The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, February 12, 1914, Image 6

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    | ougme
Pittsburgh reports 100 burglaries 1n | Prepaie to Spray for
one month without conviction. his.
The Boston Stock Exchange voted the Apple Ap !
to close on Lincoln's Birthday.
The South Carolina Assembly pass-
There has been a great deal of dis-
ed the two-cent passenger rate bill. cussion about the efficiency of the
Pittsburgh had 1,004 marriages dur- lime-sulphur solution indestroying the
ing January 1914, against 1,088 in Jan. Apple aphis or Green plant louse.
Attractive Fifth Avenue Styles :
—>pring Suits—Hats of
Moire, Taffeta and lagal
For Your Baby.
Braids—Georgette Sailors
Minor Mention of a Week's uary 1913. State Zoologist Surface, at Harrisburg R . ®
Morris McDonald, recently elected |i, his experiments and demonstrations - ar : e igna ure O
Important Events. PrSsaen: of the Boston & Maine Rail- |}. proven conelusivley that the lime- pli : :
: road, resigned. : o i i . T
“Father” Hans Schmidt was found sulfur solution applied as for San Jo yo
| guilty in New York of murdering Anna | Sale just after the leaf buds of the
A HISTORY OF SEVEN DAYS! Aumuller. apple burst in the spring will destroy
Florence Lawlor, 16 years old, miss- | this pest. A great deal depends upon /
| ing from her home in Brooklyn, was | the material and more depends upon ® |
Paragraphs Which Briefly Chronicle | found in Chicago. the time it is applied.
grap y White Eagle, 111 years old, the old- : ko thai is the only guarantee that you have the
the Events of Interest as Bulle. : Persons who wish to make their own
est Indian in the United States, died |. e . : \
tined by Wire, Wireless and: at Ponca City, Okla lime-sulfur solution for this spraying ®
Cable—Foreign News. Many residents of Frankfort, Ky. | Should order Satta: and lime ng sn
— were vaccinated, following the discov. | make the material uring : e 2
mn | ery of two smallpox cases. weather when the item of time will a
J . = | Secretary Bryan will likely go to | not enter cxtensively into the expense . rand 45
1 Washington = | Chili in September to attend the Pan- | account. It is made by boiling two Bis Ha a Al
; a | American conference. pounds of sulfur with one pound of NA
The Department of Agriculture has { Edward Caswell, of Norwalk, Conn. lime in one gallon of water in any
haves i prairie dogs at a cost | died from blood poisoning after hav- kind of vessel excepting copper, for 3
The Senate bassed a bill, appropriat- | Be oth puldh. : three fourths of an’ hour. -This is
ing $500,000 to fight hog cholera in | . ADdrew Jackson's famous hickory stored away until the orchardist wish-
the United States. | Stick was presented to President Wil- | to use it and is then dilated with
Secretary of State Bryan will leave | “°% PY Senator Thompson of, Kansas. six or seven fimes its bulk of water, :
for Europe shortly in the interest of | A vote will be taken February 25 just as for the San Jose scale. In NNER DORR
international peace. o1 oo2It Lake, upon the issuance of applying it after the leaves expand in © McCus by hi for ov a
The Bente rag the appoint- | $1,000,000 road improvement bonds. place of the Bordeans: mint B - prepared y fim for over 30 years.
< o { + & Ly ™ 4 i 2 +
ment of Colonel Goethals to be Gov-| Herbert Rainey, 28 years old, drop- should use one gallon-of this concen. 9 -
rnor-General of the Panama Canal | Ped dead in a jail in Brooklyn while trated tor] Fu forty allons of YOU LL give YOUR baby the BEST
on i awaiting sentence for attempted ar Te materia. ory & i - — Oa oh 2 : :
: 3 ! son. water, : ;
I: i “ : ee 9 \
E i The ice jam in the Chenango River | A York county orchardist sent some I Your Physician Knows Fletcher S Castoria.
