i a) 5 Fey RN ran is a mame RT IIR iin ee : : —— ~ Meyersdale Qommereial. $500 REWARD FOR ABSCONDING ATTORNEY [Registered ai the Postoffice at Meyersdale, Pa., as Second-Class Mail Maiter.] "THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL. K. CLEAVER, Editor and Business Manager. The Somerset County Telephone company, largely owned by John- stown parties, has posted a reward of $500 for the arrest of Attorney Harvey M. Berkeley, former secretary of that concern, who disappeared from his Péablished Every Tharsday in the Year at $1.50 Per Year Cas) Somerset County and Economy Phones. 110-112 Centre Street. home in Somerset on August 21, 1913, after it had been discovered that many fraudulent shares of stock of the tele- THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1914 phone company had been issued by him and used as collateral for loans, SoME question inasmuch as Mr. Penrose is confessedly guilty of hav- ing tried to debauch a Mayor of Phila- delphia, that he will not be allowed to take his seat in the U 8. Senate. But he will sail right over all objec- sions. He has the quality of getting there.” ’ ——————————1 The World is One After All, “A touch of nature makes the whole world kin,” is being exempli- fied that while the nations.of Europe are waging war with each other, there ‘is being forwarded from this country ship loads of provisions for the relief of the starving Belgians, made desolate by the army of Em- peror William. While millions of human beings are arrayed in hostile combat,on each side, yet down in the hearts of the private soldier, there is a revolt’ at the awful carnage, and far rather would many who engage in the death struggle prefer to extend the right hand of brotherhood than ‘to attempt to thrust his assailant through, with the bayonet. They are like dumb-driven cattle who are-led up to the slaughter. Be Loyal To Your Town A minisfer who had lived in Johns- town, was'a few days ago an invited guest and speaker in the church of which he was formerly pastor. The strong statement was made by him that, “One might wish to live:always here on earth, if he could only live in Johnstown.”! That is saying some- thing fine about our little city across the mountains, but the extravagant statement of the minister has a good thought in it and that is we ought to see much good in the town in which we live. Strangers may not know it; they look on the surface, Be so fill- edfwith the merits of your home town that to you it is a fitting place to abide, yea even forever if necessary. If you think it is a poor place in which to live, keep quiet about it, or get np and leave. If wb all boost, why we’ll get some people here some of these bright days who will estab- lish some industries. It can be done by 100 boosters for Meyersdale. Join this club; there is no fee yioauired and you need to ride no goat to be- come a full-fledged member. All per- sons lose their membership when they begin to knock.” What’s the matter with Meyersdale? She’s all right. RESTED NOT ON THE SABBATH DAY. Rev. A. 8. Kresge made a record on Sunday last that for streruous ser- vice in the Lord’s yineyard is hard to to equal. He did not enter upon his day of ministerial duty as one alto- gether fresh as ke on Saturday even- ing conducted preparatory services ab Grace Reformed church. Early on Sunday he was called to the home of Mr. Baker, a member of his church, to administer communion to the aged man who is well past eighty and lives near Pocahontas. At the preaching hour at the latter place, in the base- ment of the new church communion services were conducted by the Rev- erend gentleman. Without dinner . for “himself yet provender for his horse was furnished while the owner was ministering in holy things, Rey. Kresge proceeded from the church to Sand Patch where he conducted the funeral services for Chas. Secrest. Then in the afternoon at White Oak church services were held and com- munion administered. At this ser- vice four children were baptized. By this time the sun was tending towards | the western horizon, and Rev. Kresge | hastened to his home in this place r and supper were united | but yet his | where dinner for him in one meal, Lord’s day’s work was not completed mmtil after he had preached in the Amity church of this place. He cer- tainly was entitled to a rest on the eighth day, Monday. ——————— No. 5801. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF OF MEYERSDALE, PA., at close of business, October 3lst, 1914. The Second National Bank, said to aggregate anywhere from $60,000 to $100,000. The posters offering the reward bear a picture of the missing attorney and gives the following description: ’ Age’ 58; height, 5 feet 7 1-2 inches. weight, Other real estate owned Due from Trib reserve arene in other reserve Cl . Checks and other cashite Fractional Paper ag Nickels and Cen 118 87 Lawful a> ‘reserve in bank. viz: fn 5+ 823.551 @.nsn sone seven ves Legal-tender notes...... 4,000 00 Redemption fund “with h U. > Treasur- er (5 per cent. of circulation). deeravs 3.250 00 POUBl..oessesse sonsns -sassssann $638,457 58 LIABILITIES. Capital sjock Pald IR. .e ereeosnrannes 8 65,000 00 Sun US fUDNA..coss sess save secosnccss 45,000 00 ndivided profits, less expenses and re Paid. .eeiieniisiiiesiannnees 9.725 83 Reserved for tAXes .........vese 1.100 uv National Bank a outbtandin 64,500 00 Dividends unpaid... cco sess seavsnane 45 00 ndividual deposits subject 10hech, 368.408 58 Demand certificates of deposit....... 478 88 Time certificates of deposit BS bie within 80 AaYB..cc coovore senaneens 28,838 98 Time deposit payable after 30 days.. 42,817 82 Certified CheCkB. ....c covoueerasvonses 619 80 United States deposits........ 0,334 64 Postal Savings Deposits... 2,508 05 State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, 88; . Bowman, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. BOWMAN, Cashier. CORRECT—Attest: Ww, H HABEL, : hi N. B. MILLER, J. N. COVER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October; 1914, My a 2201168 OBERT March 26, 1915. - Notary Pubilo. - No. 5833. ‘ REPORT OF THE CONDITION or The Citizens National Buk, : OF MEYERSDALE, PA.. at the close of business, October 31, 1914. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts esas auabex vests $612,623 93 QOverdrafl d an a... 2,671 43 U. S. Bonds to Secure circulation. .... 65,000 00 U. S. Bondsto secure U. 8. De 8,000°00 Other bonds to secure Postal oy 4,000 00 Other bonds to secure U. S. Deposits. 2,000 00 Other bonds to secure Postal Sayings 8000 00 Bonds, securities, 61C. ccee eevee 88,885 00 All other stocks.. 8,775 00 Banking house, furniture and ‘fixtures 29,300 00 Uther Real Estate owned... ....viaeee 6,200 00 Due from Nalous) Banks (not re- “BErVe BEERLS)s.ecerararer eters esasas 31,945 58 Due from ee and Private Banks 5 and Danes, Trust Companies and SavINgS. «coer eserrececrarenense 746 29 Due | from ap Ao reserve agents 8 Cent yal 2 deserve Cl o 3h 8.00 wees 10,173 64 other os eon . 68,503 84 Checks and er oh ois. . 1,660 28 Notes of other National Banks 3,500 00 onal paper currency, nickels BOA CONS ereeevssans assis sessasones 230 44 0 - jes E33 pecie 45 Legal-tender notes.......... 10,620 00 49,125 45 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasur- er (5 per cent. of circulation) ....... 2,650 00 POLY. cies a nncs asvnranarsnons § 998,880 83 . L1ABILITIES. Capital stock paid In........cveeveeene 8 65,000 00 ‘SUrplus fun@.. oe. soveneaserisorrans 100,000 00 Dpajvided profits, less expenses and" taXeS PAA... core eranrrrotiiiaiinnnes ,146 57 National Aah notes OUISIATINg .» 64,400 00 Due to other National Banks. . 173 60 Dividends unpaid. 15 00 Individual deposits subj ject to “check. 491,405 -37 Demand certificates of deposit ..... oa 01 13 90 Time certificates cf Ad payable Within 30 ABYB.ceeevreascrrssonssne 55.810 18 Time certificates of deposi} payable . After 30 AAYS «oove vis sasrer sone 177, 822 4 Certified CheCKS. cee vanees ios vsrvsnns 38 29 Cashier's checks outstanding... ..... 