AN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES. TY. oes sen - U. 8. Write for 1lluse how to order mail. 210 Spark St., Bi tou, Mass, there is a treat in store for you. Grown on the islands of the Sacramento River, the finest region in the world. Put cut. Tender and flavory. —peeled or unpeeled. Insist on Li Try this recipe:— . Libby’s Asparagus. the yolks, add a tablespoonful of melted butt and pour upon the Asparagus. Bake oven, and serve immediately. One of the newer napkin rings is a spring affair with which a boiled egg may be held for removing the shell. ’ Belgium’s national wealth a year ago was estimated to be $9,000,000,000. ATIMA, Tur- kish-blend ciga- rettes are the pur- est form in which tobacco can be smoked, and their flavor is “Distinctively Individual’ For Sale RY hr BASIE ot profits last ng, well ul western Pennsylvania town of 8,000. Fleet fii Reason for selling i11 heal more. Mostly cash. The Observer, EASY MONE bam is goae your love will also be ended.” . better give me a larger ham!”—Meg- gendorfer Blaetter. over an automobile. {1 quire and intricate mechanism to start her.” alarm clock to wake her up.”” gle? YO Try Murine Hye Remedy Hyes and Granulated Hyellds; No n, {ust Bye Comfort Seite Tor Hook of the Hye y mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Ce.. Chicago. own hands. - California Asparagus If you've never tasted Libby’s California Asparagus, 3 Asparagus up fresh from the garden as soon as White or green your grocer cannot supply you, send us his name. with Eggs— Salt and pepper well qne can of Beat four eggs just enough to break up eight minutes in a quick Libby, M¢Neill & Libby, Chicago th. $6,000 and , Seottdale, Foam. For one smart manor woman in each lo- cality. First Jpe re 1 i - te G. KUGLEE, SHICESHIWEY, PENN THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL Prolonged Probation. *I do believe that by the time the “Is that so? If you believe that, A Sound Sleeper. “My old nag has one advantage It doesn’t re “That's true. All you need is am _ This ls Not the Way. Wife (with magazine)—Here's an article on “How to avoid war.” Hub— What does it say—remain sin- UR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU for Red, Weak, Watery Many a fool man goes lame trying to work a rabbit's foot instead of his bby’s. If er, pepper and salt, Escapes in Heat of Battle. Reports indicate it sometimes takes a lot to kill the modern soldier, the New York World states. Sergeant Fougere of France received eight bul- let wounds, a broken arm and other in- juries, and although shot in the calf, thigh and ankle, escaped being cap- tured by Germans and limped tem miles to his regiment. Another French soldier received six bullets and three bayonet wounds and is recovering. The French war office estimates only two men are killed out of every one hun- dred hit. The peneration is so clean one soldier did not know he had been hit for three hours, and another bullet went through two soldiers and lodged in a cavalryman’s saddle. i Copper as Hard as Steel. There is no process known at pres- ent for making copper as hard as steel. Such a process is supposed to have been known in ancient times. If anyone can discover such a process | he will have a valuable secret. Easy to See. «Y wish I could have seen your great feat,” said a lady to a gentleman who had met with a hazardous adventure in Africa. “There they are, madam,” said he, pointing to his pedal extremi- ties. . Not All Sunshine. Mrs. Flatte—Didn’t you say if you married me it would be all sunshine? Mr. Flatte—Yes, I did. “Well, 1 suppose you realize that I’ve got a lot of rain checks coming to me!” Dr. Pierce's Pellets, easy to take as candy, reg orate stomach, liver and bowels. gripe. Adv. If the wolf camps on your doormat, train him to chew up bill collectors. small, sugar-coated, ulate and invig- Do not It's too bad that we can’t live long without getting old. lady of Quality (orset Made of excellent quality splendid ng OnE Model No. 1304 UNBREAKRBLE Clasps and Side