i Personal ‘has caused serious floods near Bing- | apple twigs to Professor Surface, at 055340 . mi LL a wi ) : i
dha 8 i f side ) iq . i YJ —D od , 2 Ne
: Crown Prince Frederick William of aE POSE Ore 200 evldenisite Sharia Soul poked Bim, Fhoug Ye Sold only In one Size bottle, never in bulk
> e §/2Ee, ack specks on them. reply con- . 180
Germany will visit the United States The Royal Mail liner Amadia arriv- tains full information upon the best : ° - t t t the”
‘incog” to engage in a hunting expe- | og at New York from Bermuda with and cheapest method of destroying the ois Shor desis pre by The McCall or otherwise ® 0 pro €C :
$43 3 5 = + y= ; [ OTK,
dition. : Lo 49 bridal couples among its 250 pas- Apple aphis for which orchardists Takers of McCall I and ° ‘
Frank Harper, private secretary to sengers. f S >
Colonel Roosevelt, left Buenos Avres | : should make Preparations at once. N York, Feb. & ° 2
roienel R >velt, : ~~ =" | Robert Hunter, of Noroton Heights, It is as follows: 4 ew York, Feb. ; #
or New York with a live turtle named { has been selected as the Socialist Upon cteminia the apple twigs|. LDiDgs are humming in the Fash. : f
Lizzie for the Bronx Zoo. | nominee in Connecticut for United ; P g bp g ionable world, and nearly al! the The Centaur Company, Pres't. ;
White. Senator smi i Maryan States Senator. Which you sent us we find the ©8es of | advance sartorial models have been : 2
as yay his got a ay a The Women’s Protective League of | .he apple aphis present. You will have launched at exclusive establishments
poms gt gn was destroy y St. Louis has begun a campaign for | no trouble in destr ying it if you will whose patr..n« demand the latest and
gn : 3 protecting girl immigrants arriving in | spray with the strong Lime-sulfur Solu- smartest cr .tions. Fifth Avenue
Prince and Princess Alexis: Kara. that city. tion just as for San Jose scale immed- | :.. R iv i : YY a de A Arm ren
Georgevitch of Servia, left New York . : ih / rivals the Rue de-la-Paix in Paris as vaspe Mamk y »
for home on the steamer Olympic. Five men were killed and 13 seri- |iately after the buds burst, and when |, centre wi~s women go to find IT's A CURE 1 THAT Ss SURE t
ously Injured in a fire which destroyed | the green leaves commence to show | artistic prolictions. The greater ‘
i £|a hotel in Kellier, Minn. Loss of and are more than one quarter of an number of (he styles shown origl. Jones’ " k us
General E $25,000. 2 , |inchinlength. Remember it is before nated in Paris. but the most success. : rea -» bP i
Final figures show that 153,897 Chi- the leaves expand, and whe: they fir. t gy; have been modified to make For over 20 years has Cured ;
The impeachment trial of Governor | C280 women availed themselves of the eep out of the buds. We have proven el :
Ni tunity to become registered vo. | PEP yy Pp them praclical for the demands of
Sulzer cost New York State $245,000. opbor in this office that this is a good and women herc. The American point of A § S
Six siudents of the Gettysburg (Pa.) ? satisfactory remedy for the apple aphis | view is ite diff bf
56 ‘Word hi r taneol The Portland, Me., Board of Health 2 quite different from the Pa- fig
College were Suspended for tangoing. ordered all public schori, closed. bé. There can be no doubt of this after | risian. The majority of the best ’ Sciatica, Lumbago and Gout }
Christian churches ip, the United cause of a threatened epidemic of | the extensive experiments which we | gregsed women here want clothes — ATF if you have Rheumatism [any jorm) get' J )
Plates Eained 615,000 new members | smallpox. have performed, proving these facts|that will not only look attractive = £ heaak-Up, It will cure you agit has all others
; ik os ave
The municipal; ferry boat Mayor | Overcome at the sight of his daugh. | conclusively. but last well, and give enough ser- REGISTERED nearay y nit. G iranteed to cure all cases
fara) ras | tr being placed under arrest as incor- ‘‘Please remember that it is possible | vice to make them worth while.
Gaynor built for New York was bs ; p FOR SALE AT { Oct. -8m
Yaunched at Camden, N. J. rigible, Stephen McCue fell dead in [gq spray with the same material for ADAPTABLE STYLES. Co LLINS’ DRUG S [ORE M :
Philadelphia. the apple aphis and not have good re. ities ’ eye rsdale, Pa.