434 67 United States Aeposit8....... 9,075 58 Postal Savings Deposits.............. 3,054 13 Liabilities other than those stated above reserved for interest on 2,000 00 savings aeeoUnLS.. viv cirri. State of Pennsylvania, |. County of Somerset, . H. Philson, Cashier of the above-named a "do solemnly swear that the above state- ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. H. PHILSON, Cashier W. T. HOBLITZELL, Correct—Attest: CLARENCE MOORE, Directors. Subseribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of November,1914. My commission expires March 26, 1915. ROBERT COOK, Notary Public. een mem BERLIN. Matthew Anderson Cunningham of Connellsville, and Helen McIntyre of this place, were married in Cumber- land last Friday. OC. H. Muhlenberger’s farm in North- ampton township, has been purchased by C. H. Smith who will take pos- gession as soon as Mr. Muhlenberger moves to Westmoreland county. On Thursday evening the Woman’s Bible class of the Reformed church, surprised their teacher, Mrs. F. B. Oollins, in a delightful way and pre- sented her with a handsome linen table set. Refreshments taken by the ladies were greatly enjoyed. A SURPRISE TO HIS MANY FRIENDS. Friends of Lee Hoffman, son of Mrs. Frank Hoffman, of Meyers avenue, and proprietor of the Hoffman Gar- RESOURCES, 180 pounds; wears mustache, has Loans and discountS.....c. ceersesasns $352,626 58 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. . 808 48 prominent teeth, one filled with gold; . : Pond: so setae ciroulation. Su 0 has ldrge, protruding ankles inside Oiner Bonds re Bectro U.S. De Deposits ? each foot; has straight black hair, ,000.09; to secure Postal Siviags 1:30.70 tinged with gray and thin. 5 Premiums onl. S. Bonds nr os) &| From time to time. since Berkeley onds, secu 88, B00. coves iosacsnnnan Y Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 62499 50 | disappeared rumors have been circula- *| York city, by persons who recognized f him. 1t is thought that the creditors will agree to settle with the surety com- -payment and settlement of all claims and #uits Inre Estate of Levi McClintock, deceased, in ted that he was seen at various places, including Cleveland, O,, and New pany; of Scranton; Pa., on" a basis which will secure for the creditors a portion of the money Berkeley - is alleged to have embezzled. mies; Just unloaded a car Mixed Chop Feeds, Dairy Feed, Cotton Seed Meal, also Oar Oats, another Car Golden Link Flour due, a coupon in each sack for Silver ware, ad : oy Holzshu & Weimer. IN RE-ASSIGNED \y THE COURT OF gon. ON PLE OF ‘ESTATE OF | ERSET COUNT Te NO. 377 SEPT. TERM 07. S. D. LIVENGOOD ROLE ON CREDITORS. Charles H, -Ealy. assignee of the sald S.D. Livepgooa to succeed Harvey M. Berkley, former assignee, having presented a petition to the Court of Common, Pleas of Somerset County, setting forsh that the Title, Guaranty & Surety Company-of Scranton, Pennsylvania, the bonding Company which is surety upon the bond of the said Harvey M. Berkley, th! its attorneys and. agent; -had represented to petitioner that it was willing to pay the sum of Twenty Thousand (220,000) Dollars in¢ stall brought or which may be brought against it by or in behalf of creditors of the said S. D. Liyen- good, by reason of the defalcations of the said Harvey M. Berkigy, snd having prayed ‘the Court for a rule upon creditors generally, to show cause why settlement should not be made upon the said basis the Court made Ale following order: § “ot. 26, 1914, presented at Champers vers $34 rul show cause awarded. Not given in three of the County newsprpera id three weeks. Returnable Nov, 23, at 10 a. By the Court, WM. H. RUPPEL, P. so Certified this 26th day of October, 1914 ® AARON F. HEIPLE, PH Prothogotary. oct. 204ts.ad Auditor's Notice. the Orphansf Court, of Somerset County, Pentisyi varia. No. 1 =~ 1908. Notice is hereby given