Steels uaranteed against break- ing for six months, A stylish model that bends with every movement. Little Wonder Plate Songs + Posie "acta Forever Descripdon fres. Bo. Volk St, Plitaburgh, Fu. Only 2c. Ek. Spiro Garfer comfortable and more REAL ESTATE v SALE-#160 A. IN RUSK CO. WIS. jon lake frontage, 50 a cult, 8 r. house, A durable than elastic garters. Y MAIL, BinPall, $2.00 Send money by P. O. or ex- press money order or write for further particulars to ote. $6,000. A Bolden, Island Lake, Wis u yom sacs sm oo emnes co way | LADY of QUALITY CORSET SHOP bidgs., ete. HH. Eatcman, Long Island, Kan. venue NeW York City YOR ALL CULT. 30 A. IN Tembill on. Ore ar Memon, Dayton. Ore. BOOK ON ——— rere FOR SALE OB TRADE—300 A. IN BENTON Dog Diseases . Ark.; 88 cult, § r. hse., 400 apple trees. Osos Cig B. Greathouse, E.5, Garfleld, Ark AND HOW TO FEED FOR SALE—149 A. IN SUMNER CO. KAN Mafled Fres to any sddress by the author 90 a. cult, new 6 r house, barn, outbldgs.. H. CLAY GLOVER, V.S. mach. ete. T. D. Walker, Wellington, Kan, 118 West 31st Street New York FOR BE 00 ALD ALTO | rere BALE —! oo. Ia; B63 a cult. nil tenced, on main road, pear town. Owner, R 1, Box 59, Curlew, Ia FOB 285 A. IN LACLEDE CO, MO. 50 a cult, 3 houses, outbldgs., silo, stk, etc. g. price. Lo N. Schmalhorst, Conway, Mo. eee RB SALE—-BEST ALL CULT. 86 A. IN owell co, Mo.; 3 houses, outbldgs., 8 a ., 100 gr. vines. L. Kania, Brandsvilie, Mo. YOR 360 A. IN PENNINGTON CO. 8 Dak.; ideal dalry well impr, 70 a cult Complete. $4,600. B. H. Jurisch, Scents, & D. ASH OFFER TAKE MY 160 g Irma, Alls. WHY NOT TRY POPHAM’S ASTHMA MEDICINE Gives Prompt and Positive Relief in Every Case. Bold by Druggists. Price §1.00. Trial Package by Mail 10c. READ THIS. MR. VOTER, AND SEE "THE REAL LINE-UP IN PENNA. Here is the issue fairly stated in these two columns. Neil Bonner, Pres VANCE C. McCORMICK “pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Dealers. “Office of President, Neil Bonner, “Twenty-second and Carpenter streets, Philadelphia, Pa. “My Dear Sir:—I am addressing | you this letter, trusting that you will consider it as strictly CONFIDEN- TIAL, and will immediately BECOYE ACTIVE AMONG YOUR PATRONS | by requesting them TO REGISTER THEIR NAME AS A VOTING CITI- ZEN NEXT TUESDAY, SEPTEM- BER 15. UNLESS THEY REGISTER THEY WILL BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER. “you must fully realize that the coming election in November means more to every liquor dealer, regard- less of the fact of his being a re- tailer, wholesaler or brewer, than it ever has in the history of Pennsyl- vania. “Qur enemies are well organized and are about to make a determined effort to elect members to the com- ing legislature who will support their pills in favor of local option, anti- treating, holiday closing and other measures, all or any of which, if passed, will practically mean the loss of hundreds of dollars monthly and yearly to every one of us. To some of our fellow-dealers it will mean that they will lose their license privi- lege, and, in such instance, who knows where they will apply for a new license, PERHAPS ACROSS THE STREET FROM WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED NOW. “You cannot help reading the pa- pers and realizing that there are but two candidates now for the office of governor. IF VANCE McCORMICK, the DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE, WINS THE FIGHT, YOUR LICENSE WILL NOT BE IN FORCE MANY MORE YEARS. : “WE MUST ALSO ASSIST IN THE RE-ELECTION OF SENATOR PEN- ROSE. “For once in our business life, WE ARE FORCED TO DEFEND OUR HOMES AND BUSINESS. WILL YOU HELP US BY URGING YOUR PA- TRONS TO REGISTER. “WRITE OUT A NOTICE AND IN WHICH COLUMN ARE YOU? forces which are opposed to rum dom- ident of the Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Deal- ers, writes a confidential letter to the saloon-keep- ers urging them to line up for Brumbaugh and Pen- rose and warning them them that if they don’t, their. licenses won’t be worth much in a few years. i In the other column is ' the overwhelming en- dorsement by the Moral and Good Government forces in open convention at Harrisburg, of Gifford Pinchot and Vance Me- Cormick. x Vote for Penrose and Brumbaugh, say the li- quor dealers. : Vote for Pinchot and McCormick, say the force. of Good Government. 