#dward H. Briggs, a postal clerk at A a : of i 4 The multiplicity of adyanced mod-
Worcester, Mass., for 26 years, was Frank Vincent Millard, Westchester sults, owing to spraying before the els shown for present and coming Tr ren a PA Am re
arrested, charged with opnning letters. County ’ Lp i ate fer Sis eggs hatch, and thus while they are wear, gives every type of Woman : :
Willlam A. Stone was burned to he ¥ Bn.exbress train ln such a resistant condition that ths | po - to secure style and becom.
death when his celluloid collar caught The body of Robert R. Mercer, of | P*8Y liquid will not kill them. For iagness in her selections. A very O 5 y ®) ! J N E ED A rol oe
eblaze, while he was working over a Pitter miveias Al Decornber example, I believe that spraying now, few pieces, if well chosen, ‘can be
fre in Hanover, N i : 21, was found under the new City even with very strong Lime-sulfur made to afford considerable variety. ST IG A R P A N 2 Fh
An effort is i mate In New gor. Hall of Cleveland, now under construc- | Solution, or with any other strong A woman going down to Aiken for 3 ; aid g
Ey to have the limit of the age for tior. spray material, will not be sure to kill a Short. scav de 'b h ok
children attending school changed | A ‘statue’ of General Pil Kearny, | all of these aphis eggs, and consequent 2 i oe ? on ee = Pure 58a It rn —————
from 17 to 16 years. : : hos : ’ Sl E €ye to their usefulness here SO, we are prepared to take care of 7 Ah
Richard L. Metcalfe, Governor of killed in the battle of Chantilly, Va, ly would have unsatisfactory results, during the Spring and Summer. Her prep are you We have on
the Panama Canal Zone, will likely be | II 1862, will be placed in the Arling- Fortunately for the fruit grower, the
ton Cemetery by the State of New |e
Daniel C. Logue, former sur-
& candidate for Congress from Nebras-
ka this fall.
The George Walter Vincent Smith Dr.
art collection, valued at $1,000,000, was
bequeathed to the city of Springfield,
ggs hatch very early in the spring,
when the young dark-green aphids or
plant lice at once crawl to the leaves
geon of the Monitor, and believed to that are commencing to appear from
be the last survivor of the Monitor-
the tips of the buds. This is the time
Merrimac battle, is dead at Bellmore, bp crystal
to spray them with strong Lime sulfur : :
: v white pique.
A ls many Yas Thieme L. 1. Solution, even if it should scorch a 9
& contract to transpor e mails a lg ; ; :
the station to the postoffice at Win. g Ss ti E ow of the leaf tip, as I have done nin the dull
sled. Cong. 5 POr ing my own orchard a great many times. “petr le
Fire destroyed building 150 years .
16 results in no permanent injury, and
is much better than to let the aphis
remain unchecked. ’
‘These pests sink their sharp beaks able blu
into the tissue of the leaf and inject a | With a
old, on the island estate of Mrs. James
McKeen, near Harpswell, Me. Loss,
A $12,000 offer from the Federal
League has been turned down by
Thomas Seaton, pitcher of the Phila-
John J. Cahill og Finlay, 0. died deiphis Nations. i; Hoi
from cancer. A piece of skin was mpire Bi rennan has officially . : 1
torn from his lip a years ago in re- | notified the National League that he | POison, stunting the growth of the leaf i
moving a clay pipe. has gone over to the. camp of the |aud causing it to curl, This curled leaf
A bill was introduced in the New | Federals.
York Legisla‘ure providing for a State
Baseball Commission to control all
league games in New York City.
Abram Barnes and his brother Will-
lam were captured by a posse after
,. they had killed a policeman and
sent to him for the season of 1914 agencies, and it becomes impossible to | Pretelle
has been returned to the National reach them with spray liquids at any | Shoulder
Leagune main office, with letter an- possible time during the entire sum- | front or
nouncing his decision to join the Fed-
eral League staff.
Secretary Davis of the New York to curl.
