Al 1 ot cat. ork, - is; He in- he ho- e goes’ ls own , hotel, 1 fears |“ 1 r that! | x tel de- E 5 nextagh # thinks | mean} A? during ] looked | ab was i that he nysteri. fa ; emaing & rs. He ee hth > foyer, § , when rogram, er. f heir in- o'clock, readure, d quiets | > id Mr. ls like wn ongj the on . y their 3 was ac aE pn "broach of German cavalry.” ‘southeast of Brussels. wv v ~ Washington, D. C—Polite declina- admit. of arbitration .or mediation. Premier ° Viviani, 5 Brit i '" London, fng.—Lieut.-Gen. Sir James p marks o £ = @ BELGIANS HAVE - MOVED CAPITAL Seat of Government Now at Antwerp—Fear Advance CAVALRY MENACE BRUSSELS French Casualties in the Fighting Be- tween Namur and Dinant Were Heavy—German Aeroplane Wrecked By Belgians. London, Eng.—A dispatch from Brussels says: “The seat of govern- ment has been moved to Antwerp. Measures have been taken for the de- fense of Brussels because of the ap- After remaining virtually inactive for two days certain troops of Ger- man cavalry who were recently re- ‘pulsed by Belgians, undertook new offensive operations against the Bel- gian front. It was evident that the Germans were awaiting reinforcements. When those arrived they proceeded in the direction of Wavre, a town 15 miles During this advance the Germans encountered the fire of the Belgian outposts, and after 8 number of skirmishes the German offensive movement was stopped. This information was obtained from official sources in Paris. According to official reports made public, a German aeroplane, reconnoi- tering over Gives, in the Department of Namur, Belgium, was met with a bot fire from the Belgians. The ma- chine fell near Hastiere. A Brussels dispatch says the French tasualties in the fighting betwegn Na- mur and Dinant were heavy, as the Germans were strongly entrenched and their artillery at the outset played great havoc with the French. PRESIDENT WILSON FAILS IN EFFORTS TO END WARFARE Germany, England, France and Aus- tria Decline Wilson's Proposal. tons of President Wilson's offer to Wediate between the warring powers of Europe have reached the. state de- Srtment, it was stated. All the pow- Ss approached, with the exception of Russia, have informed the President that, much to their regret, they can- |. aot accept arbitration by the United States at this time. ; Hrance in’declining the Ameridan offer! informed the state department the present war and that France docs aot consider that the principle: for which she is fighting is one which will the head of the French cabinet, informed President Wilson that, although France does mot feel herself free to accept his offer, the French nation regards the offer as still, another .proof of the friend- ship of the United States. Great Britain, in declining the offer, stated that She is fighting for the question of national honor and the independence of Belgium, neither of which, says England’s note, will admit of mediation at this time. : Germany and Austria both alleged that they had sufficient grounds for war against Russia and for the sub- sequentisSteps they have taken against sther nations. More Trouble for Kaiser. Rio Janeiro.—The Brazilian Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Lauro Mul- or, Gos instructed the Brazilian Min- Ist¢” at Berlin to demand from the German Government explanations and the punishment of those responsible for the attack by German soldiers on Bernardino Campos, ex-President of the State of Sao Paulo. According to reports received here, Senor Cam- pos was assauited and robbed while making his way across the Swiss frontier, Italy Looks to U. 8. for Food Supply. Rome.—Although Italy has on hand grain to last several months, the clos- are of the Dardanelles, through which the bulk of importations comes, and the suspension of exportation from Argentina, compel the Italian people to turn to the United States for fu- atre provisions. The government has already received offers from the American market and the transporta- ion of grain will be facilitated, as Italy will assume the war risks, General Falls Dead. M. Grierson died suddenly on a train in. England. Gen. Grierson, who was born in 1859, war one of the fore- tiost of British mil'tary leaders. He held the Eastern command in the British army. fiermany Will Respect Neutrality. fotterdam—The “Courant” prints cal” Von with the German chan- celbr, Von Bethmann-Hollweg, in Ww. he declares that Germany will use ger utmost endeavors to preserve the Yeutrality 2 Holland and Den- 3 Wroops Invade Russia. Londd, Eng.