n. ods. alues you T. ey’re alue. fou’ll. 2S d Room, an pre- ad ross Sig- eward. ld furni- ve, wash pply ab- uct ved ies, w ts terns, yo E, Livengood attended the Fair at * week. PERSONAL AND LOCAL IAPPENINGS | Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By : Our Busy Staff. — Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fullem, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crowe went to Frostburg, Md., in the former’s auto- mobile Sunday morning and spent the day there at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Durst. The grape crop in Pennsylvania this year is 13 per cent above the average, The peach crop is 17 per cent above the average cabbage 7 per cent, tomatoes 6 per cent and onions just equal the five year aver- age, 86 per cent of a full crop. Mrs. Myra Schrock ard daughter, Miss Margaret, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., were guests at the home of their rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Miller, last week. They also visited relatives in Berlin and Somerset before returning home. The Lyceum will meet next Thurs- day evening, the first day of October, ab 8 o’clock. The subject of the drama will be discussed by Rev. Father Brady and members of the meeting. Everybody is invited, The meeting is free and vpen to all who may wish to attend. Wm. Kieffer, of Mance, who is em- ployed on the B. & O. work train, while assisting in bandling rails at Hyndman last Thursday was injured by a rail talling on one of his feet and crushing the great toe so that a part of that member had to be am- putated. Robert Miller and Dr. OC. P. Large, motored to Casselman on Monday. Migs Evelyn Truxal, was a Pitts- purgh visitor Saturday. Charles Payne, of Connelisyille, visited relatives here ‘on Sunday. Mrs. Charles Plitt was a visitor to Cumberland, on Monday. Miss Nell Cover spent Sunday visit- ing with friends in Rockwood. Miss Gertrude Landis returned home Monday from a brief visit with rela- tives in Rockwood. Mrs. E. C. Kyle left Tuesday for Johnstown, where she will visit rela- tive and friends for several days. Rev. Father Brady spent Tuesday at Midland, {Md., the guest of Rev. FatherfQuinn. Harry Werkman, of Connellsville, was a Sunday visitor here with friends. Miss Eleanor Lepley, spent Sunday visiting relatives and friends at Sand Patch. Mrs. O. P. Dom, of Pittsburgh, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Miss Tina Collins, was a Pittsburgh visitor with relatives and friends on Sunday. Mrs. J. N. Cover, left Tuesday fos a visit with relatives and friends in @ittsburgh. 4 l iE i HC i oe bo Y=] the most fashionable wom- en at our Corset Depart- ment. Some are buying cor- sets, others are “just look- ing.” Usually the center of interest is our exhibitions of « Henderson or La Princesse Corsets. We know no better made more stylish, popular priced §* corsets than these. If you haven’t examin- ed the new Henderson La Princesse models at our Cor set Department,-be sure tc pay us a visit soon and sec them. We have a varied as- sortment of the newest de- signs for all figures. Experienc ed corset. salesladies are in attendance ; to show you the many new features of these fine cor- sets and to demonstrate your specia ly designed mor el on you. HARTLEY, CLUTTON CO. E fe] [mm] == Ep oul alwas find L[ mf a)|C 1] | Fm Ex oF HEARERS CORSETS SE THE WOMEN’S STORE. Meyerscale, Pa. * Miss MarySWilmoth, left last Wed- nesday for Frederick, Md., where she will attend college. Bruce Sturtz, of Scottdale, is yisit- ing -at the home of his aunt, Mrs. H. J. Wilmoth, of the South Side.” Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Davis, Md., spent last;Friday visiting friends in Meyersdale. Miss Ruth Tiffiney of Washington, D. O., is a guest of Rev. and Mrs, Q. A. Neeld at thejMethodist parsonage. Mrs. Mary? Jenkin and daughter, Miss Edith, tare home from a very pleasant visit with relative at Eller- slie, Md. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mrs. Thomas Crowe, son Denzel, and son Roy, wife and two children and her sister-in-law, Mr. Hi Wilson, and daughter Mabel of near Frostburg, Md:, spent Saturday night and Sunday here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crowe, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crowe. A letter from Rev. A. M. Schaffaer, of Orangeville, Columbia county, this state, informs. us that he began his pastorate work on Sunday lact and that his two oldest sons, Daniel and Paul, were about to leave for the académy at Franklin and Marshall College, of «which institution, their father is an alumnus. The decomposed body of Wm. A. Holler, of South Cumberland, who had been missing since Septem- ber 7th was found Sunday in the mountains of West Virginia, about six miles from Cumberland. It is not known whether he was murdered or accidentally killed. He leaves a wife and several children. Lewis V. Lepley, agent for the W. M. R. R., at Fuller Station, is en- joying a ten days, vacation. He visited this period of time with a cousin at