oats s of a dis- such fine beautiful t and ser- und to say 1andsomest ver seen ab are: Wool bol eponge, n cloth and 1gote mod- ect — long ack styles; Vy, copen, 3 8.50 he plainer , persiana, and ladies ments and d, ab 8.00 & J 3 ; T . Bnd od damon gD CES OREO ESO L LASS Slate Reasonable, ERD, anything fing line, ngles, at S. DALE, PA tice. ate of Harneds- formerly of ’a., dec’d. e above estate ersigned by the eby given to all ndebted to said and those 3 Execute” ~ 2 ter. Tp Menersdalel nS a) VOLUME XXXVI. MEYERSDALE. PA.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 BCommercial, wil S. C. HARTLEY RETURNS * FROM FOREIGN TRIP, ————— Mr. 8. 0. Hartley, a highly egyoem- | place of several fayorite dogs Hof ed icitizenfand} prosperouslimerchant Frederick were J observed and com- of this place arrived homelfon Tues- | Ments Ble on this of the freaks of day from a threeZmonths Stouring of | Character of [this] once mighty mon- Europe, and notwithstanding§ianxie-| arch. : : ties, fears and annoyancesgjincident | ENuremberg, repttedly the quaitest to the war he expressed himself as city of Europe was gone through highly delighted with the trip. “| with much smiling at its oddities. While Mr. Hartley was one of the | But each country visited wouldimake party of thirty-six, he had as close |up a book of highly intere8ting per- assogiates, two of his brothers and a sonal observations. None withg ap- former pastor, Dr. Langdale pf Cin- | preciating faculties goes among the cinnati. The tourists were directed | Alps but to be lifted up in thought in their travels by Dr. Kelso of the|to the God above the sSnow] capped Greek department of the University, | peaks. Venice was a 7delight, no Wooster, Ohio. The voyage outward | danger of being run over by autos, bound was without incident as Nep- | nor other vehicles. At Lucerne the tune wanted to be easy with those |party with about 5,000 other Amer- taking their initial voyage, but his |icans, found themselyes detainedlfor leniency, was made up on the home- | two weeks because of the opening up ward crossing, Jas all temporarily | of the war. Day after day meetings thought’ life was hardly worth while, | were held, protesting4and fpleading the old Atlantic playing some stunts | that they might be] permitted to to let them know that there were |Jeaye, but all the railroads; were be- such things as mountain high waves |ing used by the goyernment for the the same as one at times reads in transporting of §soldiers. On} their books. way to Paris, finally, they met trains Considerale tine was spent in Ger- | of French soldiers departing}ifor the many before the Kaiser started to-|War ia the highest glee; farther on wards Paris via. Belgium. The vis- | they were side tracked to leave p: £8 itors were impressed with the'sturdy | by them another train of w ounded and fine appearance of the Germans | Soldiers. In their travels ab this time as they saw them in the cities of that | they had to take with themtheir food realm. “Unter Den Linden’’ in|2nd water to drink. Berlin, one of the famous orough- | . At Paris there was but little com- fares in the world was visited, along | motion at the time they visited there. which is the winter palace of the | Much formality was required before Emperor. So highly polished are the they were allowed to leave, At one oak floors, and so much pride is taken | station they had to change cars, and in ‘maintaining them in tnat flne | were forbidden to leave the station condition, that the visitor is noteask- | antil after long hours of waiting. ed to take off his shoes, wut is given |' Arriving in Eogland they had two ‘while making the rounds, a big pair | weeks to wait for their boat, and of felt overshoes. Potsdam is where | =fte- touring London they went up to ‘what is known ‘as the New Palace of Carnegie’s land; Edinburg and Aber: ‘Wilhelm 1I, and also the Sans Souci | deen being visited. They took boat without care, of Fred