— Several Austrian army CGos have invaded Russia ter- ritory, atording to the Vienna cor- respondent of the Reuter Telegram ! : ; btained by getting them from that ‘Germany was the agaressor in | oor ned by getting the near the middle of the super. is sealed the capping should be sliced comb in the hive body, so that it is removed and the honey -exposed. Then set the frames as close together as possible, but give the bees a- pas- sagewav between them. 2 can, had been arrested by the consti- tutionalists. ground or floor in front of the hive. ! ] ised to look into the case and imme- wire cage and place her for about two days in an empty super above the one in which you wish to place honey. As soon as they have started to store in the super release her. visable only as a last epediency. brood chamber so that those contain- ing honey are placed in the middle and those! containing brood are plac ed toward the outside. ing honey have .the cappings sliced off, then the bees will be very liable to empty them at once, so the queen can lay eggs in the comb in the middle of the brood nest.”’ Keep Your Liver Active Dur- Cathartic Tablets liven your liver and Oldham, Wimberley, Texas, says;— “Foley ,Cathartic best laxative take the place of calomel.” some, stirring and cleansing. No griping. A comfort to stout persons. Sold by all Dealers_Everywhere. writes the following letter, which will interest every one wbo has kid- ney trouble. Green had been afflicted with a very stubborn kidney trouble. ney Pilis done more to complete her recovery than any medicine she has taken and I feel it my duty to rec \ ommend them.”? Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. Whitfemores Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY Lancesy VARIETY Va “FREN - “STAR” combination for cl and all of russet or tan shoes, 10¢c. ANDY ang afl K WHITE" (in liquid form with sponge; . ty leans 150 whitens diy canvas shoes, Too Looe. " ns and whitens BUCK, NUBUCK, Si and CANVAS SHOES, In round white cakes packed in zinc boxes, with sponge, 10c. In hands some, large aluminum boxes, ith apo 26c. d d Hn eat Kempe Kad ro nant send ae WHITTEMORE BROS. &CO., @ | 20-28 Albany Street, Cambridge, Mass. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of Shoe Polishes 2.54 in the World, How To Induce -Bees To Go Into the Supers. A Pennsylvania fbee keeper wrote to State Zoologist H. A. Surface at Harrisburg, saying, ‘Our bees have had the bottom part of the hives filled for sometime, but do not seem to be inclined to store in the supers or upper part containing the small boxes. Do youknow of anything that can be done to induce them to fill the boxes?’’ As Professor Surface is a practical bee-keeper and the President of the Pennsylvania State Bee-keeper’s Association, - his timely reply to this inquiry will interest many other bee- keepers: It is as follows: “In the first place it is useless to try to induce bees to go up into the supers if there is not a nectar flow of some kind in your region. It may be that there is a shortage of nectar. Some seasons, even though white cloyer may be present, there is not as much yield of nectar asat other times. I take it for granted that you may yet have a period even though late, when there are nectar-bearing plants, | such as buckweat or asters or sweet white clover in bloom, and for this reason I suggest the following means of getting the bees into the supers: “First, use bait sections. . This means partially filled sections, placing one or two near the center of each of the supers in place of the empty sec- tion now there. These seetions can some hive where the bees are work- | * ing in the super, but if you do not have such you can cut out from the comb in the hive body a piece of comb honey of sufficient size to fit into the section, and place it in the section I pre- fer unsealed comb for this, but if it off with a sharp knife. 2 ‘“‘Second. Slice the capping of the “Third. Shake the bees onto the “Fourth. "Cateh the queen in a 3 This is ad- “Fifth. Change the frames in your If those carry- ing the Summer Months— |e Foley Cathartic Tablets for Sluggish Liver, and Consti- pation, It does beat all how quickly Foley oyercome constipation. Ney Tablets ‘are the I. ever used. They Whole- ad rr ——— A ————————— W. T. Greene, Hopkinson, N. H., ‘‘For over a year, Mrs. Foley Kid- ad a For regular action of the bowels: Company. { 25¢ at all stores. ad d | said, that Provisional President Car- tion began. officials, accompanied by the Brazilian minister, who represents the United States, left Mexico City for General Obregon’s camp at Tula, to arrange for the peaceful eniry of the consti- tutionalist army. federal garrison and Its occupation by the constitutionalist forces are com- plete. unteers were executed in the pres- ence of all the federal prisoners as- sembled at the custom house to wit- aess the spectacle. 