Pinto, Md., and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lepley, of Broad- way street. He also proposes enjoy- 1g the quiet life on his father’s farm at Sayage station. Apropos of the increase in cost of many articles especially those ‘of for- eign origin, we have received direct information from Sir Joseph Beech- am [(the proprietor of Beecham’s Pills) that he has not iucreased his H. Benford, and Cumberland, Md., a few days this Mrs. Olarence Rowe, was taken to Oumberland, Md., where she was placed in the Allegany’ Hospital, for medical treatment. Miss Emma Weber spent several days of this week visiting her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hurley at Connellsville. Mrs. Belle Savage of Pittsburg, is spending aZweek here attending to business matters pertaining to her Broadway street property. Miss Rose McKenzie has returned home from a weeks visit with rela- tives and friends at Boswell and Jenners. Mrs. Albert Reitz, Mrs. Mort Wag- ner and Miss Mima Harding all of Salisbury, were shopping and calling on friends here last Friday. price to the trade and will not do so, Mr. and Mrs O. E. Deal, and Mr. and that.fhere is no reason why any and Mrs. D. A. Floto crossed the|increase should be demanded by Mason and Dixon line on Sunday to |anyone. spend the Jay with Maryland friends. Attorney Virgil R. Saylez,. of Som- Blaine Hoover, of Tarentum, Pa., ersetb has been ‘named as master of is spending a few weeks here with | petition of Levi Deal, in the matter his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John of the Erie Coal and Coke company Hoover, of North street. for a master to hold an election of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crowe, son officers. Judge W. H. Ruppel, at Beryl and Miss Lillian Baer, spent Somerset ordered Attorney Saylor Sunday with relatives and friends to hold an election for directors in near Frostburg, Md. . the offices of the coal company in the 2 ? Naugle Building in Meyersdale. He is Miss Rosella Darrah, returned home given author’ty to ruleon the validity Sunday evening from Johnslown, of the stock and reporb to the court. where she had been spending the 3 week with friends. James Hammond, of Avalon, Pa, is yisiting here at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Klingensmith, of Beachley street, South Side. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reich, Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Reich, and Edward J. Gauntz, spent last Thursday and Fri- day in Johnstown. The trip was made in the Reich touring car. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Miller, with their three children, and Mrs. S. S. Bittner, took an automobile trip to Grantsville, Md., last Friday, where they enjoyed the day with friends. A ‘‘Hard Time” party is being planned by some of the High School young people on Friday night, to be held in the Glessner flat, above the Siehl Hardware store. A Pilgrimage luncheon under the able management of Mrs. Sue Liston, and Mrs. J. E. McCartney, was great- ly enjoyed by a number of ladies on Thursday afternoon of last week ab Riverside Park. Attorney and Mrs. Joseph Levy, who had been spending several weeks visiting relatives and friends here and at Pittsburgh, returned to their home Rev. G. A. Need, the popular pastor of the M. E. chureh, expects to leave for the annual conference at Roches- ter, Pa., next Monday morning. For three years and one half he has been here and'while his return by the offi- cial board and the congregation is much desired, according to the ope- rations of the conference, nothing rel- ative tojappointments can be predict- ed with any decree of certainty. However, Rev. Neeld, can be assured that he is much wanted here. eee {eer es— Dizzy Head, Fluttering Heart, Floating Specks. These are signs of kidney and blad- der trouble. You’l have headaches too, backaches and be tired all over. Don’t wait longer, but take Foley Kidney Pills at once. Your miserable sick feeling will be gone. You will sleep well, eat well and grow strong and active again. Try them. Sold by all Dealers Eyerywhere. ad weft “I have been somewhat costive but Doan,s Regulets give just the results T desire. They act mildly and Hartley Block, Get My Prices on TUNGSTEN NAVA LAPS T. W. GURLEY’S Sporting Goods Department. Always bears Keeps Your Liver Healthily Active A man in Kentucky just told a friend that Foley Oathartic Tablets were the most wonderful medicine that had ever entered his system. Said he would not be without them. Neither would yon, if you had ever tried them. A thoroughly cleansing cathartic for chronic constipation or for an occasional purge. Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Zt TZ the Signature of % ad Deafness Cannot Be. Cured; by local applications, as they cannot reach the aiseased portion of the ear. There is only way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional reme- dies. Deafness i§ caused by an inflam- ed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube re- stored to its normal condition, hear- ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by QOa- tarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the. mucous sur- faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, & Oo., Teledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents pur bottle. s ’ ‘Take Hall’s Family Pills for ‘Con stipation. ! DIAMOND BRAND A R ce t Dope. petines™ Slog GoLDp metallic boxes, sealed with Blu Ribbon, TAKE NO OTHER. Buy of Jour ¢ and ssk for COHI-CHES.TERS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty Sve years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, - LADIES 1 ~~ | Ask your Drugeist for CHI-CHES-TER S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RED and WORTH TIME TRIED EVERYWHERE F555 jolted from their position and Iosi their grasps on the rope, fell to] t bottom of the shaft aldistance of nat less thin 200 feet.= Theibuc AT 1 had descended _about 100 feet w ™ N HELD OVER FROM LAST WEEK. I - = MEDICAL SOCIETY the accident occurred.j Not a si of life was visible when fellow work- rR bucket route in reaching the bottom. of the shaft. _ Stevenson was about 35 years of age and _has been employed? by? the Consolidation company for £some years. He is survived by his widow and several children. Dixon was aged 32 and was also'an experienced; miner. His widow and two children survive. The Somerset County Medical So- ciety met at the County Hospital on Tuesday of this week by invitation of the Poor Board and the manage- ment of the institution. ~ For the first time in the history of the society one half of the members were present; this was not only en- couraging to the officers of the soci- ety but appeared to be pieasing to the Board of Management and the always pleasant smile on the counte- pances of Dr. Henry Wilson and Dr. (Mrs.) Sylvia Wilson the pbysician’s in charge was brighter for having so large a turn out. The reception was very cordial indeed. A business ses sion was held from 10:30 to noon, during which the society was wel comed by Mr.J. W. Peck, a mem: ber of the Board and Mr. Cuyer, tke Secretary expresssd pleasure by such a large turn out, and then, for the mutual benefit and ccnvenience of the institution and ths physician: of the county explained the method. or manner in which they desired pa tients sent to the hospital. At the close of the business ses sion we were led to the dining rocm where a lavish repast was served, and to which a lot of hungry ductors did ample jastice. All die’ ry in- structions of the “doctor were for the time forgotten, ignored, violated and i¢ some of them did not have to call in a doctor after returning home they must have taken several doses of pepsin before they went. This was a special occasion and it would have been too bad not to have shown SURPRISED ON HER BIRTHDAY. Mrs. John Wilhelm of Summit town- ship, was on Monday evening treated 50 a surprise when about thirty of her friends called at ber home to celebrate the 62nd spniversary of her birth. She w.s the recipient of mahy beauti- ful gifts. A buffet luncheon was served atter which the guests depart ed for their homes wishing Mrs. Wil helm many more happy birthdays. BIRTHDAY®SURPRISE. i As the birthdays ofg®Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schafer, of Summit township, wre but two days apart, thir friends ronceived that it would be an agree- ible affair to mete them out a surprise which was accomplished last Monday is the birthday of the one was on hat day and the other had accurred on the Saturday preceding. A big linpner was served of which all present partock with much pleasure. I'ne aged wonple enjoyed the occasion very much. | es was plainly seen. OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Those present were as follows: and Mrs. Carl Schafer, Mr. and 0. C. Schafer and family, of Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Snyder and: sons, of Rockwood, Mr. and Mrs. James Furl and family of Meyersdale, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Enos and family and H. J. Marker, of Rockwood, Mr. and Mrs Suard Marker, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Schrock, Vr. and Mrs. Harvey Marker and daughters, Mrs. [Milton \farker. Mrs. Daniel Marker, Mrs. Ellen Sanner, Mrs. Nelson Sanner, Mrs. Urias Burkholder, all of Garrett ind Lewis and Elsie Schafer. OBSERVER HAS Gr A WORD TO SAY. If the write up, in the Meyersdale Republican ‘‘Brumbaugh Day was a Hummer’’ is proportionately as in- accurate as is the write up ‘‘Former Foresters Frigid Reception’ then in- deed must Dr." Brumbaugh's ears have hummed if they did not burn on his way to Pittsburgh. 