directo s t-A daughter. for everything which adds to the ad- 4 ; who sees one swallow in the . E ruary 21s Lives Bae was a Salis- | vancement of our schools and their bar are supplied in a back room by early spring knows that the to take measurements : Miss Mary Bo interest shown in every respect only | Presenting money at a small opening bird is the forerunner of the : ts of isitor with relatives and est sho every respe y b : o Arepe bury . visi oa osda goes to show that they realize what |iD the wall which opens into the bar- cowing summer. ‘The swal- | for suits. WW - friends on Wednescay- .__|a duty they are intrusted with by the | T0om, and that Albert Pasche has been low juny disappeat for a. —. Or y others Mrs. Thomas Rumgay, is spending | ne Of olF town. bartender for his father during the time. and chill winds may : \ a few weeks visiting relatiyes and : past year and has violated the State | blow, but The swallow. will . \ 11 3841. friends in Cumberland, Md. Flour market is advancing. Our | liquor laws.”’ TE EE WV : ed, Mrs. Jacob Wagner, and family | oo 15en Loaf at $5.50 per bbl, is a| ‘‘Bebause the morals, decency and ome. Ww IAN, left Saturday for Johnstown, where bargain, at Habel & Phillips. ad | business interests of our town and ¢om- One advertisement will not | Shools, they will reside in the future. a - munity have been greatly damaged by make your business all that | i Mrs. O. W. Houck, left Wednes EXAMINATION. the existence of a hotel license to sell you would like to have it, but | (The Hom of Hart, Nehaffuer & Warx Clothes) day on. No. 16, for a visit with rel- : intoxicating drinks,” is another ob- % ied bare its indenies. 2 \ : ) \ atives and friends in Pittsburgh. The United States Civil Service |Jjettion voiced against the granting of | | UBEInEY the DUOMISE OL A I Al] ids di lie ti, fie dicate di. dl sll, Ss Gl sl. ll. ls a ent—Ap~ . Miss Gertrude Landis, is spending | Commission announces that on Satur- | the license. The remonstrance con- ive 5 it wi i be 211 » oe NELEECEECECEECSSECSECESESSELEEESESSER - y, or H. the week visiting relatives and|day, March 14, an examination will be tinnes: ; “other advertisements. and LU ra Er . Station, riends at Somerset and Rockwood. | held at Meyersdale, Pa., as a result of | ‘‘A licensed hotel is not necessary soon the sun of prosperity Fiuprty st f tb . : mt ad Mr. and Mrs: Daniel Dahl, spent | which ‘it is expected to make certifi- | because there are many days when will bring the summer of i. I SH pe | PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS | The Fact Remains Made Especially for Children from an Old bnglish Receipe. g { | For Child oe) ; i ; Et agi a oy ildvren, Items Pertaining 1 i de Town a Sar! apd Io amount of misrepresentation by the 1 ” Prepare oe e & oe 5 8y | peddiers of alum baking powders, no jug- KEWPIE KANDIES are as Our Busy Stall. | gling with chemicals, or pretended analysis, delicious and attractive as they 2 or cooked-up certificates, or falsehoods of are good and whelesome. All Miss Agues Shannon was & cum-| PATRONS’ DAY any kind, can change the fact that SHron and grown aps too— berland yisitor Tuesday. AT : " . : . y ewpies Capt, Wn, 1. Daugherty, i ver P CONFLUENCE. Royal Baking Powder in every box. ill at his home on Main street. The Confluence Public Schools ob- - : -s Misses Gertrude and ° Mayme | gerved and celebrated Patrons’ Day has been found by the offi- P rice 25c Box. Lynch were visitors with Garrett friends. F. B. Counts, of Hagerstown,| The Day is one long to be remembed free from alum bso : - 'Md., spent Saturday here with | by all for never in the history of the : f ns al and of a lute co L LI N S’ D R ua STO RE ] : friondsi. : town was such a satisfactory program purity and wholesomeness. $ .s Margaret Groff, of Berlin, rendered. The church was packed by Fry . lea : —_— i of this week here | an enthusiastic crowd whose presence Royal Baking Powder is indispensable ind Rexall = Se added = the dey. The over fowls ~ for making finest and most economical food. : ; . FPF. Naugle, was a © a 7 fahett a . x int a few all enjoyed and appreciated the event : ’ Fond : Enoll HARTLEY BLOCK. 