Joa : ing skirt, with the. cloth skirt, or| hat of white corduroy was to go with| 4 man who can repeat all the latest ._
wounded a girl at Waynesboro, Pa. | Americans announced that he had re In spraying with strong Lime-sulfur with several cotton frocks and |® belted coat of soft “black and slang is as smart as & parrot or a
A conscience stricken burglar re- | ceived the signed contract of Pitcher | Solution made at San Jose scale skirts in this outfit, White ‘checked noo) wits bars Bin phonograph.
turned $400 of $600 loot stolen from the | Dode Criss, drafted last fall from. the strength, you have the advantage of Sourlebyor Is a osign- ma is The eyes may be the windows of
+ Btore of William Spaar at Passaic, | Houston, Texas, League Club. Criss | killing not only the plant lice and the A PRETTY BLOUSE. €
N.Y is a veteran player.
i San Jose scale, but also other insects,
Captain W. F. Fullum is now head Columbia accepted Princeton's invi-
of the Annapolis Naval Academy, suc-
, ceeding Captain John H. Bibons, now
commander of the battleship Louisi-
_ ana.
; Mrs. Mannie C. N. Maddock be-
queathed $20,000 to Miss Bessie Beat ,
ty, a newspaper reporter of San Fran- Prince William of Wied has accepted s
“elsco to be used by her in behalf of | the Albanian throne. good breeding. . E
poor children. The new military Zeppelin airship| Courtesy in the community is an
John Caster, of Detroit, found his, attained a speed of 66 miles an hour | ©Vidence of good citizenship.
"16-year-old daughter, Alice, who was | between Friedrischaven to Potsdam. The exercise of courtesy produces
kidnapped by her mother five years Fausto Mora, an American manufac- | profitable relations in society, in busi-
©go, In charge of the Milwaukee po- turer, who died at Nice, France, left | ness, in community life.
dice, accused of begging. an estate valued at $2,000,000. Why do people patronize a particu-
¢ Frank A. Trexler, of Allentown, Pa., Frederick W. Vanderbilt's yacht lar store in your town? One reason is
% op oimea Sind of the : om hifi Vii oats naar Se because the owner and his associates
uperio vanilla, on the Co ast, 5 : 3
foto torn James A. Beaver. been abandoned a total loss. appreciate the value of the pleasant
Iodide of potassium has been suc- General “El Mocho” Hernandez, the | STile and the kindly world.
cessfully applied in Baltimore in three Venezuelan exile and former minister| Why is one town a better trad-
cases of bichloride of mercury pois- at Washington, left Trinidad for the | ing town than another? One reason—
| perhaps the principal reason—is be-
oming. United States.
Suffragettes plan another demon-| The pew steamship Frederick VIII | cause the people are graciously dis-
posed to the stranger, the street tar
fungus diseases of various kinds.”
Community Courtesy.
Carnegie, May 9.
Courtesy in the home is a mark of
blouse in
black and
same idea
stration before Congress, May 9. left Copenhagen for New York on her
t It is estimated that the Panama maiden trip.
Canal will cost $3,600,000 yearly to OP-| More'than 31,000 farmers called upon
etate. | King Gustav and offered financial aid
“Windy” Nickman, a ranchman of | for the Swedish army and navy, |
Jackson, Wyo. was killed by an ava-| . A delegation of citizens demanded | Think now, the best town of your
fanche. | that Admiral K. Fujii commit hari. | @cquaintance is the town where yo
Represe kari because of his alleged connection | have had the best treatment, wher
Ht with the Tokio graft case. | your experience with the people has |
the policeman on the corner solici-
tous of the public welfare’and ease.