k the Great, | for the best land on earth from Livyer- was inspected with much interest. ‘poor, proud as never before that they The headstones marking the resting | were Americans. REVIEW OF REDED- ICATORY SERVICES. The rededicatory services following H extensive repairing of the Amity Re- formed church in this place were be- |gun on last Thursiay evering. The able and popular pastor, Dr. Truxal, delivered a sermon on joy and praise and recited some of his extensive connection with the repairing and the liquidating of church debts, The choir backed by the $3,000 new pipe organ sang some inspiring selections. Following the church services pro- per all repaired to the social room where many pertinent and congra- : Owing to the fact that most liberal allow- ances of ice cream, cake and coffee were to be served, that proper utter- ance might be given to the expression ‘ofthought, the banquet part followed, rather than preceded the speaking. The evening was a most delightful A men’s choir was a feature of the latter part of tte tulatory remarks were made. one to all present. evening’s program. Charles HE. Schaeffer. Reys. D) S. Stephan and E. F. Hoffmier address- Some idea of cd the Sunday school. the subjects discussed by the preach- ers may be obtained from the texts They were:i— of their discourses. ‘Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that baild i» “Know ye not that your bodies are the Temple of the Holy Ghost; ‘Even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it; “The glory of the Lord filled the honse.?’ All of the sermons were of a high order, well delivered and well received. They were Very suitable to the oe- casion. Dr. Schaeffer preached two forceful sermons on Sunday. At the close of the sermon on Sun- day morning the pastor of the church, Rev. Dr. Truxal, performed the act of dedication according to the for- SURPRISE PARTY INSTALLATION OF : UNDER APPLE TREES, LUTHERAN PASTOR, To comply with the regulations of th> church, Rev. D. W. Michael, who had been chosen by the congregation of the Zion Ev. Lutheran church to be their minister, on Sunday evening will be formally installed as pastor. On Friday evening September 18th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, near Pleasant Hill school house, was a scene of pleasure and delight, when a crowd of young folks as- sembled there and gave a complete surprise to Miss Mamie Bittner, a|Rev. Carney _ of Garrett, and Rev. niece of Mr. and Mrs. Gray. Young of Salisbury, will conduct the While she was busily engaged in a | Services, , : conyersation, her friends rushed in| On October 8th, in the evening, the upon her, thus causing one of the sur- | Lutheran Brotherhood will hold its ‘prises of her life. oS annual banquet in the basement of After a friendly greeting and a|the church. This promises to be quite warm welcome they all went to the |an event, orchard, where lanterns were hing ° — among the apple trees to be used as’ ; a Sat tite Re the moon, which THOSE WHO DESIRE failed to shine, They all joined in TO BE UNWED playing games. Delicious refresh- = : ments were served. The following were present: —Mrs. George Gray, Misses Florence Hoff- ia Effie Bodes, Alma Bowian, ings as follows! a : Elizabeth Beal, Edna Sheets, Stella| J: F. Niedenheusef; v. Offa Dive. Phillippi, Margaret Hotchkiss, Madge | ley, Niedenheiser, Attorney John May, Maud Bodes, Della Hoffman, |H. Uhl, Master. Mamie Bittner and Alice Opel.