1 MEYER3DALE, P*. | 8 and also that the day was observed in hn t days this week. ow Mark Topper, of New Baltimore, spent Monday and Tuesday here on a business mission. \ M. J. Kerrigan, of Connellsville, was a Sunday visitor here with rel- atives and friends. Miss Bessie Deal, has returned home. from a visit with relatives and ler of Meyers avenue, Saturday Feb- trom Friday to Sunday in Cumber- land, . Md., visiting relatives and friends. 3 Misses Alice Friedline, and Grace Hoover are gnests of Mr. and Mrs, James Judge, at Magnolia, W. Va. this week. Bdgar Klingaman, [of Johnstown, Friday afternoon, February 20th, in the Lutheran church. a place fitting to the occasion, the Temple of God. All ‘hearts beat in unison with a common patriotism which instilled all true and loyal Americans with a pride and rever- ence for those heroes who suffered, fought and died in the Revolution, whose lives were gladly given up that this nation may become and stand much loyal school board who stand eation to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth class post- master at Boynton, Pa., and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless itshall be decided in the interests of the service to fill the va- cancyp by reinstatement. The com- pensation of the postmaster at this cial examinations to be of the . highest leavening efficiency, REMONSTRANCES. A remonstrance signed by 28 men and 18 women was filed against Albert Pasche, who is an applicant for a re- tail liquor license for the Hotel Pasche at West Salisbury. It is alleged that The remonstrants claim ‘‘that par- ties who cannot purchase liquor at the nobody stops for meals or lodging; that the traveling people who come to West Salisbury go to the ncighbor- ing town of Salisbury for hotel accom- modations; that the hotel sells to men they have been notified not to furnish liquor, end ‘that it sells to habitual drunkards. The hotel is con- i One Swallow Does Not Make a ness success. But the man i business growth, You do not expect to do all the business of the week in one day. You do not expect fo do a month’s business in a week or a year’s business in a month. Then do not expect to do a week's advertising in a day or to advertise so much Traymore§ lailoring Co., WILL BE HERE ON friends at Johnstown. out in the annals of history asa nation | Alert Pasche is applying for the li- Su mmer Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Baker, and | which loves the freedom of thought, | cense instead of his father who con- _ little son were Rockwood visitors | singleness of purpose and the adyance ducts the hotel at Dresent, for the By HOLLAND. - €% iL relatives Sunday: | ment of our public schools. reason that the latter's chances of se- Ho Ye e ru al 7 - A 3 3 as curing the privilege were ‘‘too slim.” : one advertisement dad Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mil-| The day was also sanctioned by our does not make a busi- 9 = : office was $216 for the last fiscal year. | ducted in a lawless. ] For the |]! in a week that your business —~ gpent.Sunday bere with his parents v ’ Sweiertinebidni. samen i SE 1 Bs “Mr. and Moe W. H. Klingaman, of Age limit, 21 years and over on the good name of oir town we plead for | i. will, be kept booming for a i Meoors. aveNRe:. "| date of thé examination, with the ex: | this relief? . «= = re Sf je, Be ig sayers is al. of Somer ception that in a State where women | Through bis attormey, — - | of Centre stree rr | the examination will be admitted. {is an applicant fora fil | iY LAR } . 1 f Ezra Geiger : . > applicant i 340, SAF mal Ad {nan Irvin Geiger, ‘son O f.