that the ‘un; dersignec, James B. Landis, has been appoint ed Auditor by the Court. to d;stribute the fund remaining in the hands of the, Administrator to those entitled thereto, and that the sald au ditor will sit for the purpose of bs said appoint ment in the library room in the Court House, Somerset. Penn's , on Friday the 20th of Oct- ober A. D, 11914. at 1 o'clock -P.. M. when and where all parties in interest src required tog appear and present their claims before sald ; Agditor, or be uebur:eo rem rharicg.n the fund. Jaxes B LANDIS, Auditor. —————eeeeeeeeeeee Ecz ma spreads rapidly; itching almost drives you mad. For quick relief, Doan’s Ointment is well rec- ommended. 50c at all stores. ad oy Shoe Polishes - LARGEST VARIETY FINEST QUALITY re MIL ®GILT EDGE,” the only ladies’ shoe renin that positively contains Oil, Blacks, Polishes and Pre. serves ladies’ and children’s ghoes, 3 shines without raiing, se. Minin GLOSS,” 10¢. ” combination for cleanin and poli all kindsof russet or tan shoes, 10 e "DANDY" chat a8 “QUICK WHITE” (in liquid fo with sponge), - Iyc cleans and whitens dirty canvas shoes. 10c. & 25¢. 0” cleans and whitens BUC SUEDE, and CANVAS SHOES. In 2, white i packed in zinc boxes, with gponge, 10c. In L hand. some, large aluminum boxes, with sponge, 25c. 1 your dealer does not keep the kind you want, send us the price in stamps for fullsize package, charges paide WHITTEMORE BROS. &CO.,, @ 20-26 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass. Ladies’ Jumper Dress is included with many other stunning chic styles in the new December Butterick Fashion Sheet. call at our Butterick Pattern You may Department and get a copy FREE. A AS AAS SIS SSI NT NI NI NSTI INS SS Nn The Oldest and Largest Manulacurers of Shoe Polishes in the World, CHURCH SERVICES. Methodist Episcopal church ser- i vice, Rev.J. C. Matteson, pastor—Ser- vices at10:30 a. m. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. Evening seryice at 7:30. Rev. Mat- teson will take as his subject Sunday Ideal Church age at Bedford, will be surprised to ] his marri age to Miss Mikdred Haze rstown, Tirsdsy morn- | er of Com- morning‘ ‘The Psalmist’s Member’’; evening:—‘‘The Hiding King.”’ 8S. Philip and mes Oatholic | hurch, Rev. J. J. pastor next EN ad Church of the Brethren— 10:30 and 7: Sunday Scho :30 a. m. C ian Worker: | Meeting at 6:30 p. m Bible Class, | Saturday evening, Suits $10 to $28 = : Trousers 52 to $6 pa es are now , dig % new Fall and Winter a o Ou handsomely illustrated Style Dock wil be sent free yoo request. ' M. OPPENHEIMER & CO. The Oppenheimer - Label ‘Means More Than Good Fabrics “Ter means good taste, good ol good fly good service. . 1 of pep + oF Wholesale Exclusively PITTSBURGH, PA. HEAVY DRESS GOODS IN DEMAND. It means good value for every dollar you pay. it "More thn that it means money back with- out quibbling should the sight defect appear. ! = 3 115-123 Seventh Street — now Sandusky Street Preaching | pastor—Special held on | nr Vi +Teachor h tHave Two New Dresses Instead of One. J ‘Figuring all costs carefully, it is safe to say that you can have two new dresses this season at the price usually paid for one “Ready Make”, and better still, your dresses Come to the dress goods de- partment and. see for yourself. will be made to fit you. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats at popular pricees. Buy Heavy Underwear Now IT WILL SAVE A DOCTOR'S BILL See My Line of Bed Blankets and Comforts If You Need Carpets, Linoleums or Oileloth Squares, Come Here. Tuspeet Our Line of Ball Band Rubber Shoes and Boots. Holiday Goods in Abundance. ALBERT ». GLENSNER, (Successor to Appel & Glessner.) MEYERSDALE, Brethren Church, H. L. Goughnour | services are being November 15th at Summit Salisbury in ol and Christ- ¥ 8 PENN’A. CASTORIA For Infants and Children T'S 1 1 th e dale in In Use For Over 30 Years Alw bear: i i ¢ | N the 1 ler 3 oA = te mn Cy Pai of the for of hU ald Su : he: fo _» ar Js pe