| Annie L. Fritz ¥. Wm. Harry Fritz, Messrs. George Gray, John Walker, | Attorney. V. Curtis Truxal, Master. Melvin Shroyer, George Gray, Jr., Margaret Catharine Dunkleberger, Albert Sheets, Willlam Hoffman, |v. Alfred Henry Dunkleberger, Attor- Harry Stevanus, Herbert Walker; ney Herman L. Baer, Master. Bete lieve, Wikilam Steyamns, Rieke | 7 Gri Goto vers Shute ard Hickson, Robert Mull, William Attorney Charles H. Ealy, Master, Fete, and Charles Robertson. x 2 Bert N. Rosenberger, through his Praise is due to Elizabeth BealZand ha. | attorney, Curtis W. Truxal, Esq., filed Madge May for prep aring suchj.a a libel in divorce against his wife. Unique surprise for their friend. Pearle Emelgh Rosen berger, ‘alleg. ing that she has deserted him. They UNIQUE PERF ORM. Ri 1% were married at Cumberland, Md.g on SR ; NC ; September 15th, 1911, if ANCE DONGES THEATRE Judge Ruppel granted ‘4 diveres to The court at Somerset Monday ap- pointed masters in divorce proceed- mula of tho church. This was a very impressive ceremony. Dr. Truxal then made the follow- ing statement, namely, that the cost of the improvements that had been made including an old debt of $1,400, the erection of. the Sunday schobl and social building and the remodel- ing of the church amounted to $20,064. Provision for the payment of ths or- gan and carpet, costing $3,664, had been made by the You Peoples Guild and the Ladies Ai Society. The balance of the indebtedness had also been met with the exception of about $4,000 and that sum was to be provided for at this meeting. Dr. Bowman called attention to the seri- ousness of making offerings to the church, stating, that it ought to be regarded as an act of worship and therefore ought to be done prayerful- ly and he requested that the congre- gation engage a few moments in silent prayer. This was done. Dr. Truxal then called seversl men to the front to act as solicitors of pledges He stated that fifteen persons ought to be secured to give $100 each When the iigi presented themselves he requested théin bo canvass Shem- selves first of all. They responded by each one pledging $130. They then ina comparatively short time setured the other eight to contribute a like sum. Lower amounts were thé of- fered until the sum of $2,640 had been secured. The congregation was then dismissed. Some soliciting was done in the afternoon by personal call: Among others W. H. Stotler, W. H. Deeter, W. H.- Kretchman and E. C. Kyle took a run into Brothersvalley town- ship and secured $25 each from the tnree brothers Hiram Hay, Sylvester The services in connection with the dedieation were continued Friday ard Saturday evenings, and Sunday2morn- ing and evening. The preachers were Revs. D. W. Michael of our town, Prof. J. OC. Bowman, D. D. and Dr, NUMBER 1957 LOCAL BURGLAR! As James, familiarly called ‘Jim? ostetler arrived home from his place of business and the barber shop about 12:30 Saturday night, he was mid utd | much surprised as he looked out from | mAttorney John A. Hartman, of |creek twp., DETECTED AT WORK. CLAIMS AWARDED; BY COURT. CASESSETTED. Ee ——— viewers appointed by the darkened dining room to an outer | ¥7indber; Capt., Wm. Schrock, and | the court, have _ filed a report_favor- room t6 gee some one burning match. | J9%ePh B. Miller, of Jefferson twp., | ing the vacation of a public highway es and spying Gbout, The midnight | DO had been appointed by the |in Milford twp., leading from the visitor evidently was tr ing to find | Court to determine the amount of Somerset-Barronvale road, near'sthe something to eat, Le hi damages to be paid a number of residence of Parker JL,.3Bruner tojthe went up stairs for some fire arms, but | PfOPerty owners in southern Somer- | Somerset & iNew Lexington pike.- 0 the man had gone out of the room at | Seb county against whom the Con- With some others an inspec- nellsville & State Line R. R. Oo., a | erset; Peter'fDumbauld, of Milford least. Attorney Rufus’E. Meyers, of*Som- tion was made of the yard and coal | Subsidiary of the Western Maryland, | twp., and Virgil M. Black, of Con- house. A broom was used to investi. | had instituted condemnation proceed- fluence, viewers appointed by the gate the dark corners of the latter | ID8S to secure a right-of-way, have |court, have reported fawvcrably on the man jumped out and ran away, volver were discharged at him, TTT DISTRICT SUNDAY ed SCHOOL CONVENTION. There will be a District Sunday School Convention held