| Applicants must reside within the |license: at’ Meyersdalesi, H ‘asserts | ,, , —————— of Sand Patch, Route Mo. % Wo, ;0ory supplied by the post office | that Schardt is not a proper person w jie 0] : : : : @ at the office and renewed the sub | ~~" Lo. Too mination is an-| bold a retail liquor license. It is al- VENUS A.D MATS. | ; 1 scription for another year. I mounted: . leged that the complainant duringthe | ane : : ; _. Misges Margaret Wilson, and Pearle Application forms and full infcr-|Ye®r 1912 sold Schardt $45.00.worth of | The Theary. That Life Exists Upon a, p . Harding returned home Sunday even-| ;,ii00 ooncerning the requirements liquor for which be refused to pay. Both: of Those. P.antets.; 71 iy gi, n : al Cy : ing from a visit with relatives and of the examination can be secured | Grube says he sucu the hotel man and| We are bound to hold life to bv a |@§ : . g friends at Lonaconing, Md. from the postmaster at Boynton. recovered a judgment, against. him, |geueral phenomanon in pature, devedo, : > | % Miss Rogers, a trained nurse of| Applications should be properly ex- | but Schardt claimed the benefit of the a he oy 3 0? i i ; in : Johnstown, is spending a few weeks | ecyted and filed with the Commission exemption jaws and defeated} theioprt aver a oe ay depths o te TT YOCeries. here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |at Washington at least 7 days before |lectien of the bill. The remonstranice | jy, meat. : Hill : : R. E. Miller, of Meyers avenue. the date of the examination, other-| Was sworn to today before: Clerk of Now ax for Mars and Venus, in our , : Misses Mary Thornley, and Lulu|Wise .it may be impracticable to ex- Courts, Frank A. Harah. [own systent! it iced bardly be said ; : % : IX Beal, of the Thornley Co., Millinery | amine the applicants. +f TL ees ’ HAE het ae surly ihn 0 by living Campbeli’s Beans, medium size cans, at...... ... 10c Establishment, are in Pittsburgh this | Granulated sugar $1.50 per hun: Delis of some ki arvationy - Falcon Beans, large size, at... ................. 123¢ week, purchasing millinery goods. Full brood single comb Black |dred, at Habel & Phillips. ad 3 dus Thibtvisel on WHT Rr than |B Princess Royal Canned Beets, at.... .... . ... 123c : a emi i—————— J > * = ? ; : : dah J. Ha Coleman, teacher of | Minorca eggs, for hatching, at our own. seasons of the same type. but T Mey in the > Meyersdale ad OC. A. Phillips, Meyersdale, Pa.| Pure home ground feeds at lowest longer tar. and snow’ ns the able Peseches, lige ean, at... 50, Bfcand, 26c High School, spent Saturday aud prices, at Habel & Phillips. BR andl thus. Water vapor: thous Tomato Ketchup at........... 10¢, 123¢, 15¢ and 25¢ { Sunday with relatives and friends at REMONSTRANCES " Thing! the amount is small. Mars is a desert Finest quality canned Cherries Bf. ceva ins 35¢ | Fverett nf : am roan ois Save. thif planet. with a very rare air, about lke Fancy Evaporated Cherries, per pound ....... 30¢ i sdb | EI New hgh ys that in the higher regions of the Him- i Mr. and Mps. Cal. Lint; and .two| Alleging that the saloon is ‘‘not| if every family would keep a box of a poplons pit e on Royal Cocoa, 12ounce box........... .......: 25¢ y i children and Misses Ellen Lint and necessary for the accomodation of | mustard in the house one-half of the | opp extends to the highest plateaus Fancy Evaporated Peaches, per pound........ 14c Edith Wilhelm, spent Sunday with|the public and entertainment of | doctors would starve to death. A mean |, 4 mountains. exgept when perpct- California Prunes. .. : 123c and 15 relatives and friends in Greenville | strangers or travelers’, citizens of | Ran Suggests that eve rybody should ually frozen, it: ®ay also exist on the Vienna Flour large Shak Rem $1.50 vd township. | Shade township filed remonstrances| Keep two boxes.—New Orleans Pica: | pianet Mars. which has a moderate Pure Jell ledlosshiat a BEE Sa Bah a Pt vir. and Mid W. J. Baer, who against three applications for retail une. Lo wae temperature, as shown by the forma- ure elly, pefolass............ ........... 10¢ wore married at Connellsville Tues. |liquor licenses at Cairnbrook and i tacsited the Fling fon of clogs In the, twist bel after 25¢ jagipure Preserves.... ............. ... 20c : Tis s * S N Ne : M S. day morning of this week, are guests Central City, new mining towns in| «Serenaded my girl last night.” bry Witranraril in 15c glass pure Preservesat........... ........: 12%¢ of relatives and friends here a few northern Somerset county, “Any member of the family come | 10g is much greater than that of 5c Matches, 3boxes for...................... 10c days this week. The remonstrance against John F. our the ehti* Ch Record.Her | M2 fer Venus rotates in 23 hours 21 | 8 Sweet Pickles, 6 dozen for. .... 