3d men was given time in which to compose a letter to his wife.’ sodies were left all day in the sun where they fell. 10 looting, ‘he California turned over the ship's 10spital department to the wounded ‘essional services. nunicipal ‘police, who by agreement vere to be regarded as neutral. ‘ederals withdrew from the city to a 1earby point, there to await an an- -ouncement of amnesty from General ‘arranza. lused, officials here do not doubt that 3 counter revolution will be imme- liately set in motion. who is caring for the interests there of the United States; Governor Itur- bide of the ‘Mexican federal district, and a commission of two others, left for Tula north of Mexico City, where aeneral ‘Obre of the three big divisions of the con- General Carranza is expected to go there at once. deavoring to arrange the details of the entry of the constitutionalist forces. i forces in Mexico City, the question of recognition for the new government will confront Washington. tion will be withheld until there is an election. was drawn by the Japanese ambassa- dor to a report which had reached him to the effect that the honorary Japan- American Consul .Silliman. } struction to secure the safety of the 200 Japanese in the city of Mexico when the constitutionalists occupy the capital. Only Frenchmen or Allies Can Ac. tions were issued by the French min- ister of war concerning newspaper correspondents French armies in the field. press who are of French nationality and not subject to military duty and correspondents of newspapers publish- to follow, the operations of the armies in the field. ments to the bank law prompted by the European war were introduced in the Senate. cotton and other staple warehouse re- ceipts as which currency could be issued up to 75 per cent of their value; would in- crease the limit from 30 per cent to 75 per cent of currency to be issued on commercial papersand more fully de- fine the status of state banks and fully empower them if they join the fed- eral reserve system, to issue extra cur- tency. ernment in replying to the suggestion of China that China, the United States and Japan should endeavor to mediate in the European conflict said its ob- ligations to Great Britain might pre- vent Japan from doing so. Americans Trying to Leave France. 3,000 Americans were still 2.80. "ARBAJAL LEFT MEXICO CITY carranza and His Insurgent Lieutenants Arrange Entry * CAPITAL LEFT TO THE POLICE Federals Withdrew From the City to a Nearby Point to Await an An- nouncement of Amnesty From : General Carranza. - Washington, D. C. — Consul Silli- man at Saltillo has reported that Gen- eral Carranza had been advised that Mexico City was evacuated by the fed- erals. * It was understood, the dispateh bajal left for Vera Cruz as the evacua- Governor Iturbide and other federal The evacuation of Mazatlan by the Fifteen federal officers and two vol- One of the doom- The The city is now quiet. There was American navy surgeons on board onstitutionalists and lent their pro- The federal troops evacuated the apital, leaving the city in charge of The Should guarantees be re- The Brazilian minister to Mexico, , commander of one titutionalist army has headquarters. The commission is en-. With the entry of constitutionalist There is very reason to believe that recogni- The attention of Seeretary Bryan se vice-consul at Manzonillo, a Mexi- Secretary Bryan prom- iately sent a message of inquiry to In the same message was an in- U. 8. WAR WRITERS BARRED company Army. Paris, France.—Detailed instruc- accompanying the Only representatives of the French d in allied countries will be allowed Bank Law Amendments. Washington, D. C.—Three amend- They would recognize commercial paper upon Japan Not Ready to Mediate. Peking, China.—The Japanese gov- J the Netherlands, COMMANDS FRANCE’S ARSMES WE ARELEXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR™ wodlll “Golden JLink” and **Sunkist’ Two of the Best High Grade Western Flours. | We buy direct from the mills, in ear lots, su as to save you money. Every sack guaranteed. We keep a well stocked wareroom of Grain, Hay, Straw and Feeds of all kinds. : We are agents for Dr. Hess & Clark’s Tonics For Horses, Cows, Cattle, Poultry, ete. A visit will prove to you that we have the most up- to-date GROCERY STORE in Somerset county and that our prices are the lowest. ’ We Deliver Goods Free of Charge. HOLZSHU & WEIMER, Both Phones. 221 Centre Street, Meyersdale, Pa. # JOSEPH L. TRESSLER, Funeral Director and Embalmer MEYERSDALE, SOMERSET COUNTY, PA. Residence: 309 North Street Office: 229 Center Street Economy Phone, Both Phones. —_— Ccueral Jolire, commander-in-chie: | ViLL MAY START NEW REVOLUTION Recruits Army in Chihuahua Up .t 40,000 Well-Equipped Men. El Paso, Tex.