ho can ame af clothes: te. r the teles onl ren’s nute y full & Be a Pa. 1 aA ERE € Veek. abrics of her with It will here in own will ar price, diseases, oda, reg- orant for ¥ 30¢. sc Vice regular , Para- Godfrey's ge Bn wr Sakina & el e tor in Somerset Monday. ‘business yisitor here on Tuesday. ‘Rockwood, with relatives and friends. be Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. C. H. Dia was a business visitor at Somerset yesterday. Misses Mae Diehl, and Gaza Deal were business vyisitors at Somerset Wednesday. Ike Weinstein, was a visitor with friends at Uniontown and McKeec- port, a few days last week. Miss Margaret Dom, of Pittsburgh, is a guest at the home of Mrs. H. J. Wilmoth, of the South Side. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crowe, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garlets, at Sand Patch. Tazwell Ellett and Thomas Came- G. W. Collins was a business visi- Mrs. Ed. Donges spent Tuesday with relatives at Salisbury. : ; A. H. Johnson spent Tuesday with relatives and friends at Berlin. Harry May, of Johnstown, was a John Stacer, spent Friday last at Dr. H. C. McKinley, spent Friday afternoon of last week in Salis- bury. * Miss Florence Meyers is spending’ the week visiting friends in Cum-|__ =. Eo Va ee berland, Md. day yisitors hero ‘with friends, Charles Dunne, spent Friday and | ; Saturday with relatives and friends in Pittsburgh. ; . A. M: Hicks, of Summit Mills, was in town on Monday and advanced his subscription. Miss Oatharine Meyers, spent Sat- nrday and Sunday with friends ab Quamberland, Md. 7..& ‘0. Engineer Joseph Crone, of Johnstown, spent Wednesday ‘here with his many friends. H. L. Long, formerly of this place but now of Connellsyille, was ia bus- iiness visitor here ‘Wednesday. E. M. Crigsinger, of Deal, transact- ‘ed business in town on Saturday and while here advanced his subserip- | tion. wy I : improving slevly. : Miss Alpha Gill, lett Monday for| Mis ©. E. Crowe. is spending a Hendricks, W. Va., where she will | go days v& this wedks ia Cam: gen a few Weeks visiting relatives | periand, Md., with her teri and friengier | | {law,, Mrs. Floyd Crowe, of near Messrs. James amd Hawry Ham- | Frostburg, who is in the Aldagany "mond, of Pittsburgh, were visitors ' Hospital, in ‘that city. here a few days last week aith rela- Le ated tive .and friends. There is a Big Sale going on at 0. R. Martens .nd John Jack and the Underselling Store and some Big son-in-law of near the White Oak | Bargains offered. ad church were transacting business in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Ella Snyder, of Rockwood, spent Wednesday bere with her sit- ter, Mrs. James Darnley, of Front street, South Side. : Mr. and Mrs. Casper Rohman, of “Cumberland, Md., spent: Wednesday here with the former’s sister, Mrs. Daniel Dahl, who is ill. H. H. Lang, clever manager of the 20th Century Mig., Co.. of Boynton, Elmer M. Crissinger, of near Dea’, will sell on Thursday February 12th, live stock and farm implements. Mrs. Wm. H. Dill and Mrs. Bruce Lichty, left Saturday eyening on No. 16, for Washington, I}. C., where they spent several days :at the home of Hon. and Mrs. 8. A. Kendall. ‘Rev. Patrick Kitrick, and Rev. James Gilmore, of Pittsburgh, are spending a few days here with thejr friend, Rev. Father Brady, at the Catholic parsonage on High street ! Miss Ruth Gerletz, was takem to’ Cumberland Md., one day last week and placed inthe Allegany Hospital for treatment. She had been iin poor health for some time and iis Don’t forget Betty’s Friday February 6th. A PLEASURE PARTY. A sleighing party was given by Miss Martha Glessner to a few of her friends. They drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hay’s in Brothersvalley twp., where a delight- ful eyeming was spent in playing games and” with music. A delicious Degree on ove. Absolutely Pure