The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, October 01, 1914, Image 1

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    s in his 736th
ly _ill.
company has
ber an idleness
count of re-
er, of Somer- i
administrator © ||
5 Mrs. Louisa
ond $2.500, —
ing, daughter
erences ree
an rok | cosy me nest CRAMER GUILTY our avo orp aces
Ne. 1, : THE S a ~ There has been a marked increase O F 1A NS LA UG HTE R Between youth and old J) thers
vy revs. OF TLR, iit emir of septitions ini is never ending conte. Vitahty
© New Cen. —_—
kwood High
ries’ offices in the anthracite regions
of Pennsylvania since the outbreak of
the European war. None of the com-
PeWidow of James Cochrane deceased
His Victim, Henry Trimp.
is continuglly pitted against experi-
ence and sometimes victory falls to
the one and again to the other.’ J&%3
A very distressing, fatal accident
occurred about 7 o’clock this Thurs-
day morning when William Hersh
was killed on the B. & O. tracks one
mile east of the Meyersdale station.
The unfortunate man had started out
early in the morning to husk corn for
Milton Baer and was walking on one
It is supposed in
getting out of the way of a freight
train, he stepped over on to the other
track and was hit by an approaching
It was quite foggy
and this, no doubt, rendered impos-
sible his seeing any distance in front
of him. He was brought to the Mey-
ersdale station and the lifeless form
was given into the hands of Under-
taker Reich to prepare for burial.
The body was much mutilated, the
| right leg being entirely severed, the
The deceased was a respected citi-
home was on Salisbury street. Be-
sides the wife four sons and three
daughters survive :—Daniel, Harrison}
Ezra, William, Mrs. Ulysses Miller,
Following is a program for an in-
stitute to be held at the S. J. Miller
school on Friday evening, October 9,
Address of Welcome—A., (3. Maust,
Is Knowledge or Mental Develop-
ment the end of Teaching—E. R. Hay,
The Child and its Nature—S. Ce
Nature and Importance of School
The Compulsory School Law—W,
Methods of Teaching—Lloyd Shu=
Social Side of School Life—D. Oa
The American Common School—J,
Nature of Training—Lillian Seibert.
Paper—Esther Shumaker and Sada
All friends of education are cordial-
Next Saturday night, October 3rd,
will give away free 20 best reserved
As you enter you
will be giyen a coupon ticket which
will entitle each patron to a chance,
Ferson. Don’t
miss this big six reel program and at
the same time win a good seat for
‘‘Ita.” Tickets will be given away
after first show. Prices 5and 1) cents
Mrs. Margaret Landis, widow of
Joseph Landis, died Saturday, Sep-
tember 19th, at the home of her son,
William Landis, at Rockwood, of
heart dropsy, aged 74 years 1 month
Deceased was a daughter of William,
Fleegle, and was born at Lamberts-
Mrs. Landis was the mother of Seva
She is
She was a sister-
Lanah Walker, of
After the funeral seryices at Rock-
were taken to
erlin for interment ia Odd Fellows
were con-
MeClellan, pas-
: i a. giAmong the createst names in his-
s,}.died Tuesday morning Cr , 1 ' bl WwW - i g
bhe first time PE Jana, at the advanced | PAPies ireport the loss. of many men e o Trou e as a tory we find side by side those of
th fitting ser- ~~ f 80 yosrs, 3 months apd 5 deve by the return of foreign reservists, youth and old agé. Men who haye
i age o , . f :
em by Mos. Cochrane was born at Muir Kirk, sn nl oy eve bout a F ence: di si porate uyes and Lave
as i land. In 1868 she emi- : ; 3 cape © aggravauing in firmities of
2Clellen and Aysshire, Scotia d the t There is probably no other ~labor . - ; ho B ide. H + age are often more than a mateh for
usic ffor the grated to this country jan © famuy [cenire in the country where the pop-| On ' Tuesday J'morning the § jury | side. e found therel’a number of outh in mental endurance — we | Of the two tracks
2 5 - - a en . Cog i .
