The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, October 29, 1914, Image 8

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ST a
Mrs. Park] Coleman, of Somerset
passed through townlthe latter part
of the week, enronte to Springs.
Mrs. Lloyd Beachy aad Miss Edith
Lichliter were guests of the former’s
daughter, Mrs. Philip Reich, at Mey-
ersdale last Wednesday.
Mrs. Annie Lambert, and son
William are visiting the former’s sis-
ter, Mrs. Martin Wagner at Pitts-
Mr. and Mrs. John Trent, who re-
cently moyed from here to,.a farm
in Somerset township havejidecided
that Salisbury is theibest fplace and
consequently have shipped back their
household goods.
Ed. Loechel has_putjgmen tozwork
putting down the} concrete founda-
tion for his new stable which fre will
baild to his livery farm.
The public sale of George Ward last
Thursday atternoon was attended,by
many people from? ftown jgand sur-
rounding county and tne goods
brought fair prices. On Fridayithe
Ward family started for ,Denver,{Col-
oralo, where they will make their
Miss Irene Hummel, went to Avil~
ton, Md., last Thursday to visit rel-
atives and friends.
Mrs. Frank Maust and Mrs. Nor-
Meyersdale spent _sev-
main Stahi of
bt week at Butler, vis-
eral days of I:
iting their brother, John Lichty.
Guerney Swauger Y isited his pa-
rents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Swauger,
in Garrett county, Md., one day
last week.
Misses Winifred and Minnie Bonig,
Ethel Broadwater and Beulah Engle,
of Grantsville, attended the concert
given by the Princeton}players last
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Earl Ringler, entertained the
following ladies at a quilting bee last
Wednesday: Mesdames A. B. Lowry,
Abram Lowry, Samuel Ringler, Jo-
seph Hoover, Joseph Stotler, Elijah
Newman, Wilbur Derry, George
Lowry, Nelson Garletz, B. F. Krausse
and Misses Annie Durst and Mary
Born to Mr.
a daughter.
Henry Dersch, and Edward Shaffer
of Hyndman spent several days of
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Schramm.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Carrol, of
Virginia and Mrs. John Kassey (of
Houtzdale were guests last week of
their kro:her Thomas Eckard.
Rey. an! Mrs. L. P. Young, (Mr.
and Mrs, J. T. Smearman motored to
Grantsville and Jennings, last Wed-
Mesdiames Samuel Kendall, George
Collins, H. J. Wilmoth, of Meyers-
date, Mrs. Vanest of Chicago, Mrs.
Embrey, of Washington,jD. C., and
Mrs. J. L. Kendall, of Pittsburgh,
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Maust, last Tuesday.
eg Oritz, of Somerset
her parents, Mr.
cs. Davi. : nalley last week.
A number of the Washington Party
enthusiasts went by an automobile to
Me:yersdale last Friday evening to
hear Mr. Lewis discuss the issue of
the campaign. Among them _were
and Mrs. Wm. Reitz,
tc 1] y
* constable B. F. Krause, Roscoe ,Wel-
fley and Landlord Wm. Deitz.
Mis, Tlla Chalic't, Mrs. Sadie Chal-
fant, Miss Mima Harding and James
Hill autoed to Grantsville last Wed-
John W. Ringler spent last week
with his daughter Mrs. Robert New-
man at the Newman Lumber] opera-
tions at the headwaters of Tub, Mill
& m.
“2 j. Howard Meager, is having beat
“installed in the house occupied by
the: P. M. Connor familyj§ on §Ord
Mrs. James Martin is visiting some
of her children at Pittsburgh...
D. W. Livengood and. family have
: moved into the Glotfelty rooms re-
cently vacated by Mrs. Annie Lam-
‘‘Squire’> Albert Lowry, D. PF.
Kranse, R. 8. Johns, Herbert Wag-
ner. Herbert Lowry, and Roscoe
Welfley were among a number of cit-
izens who went to Johnstown on
Tuesday to hear Col. Roosevelt.
eres {ees eres.
Pure Butcher Pepper 20c per. 1b., at
ad Habel & Phillips.
Maust's comet is now visible in
the northwest in the early evening.
Prof. Maust says that this is no or-
dinary comebt. He declares that in
conjunction with certain other heay-
enly signs it presages the downfall of
Penrose and Penroseism,
Rev. Ed. Miller and family went to
Short Gap, Va., Sunday morning.
Rey. Miller preached two sermons in
the Short Gap church.
When newsbapers like the New
York Tribue and Philadelphia Ledger
which @re so- staunchly Republican
that they succeeded in gulping down
the gigantic steal of 1912, without
making a wry face, call upon the
Republicans of Pennsylvania to: rise
up and cast off the incubus of Pen-
rosism in order that party may be
purged for the battle of 1916, it is
tis r ordi folk i ard
e to cit 111
V1LG0 I0X (
ake notice.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Trent of Somer-
set spent the week end with I. D.