ROYAL—the most celebrated of all the Balding powders in the world—celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, ete., healthful, it % insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the low priced brands. FARMERS INSTITUTE: [SUCCESSFUL FOX HUNT. ‘The Farmers Institute which was| Op Meouday morning Frank Miller, eld iin Hays opera house in Salisbury | and Samuel Rosenberger started out on Friday and Saturday, January 23 | op g fox hunt in the locality of Glade and 24, was the best ome ever held, |gjty and about 3:00 o’cleck they both in point of attendamce amd im-| stumed, each one carrying a fine structiveness. Every session W&S orgy fox on his-shoulders, the result well attended and at the sessions ON | of the morning hants on = Friday night and Saturday atternoon | ithe large ball: was filled to overflow- |. Rai e ws : ing, . The instructors discourses Were SOMERSET MUTUAL FIRE entertaining as well as te | and many who are seldom seen to : even smile were really made #0 laugh | At the Anvudl Election of this INSURANCE COMPANY. SHEET Sailing Down Chesapeake Bay, er Kiss Me Good Night. Curse of an Aching Heart. That International Rag. On the Old Front Porch, i 15¢ Per Copy, Postpaid. MUSIC. | A few popular sellers from our big stock of 1, 500 selections “are here listed. Renfember we order anything not in steels § | YL tt Sing Me the Rosary COLLINS’ DRUG STORE, | <3 The Ire Hartley Block re so. f 5 - ore ob Sore I es-{ » Meyersdale, Pa. BALTIMORE ALL - RAL. TOURS RETURN LIMIT 18 DAYS ROUND VIA . TRIP $49.60 WASHINGTON AND ATLANTIC COAST LINE JARUARY 28 AND SEABOARD AIR LINE ‘FEBRUARY 9 AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY FEBRUARY 27 by ‘Bob’, Seeds, one of the instruc- [Company held January 8th, 1914, in tors and a practical joker and story | the Store Room of Chas, H. Fisher, teller. The Saturday evening session [& Son. Somerset, : Pa., all. the old was dispensed with on account of the | Directors were re-elected (by: unani- spend Sunday. | participated in person, or by Proxy,) Prof. Menges who was here several | as follows: —J. P. Statler, Jonas M. years ago at an institute was well re-, Cock, Chas. H. Fisher, F. B. Gran- ceived and handled the subjects as- ger, Dr. G. B. Hough, R. E. Beerits signed him, *‘with out gloves.” |and M. J. Pritts, of Somerset, Pa.; Robert 8. Seeds had his audience Josiah Specht, Kantner, Pa.; R. C. laughing all the time. | Heffiey, Berlin, Pa.; C.F. ‘Miller, E. B. Dorset made quite a bit on i Rockwood, Pa. ; R. M.Gochnour, Wind- Friday cvening with bis ledimge|loy Pa:i 1 P. Dull, Hooversville, Pa, “America’s Unerowned Queen’’ and 80d V. M. Black, Con HeDCOs Pa. the Woman’s Suffrage discourse by Pursuant to notiee, immediately Mrs. E. E. Kiernan on Saturday following the Election which closed afternoon was also quite interesting. at iP. Me Directors (12 out of a There is no other place in the coun- | possible 13) met.in the Home Office, ty hire more susoomful Fumare | No, 1 Esk Patric set, Mocting . 3 alia 1 ’ Institutes are held than in Salisbury. | and after transacrion of ot. ryctiioss ‘for the close of the year 1913, the eee eee . instructors wancing to get home to 'mous vote of the Policy Holders who | a a made a pleasant call ;at The Com- mercial office last evening. Mrs. John Schardh, left Monday for Magnolia, W. Va., for a visit “with her son-in-law and daughter, “Mr. and Mrs. James Judge. Mrs. George Langlott, of Ralphton, was a guest at the home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. George Bfeiffer, of Olinger street, a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders, of _ . Markleton, spent Sunday here at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. CO. E. Crowe, of Meyers avenue. Nelson Gerhart, of Somerset, spent Saturday and Sunday here with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gerhart, of