11likb a goed write up on any sub- ject but I like that at least half of it should be true. - But then this is election time and Mr. our appreciation of such a repast. More, Atter the meal and while we were still too full for utterance, Dr. Henry Wilson led us through the male wards and reception rooms of the hospital each and all of which were in the most perfect order and clean- liness, bath rooms and toilet rooms in perfect sanitary condition. He exhibited some very interesting cases and some most pathetic ones. We were then taken in charge by Dr. Mrs.) Sylvia Wilson who led us through the female ward where the same perfect condition was found. The institution, its equipment and management was a revelation to tke most of the members; we had heard of the institntion but had no concep- tion of the extent and completeness of it. ! It is the concensus of opinion that no one need hesitate to send their, friends to this institution so long as this efficient board of mangement and this able physical staff has charge, nothing but the warmest commenda- tion and praise was elicited. The pleasant , countenance of Dr. Wilson and the inmates attracted all of them to him; the: ‘motherly and | go people’ think anything is legit- sisterly manner in which Dr. (Mrs.) | j,¢6 at such a time even if it is 96 Wilson spoke to and cared for those Ly, 5 tor the whiskey ring, as was the under her more immediate care was charming and obedience to her wish- vote of the Republican committee at Pittspurgh. : By the way did you see how the Republican’s Gop Elephant is loaded down with Progressives? but you will notice that they are sliding off and 1 suppose in the next cut his load will be the legitimate and proper ones, Bocze, Boodle, Penrose and $25,000 checks from the Standard Oil. OBSERVER. . Unstinted aid and encouragement should be given the Board of Man- agement and efficient Hospital Staff in the necessary improvement that are yet in” contemplation, and Som- erset county can then well be proud of its institution for the care and treatment of these unfortunates. In the County Home section of this splendid institution almost every one of the society members met some one HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEWEST LADIES’ SUITS? It will be your loss if you do not see them at once. They are the very latest designs with the long coats mostly, and we are also showing a few short ones for those who would prefer them. Special Sale---As an Inducement for a Short Time Only. $18 and $20 Ladies’ Suits For only $15.00 Suits For only $10.00 Suits : For only $14.50 $9.50 $7.50 CHILDREN’S COATS, $1.98 up. regulate the bowels perfectly,’’— Gov. B. Krause, Altoona, Pa. ad SR ——— Sr ——— - in Philadelphia, Friday evening of | last week. Men's Hat Time ! soft hats. A beautiful line of the new goods. SPECIALS !—Ask to see our $1.45 and $1.90 new A HOME WEDDING. The home of Mr.and Mrs.D.Smalley, near Salisbury,was a scere of a pretty wedding on Tuesday evening Septem- per 8th, at 7:30 o’clock. when their daughter Mand, was united in mar- riage with Webster Fritz, by the bride’s pastor, the Rey. I. 8. Monn. Those present besides the family were Mrs. I. S. Monn, and son, Mrs. Harvey Newman, Juila Meese, Bess Engle, Florence Hoffman, Hazel Wal- ler, Ada Glotfelty, Pearle Newman and Mrs. Herbert Smalley, son and daughter. A dainty lancheon was served immediately after the cere- mony, after which Mr. from their respective ‘communities and the universal reply to questions was almost perfect satisfaction. We believe if more of the citizens of the county would visit this insti- tution there would be less faalt find- ing with it. H. C. MODINLEY, Secretary of the Society. E—" S——— g TWO AREKILLED BY FALL DOWN MINE SHAFT. Plunging down a shaft at the new Biesecker shaft or the Consolidation Coal company near Jenners shortly after 6 o’clock Monday evening, a dis- tance of probably 200 feet. John Stevenson and Walter Dixon, elec- trician and motorman at the mine were instantly killed. Both men were married and leaye families. Two weeks ago they entered upon their employment there Steyenson being transferred from Acosta and Dixon from Somerset. The bodies of both men were badly mangled. The contractors who sank the shaft used a large bucket in their work and this was continued in ser- vice pending the installation of a automobile enroute for Harrisburg, Gettysburg and surrounding cities. rr ———={. Luther League Con- vention ig Baltimore. of the Lutheran Leaguers of the Lutheran church in the United States, Canada, Japan, India and Porto Rico, will be held in the his- toric city of Baltimore Md., Sept., 22, cage. It was the piactine of the men | 53,3 and 24th. Extensive a to stand on the edge of this bucket are being made by the Lutheran and protect themselves from falling churches which number over fifty in by clutching the rope, used in low-|,, city of Baltimore and also by the ering the conveyance. It would ap- city itself to welcome the many pear that both men. stood on the young people of the Lutheran church same side of the bucket while being |), will attend this important meet- sent down into the mine and caused | ing. the bucket to tip to one side. In the| descent the edge of the bucket struck {a shaft timber krown as a guide, the For SALE.—Fine new roller-top | shock being so great and coming so{desk, used lightly but three months p unexpectedly that both men were] Call at Commercial. ad | a ——— ane vp and Mrs, ¢ Fritz, left on their wedding tour by The Eleventh Biennial Convention. i Hh Hide TT NR TE