—Observers here bc tieve a revolt against the Carranz. Government in ‘Sonora State will b the first move in a counter-revolutio azainst the Constitutionalists. It wa: asserted by secret agents that an ur rising had been planned, not oaly i: Sonora, but in Chihuahua, Sinaloa an Durango. These States comprise solid block in Northwestern Mexico: An official report said that Ville hac recruited his army in Chihuahua Stat alone to a total of 40,000 men, al 2quibped to take the field at any time "FLY GIME 1'o save your stock from worrying. We have a fly liquid used for spraying out up in quart, half-gallon and gallon cans. We guarantee this to save feed and improve your stock. LEADING DRUGGIST, F. B. THOMAS, Both Phones. MEYERSDALE, PA, The Place Where You Are Always Treated Right ! ‘Over $200,000 to go to Firemen. Harrisburg, Pa—Nine hundred war: rants, ranging from sums for less than a quarter to two for over $19,000. are being prepared at the capitol for issuance of treasury checks to thai many cities, boroughs and first-clas: iownships as their shares of the state tax on premiums of foreign fire insur ance companies. The nioney is to be applied to the relief of firemen in- jured or taken sick through duty. The total tax received froin this source in 1913 was $411,059.02, of which 50 per cent is to be paid to the districts. It is on the basis of busi- ness done and requires some elaborate figuring. WILSON OPPOSED TO LOANS Policy of Administration Is Made Known by Secretary Bryan. Washington, D. C¢.—The Wilson ad- ministration will view with disfavor the making of any loans to the Euro- pean belligerents by American bank- srs. Announcement to this effect was made by Secretary Bryan. The administration has no objection lint = TTA - lf ANY bathroom equipments other- wise perfect are marred by the noisy action of the closet fittings and by the sound of the water in flushing and refilling. % Such sounds are an annoyance to the user as well as to those in adjoin- ing rooms. . A “Standard” Design ‘N°’ noise- = less closet which is in thorough keeping ==>, with our scientific workmanship is the 2p ‘Standard” Design “*N’* Closet solution. BAER & CO. Y= I {) an (0 Amierican bankers making loans to neutral governments in Europe, but regards the lending of money to bel ligerents as inconsistent with the true spirit of neutrality. In accordance with this decisién the State! Department informed the Swiss charge d’affairs that this government would make no objection to American bankers lending money to Switzer- land. This statement was made in re- sponse to an inquiry from the Swiss government. The public statement of the admin- istration’s position is the result of tentative inquiries mad by the firm of J. P. Morgan & Company, which had been sounded unofficially with regard to a proposed loan to France. TREATIES RATIFIED Eighteen Peace Agreements Approved By United States Senate. ‘Washington, D. C.—Eighteen of the twenty peace treaties with foreign Be pny TA R Ree EL Colds U Ought to Use y Mamma Says - © Ifs Safe for fe Childr » The Commercial Press nations provided for commissions of inquiry before resort to arms in inter- national disputes, which- ordinary re- sources of diplomaacy fail to settle, were ratified by the Senate. The treaties with the Dominican Republic and Panama were held up at once for further consideration. Treaties ratified are with Norway, Portugal, Switzer- land, Denmark, Italy, Salvador, Gaute- mala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Persia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Uru- Havre, France.—Between 2,000 and ! waiting | easy, natural movements, relief of here for the sailing of the French | constipation, try Doan’s Regulets. transatlantic liners France and Chi- | penniless, as tl guay, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Thousands Near Starvation. Rotterdam.—The situation here is becoming very alarming. It is comput- ! taat w'thin a week from 50,000 to 0.000 families will be starving and Handles It. { RAE CE Macaroni as Food. The rank which macaroni holds asl a food is shown by» the following comparison: “As an emergy producer ‘lit. ‘outradks Jean stefl, for it contains 1,650 calories: of energy to the pounds while steak has buf 950. While maga! roni costs from 10 to 15 cents a poun and containg oily J to 10 per: cent 0 molstura which fs Wasted, the le steak’ contains 70 to 75 per cent 0 'waste meaisture.. Comparing macaront,| |further, with the ordinary vegetables. lin. point‘of ‘view of energy, it is found At drug or harness stores, F.C. Stewart & Co., Chicage. For Sale by All Dealers Everywhere. co city depends entire- trade, which is com- ueen Wilhelmina 1al fund with a gitt ly on its carryi nletely paral; has opened a n ‘that white potatoes epntain but 365 calories, Spinach 95, turnips 160, caby hage 115 cpions 190, letiuee 65. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S of $10,000. CASTORIA [FOIEY KIDNEY PILLS FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLADDER