a A a ue = A - mr < r= ; — i ao 0. P. M , J 8impson Large and , PERSONAL ND LOCAL HAPPENINGS Wir. Meyers, of tha place s fewdays CONDENSED REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE. i ago were fishing for terrapin in the : ” ’ Potomac in the vicinity of Cook’s { { } N I } N A ( ) N A A N pm Trey yore Sys shsgesssul. S E T I L B K, s terrapin serv ol. Rooseve A IB Items Pertaining to the Town in(CGeneral and Be ea 2 low Cjoske ono OF YERSDALE, PENN A. a zen, : | Prepared for the Readers By ia a 00d Wages. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, OCTOBER 31, 1914. Tae : Our Busy Staff. The deed for the transfer of the en . ; . : Meyers stele residence is Moya : RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. AB Biaces was & buses Vitter? I i ennan [ veme $427,995,06 Capital stock paid in____------ $ 65,000.00 to Cumberland, last Saturday. {0.3 Vike wee vin fen Bet of hut aicactive moms, Tie U. S. Bonds and Premiums______- 72,231.87 Surplus Fund and Profits -_______ 55,825.83 . prese nant, r Live ; : - x fo S58 Bision is recovering from Deel Carton, of Bokiid | Mined: purposes moving into the house now Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures.. 68,974.08 Circulation —_-_—_ coco 64,500.00 spent Sunday here with friends. occupied by Dr. Large. It is a case .s . 12 A Rev. Father Brady was at Markle-| (Qharles Shroyer, of Rockwood, | Where two families will exchange Cash and due from Banks... = 66,006.57 Dividends Unpaid... —----- 45.00 toy Wedneadsy. ona clerical mission. | visited friends here Sunday last. residences. Due from U.S. Treasurer______.__. 3,250.00 Deposits -....c..oo ti nniee 453,086.75 . M. R. Milne announce| Mr, Edwin Buhl, was a business| Special Evangelistic services are AR 467 AR i SrA ize Hsth of a son, which was bor on | visitor in bittsburgh, Monday last. |now being conducted in the Gurley Total Resources. ............. $638,457.58 Total Liabilities. --— ---—---- $638,457.58 Born t6 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lep- leyy North street, a son, on Saturday | eve Mew H. Rutter visited relatives d friends in Somerset during the =d week. . Miss Ethel Collins visited rolitiives and friends in Frostburg, Md, a fowl, days, this week. Tazwell Ellet, of Magnolia, Wi w John D. Locke, of Rockwood, was a Sunday visitor in town with friends. Edward O’Donnell, of Mt. Lake Park, Md., spent Saturday here with friends. ? Mrs. W. H. Ryland, was a Satur- day visitor with friends in Comber- land, Md a 1 + Miss. Tina Collins, is visiting rela : tives and friends in Frostburg, and » | Mt. Savage, Md. this, week. Block, the hall formally known as ‘TheAmuse You’’ having been rented for the purpose. The meetings began on Sunday night preaching by Evan- gelists William' J. Armstrong and George B. Winemiller, who had their Gospel Tent; on Salisbury street,dur- ing the /suhmer months, A hearty invitation is extended to all to attend these meetings. Services every even- ing at 7:45 o’clock. rr e——— i ——————— Growthin 6 Years as Shown “MARCH 4, in Following Statements Made to Comptroller of Currency. ALSO OUR BIG ADVANCE IN 1914 ASSETS JULY, 15,1908 : .. - = gies Br - . $262,014.92 1914 $610,212.34 VIM.” i Mr. and Mrs. George Stein of Mey ersdale, spent Wednesday of last week at the home of Wm.. Seggile’s. il: Mrs. W. W. Nicholson spent Wed- nesday and Thursday in latiet township. 3 1 Mrs. Martin Meyers spent Thursday of last week with her mother, Mrs. Simon Nicholson, at Pleasant Hill. John Martin of near Friedens ana Mrs. Matthias Bowman of Shanks- ville, spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of C. R. Martin. E. M. Lichty, the assessor for Sum- mit township, was through this sec-} tion on Monday.