y the®Rock- located at Georges Creek. Later her ulation is so diverse as at the anthra | 86 Somerset in jthe case =of Hen- [clubs that appeared to 2 have! been Jo Yoaith oar ee a =
ooh husband became the pioneer coal| . i hat (TY Cramer charged with the mur- | cut recently, but for what purpose | == bao cmv.oncy
ber of vocal cite mines. One company states that : : Sen oe eiderl 3 ds 1 1 o
: operator in this section. its average payroll last year was 12,- | der] of William Trimpey, a young the lad declared ne did not know, gery man depends largely upo
'd byfChris- f@iThere survive her of fthe twelve 782 men 2 = Hi mon plone farmer of Upper ,Turkeyfoot town- | When he joined OramerZjin the corn | DiS mental attitude. The jman who helper engine
: children fojWhonishe gavebieth, thel, 0° * " < the year 6,284 were Rus. | Ship on June 10th, greatly to tne sar: | field where the latterlwas at]work, begins to look over his shoulder at | 2elp gine.
igstows, O.. following:—Robert, Archibald, Wm. |, 5,282 Americans®or naturalized | Prise of all interested. returned a ver- | Oramer asked him what had hap-| fifty will be stumbling through hfe at
/ rie 3 Oy a : : . 3 San : i i -
Rockwood M., and Mrs. AgnesjAlexander, all of citizens, 2,141 Poles, 1,165;Tyroleans, | dict of “‘guilty of voluntary .man- | pened and on being] told, Cramer is | SIXt¥, While the one who is continual
Elk Lick; Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey of | o Austrians, 7561 Lithuanians,®59 | Slaughter” .with a recommenaation said fo have remarked that some one | lV 100king ahead and seeking intel
ved his fam- Brownsville; Mrs. John Cunningham | po". SH EH Slavs.” 2 47, Hungarians, | for the mercy of the"court. Numer- musk haye shot (Trimpey. A shcrt|lectual advancement will continue to
Is from the of Bell Vernon, Pa., ana Oharles F., and 100 Giasks. a ~— | ous ballots were taken before a ver- | time later the reportiiof agun was herease In mental ; capacity Sir
1 Broadway mine foreman, of Meyersdale. me | dict was rendered. When brought |heard and Oramer pulled jout his brain Ss PN ss Jonz Efe
erty. i= Mrs. Cochrane was a devoted mem- in to receive the yerdict, Cramer was | watch, showing it was 9:15 o’clock, | @aXimum of physica strength has
moving her bor of the Reformed church and Rev. HUNTING P RECAUTIONS| the coolest person present, seemingly Oramer then told the lad to’remem-| Pen reached. | head was badly mangled
Markleton. Dr. Truxal preached the funeral ser- WILL SAVE LIVES |in the best of spirits. ,When the | ber the time, ashe might have to go i IF o he Ten fof advanced Le Be
: Yip 3 : ph Spin ; : 3 - | Simple diet and regumiarivy or habits
mon on Thursday at 2 p.m., arter Ere verdict was read he seemed to show | to cburt. When Trimpeyj was car-|S! s n ta bei loyed as alaborer.
Lét Dower, which interment was made in the| -ASthe hunting season approaches, Nttle interest, ried past the corn field] on the way | are essential. The physiologicallpro- | Zen being employed as alaborer
or burial, 5 millions of men in the United States a i to his home, Cramer did er t | cesses are less active and many ‘struc-
erly a resi- Union cemetery. are preparing to take their annual| The trial at Somerset of Henry: G. $0 505 th b > 1% hose ou tures lack the elasticity of youthiand
rere : . ng; mur- | tO see the man, bu ined? in ti ag
The funeral > ALEXANDER F, LENHART, fall outing after furred’and feathered my hein background tho na : ey should not be subjected to undue
the Laurel He ade Gite . More people will hunt this year : . 14 = ’ i : in,
1terment in An esteemed jcitizenof (ilade City, Sr oprie the call of your border line fenes trouble’ioccupied Oolinty Detective Wagner, ard ee age is more than a match | MTS. James Ott, and Miss Sadie.