in the Lut. | °d eran church near Pocahontas, Pa., and Byening. The program for the afternoon will | of work. music. A.'S. KREsGE, MOTIONS AND PETI- On petition of citizens of Allegheny township, for a review of the pro- posed ro to begin on the public highway landing from the Brush Creek road to “the Miller road and the Somerset-Bedford pike, near the residence of Joseph Glessner, and to place, and on its striking something | "°Ported to the court as follows: Elizabeth Hitchman and others, | vate road in Elk Lick township. but not before some shots from a re-| Widow and heirs of W. J. Hitchman, ) Markleton, awarded $350 damages. Heirs of Ernest O. Robinson and Daniel E. Wallace, Pinkerton, award- Albert awarded $300 damages.” Zag 4A.-J. Sembower, MarkletonZaward- In the condemnation proceedings | or, be organization and plans for future|against property owners in Cone- In tue evening there will be | maugh twp., to secure right-of-way an 4ddress interspersed with good | for pipe lines to convey water from the North Fork of the petition of S. P. Engle for a pri=- . Attorney John A. Hartman, of Windber; Capt., Wm. M. Schrock, of Somerset and Peter Hoffman of Paint twp., viewers appointed by the cour: -have reported against a new road in Conemaugh twp., to lead from the Somerset Johnstown turn- pike, near the farm of William Mc= «dl Wide’ | Oauliff, to the farm of Jacob Heck- $650 damages. E. Franke, Confluence, $150, damahes. oe] Theodore J. Franke, Confluence, | man. Sunday September 26th, afternoon | #Warded $400 damages. Catharine Watchot, Samuel E. Bay- Robert 8S. Baylor and Fanvie the Johnstown Water company | Leach have petitioned the court fcr | the appointment of a guardian for Ida Flo-ence Bayler, of}? Windber, i who is alleged to be mentally inca- Benscreek to | pacitated. The petition seb forth that District Pres. Johnstown, viewers appointed by | she is 46 years of age and hus been the court have awarded damages as | in invalid since infancy. Judge Rug- follows: p:l has fixed October 5th at 10 a m., Amania O'Connor, Sarah O’Co-| as the time for a hearing. TIONS CONSIDERED nor,and Laura O’Connor Keller, $4,450. Elsie Croyle, $3,000. The viewers were Attorney Rufus | petition of Ellen E. Lenhart, who E. Meyers, of Somerset; Joseph B.|asks Judge Ruppel to appoint a guar- Miller of Jefferson twp., and Jere-|dian for her son, Freeman William > miah J. Reiman, of Stonycreek twp. | Lenhart of Jefferson twp., who is Attorney Louis C. Colborn, af Som- | so weak in mind that he erset; Virgil M. Black, of Confiuence, | take and Jeremiah J. Reiman,. of J§Stony- | averred. The court has fixed October 5th, at 10 a. m., as the time for hearing tke cannot care of his property, it is end abont 3,400 feet from said inter- following viewers: Rufus E. Meyers, of Somerset}; Peter Dumbauld, of Mil- ford twp., and Peter Hoffman, of Paint township. Bare Rock Run, set to the Humbert street. “Mud Pike”’, On petition of citizens of Addison twp., for a new bridge over White’s Creek, where the public highway leading from Listonburg to Salis- bury crosses the stream, near the farm of Clarence Durst, the court has appointed the following viewers: At- torney Louis C. Colborn, of Somerset, Virgil M. Black, of Confluence, and Joseph B. Miller of Jeffersonitwp. The court has appointed Attorney John A. Hartman, of Windber: Capt., Virgil M. Black, of Confluence, view- ors, on petition of citizens] of§Somer- set twp., for a new road beginning within 15 roads of the “Dutch Road’? ending 64 the EdgewoodiGrove road, railroad yards. of 64 rods from ths intersection of raid road with the publicjroad lead- | the vehicles swerved from its course ing from Compton’s Millsjtol2Grants- | 8nd a rear wheel of the automobile ville, Md., a distance fof 284.6 rods | interlocked with a front wheel of the from the intersectionfof said road | Wagon, the automobile being over- with the highway leading to Salis-|tutned. Dr. Smith was pinned