- . J ‘Mr. and Mrs. OC. R. Martin and child spent Saturday and Sunday in’ ; Frostburg, Md. ies « Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Saylor of Mi OCTOBER 31,1914 - Sopsani ag 40 E———J00E—— ISS FREE! ¥ - PLAYER PIANO - sont ‘GOLD WATCHES hee ge Pieces of Rogers Silverware" 4 | Toilet Set. .» ru To be Gen So by THE WOMEN'S STORE was a town visitor with friend ; ae 7 dd and Sunday. ends a Misses Oorine Derry, and Gorbrude 1 Knecht of West Balisbury, were J. MM. Schlieht, returned home Sun uk i ; : calling on friends in town Monday. day evening from a short h| : i yr IS visit wig Mrs, Walter Beegle, of Bedford, his ther, at Butler, Pa. Bio! 3) BY Julien a | was the guest of her sister, Miss Mae Alles, Williams, of Johnstown, was | Diehl, seyeral days during the past «visiting. T ves and friends here | week. Seizing during the week. Mrs. Harvey Tayman, of Mance, is Mts. €) higrlos Walsh of Pittsburg, |the guest this week at the home of od #6 the home of her brother, J.| Mr. and Mrs. Albert Siehl, on Lin- P. Relley, ‘during the week. coln avenue. * Mi ; 8. J QL. Stotler is spending | Messrs. O. E. Orowe, and George \/ the weblt yibiing Hier son, Edgar Stot-| Logue attended lodge meeting of lor and famitly at Hooversville. B. P.O. E. at Connellsville, on Mon- Hn ‘Berkley, formerly of this day ‘evening. n Sunday Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Weimer, place, but * wow of Pittsburg, was a business visitor; here on Monday. and daughter Miss Nellie, Miss Hazel ‘Cook and Mra, Elias Hechler motored gist L. R. Oolling } Sook sa Mob; Fug pont sgveral days, of last week visiting and attend- Miss Ida Deeter, left Binday on No. 15, for a yisit with her brother- | ing busines s matters in Pittsburg 2 Snyder of Scalp Level, spent, § veral days of this week visit. | in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George | poyersdale, spent last Sunday after- ing athe home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. | 8. Pfeiffer, in Pittsburgh. noon at the home of Eugene Wellen’s : Nay aah Mrs. William Oliver and daughters tt g 1° Misses Pearle and Mabel of Confluence | GLENGOE. were guests ‘of friends here from Sat- Clara Leydig and her brother Ben | - o During. the Next Six Months, = rd til Sunda; ening. atten e oyster supper . M, : oo eine a ‘Wednesday Shandon mpi Ev £8! The Biggest Prize. Contest Ever Conducted By | Afternoon club met at the home of| Mghel Snyder and her mother ; ir Mrs. 'W. H. Dill, on the South Side |p ent ey at Meyersdale. The! 2 : Any Store in Meyersdale. For Further Particulars, Ask HARTLEY, CLUTTON (0, Mrs. Samuel Seve, and little son} .py J. 0. Miller, an interne, in the | 1 oe. THB WOMEN'S STORE. William of Utahville. Pa., is visiting | Ajjegheny General Hospital, Pitts-|" Hartley Block, here at the home of her parents, MT. | purgh, spent the week-end with his : Meyersdale. Pa. # IO 00 EEE 00 Emm 00 EEO = Mrs. W. H. Deeter, of Broadway parents and brothers. street. Mr. and Mrs. Portzman ‘‘newly| * DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT] IS AN APPALLING HANDICAP. | 2 S600 - a8. 2 210 - 210 i pocial w. C.7T v. Heotiig § was. Hol this afternoon in the M. E. par- « lor to meet Mrs. Jones, the connty president. Miss Bernadette Lynch has returned: from Pittsburg, where she had been visiting relatives and friends for ihe last month. i H. ‘Bunn Philson of Berlin, spent “ Wednesday here visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Banker and Mrs. 8. B. Philson. Po ter J. F. Naugle has re- turned from Pittsburg, where he vis- ited his mother, Mrs. Mary Naugle, the past week. Substitute Mail Carrier Shultz of Meyersdale, was called away from i this part of the county on Sunday to “a { attend the funeral of his mother. i Joseph Dunn, 9 Woodlawn, Bea- | | ver Couniy; F's., but formerly of Mey- ersdale, was circulating among old friends and Bcquaintances here during Mrs. James Wilson, daughter Miss | ods’ of Pittsburgh, are