5 FALL AND WINT The Only Real Sale In ny With The Greatest OUR BIG CLOSING OUT SALE! OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE !| rime Sale Starts Saturday, January 31, and Will Continue During the Entire Month of F ebruary. Values Offered By Any Store at M eye ersdale | § The Most Important Sale Women’s and Children’s Clothing, Shoes, Hats Furnishings, etc. ever brought to your attention. Never have such fine goods been so unmercifully sacrificed It will pay you to come to this store from miles around. It does not matter about other sales ~~ Our sale has no competitor. | his is a sale of the COHEN'S standard of reliable merchandise at the most radical reduction you ever heard of This Is Your Opportunity---Act Quickly ! Only pne motive back «f this sale. That is to close out the entire stock in the shortest possible time ~~ Cost is not considered in man. cases barely covering the raw g material. Everyone knows of the reliable goods carried by this store, We do not or i ever have offered for sale any old st les. shodd, or job: lot goods usually bought for : special sales. We positively guarantee that every garment offered for sale will De this season's styles. of Men's, Come Prepared for the Bargains of Your Life! You Won’t be Disappointed ! ¢ GOST NOT CONSIDERED. Ne IS THE ORDER OF He DAY. EO SELL! FLL! rything of Men's. this terrific Everything Must Be Sold. We don't care how little this magnificent stock brings W e promise you this will be before and perhaps never agin Profits will dis: appear and cos: lost lost sight of entire], Aomen’s and hildren’s so low that it is beyond the possibility of mere PRICE-CUIL TING CARNIVAL We must clear out eve the greatest sale ever held in Meyersdale. Never #4 will such a grand opportunity be placed before you. 1 Think of it —this grand stock tiats, Furnishings. etc, at prices words to convey the slightest inkling of Clothing Shoes Car Fare Refunded. To show our appreciation to our many out of-town customers attending this sale COHEN'S will refund the full fare on all purchases of $20 oo or more. ~ MEYERSDALE, PENN'A > ° Come---Investigate, A chance like this comes but once in a life time. It ¥ COME! is here now. Grasp it—take advantage of it, Be here earl. — it will pay you. =~ For Want of CONGRESSMAN CARR | SAILORS ON GUARD. | BUSY. — ¢ ; Port Au Prince, Haiti, Jan. 28.— i Armed detachments of American | if © Ongressmon Wooda N. Carr, on | | sailors from the armored cruiser Mon- | fr "Tuesday intreduced a bill in the House | tana were today on guard at the Healtny chickens need no medica ooking to the establishment of the | American legation, the cable’'station | or stimulants. ’ * ss = government agmor plate in Fayette and the French hospital. German | wounty. Although: Aridi favoring | bluejackets and marines were placed | Reading, breeding, feeding and care asontown, the congressman in his| On protection duty at other foreign | hii bring success to most any pouk ’ ill asks the sppointment of a come lapations and at the German stores | ‘TYman. ‘mission tae visit the county to report in phe city | The henhouse should be very care on the most switable.location. ~This | .. Landing parties were sent ashore | fully cleaned during the hot weather | & commission wozld be appointed by from the American and German war of early fall, ‘the Secretary of the Navy, and would | vessels yesterday when =President, | consist of three members, the pre- Michel Oreste ffcd for refuge to the | ‘siding officer te 2old the rank of rear | German cruiser. Vineta after fighting ia 1miral. broke out in the, streets of the capital. | : The board is fe make a report to| mpe’ music is” ‘going to be a noted | ‘the Secretary of the Navy as to the | | featurerin the Batuy’s Degree gs all { dp ® x = * 2 @ Give the fowls plenty of pure; fresh water, and wash their drinking dishes every day. | : LA > " For head lice, sw eet ‘ofl rubbed ml s not so harsh as kerosene but just suitability of sites examined, taking | tainment. as effective, dinto consideration cost. original cost | —_—_——— of plant, cost of manufacture, facility | $5 00 Boys’ Suits reduced to $2.98 of distribution, ete. | at the Underselling Store. ; : oH | —_—_—— ‘A mumber of towns in Fayette | ©oemunty, through their boards of trade, Roup—Profit destroying, contagious ove “started movements looking to | troubie-maker. Positively preyented Sthe establishment in their limits of | and cured by Pratts Roup Remedy : the Government armor plant,” said | (Tablets or Powder). Sold on money i Ni Carr. ‘Point Marion and Mason. | back guarantee by Habel & Phillips | i : and Cover & Son. ; Town, on the Monongahela river, and | : Uniontown are! pinfeathers ust a all be removed. | They all «