Leydig and family.
The Northampton Telephone com-
pany held a sensational session at
Johnsburg on Saturday. A number
of tronbles were settled [and jnow
hoping for smooth sailing.
Mabel Snyder is becoming profi-
cient as agent. Hunting] is also
another line she has recently taken;to
The Misses Marion, Leah and Clara
Laydig and LeahiWebreck spent
Thursday last in Cumberland, shop-
ping. :
G. G. DeLozier and Martin Miller
motored to Cumberland and other
points on Sunday.
Meyersdale. Penn’a., on Fri-|
day, November 6th.
Colonial Hotel |
United Doctor’s
One Day only, 9a. m. to 6 p.
m. Remarkable Success of these
Talented Physicians in the treat-
ment of Chronic Diseases—offer
their Services FREE of Charge.
The United Doctors, licensed by the
The Stevens Hammerless
costs ne more than some hammer guns.
it has the celgbrated
providing safety against
*¢ hang-fires.’’
Our Price
Repeating Shoiguns}
strong arms.
S. W. Poorbaugh
of paint.
visitor Sunday.
hundred, at
Habel & Phillips.
The ladies of the Reformed church
combined forces on Thursday and
cleaned the church.§f{Even the men
inspired sufficiently to lend
Mrs. A. N. Raupach is improving
after suffering from a slight hemor-
rhage of a varicose vein.g
baildings in his estate to a new coat
Henry Schlag of Berlin was agtown
see fesse
Hammond Dairy Feed will
crease your milk supply. $1.45 per
state of PENNSYLVANIA for the treat-
ment of deformities and all nervous
and chronic diseases of men, women
and children, offer to all who call on
this visit, consultation, examination
and adyice free, making no charge
whatever except the actual cost of
treatment for the purpose of proving
that they haye at last discovered a
system and method of treatments that
are reasonably sure and certain] in
their results.
These DOCTORS are among AMER-
1ca’s leading stomach and nerve speci-
of chronic diseases of the blood, liver,
(12 or 20 Gauge)
T. W. Gurley.
gn Ls Dealer in Sh
alistisand are experts in the treatment |
stomach, intestines, skin, nerves,
heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder,
rheumatism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-
wetting, tape worm, leg ulcers, weuk
lungs, and those afflicted with long |
standing, deepseated chronic diseases,
Every Woman
Can Use
and ought to use occasionally,
a proper remedy, for the
Lard Cans and Lard Tubs for sale,
at Holzshu & Weimer. ad
From present indications it seems as
though old Mr. Winter is with us a-
Many of our local sportsfhen have
spent the past few days in the woods
but report game very scarce in this
section, but are hoping for better suc-
cess after next Monday whenJit he
hunting season opens.
Prof. ahd Mrs. H. B. Speicher were
guests over Sunday at the home of
the former’s parents, near Somerset.
Frank Knapp’s have moved from
Garrett te Black’s Mines where they
will make their future home.
Excavation is being made for a con-
crete pavement to be laid in front of
street. This is a much needed im-
Carney, assisted by the local min-
mic injection.
first in America to earn the name of
‘‘Bloodless Surgeons,’ by doing away
with the knife, with blood and with
pain [in the successful treatment of
these dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder trou- are at once safe
in your mind.
the Reformed Church on Chu rch|able they will tell you so.
them upon vhis visit.
that have baffled the skill of other phy- |
sicians, should not tail to call.
ness has often been cured in sixty |
According to their system no more
operation for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter, piles. ese. |
method these cases uncomplicated are |
treated without operation or hypoder- |
They were among th
bles bring a two ounce bottle of your
urine for chemical analysis and micro-
scopic examination. ’
Worn-out and run-down men
women, no matter what your ailment |
may be, no matter what you have been
told, or the experience you have had
with other physicians, settle it forever!
If your case is incur-
Laboratories, Milwaukee, Wis.
Deaf- |
By their |
nervousness and depress-
ion to which she may be
subject. These troubles and
others are symptoms of debil-
ity and poor circulation caused
by indigestion or constipation
convenient. They clear the system
and purify the blood. They ex-
ert a general tonic effect and
insure good health and strength,
so that all the bodily organs do
suffering. Every woman of the
thousands who have tried them,
knows that Beecham’s
To Certain
Consult |
It costs you |
provemeht, owing to the bad condi- | Robbing. .
tion of the street in wet weather. Remember, this free offer is for this
Tat 3 . | visit only.