1tative > introduced a
struct a naval armor plant
"| FOLEY FAMILY WoRM canopy |:
Always Successful - Childrer. Like It
suit of dark powder blue broadcloth,
with one of the little, odd slashed
coats, short and cut away in front,
and with a longer back. The only
ornamental feature outside of the
be exceedingly popular especially
An afternoon gown was of change-
The ccntrac which was |gives them protection from outside |S desired. Straps of the
mer after the leayes are large enough | 20d a little monkey jacket in blouse
form could be worn with its match-
A Dbiouse of blue chiffon over
* such as Tent Caterpillars, and also white net, the long shoulder con-
i ;
tation to hold a rowing meet at Lake tinued into fhe sleeve, had cordings uchon.
of black satin and frills of white net
hemstitched in black. Another blouse
of shadow lace made up on kimono
lines over a plain net lining had | oo ot Form of Skin Trouble Quickly line with no motor in which to use it.
touches of grass green chiffon in ;
little hemstitched reveres and sleeve
Both combined perfectly with
either dress,
another complete change in the ef- .
fodh of to oat oat tiny [It Is necessary to use some disgust- | ters.
washable voile blouses, and a couple |2 Pure and simple cream that is
of dancing frocks and a sport coat |guaranteed to contain no grease or
of yellow duvetyn completed an out- | 2cids and which is so cleanly that
fit that would meet the needs #t|it does not soil the linen.
the trip and last over well. The
any desired color tone, care being soft, white and beautiful is almost
always taken that the
conductors are pleasant mannered, harmonized.
this season hats built of taffeta are | Hokara at small expense—Drug Store | Runab
Notice yf n od DN i | 3 3t aoreeahbhle 4 i sia : 13° . s » - |
Notice of the rod on in the | been the most agreeable. smartly worn, but those either al] arc selling a liberal sized Jar at 2c | 73 Frees
ase on Yr eng Is that town, your town? —From the | silk or combined with Tag I 1 nd in addition guarantee to refund |
he garette indu me iti, | . : 2 |
given by Mr. Bn “ic.e at Citizen. {are a g the smartes if the treatment does
: Cohs ; OTE Hats of black straw with
brims, or in
have trimmings
hand a big stock of Galvanized Iron in large sizes.
let us quote you prices. Tanks made to’ your order. :
Order Early and Save Delay.
buttons, was a vest of |
Blue, by the way, will
soft shades known as
um’’ or ‘‘powder’’ blues. :
e and black t.ffeta, made
prettily draped skirt, with
this ur
‘a eo
in the
with ©
of the
had bu
been s
ta, Mi
Victor |
erof t
they 1
if enac
onahle over tunic arranged
it could be worn or not
silk in
shape, running over the
and fastening at the waist
back were Also adjustable,
bon and a melange of color added |
in small but vividly colored flowers.
The new Georgette sailor suggests a |
small Derby in shape, and has the
crown covered by littie frills of 3.4
in black moire ribbon. An onting
Court Conclusions.
The only difference between chas-
ing rainbows and political jobs is the
fact that there is no pot of gold at
the end of the latter.
stiff little up-standing end of the
material caught to the middle front
of the soft crown by a large jet cab-
the soul, but it isn’t the church peo-
ple who have the stained-glass win-
dows. :
A playwright is a gentleman who is
always tearing his hair and declaring
that the actors play wrong.
Ambition with some people is gaso-
Itching !rrita‘ion
Relieved by Inexpensive Treat- -_—
ment. A healthy man is a king in his own
) > i i ight; an unhealthy man an unhappy
and taffeta shirt] When you suffer with any skin | rig ] ]
aise oii made stil | trouble, even though the itching slave. For impure blood and slug-
seems unbearable, do not think that |gish liver, use Burdcck Blood Bit~
Ou the market 35 years. ad
white check, with a few |iDZ, greasy ointment, Try Hokara,
Its power to instantly relieve any
could be carried out in|irritation of the skin and make it
Shades, a) Not only do minor skin troubles
like pimples, blackheads, acne, bar-
ber’s itch, ete., quickly disappear,
but the worst ulcers or cases of salt
rheum or eczema are cleansed and
healed by this wonderful skin food. %
In order that any one may try | 4
$200 to $815 Guaranteed | Year B
850 down and balance in monthly pay-
ments will buy any car under our future
delivery plan, and 4% interest will be
paid on the deposit.
Guaranteed Refund Plan, under |
termsof which 904 of {he price paid
for any ear or truck will be refund-
ed, if desired, within 6 months,
| Touring Cars,
As usual at
that is claimed for it.
n a guarantee by 8S. E. Thor-
Druggist. ad g|
of moire
every p
and out
to the f
the par
to repre
the {Pre
city of
time we
nearly e
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Sold by