the,
Ta Th Sata it 0,0 toys Rati, 0, 0p e0e0, 00,
. *
system of poisons,” and
the entire system.
Lee Phenicie, who was accidently
shot while hunting last week, is im-
proving and his many friends hope
for his speedy recovery.
Only two more weeks until Thanks-
Mr. N E. Beabes and brother were
guests of their sister residing near
Bavage on Sunday.
Prof. and Mrs. H. B. Speicher mo-
tored to Berlin on Sunday.
Gospel meetings are in progress in
the United Evangelical church and
will continue for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Abbot, have
moved their family and household
goods to OCairnbrook, where they
will reside.’ :
The Ladies Aid Society of the Ev.
Lutheran church will hold a. chicken
and waffle suppér on Saturday eyven-
ing November 14th. Everybody is
invited. :
C. D. Fritz, is"improving his resi-
dence on Centre street. by laying a
concrete pavement. Tu
Forest fires which have been prev-
alent during the past week, have
subsided. : a . :
Communion services were “held in
the Ev. Lutheran church on Sunday
forenoon and evening at which a
good attendance was present and
about 35 persons were received into
membership. The Sunday school has
recently purchased a new piano,
which adds greatly to the appear-
ance of the new building.
The 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Brant near Garrett is con-
fined to his bed with pneumonia.
Mrs. Belinda Carver ‘spent several
days at the hcme of Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Carver.
Work on the Walker street sewer
line is still in progress.
Miss Della Kearney has removed
her millinery store to the ‘‘Checkered
Women Look Well When |
they - escape the sallow skin, the pimples, black-
heads, facial blemishes due to indigestion or bilious-
At times, all women need help to rid the |.
convenient and most economical help they find in
This famous family remedy has an excellent tonic effect upon
It quickly relieves the ailments caused
by defective or irregular action of tke organs of digestion,
headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness.
Purifying the blood, Beecham’s Pills improye and
Clear The Complexion
Directions of Special Vahie to Women with Every Box.
Sold everywhere. In Boxes, 10c., 25¢.
reese en eee,
-» Dog ESTRAY—High bred hound fol-
Session again.
Dromm’s Handmade Pretzel’s
“Made in Johnstown’; on sale at
McKenzie & Smith’s and at F. Ald
Bittner’s Meyersdale’s ressive |
grocers. Better than the rest, |
the safest, surest, most
Shingles! Shingles! Shingles!
Enroute one car eighteen inch Eureka
Red Cedar Shingles, which we ex-
pect soon. Our price right out of
the car aud for cash will be $4.25 per
thousand. Get yovr orders early.
FOR SALE.—A good Palmer-Weber |
Co., Piano at a bargain. Apply, to
The Commercial, ad
For SALE—A four year old thor-
ough bred Shropshire Ram.
nnv.12-3tad Sand Patch, Pa., R, D. 1,
lowed undersigned to his. home at
Shaw Mines, last Tuesday. Owner
can prove ownership and pay charges.
nov.12 3tad LLoYyD HARDING.
EsTRAY—A full blooded foxhonnd,
medium size, light on legs, head and
belly; black on the back, ear slit,
three small marks on gar, disappear-
ed from near Allegheny Mines on
October 15th. Will pay a reward of
$5.00 for the return of the dog or for
information whereby I can get pos-
Erias Jupy,
nov.12 3t ad Garrett, Pa. R. D. 1.
y — :
Good girl wanted for general house
work, at O. A. PHILLIPS,
ad 106 Salisbury St.
rere ———————
Dr. Hesse’s Poultry Panacea and
Stock Tonic, are guaranteed to make
Eggs and Milk, sold at
ad dolzshu & Weimer.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mi:
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether :
invention is Probably Dat ntable. Communic
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
atents taken through Munn
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Tar
culation of any scientific journal. Ter
year ; four months, $1. Sold by all news
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the S ach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
, wt y)Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought |
2% PE
Mart Your Holiday Bujing Today
a are hundreds of useful gifts that, you
JJ can buy for men at a man’s store; things that :
men and young men use and would be glad to
have any day in the year. =
Here are many nice little necessities and right
now our stocks are unusually complete. Better make
your choice while the buying is best.
Should sizes be incorrect or gifts du-
plicated, we'll be glad to make things
right—that’s a part of our service,
Plentiful stocks of HART. SCHAFFNER &
MARX clothes. Striking things in suits and over-
coats; full lines of shirts, neckwear, hosiery ;—every-
thing for’a man.
Make His a Useful Christmas.
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
® ge
Game-time Fashions
G- Old Game Time—when
the air is full of ozone and you
rejoice you're alive.
Then it is that you want to
get out into the open and fill
your lungs and while you're do-
ing it you don’t want to have to
give one thought to your feet.
If you are cleverly, correctly and
comfortably shod’ at Tom & Jim's,
“ream that’s an end to footwear trouble.
Tom &Jim’sare ‘‘Authority Styles”, satisfaction is guaranteed.
Our fall styles are in and we would be glad to have you call
and look them over before buying.
Every Farmer with two or more
cows needs a
Office 223 Levergood St,
Johnstown, -
Gold For Christmas Presents.
. That all may clearly understand concerning The Commercial’s plan of giv-
ing geld for Christmas Presrnts for securing new subscribers to The Com-
mercial, the following schedule will be adhered to and carried out:
$ 5.00 in Gold to every one sending us 15 new Subscribers.
$10.00 oN 1] 6 6 5 op 4 6c
$20.00 66: 4% Ct 3 6 6c 6 45 6“ 13
$50.00 ¢ § o¢ fr ‘ 6 100 ¢¢ 11]
MUNN £ Co, 3515s Ne
Branch Office, 625 F 8t., Washingt
Call or write for particulars, giving references
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