Te TLI0) Gosh! Tagsiies Which Married ladies must come with their | Advantage
Sfedemggecmmbne Lu © Iran hhyshands and minors with their
Church under the direction, of Rev. | parents. Directions with Every Box of Special Value to Women
| Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10¢c., 25¢c.
headache, backache, languor,.
certain and
their natural work without causing
Pills act
3 "
\ > \ N
oh wig Sir 0 bP 4
/, 3 5 : .
he 4 i > |
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
use for over 30 years; has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per=
sonal supervision since its infancy.
LT, - % Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢ J ust-as-good ’’ are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Cii, Pare)
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates, the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The Home of Quality Groceries.
A good many good people buy good groceries here, do you?
You, like, the others, will find it a good piace to buy good
goods. :
We have some interesting prices on Fancy Toilet Soaps.
Try a bottle of Heinz’s Malt Vinegar.
Drumm’s Famous Pretzels are repeaters.
Let your order with us for Ward’s Fine Cakes.
isters and others, were very success-
ful and all who haye helped to make
them a success deserye much credit.
The local schools are reported as
having a good attendance, and in a
flourishipg condition.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carver were
guests over Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. OC. Glessner Niver
The Lyceum Course of this place,
the first number of which was held in
the opera house last Friday evening,
was. a decided success.
The Morrow Bros.” Quartette en-
tertained a large audience in a pleas-
ing manner with mausie, both vocal
and instrumental, reading. etc., all
of which was highly appreciated.
The squeal of the dying porker is
already being heard in this section.
The streets are being put into shape
and sewers cleaned preparatory to
the onset of winter.
Dried Beef, Boiled Ham, Minced
Ham and Bacon sliced while you
wait, at Holzshu & Weimer. ad
eee eres.
Just unloaded a car of 41 to 46
QOEE war correspondents} have
so much interesting news to write that it's
hard for them to abbrzviate to cablegram limits.
We likewise: have s> much to tell .about our
Hart Schaffner & Marx
that we can’t even begin in this"space. 0 Better
come to the scene of action in our store and re-
view in person the beautiful models and patterns
that we have mobilized here.
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
protein cotton seed meal. Now is
the time to buy as price is low, at
ad = : Habel & Phillips.
“John White,” of Somerset’ county,
desired a monument for his son of ar-
tistic beauty and after going the
rounds of all the dealers in this sec-
tion, plsced his order with J. B.
Williams Company, of this place.
The design is a tablet, embellished
with classic mouldings and the ecarv-
ing is poppies in full relief. The
monument was erected in the Union
Cemetery, Meyersdale, this week.—
Cumberland Press.
Notice by The Game Commis-
sion of Pennsylvania.
Notice is hereby given that it is illegal to
kill a Wild Deer or a Wild Elk in the County
of Somerset for a period of three (3) years be-
ginning with December 1st, 1913, said county
having been closed by the Board of Game Com
missioners of Pennsylvonia to the hunting of
Deer and Elk for that time, under the provis-
ions and regulations provided for by the act of
April 29th, 1913, entitled, “An Act to provide
for the protection and preservation of Elk and
Deer; providing a method through which cer-
tain lands in the Commonwealth may be closed
to hunting for a term of years, and prescribing
penalties for violations of its seyeral provi-
sions.” Pamphlet 120.
The penalty for killing an Elk contrary to this
regulation is £200.00
The penalty for killing a Deer contrary to this
regulation is $100.00.
This county has been stocked with Deer by
the State. and we ask that you not only ob:
serve this law yourself, but that you help in
all ways to have the law obeyed hers
Respectfully yc
The Czar of all the Russias has proven himself a
benefactor to mankind by abolishing the sale of liquor
throughout the Russian Empire. -t
Will Enlightened America Stand
Back of Medieval Russia?
Yote the Prohibition Ticket
and place a party in power that will, adminlster the
government on the basis that the sale of liquor is a
crime and not an industry.
That is the Only Solution.
Secretary of Game (
(Candidate for tae General Assembly on “the Prohibition: Ticket.
These prices will save money for you:—
1 cake Colgates Pure Castile Soap 10 cents.
3 bottles pure Ketchup 25 cents.
2 bottles Royal Scarlet Cocktail Sauce 25 cents.
3 large, or 6 small rolls of best Toilet Paper 25 cents.
3 packages Tablets for 25 cents. Sar
4 pounds of good 28-cent Coffee for $1.00.
3 ponnds of Lima Beans for 25 cents.
2 pounds new Raisins for 25 cents.
1 can good Cleanser for 5 cents.
2 packages of Wheat Hearts for 25 cents.
Good Brooms for 20 cents each while they last.
42 Centre treet. Both Phones.
Meyersdale, Pa.
251b. Barber’s Best Flour 50c
If you purchase
$5.00 Worth of Other Goods Here
No cash receipts with this offer.
Donges Theatre, Thurs., Nov.
‘Prices - 35¢--50c--75¢. Children - 25¢.%
Special cars will return to Salisbury and Garrett after the performance.
ar ris imc AB oR mas any
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