under section, the court has appointed the BOY NEARLY LOSES Paul, the twelve year old son, of : H. C. Knieriem of Broadway, narrow- | Jewish New Year. The court has appointed John A. |ly escaped losing the sight of one cf called in Hebrew Rosh Hashanah. Hartman of Windber, Oapt., Wm. M. | his eyes on Saturday ldst. 1 X Sch:ock, of Somerset, and Virgil M. company with some other boys were | days (Yamim Narolm), Black, of Confluence, viewers on a|baving a day’s outing near town, in- | days commence with the first and end new bridge petitioned for by citizens | spired with the universal war spirit, | with the 10th days of Tishri (name of of Black twp., over Laurel Rnn, of|decided to have a little mimic war of | Jewish month.) where the public | their® otn. highway commonly known as the | were their strong right hands and |Hashanah (New Year). ‘‘Snake Patch’?, leading from Somer- | stones. near the|to dodge, and young Knieriem was| atonement). J : schoolhouse, crosses the | hit in tne region of the eye. At firet | called the ‘“Ten Penitential Days.” | it was thought that he would lose tLe | During this season every Israelite is sight of that organ, but on the doc-| supposed to examine his moral and tor’s examination, it was found that | religious state, repent of past failings the lid had receiyed the brunt of the |and pray to God for forgiveness. blow. This ended the stone throwing, and carried with it a less>n tha’ some of them ought not soon to forget. In the same family on the Wednes- day preceding the accident to Paul, his mother fell and broke a bone in the centre of her right hand. That afflictions come not singly the Knie- riem family can testify, Wm. M. Schrock, of Somerset and DR. SMITH, OF WIND- Dr. Bart J. Smith, of Windber, was an. @ road leading to Somerset pear | badly injured in an auto wreck re- the residence of Samuel Kantner, and | cently and is now in the hospital. Dr. Smith and Richard Morgan, near the bridge crossingithe B. & OQ. also of Windber, attended the hix traln-wreckidg Sxubibition in Center On petition of citizens 6f Mik Lick | county, recently and were 6H their twp., for a new road leading trém | Way to Houtzdale to attend the funer- Springs to Grantsville, Md., near the | 8! of Mrs: 6: R. LaChance, formerly residence of David Maust,¥aj distance | of Windber. 8 iption i id i was passing » farmer's wagon, one of ubscription is paid in advance. Send JEWISH NEW YEAR. ~™= OBSERVED THIS WEEK. Sunday at sunset commenced the The New Year is EYE PLAYING WAR. He in| It is the first holy day of the solémn The soiemn The munitions of war| The first two days are called Rosh But stones at times are hard | day is called ‘Yom Kipper’’ (day of All the 10 days” are OUR GREAT Combination OFFER Elsewherein this issue is the greats est offer we have ever seen in combi= nation with any newspaper. Subscribe ers to the Commercial for $1.85—on- ly 35 cents more than ony regular subd % BER INJURED scription rate, can obtain the greaest weekly farm paper in the world—The National Stockman and Farmer, the price from the publishers being $1.00 per year in advance; also the Dairy Farmer, published twice a month, | she price of which is on 0 wor year, ———— This is an invaluabie aid to dairymen and all farmers; and last but not least, The Woman’s World—all three ith The C i 5 While their automobile | Vit ¢ Uommercial for $1.85, when in your subscriptions at once so you may take advantage of this great offer. These are all high grade mag- azines not the trashy literatnre ofte offered in newspaper combinations, The tenth - . Ling, of gto! ar, from | Hay and puter ar, and their broth- 2 hed | ber husband, Robert PF, Ling; who ér-in-law; Lewis Bermier. hich h ’ ’ : . Et as beet RP eerzst a s lives at Stoyestown, on the giound 6f| At the evening services, after the will also be shown, to fill in some ox desertion. They were married id Sonon Dr. Bowman made statement $s dates, ab tio Borges’ re Hoge Cumberland on December 8, 1907. TI | with réferembe to the liquidation of Mr. Zartoon is an able lingwist being diveree was recommended by Attor- | thes tematnifig indebtedness. and re- conversant with fifteen different | 2° He¥man 1. Baer, who had been minded the people that thid was in languages. The performanee which | 2PPOIntsd master in the matter. reality & call of the Lord to them to is being given the remainder of this —— Test te Luirements of the ocoss ek, is a decided] i . - Fx * . bt Ly Rt oa LOCAL PHYSICIANS the morning consisting of W. H. Holz- see three [reels each evening of fine AT STATE MEETING | sho, W. H. Debtor, W. , Stotler, A. moving pictures, "all for the .msual > Olen 3 v. hi sms nd 7 1 + H. Habel again’ took np their foam ~ Ts oi °*|’ Drs. C. P. Large, McKinley, Liehty | work and after a somewhat eons . and McMillan are in attendance at | effort the entire amoun the State Medical Society being held | was cover el eeee—— DEAD JETTER LIST. this week in Pittsburg. Dr. Large | pledges. The was the representative to the House heartily sang ea G. Stanley Best, 8S. O.- Glessner, | of Delegates of that Mies Bessie L. Himaller, Miss Louise | physician has to’ me Holt, George Kemp, Miss Sue Bow- | penses to attend EB red ee “#4: | meetings, they Listner, Billy Wiiliams mended for J.P. NAvGLE, P. M. Mr. and Mrs, Zartoon’s Sycic Act Oatharine “Praise God From: all | body. As each Blessings Flow.’ ’ et his own ex- | Pastor and people are now se and similar | than they had been a be com- | some year "e them- | V | Selvos DEOY a severe | enemas Rufus E. Meye?s of [Somerset Peter nt asked for stone arch, 39-feet span and 12 feet in gd by cash Payments and } width. congrepation then | = v happiér | Lan t any time for | delp} Xperiere- | of . 2 ee ——— bury, near the residencejof§J, §. Yo- |the machine and it was some time, CHURCH SERVICES. der, the court has appointed viewers | Pore o could be extrioated. Mr. | as follows: Attorney Lewis ®C. Ski was thrown some distance Methodist Episcopal church ser- vice, Rev. (. A. Neeld pastor—Ser- vices 461030 a. m. Sunday school 9:30 a.m, Epworth League at 6:45 p. m, Evening seryice at 7:30, B8. Philip and James born, of Somerset; jJosephiB.% Miller, away and escaped serious injury, al. of Jefferson twp., and Jeremiah J, | though he was also a hospital patient, Reiman, of Stonycreek twp. > The court has appointed Attorney Steven’s Reunion. \ hE The anniial reunion of the membe¥e Hoffman of Paint tWp., and Joseph Gathslie The sbliciting committee of B. Miller, of Jefferson tw .; Viewers, | Of the ‘Stevens family will be held | chil#6h, Rev: J. J. Brady; pastor.— on a fi$wW biidge over [Benscreck; in| Saturday of next week at the home of | Mass nex! Sunday et 5.39 Conemasigh’' twp., where the publie | Mr. and Mrs. Jacol Stevens at Hols- | & 2. road leading from Thomas’ Mills to opple. Boswell crosses the stream. The pe- day is being prepared, but i wily not titioners ask for &n iron bridge or | be of am extended nature, as the mem. and 10 SN Church of the Bréffirer_ "Predchifig : a.m. and 7:30 p. oi, Sunday Seno], 9:50 a. m. Christian Workers e oeeting at 6:30 p. m. Bible Class, bers of fhe family and their friends | Saturday evening, 7:30 Pp. m. Teachep prefer to spend their tinie in becom- | Training clos eet Monday evening : Sid Actin go iyrus Q, | |, and 80’clock, respec ively. Sunday | Ing better acquainted. Cyrus C. {School Workers Meeting, Friday A program of exereises for the Ministers takingZpartj in§ vices In addition to Dr. Bg caster and Dr. Schaef were Revs. ] rst, D. 8. Stephan W. Michael, seld of Mev ¢ ser- Riffle, a half-brother of Mrs. Jacob | evening, 30th inst., at 7:30 xn of | Stevens, formerly of this sec on and | : : | . | il Brethren Obureh, H. L. Gouge! the | pastor—There will be pr ain | s ices in Meyersdale chy oth morning and eveni C isti ago and wil eunion, expecting to of his old-time s|, Qc EET qd. - Sd — a} xa ARNOT