] 3 died at his home about Sunday md- Yano Spin with a readier re. | the court all of last week and the first Sheriff Hochard also testified to tte tor Pde Bi So i ¢ ns ie :
—l night from asthma. He had been in | °P re of this. THb prosecutrix endeavored identification by Trimpey ot"Cramer a any > Sy. tne monty PROGRAM FOR
: : b Wh sponse as the years go by. . : A poise_ which should come with ac-
HIP. ~ poor health since in Fe Tusty. = Last year in Pennsylvania alone jf | U0 establish that Cramer had made | as the man who shot him, es vanoing years has a decided bearirg
Samuel Bi last employed he was watchman for is estimated that 400,000 people went | threats to kill Trimpey. did also ‘John PF. Trimpey, “tle on the physical well-being and mer.
muel Firl, The deceased who p is wi : ¢ phy 8
: the W. M R. R. e 5 ived | into the woods in quest of game. Charles Brougher and his wife tes- | aged father of the mnrdered man. tal power
3 a 4 Tr © : . a rye & : .
Border: of at one shoul a Vives There were 803,901 hunting licenses) tified that they had talked to Cramer William Barkman testified the The infirmities of age are often loss
ite visiting by. the fo onl ahels City: Mrs, | issued and, counting the farmers who | only a short time before the murder | whea Trimpey and Oramer settl d | ,¢ , handicap to the accomplishment
at present Engleman o g 5s ton. Ce es hunted on their own or adjoining |and that Cramer sald he would shcot an assault and battery case in cout of serious and effective work than peginning at 7:50 c- in
p > Woodrow Lee of Smithton; > 1: i ki ut licenses, the | Trimpey if he did not leaye the fence | a year ago, Cramer had remark:d io vital g g isp. m.
i gh; Irene, Naomi | lands without taking o ’ : ; the erratic vitality of youth. Son
‘auctioneer Lenhart of Sons | “Fene, number will come pretty clase to, or alone. When the question of Trim- that: he would get the——and world > g-
of Ira Yo- . and Sidney at home. ; ey breaking up the largz stones |put him ont of the way . 9 :
ra istent mem- | even exceed the mark pey . : : DATE OF 22ND PA. Thoroughness—H. B. Saler.
test, or borat Bact resaive Bras ios ir] THO Pemmayivacts touter sem Io a oe ay referred | (Te dotrase opened Suturlay oie CAV.REUNION CHANGED | Reading Mary 1. Gnagey.
.- wk Ss on re conducted by his |21Ways wear his license tag promin- to Cramer laughed and said he would ternoon with Cramer as the fir: § :
itifying his an Abin iy L Goughnour, on|ently displayed, be willing to display | like to catch Trimpey at] that fence, witness. He admitted shooting W. On account of the date sof icp
of paint. pes 4 nan at 3 o'clock, fol- his license upon request, and act as 4. C, MeMilten fostifled Yo having 1. Trimpey, but stated he did it in holdin the annual reunion of tk
Mae Moore Gesgay al t which was made | the gentleman at all times. Courtesy | Written the will of Trimpey at the | gop defense. He said that as he was 0 Clue ft h 9 With
: lowing the fnterment whic key that has opened |deathbed and William Gerhardt tes- rebuildin ral fo Suryiyars Of the 2ond Pa., Cay " :
he bome/of in the Union cemetery. has been the key that has open tified that hoX it th B £.8 fies ,Bocross the alry, falls on the big day of the Bed-| Impromptu Cliss—Mae Moore.
y. 3 : many a well posted farm to a thorough { bifie at heliwas In the room when | poqq Trimpey came at him and that A Fai :
is Se —— Trimpey identified Cramer, who had he fled the hillsid hort dis-| °0fd county Fair, the reunion assc- ro. v
hools have ; sportsman. : © red up the hillside a short dis-| . i Organization—F. J. Fike.
¥ 3 MES, 1SANELLS Same Always keep the gun pointed from | been brought there by the sheriff|tanee away. As Cramer was follow- hits hes Shnged fs ate 1 for| =
yrking fear / Died at her home abShaw Mines on yourself and other persons. and county detective, as the man who ing him he got a shot gun and with- Ootob . 156k om vi ld ay, ¥. Walker
wih cant 3 Novtay morwuy, gi = . 8 Carry a’gun with the end pointed | shot him. - out taking any aim fired. He said The address of ih she he de
i months and 8 ey a . oy uy either upward, toward the sky, or| Ope of the important witnesses was | Trimpey fell to the ground and fear- Lvered at 108. mm, and wil by x liane
: mi ¥ to parélysis, ® husbanc : downward, toward the ground. Never. Dwight Shelley, a 16-year-old lad, [ingrhe was not seriously injured and : i-| Our Aim in Teaching—Netti
lishel, Mr following children are living:—Mrs. : i i : sponded to by a member of the regi a g e
= ’ ro g : 1 Run: Mrs. Jack | SWeeP the horizon with it. who was employed by Cramer, He | that he would stilllfollow him, he fled ment, A business meeting will be | Maus.