25¢ : 20 ag by tie. cate? Chic orditter- 1 2 ; us rotate § 21 veet Iickles, 6 dozen for. .................. Miss Mae Dichl, has returned | Verner, Oentral City, is signed by 70| POLY fhe Stage Ne Iivutes Sud in All respects so closely Mix Mustard, per quart. ..................... 10¢ home from the Eastern cities where | men and 56 women; against Martin R. ) © — fembles Ths oath 2» Io be called het Rice, per pound 5 3 she had been purchasing the spring Brennan, Central City, 68 men and 57} | Panama's. Cathedral fin sister. Venus has an abundance Tn » Pe Pp a oC rices. millinery goods for the Diehl Millj-| Women; against Albert L. Walter,| mne towers of the Panama cathedral o 2 slouss, eer and ao ogy ine quality Rice, 3 poundsfor............ 25¢ ‘nery establishment. Oairnbrook, 82 men and 62 women. are roofed with pearl shells, which re- an - ne I a I a Large can Sauer Kraut at .... ......... .... 10c Misses. Elizabeth Mahon, and Clare flect the sunlight so that they can be HA are ro i, year SR - Full pound bar Mammoth Soap at...... ...... 5e Dixon of Connellsville, were the SP. PAUL, ADDISON... |®een far out ataen, # | days in length. Why should not such 7 bars Family Soap for....L.................. 25¢ F guests of their relatives, Mr. and| ©: B. Cramer, was a business visi- m————ee eines a planet be inhabited? If a man were Bridal Tomato Soap, 3 cans for. ..... am 25¢ 8 Mrs. J. L. Dixon, ofGrant street, a tor in Confluence Friday. Anonymous. transported tp Venus and landed there few days this week. U. M. Ringer of near Confluence A teacher in one of the public schoois | Without injury it seems verialn hat he -\ : ; e . fla wit a & could live and flourish physically un- Mrs. Mary Harden, and daughters | Was @ guest of W. J. Frazee’s one | asked her pupils to write a sentenc« aT Ski ol y ; 4 Misses piel and Kathryn left Tues- day last week. which would @ iptroduce the wor 2 Die UPA Mey of bb W e Refund Money if Purchase 1S] bid day on the Dupuesne for a two| The school board met at Liston-| “anonymous.” explaining to them the ug era 4 " weeks visit with relatives and friends | burg on Saturday to pay the teach-| Word meant “without a name.” Wher ill Not Satisfactory. at Pittsburgh, Charlerio and Alli-|ers and to transact business. the papers were handed in this star quippi. Miss Olive Cramer, and brother | {ling sentence met her eve, “On m) Hardly Begun. 1 ————— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Judge, of|Chatles wers visitors at Confluence way to Seta = I saw ab} your society started out to decide M K EN Vi : | Magnolia, W. Va., spent a few days |Saturday. | ROBOT CON, nde la number of questions of great scien- | vil I iy ks of this week here with the latter’s| E.E. Ringer spent a few days at She Wes F araTin | tific importance.” RE 3 father, Mr. J. H. Altmiller, who had | Humbert visiting his sister, Mrs. | Mistress Now. Sarah, I want vout Yes We arrana d to consider the Naugle Block. Meyersdale, Pa. been very ill at the Hotel Union, for | James Weyand, who has been very | . : er manifestation of the psychic impulse ’ Via J | to be careful about breaking this vase. |. . ie Tifa a Yoon wer i - > 3 the past week. sick. Ls SRE : in protoplasmic life and the molecuiar BR IF EE REY — Raleigh Garlits, of Pittsburgh, ar-| J. A Cramer and Chester Herwig | Eon: den Done. ana 4 legey Se velo; ox he pe oe mr i rrr Ais - oe rived here Wednesday of last ki transacting business in Addi- ken the Hust thing To ig | Snen : Hen of HEht Waves ang a | = ds TTT TT Tr to attend the funeral of his g 1 ye oa sds fred topies, a | o father, Mr. Solomon Housei, Sarah (three days later)—There's| “And have you 4 meant An A d 1n 1 h C 184 9 Greenville township, Thursday last | your vase. ma ind | couldn't have 8 "No Naveangy! . a . € O11 While here he was the guest of h broke it 1 ly if I'd trie r | week. ‘We havent . m Jesse Garlits, of Lin I York Globe | question of who's boss ngto nino 3 a4 I> $ : Brings Good R bi : . Sy WAL i o4