engine 20, for ne talk, ica, Ch were n before “only a ized erowd, the cofistant | n I-delay disgusting many . went - to see: them. , Miss Catharine Be Boyer, of. dad s to 2 Bumber of “ginia Snyder, Lillian he ise Cathe arine’ Boyer, Loftie Meyers, Stella . [Bodgers,- Pearl Geisel, and Ruth Perey ‘and Grant Bough, George Falknor, Janes Gard- céshorday b | ball bet ween Rar | and Devore 0: G | { Barnhart, With this week’s issue the m is ‘Commercial changes. ‘The paper which. gave L, A, 1 ; tions of the peoplé of Somerset col county a peculiar distinction was 1 nursed, and jealously guarded, 3 More than three years ago I cial. ‘I cams with'little experiem functions ofa county newspaper. been fully actualized, yet an hone! - made towards their attainment. | Cook '& Sechler, ‘ever sin ‘they valued employes. He was a kind tivarted man, honest in” his “dealings and a man of good habits in general. While i in Salisbury he made his home ab his sisters, M Lewis Miller, and | made: many friends. : Deceased is- survived by a aumber of’ ‘brothers: .and ‘sisters, ‘his parents “haying ‘preceded: him ' to the spirit world. His ‘sutyiviig ‘brothers sre, Herman and William Menhormn and .| Mrs. Lewi§® Miller ‘of Salisbury, Mrs. John Burkhardt, West Salisbury «| your hi TogsiEntngt y ey So dgre ghx den i *L OF FON-A CAMEING TRIP On Monday Teorhing ™ Ww. Grley | hegan pr. parations for the annual otiting in’ which he and his’ family indulge, With ‘a Harge’ touring car loaded tc ibs fullest “capatity and then a few boys thrown in for good measure, he made his. trip to the campiag grounds whieh resemble ia European army tramsport. going the fromh. Mr. Gurley and family | mz: + gre. camping along « the 'Pobumac, | about a wesk along the banks | : Camb Patterson Creek, -aboud forty from here.’ They expect to] t& well-know rive | started their tuamber operations along: , | Tub Mill and “wag one of “their- most and Henry Menhorn off Elk Lick township. ® It ‘there’ are dny others bury. wy next year the Mey- ersdale-Sali ury-Garrett troliéy line will cantract, for motiye power to be supplied by the Penn Electric Service. This line Altimately connects with Frostburg and Cainberland, Maryland towns, whieh proyides TOSy prospects for sending: electricity ‘generated . in J ohnstowi through atleast bwo states. Ultimately the Somerset “Johntown trolley will be extended to Rockwood, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad .cen- ter, ‘and Berlin and Garrett, a con- nection wish the Jennings interests’ Meyersdale-Salisbury line: to be ef- fected at Garrett. When the Propos- ed . trolley. connections materialize trolley communications all the way from Johnstown to Cumberland, Md., will be. offered .the public, and the! benefits to be derived from sueh an enterprise, both to. the associated electric companies ad to the publics would phenomenally advance the me dustrial development of’, Somerseti’ Coun 4 REUNION AT RIVERSIDE. PARK TODAY. and ea Northern 8 expected to ab Our eternal race’ has risen in the fight for liberty, as it did in 1813." : “It is with a heavy heart that we see Brigland ranged among our oppon- ents. : “Notwithstanding tle Blood rela tionship and the elose relationship in spiritual and caltural werk: between the two countries, England has placed |, herself ‘on the side of Russia, whose instability and whose barbaric inso- lence have helped this war, the origin, of Which was murder; and the purpose of which was the humiliation and suppression of the German race by Russian Pan-Slayism. “We expect that the sense of justics of the American people will enable them to comprehend our situavion. We invite their opinion as to. the one- side English representations; and ask | them to examine our point of view in i ‘an unprejudiced wa with Somerset as the half-way station | 4 pra oi The sympathy "of ithe Américan Nation will then lie with German cul ture and civilization, fighting agains a half Asiatic and slightly cultired barbarism.” “THE GOSPEL Tor. The Hyangelistic Hervicgs; cor duct. ed in the dboye tnt, 10cated on Salis- bury Street, are to be continued the | remainder: of this week and. probably tall of next week also.” ‘Definite an- t Hovneement as to this will be ‘made | on Sanday might. * The sad oh salvation fs bei X vy evening exce Brossers, Au, 19 > Ag engagement, ; is reported to have taken place in Northern Limbourg. “An important Franco-German battle is expected... ROTTERDAM Aug. 19—The Cologne ‘Gazette’ asserts that the advanoe 5 | of the Germa troops; ‘whils: ‘slow, has. «| Aot heen seriously checked a anyw LoNDON Aug, ; ‘mans are already in Brussels | port reaching here tonight ‘premiei test. between the allios ai | was any. of the aon to defend Brassilo. stead the plans for the general dete © _ [all ‘centered around Antwerp. 1t to be the centre of the entire Belg | defensive plane, and if the ‘Belgian general staff has departed trom Brus- sels to. Antwerp, it would ‘oniy be in persuance of the original intentions. The Kaiser has made ar end of Ger- man hesitation: The: Germans have begun ‘an attack in force on the Bel- gian centre at Tirlemont, which eov= | i whieh in turn covers Brussels. This probably indicates,de- that ? Genvially were pla tion were related (These, ac chain of forts untondable. An adi ance with structions ih REV. H.S. 'NICHOLSN. To - CHANGE. FIELD OF © pi LABOR. ts oo : Rev. H.8! Nicholson, rermétly of. this place, ‘and a brother of Wi-AWs Nicholson, merchant af Vim, bak dow cifled "to move to Grove Cify. Tie following clipping in ‘ram. the Emel ton ‘Herald. Re Reys H. S: Nicholson Hi; 2 Monroe, wlio has bean pastes of the Reformed chuzches of : the Bepver, charpel for ben. years, has agegpted ‘tHe nna mots call extended aim by the Grove {| City church and fen bred His) Tesigs ‘| ngtion- to the Bear er churches | lash Suuday. He will’ Bioin worksi in’ his new field about Ogtober: Hirst “Rev, Mr. Nichols 4 ¢ Apkstanite Which iW elosing snd his “friends are. [10% Con oss bat Wish: him in hig pew field of