3 oy D. i ay - Go Ero of 18 getting over loos op tenses al fostifled that the day_before Cramer | 0 the Woods. held at2 p. m. and a campfire at| Topical Talk—R. J. Engle.
9 ? i as qua, & : : ways see that the gun 1s nirst put over | aq oid him he would not need to| John Metzler, of near Kingwood, |: C t Events—Ruth O
Shaw Mines; John of Wilmerding, . iim Ts » | night. urrent Events a ommons.
I 4 and in a solid positionfiwhere itRwill come to work before 10 o’clock, as | testified that he was working in a fogs
i. DiLis ) and James of Jenners. Her mother . The officers of the association re-
ewis Klotz ® ister. | B0t fall. Then go to, another place | Gramer had other business to trans- | corn field with Cramer when Trimpey : ; Handwerk
3 ; 3 Mrs. John Robinson, and a sister : : quest that a notice of the reunion be | Handwerk.
» as jury- : : : : || to clinb over, and pick up the wea-| got up to that time. He said he |eame to the field and swore in a i i HEssay—Velma G
Mrs. M. F. Bittner also survive her. a : a y ] published in newspapers of Fulton, ssay- elma Gnagey.
. E | t Ee d on Wednesday | POR :With the end pouting where it | poarg the groans of Trimpey as he very loud manner]and threatened Franklin, Somerset, Blair, Cambria
Berlin, will ye moral I ° | should be. & i lay wounded and he“ran {down to his | Oramer’s life. . Huntingdon, Mifflin, Centre, Coa F. Schrock.
Church of A \ > Never pull or draw a gun towar - ’
fills every MRS. CALVIN SPRIGGS, yourself by Ye muzzle, Specially J THE BEAUTIF UL WILD TURKEYS petlend, Dloarei and Adems omy
: : . | wagons, boats, over fences, logs, ete. ; Schrock.
; aos den Lo as Suis #Do not load the guu until after leay- ALLEGHENIES. VERY PLENTIFUL.
rom Stme % 1upp, died at her home on Key ing the house. : : . MARRIAGE LICENSES ly invited to attend thi ti
n Summy 3 £ street, on Saturday, aged bH4 years @Never keep a loaded gun around| The Solignutnl bi of Logs Men ya have Bosn fn the woods 2 ” ¥ Yy Invite atten S meeting.
EE from cancer. Besides the husband 10 the bouse or tent, and do not leave a days fos } i) exce oppor oy % oun an Sou ig bg oe ra IN THE COUNTY FREE AT THE
, yeteran children, 13 grandchildren and three loaded weapon where it may be knock. | {OT Mo enjoy,the good roads | Pennsylvania say that wi urkeys ; -
of all the sisters survive. ‘Rev. Brown conduct- ed down by dogs or children. and beautiful scenery which Somer- have not been so numerous for 25 Earl Miller, of Pittsburg, and Iva C,
or. 8 W ed the funeral ‘services on Sunday =1)0 not carry the gun cocked except set county affords. Persons living years as they are now, the closed Bauermoster, of Brothersvalley town-
/ . with interment in Union cemetery. —h en alert for game to rise. along the Philadelphia-Pittsburgh pike | season for two years provided by the ship; Clarence Critchfield and Zepha
"T / & Do not shoot into moving bushes or | declare that 1,000 automobiles passed | last Legislature having enabled the Beck, both of Rockwood; Richard F, |the management of this
Mrs. Louisa P. Miller died at the in the direction ota Sole without be- | ©Ver that pike * Sunday. Grandview | birds to multiply. In some sections |Facenbaker and Rose Stanton, both of
uty, Neh. L home of her daughter, Mrs. P. OC. ing sure the desired game is there | Point, from which a, vast territory | wild turkeys are to be seen close to Elk Lick township; Bruce Walker, of | seats for ‘‘Ita.”
‘nied for a Miller, near Mey Srsiule, on Seplem| = seeing it for certainty. The move- | can be seen, was the objective point. farms and the State forestry preserves | Johnstown and Mray Wetmiller, of
> and has ber 10th, 1914, aged 60 years, 1month | 7° 2° noise may be caused by some | And what a magnificent sight it is at | contain many of them. The shoot- | Berlin; Ralph Sufall of Somerset, and
es in this and 6 days. The funeral was held person or domesticated animal. this season. Crimson and gold, pur- | ing of wild turkeys will not be per- Mary Mankamyer, of Meyersdale|one ticket to -each
thejguest Sunday, September 13th at Johns- Watch the muzzle of the gun that (ple and brown, intermingled green, | missible until the fall of 1915, provid- | Clarence Saylor, of Boswell and Annie
C.§Show. burg, services couducted by Rey. no mud, snow or other material fills|is adorning the trees of the Alle- ing the Legislature does not continue Murry, of Summit township; Howard
t retired Martin of the German Lutheran church it; and do not load as heavily with |ghenies. The sight is a magnificent | the closed season. The act has been | Weller of Paint Borough, and Elda
ip was a | with interment in the Johnsburg white or nitro powder as with black panorama of nature. of great benefit in conserving this Weaver, of Windber; Dorsey Cramer
cemetery. Nine children survive; powder. this may prevent accidents —— form of game, and Maggie Pearod, both of Jefferson ———
Ais «y also thirty-nine grandchildren and | eprom bursting. . PRESBYTERIAN township; John C. Hutchison and wav- | AN AGED LADY
Hap seven great grandchildren. Do not start a fire in the woods CHURCH AT ACOSTA PARTY GIVEN IN ie Galbreath, both of McKeesport.
Dear = at ‘Mason, z former: farmer without first providing against its HONOR OF DAUGHTER re
Toony ’ er i d do not leaved it burn- : 3 ‘ ”
turned to of Milford township, died at his home man le yeu As is Soptmber jiseting of the ea | “ITA” IS WORTH
: ; sville, in respo S i
iinglhere. in Somerset, September 24th, aged Do not wound game and leave it to Bros i ie ap ee Mr. and Mrs. George W. Collins, | GOING TO SEE.
ed nego- A 66 years, His wife and two children suffer and die of its injuries. Better ACs dribission was! sliver entertained twenty-four young peo- .
y tract of survive. ¢ to spend an hour searching for a2 ~°05t&: DP g g Fle at their bome 209 North street, | Ita is well worth going to see, ac-
a . D . organize -a Presbyterian church at Frid : S 20 A dite tothe u. 1 ts of
townshi Daniel M. Shi a winged bird tnan to let it remain and Tiday evening, September 25th, in| cor ing vo the general comments o ;
» ape ; Ser, Dassed away on Acosta. honor of the birthday of their dauch- the large audience who witnessed her | 22d 4 days.
nfluence, , Saturday at Somerset, He was 64] suffer for a day or two before re- A committee was appointed to ef- Te y © eir daug io nus fash Bight, Wi
vas burn=' years old. The body was taken to|lieved by a merciful death. . | fect the organization Monday even- So > bs 3
: t tected birds / The girls were dressed to repre- | her assistant stated that she is never
d a new : Johnstown for burial. Do not shoot protected birds or gni- ing, September 28th. The meeting : . p . : ville on August 15th, 1840. Her hus
traet % —_— mals. There is a reason for protect- : a tiv f sent the titles of books, which afford- | at her best on the first night her and died iz Jet
: ! E Gertrude Smith, aged 14 years, ing them. Find what it is and you| "o> bat in wient used recently for ed much amusement; games, sing-|demonstrations readily branded her |P20d died in July, 1909.
H died Wednesday at the heme of her will agree that the law Is generally A oe and fifty-three | € 20d dancing were the enjoyments [as oue of the most remarkable young oh rn a a pole y.
“3 father, Henry Smith, at Berlin. correct in giving them a protectiye ers were a the y of the evening. later in the eyening | women that ever appeared in this ld he . Wig » Th have Dre
Brethrex ~ 1 SoRAson x Focslved. 8s theyiirst mem-|. soritens lunch was served. vicinity and whether or not you are ee aire ig ih In infan.
Saturday gp | tain remises ors. Those present were: —Misses Flor- | interested in Ita’s kind of performance | 3 o > I Coleman,
i °F Ascertain if farms or premises a —_— pb £ 2 aver ahili Mina
n Fike’s +E THOUSANDS BUYING “ : ” fos > : CORRESPONDENTS ence Just, Mary June Wiland, Hazel | she will Prove most entertaining to |SUrviving children are: Mrs. Jacob
posted’ or hunting is forbidden, and TO b ; Klingaman, Mrs. Is1ac Nein i'lor, of
E MILEAGE BOOKS. keep out of trouble by either avoiding * THE COMMERCIAL Miller, Edna Baker, Mary Courad, | you just the same. - It was announced Borkiow? Mill: M : Ore wa
—_— . . oe. . A Sra a ; 1 he . ’ 3 . ) ’
r grand- Thousands of mileage books have |them or asking the owners for per- OF Harriet Horning, Grace Weller, Eliz- | that a special matinee would be given ah eS . or A Shale
wf em : en twin, BS ; ; hroo thi i an iliia Landis, Rockwood an
iting re- been purchased the last few weeks | mission to hunt on those portions We lave onour Tish & nriber of abeth lrwin, Stella MecQuain, Nelle Thursday at three thirty strictly for Miss Sue Landis, Meyorsdaly.
B. &0. ticket ofi bet the | where no damage to live stock may re- Hady, Irene and Lenore Collins. | Ladies only,--even the male employes ved a od 3
at ‘ L. ticket offices before the oe persons all through the county who Messrs. George Griffith, Paul Hos. of the theatre being excluded. [rss survive Y one brother and
Sr., are increase in cost of the books, effect- | sult. are marked as correspondents for tetler, Samuel Greer, Frederick Col. iy oo sister, Mrs. Mary Baer, of the
nds at ive October 1st. The largest pur- | The Commercial, but who, since the lin Lecter Stotler, Jesse Matthias EXT I State of Iowa, and Samuel Fleegle,
: chase in this section was made by MINER ELECTROCUTED | present editor has taken charge, | Hoey gn EL ya SUNDAY N Ww LL | ot Shade township.
iti ¢ Mr. Joseph Klawan, a jeweler at IN BOSWELL MINE [oaye not sent in a single item from | Hoblitzell ad Tobr Hockney ! BE PEACE DAY. intaw of Mrs.
ing a i Oumberland, who Saturday invested "| their locality. We intend to have . | Bevin,
: $10,000 in 500 mileage books. | His neck coming in contact with an | gomerset i splendidly repre- | ARRIED AT H ; Many churches will observe Sun- |
ren will —_— | electrically charged wire, John Meton- sented in our paper and if you are M NAL OME day, Botober 4th in accordance with | wood, the remains
4th, fol- Burgess Pimlott, and about a dozen | wich was electrocuted Sunday night jonly nominally a correspondent we | OF BRIDE'S SISTER. | the proclamation of Presi lent W ood-| p
ervices leading residents of Boswell, Lash) in the mine of the United Coal Com- hope you will become one in fact or | faa row Wilson, oulling on the citizens of | cemetery. The services
home of week went in a body to Johnstown | pany at Boswell. The man, it is said {notify us that you do not wish to| At the home of Mr. George Landis | the United States to offer prayer for | ducted by Rev. W. A.
+ to meet State Highway Commissioner | was replacing a car on the tracks when | represent us longer as we positively | on Large street, Mr. Ralph G. Sufall | Peace all over the world. Catholics | tor of the New Centreville
i Ed. M. Bigelow, and to confer with | the fatal accident occurred. He was must make: better arrangements. | and M Mary C. Mankamysr were |as well ‘as Protestants will observe | church.
for Sam ; him in regard to road improvement. | about 25 years old and unmarried and | I te oun Ins res. | the day in the same way according to
: Mr. Bigelew agreed to inspect the |had worked for the company for the | Mr. and Mrs. John Adamson were | ot 9 Wii by Rev. D Ww. Michael of | directions issued by ths late Pope| On Monday next (i
road needing improvement, in the | past four years. So far as is known, | 3
recent guests or the latter’s parents,
| Mr. and Mrs. John Stein, North streets,
|the Lutheran church. Their home |Pius X to all Catholics, a few days
ear future. will be in Rockwood. | before his death. |
| he has no'relatives in this country.
| Poses moving into the Gles
i on Meyers avenue.