1 Whereas, The demand of the pro- gressive and independent forces of Pennsylvania and especially those ination in politics and which believe in government in the interest of hu- manity rather than in the interest of sordid business have been given an opportunity # of concentrating their votes for governor upon one man, and Whereas, The action of William Draper Lewis in voluntarily with- drawing as a candidate for the Wash- ington party for governor so that the Washington party could place upon its ticket the name of Vance C. McCormick, who was nominated by the progressive Democrats as the Democratic candidate for governor, made possible this concentration; Therefore, Resolved, that this con- ference, representative of the inde- esteem for Mr. Lewis whose act stamps as an American of the high- est type and commends to the people of Pennsylvania the patriotic action of the Washington party in accepting the withdrawal of Mr. Lewis and sub- stituting as its candidate for gover- nor Vance C. McCormick. Resolved, That in the opinion of this conference that the action stated, presents to the voters of this com- monwealth an absolutely clean-cut issue on the governorship, with Vance C. McCormick representing the forces of righteousness, and his opponent representing the forces of greed and corrupt politics, and further Resolved, That we hereby call upon the well thinking citizenship of Penn- sylvania to rally unitedly with vote and influence to the support of the Hon. Vance C. McCormick, thereby making his election an overwhelming victory, and delivering Pennsylvania from the political thralidom in the grasp of which she so long has been held. Inasmuch as the liquor and other bi-partisan forces have combined to elect to the United States senate Boies Penrose, and his associate Re- publican nominees to the offices to which they respectively aspire, and Whereas, Dr. William Draper Lewis has particularly withdrawn from the Washington party ticket in favor of Vance C. MéCormick, the Democratic PLACE IT ON YOUR MIRRORS OR BACK OF YOUR BAR, CALLING AT- TENTION OF EVERY CUSTOMER TO THE FACT THAT HE SHOULD REGISTER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, WITHOUT FAIL. “You can do much to help us out of our trouble if you will do so. “KEEP THIS COMMUNICATION CONFIDENTIAL. Fraternally yours, “NEIL BONNER.” “Personal Liberty’’ party, the liquor men themselves the Republican ticket their PINCHOT, CLEAN AND HONEST servant of the public is such as to invite the admiration and support of patriotic citizens. The people have not forgotten how he stood for con- servation of the public domain against the men who were stealing sands of acres. By so doing he lost As a further proof of who the liquor men want, the Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh and every liquor candidate on taken at Harrisburgh September 29, last. candidate for governor, and | Whereas, The Hon. Gifford Pinchot | has developed unusual strength as | a candidate; therefore, be it | Resolved, That it is the sense of | this conference that all anti-Penrose { forces should unite on Mr. Pinchot to | insure his election beyond a doubt, and we hereby call upon all unbossed citizenship of Pennsylvania to a | united and enthusiastic support of | Mr. Pinchot. the political organization ‘of has made Senator Penrose, nominees. This action was | Pinchot, Protective Tariff Man The record of Gifford Pinchot as a} (gor Pinchot's insistent attack | {of Penrose has been carried into | 5 every county with the result that | | Pinchot has attracted great numbers of protective tariff men who want a { tariff man at Washington and at the same time Penrose beaten for the timber and mining lands by the thou- | benefit of the Republican party.—Co- | Yumbia Daily News. pendent citizenship of Pennsylvania, | most heartily expresses its profound | / his place in the agricultural depart- | ment, but he won the respect of thou- | sands of men for his fearlessness and | honesty. This is the man who would How Warren Views Penrose Our Spienid Combination Offer Three Fine Magazines for 35¢ Extra, in Connection with the Commercial, Not wishing to handle the cheap, trashy magazines, of- ten filled with questionable stories and advertisements un- fit for home and children’s reading, we have made con- tract by “which our subscrib- ers can obtain splendid read- ing matter for a mere nominal price when combined with the Commercial, their favorite county paper, which is a lead- er in quality and circulation. We are planning to make it J Js Fhe THE leader. Kimballs For $1.85 per year, only airy Farmer 35¢ added to the $1.50 price of the Commercial, we will send the following with our paper: The National Stockman and Farmer, the world’s Greatest Farm Paper. Note that this is a weekly farm paper — not monthly, as most others. The a advance subscription price of rtrd this paper alone is $1.00 per year and you could not obtain it for less from the publishers. { The Woman’s World, a fine home paper, 18 the second on our list, and Kimball’s Dairy Farmer is the last of our combination offer which we have never seen equaled for real value. Don’t forget that you will each week get the finest farm paper published. Also a monthly woman’s magazine and a dairy paper, besides the Commercial— all for $1.85. See us for special rates on The Pittsburgh Post and The Toledo Blade for R. F. D. Routes. bet Et ereeseeeeet wpa rime 0 0000000060000 P0009 00090OOOOPPRIIYIYY TT el bell LLLLLELHL60600000 O00 0P0PPCOPPIIPIIPIITIIVIVIV VIE Y WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR “Golden Link” and “Sunkist” Two of the Best High Grade Western Flours We buy direct from the mills, in car lots, so as to save you money. EVERY SACK GUARANTEED We keep a well stocked wareroom of Grain, Hay, Straw and Feed of all kinds We are Agents for Dr. Hess and Clark’s Tonics For Horses, Cows, Cattle, Poultry, etc. A visit will prove to you that we have the most up-to-date GROCERY STORE in Somerset county and that our prices are the lowest. We Deliver Goods Free of Charge. HOLZSHU & WEIMER Both Phones 221 Centre Street, Meyersdale, Pa. JOSEPH L. TRESSLER Funeral Director and Embalmer MEYERSDALE, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. Office: 229 Center Both Phones. Residence: 309 North Street Street Economy Phone. $2280 000t tts ttt ts ttt te Before You Buy a Cream Separator FIRST SEE AND TRY A Del AVEL THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE Cffice 223 Levergood St., J. T. YODER, SEE Johnstown, Penn’a. Hot Springs Blood Remedy This is the time of the year when you should take a good blood remedy. Take Nyal’s Hot Springs Blood Remedy 1 ] i IEEREEF ENR RRRRE EERE represent Pennsylvania in the United | States senate, as opposed to Senator | Are the | united Republican party. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cieveland, O. 100 Ww e Clav well produsing land near DAT ote. §.'W. Bobina, Woedvew, Fia AGENTS BD eres beet a Sante tio Pacsicumes WIL FF. OHI: Clevelaad, Olle s dering interest in the nation. the commonwealth of | his devious political methods ?>—But- | " ler Citizen. | Warren (Pa. Evening Times. The defeat of Senator Penrose this’ Penrose, who stands for every plun- | fall would mean a rehabilitated and | It would be ' voters of this state prepared to clear | a party that could be proud of its | the stigma | ability to overthrow the ignorance, which Penrose has placed upon it by | political debauchery and uncleanness that in essence are Penroseism.—w 5 and it will purify your blood. F. B. THOMAS, Leading Druggist Both Pones MEYERSDALE, PA. PEPE] auedglnl FREER EE L3 ae i Sf i L-. A A ~7 a“ 1 a V ¢ 4 - 4 ] Rly ho «4 % 3 4 - SDD DDD yo ou ve Jodrefeifoaleadontsedafeaeddinteds Phd pepe