visiting the Mae and son James spent Saturday |jatter’s parents, Mr and Mrs Hecry and Sunday with their relatives Mr. | pier, of Johnsburg. They will lo- and Mrs. Robert McMurdo, at Mic-| cate in Morgantown, W. Va., where land, Md, ‘ : Mr. Portzman. is employed. Hereafter, it will be unlawful for| George Todd af Scottdale is spend- any persons to exhibit any film, reel or | ing a few days wich his sister, Mrs. view in Pennrylvania, unless it has Jacob Ludy. g been approved by the National Board Wr. snd Mrs 6. H ay der. and . . , of Censors daughter Lois of . Connellsville, spent | Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Weimer, and|Tu‘sday last heffé With relatives. daughter Miss Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. One. f you § 3 Ww. H. Bittner’s family held a sort IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE. 1 the week. N. W. Weimer and Mrs. Elias Hech-| of reunion last Tuesday, although the CONSULT sually Ww. H. Deeter, on a business trip to | ler motored to Rockwood Monday | ain issue was the slaughter of sev- rovses Frostburg, Tiesday, gave u pleasant to vist friends. re Ye M. D. GOLDSTEIN, | outing to Mesdames W. H. Baldwin, Mrs. John Stein, left Wednesday : 3 Eyesight Specialist s de- J. H. Bowman, Chas. Boyer, and|on No. 15, for Akron, Ohio, where Miss 1da Getz spent Sunday with pats Paul Clutton. Mr. and Mrs. T'. O. Imhoff and child of Boswell, spent. several days during the week ‘here ‘at the home of the formetr’s mother, Mrs. Mary Imhoff, of the South Side. Mrs. John Bane and daughter, Ger- aldine of Johnstown, returned home Surday, after spending a few days she was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Hartline, who is very ill, following an operation. Proprietor Logue is remodeling and enlarging the lobby and office of the Slicer Hotel, which will add much to the improvement and conyenience of that popular hostelry. The members of the Dorcas Thim- her friend, Ruth Bittner. Charles Love of Pittsburgh was a caller in our town Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Keefer, and babe spent the week-end . with Ohar- les Wertman and family. The Leydig sisters with friends motored to Meyersdale on Friday. At Collins’ Drug Store, TUESDAY, NOV, 17, 1914. EYES EXAMINED FREE ‘ HUPMOBILLE. $1200 DON'T BUY YOUR CAR Sm here with the former’s mother, Mrs. | ble club were very pleasantly enter- MEN’S FEDERATION Margaret Dunn, High street. tained at the home of Mrs. W. H. oO Last Sunday evening Rev. Michael, { Ryland, on Meyers ayenue, Wednes- P ICTURES TAKEN. N TH E IN STALLM ENT PLAN of the Lutheran church announced that the entire congregation were to be guests of Rey. and Mrs. Michael’s on Thanksgiving evening in the social « room. L. G. Dom, a former resident of Meyersdale, but now of Pittsburg, is spending a few days here, haying come up to attend the funeral of his old friend, Mr. W. H. Allen, who was buried today. Mrs. G. W. Lancaster and son Gor: ald have returned to thems home in Mt. Savage, Md., after a visit of a fow days here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. McKenzie and family of Olinger street. Miss Kate Keidle, who has been seriously ill for the last two weeks is improving, and it is the wish of her many friends, that she will soon be able to be at her work at the Maul Tailoring establishment. Last Thursday Mrs. W. 8. Miller of Meyers avenue, much to the surprise and regret of her many friends was taken to the county insane hospital. 1t is to be hoped that her stay-there may not be a very prolonged one. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dixon had for their guests during the week, Mr. M 0O’Conn day afternoon of this week. riet, Mrs. Eleanor Lichty, Misses Har- QOsatharine and C. V. Garey, of Berlin, visited here on Sunday at the home of their relative, Mrs. Emma B: Ritter,