Olinger street. Mrs. W. W. Stiver, and little son of Everett, are visiting ab the home of the former’s = son-indaw and ‘daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Naugle. James Hollman, and Miss Rhoda Cable of Cumberland, Md., ware Sun- day visitors here at the home of Mr. and Mrs..J ohn Schardt, at the .Ameri- can House. Miss Mand Hady, who is working. in Cumberland, Md., spent -seyeral days of the past week here with her paments, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hady, of Large street. “Mrs. Mary Weller, of Hyndman, spent several days during the week here visiting her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ham- mers, of Breadway street. Mrs. John Ball, and daughter Mrs. 1. E. Starnes, of Lonaconing, Md., wisited the former’s daughter, Mrs. Henry Engle, of Route No. 1, Mey- ersdale, several days last week. Misses Ethel and Edna Machey’ of Lonaconing, Md., were guests at the home of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. James Darnley, of Front street, South Side, several days last week. Mrs. Nelson Ressler, who had been spending seyeral days here with her friends, the Misses Coulehan, of North street, returned to her home in Cumberland, Md., Sunday even- ing on No. 16. Rey. Father Brady received word from Bison, Wyoming, on Sunday, stating that his brother, Joseph Brady, was seriously ill. Mr. Brady left his home inf Lonaconing, Md., several weeks ago to visit friends in the west. Father Bradyjireceived a message yesterday, saying that his brother was out of danger, | Missas Janette House for Rent—QCorner: Salisbt.y supper was seryed. street and Fifth avenue, Apply. to | Those present were :—Misses Grace Weller, ©Orpha Meyers, Louise Comp- ton, Elizabeth Irwin, Martha Gless- ner, H®mmeline ~~ Hocking, Bertha Glessner, Lenore Collins and Helen Bolden. Messrs. George (Griffith, Samuel Greer, Leslie S8totler, Frank Hocking, Samuel Meyers, John Boucher, Jesse Matthias and Robert Thornley. : The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Glessner and Miss Evelyn Truxal. —— eee Ice cream anu cake wili be served | after the Betly’s Degree Entertaiv- | ment. : ad’ | | EX-SENATOR CULLOM | IS DEAD. +1 Senator Shelby M. Cullom, of Illinois, died here today after an illness of more thana week, during which he hovered | between life and death. His last words | were a wish that he might live to see BOSWELL TEACHERS TAKE A SLEIGH RIDE. the completion of the national em- | orial to Abranam Lincoln, wi was q A pig vied of Boowen bose oe his personal friend. \ Ein . toyestown lasi, Sunday as Since his retirement from the Senate were guests of Maurice A. Straub A ER : last March Mr. Cullom had been resi- at the home of his parents, Mr. and siad = Fa dent commissioner of the commission Mrs. Jacob Straub. They were served tod. by. Congress 40 “build the with an excellent dinner. In addi- | “F®*% y Bre if tion to Maurice Straub, who teaehes | $2,000,000 Lincol » memorial. at Boswell, -there were present: A little more than a week ago he was Laney, Beatrice | seized with grip. His advanced age Weigle, Winifred Weigle, Mildred Orossland, Martha Will and Matilda A. Temke, Prof. Wm. E. Troutman, and Prof. Merle Miller. wonderfull vitality posponed the end from one sinking spell to another. His mind was clear to the last. He. was |.85 years old and had a record of “5 DELIGHTFUL SLEIGHING! years of continuous public Jervice. : | Today it was decided to have a brief PARTY. | funeral se.vice at the Cullom home on Lact Thasder: ovens : 3] Massachusetts avenue at 100’clock to- iy evening a& party Of | prow morning and take the body to Jonas Dons of Meyorelaly Springfield, I1l., on a train leaving at Keidel, near Mance Games and 11:45 a. m., where the former senator’s : : nA ifrét and ‘second wives and all his music formed the principal entertain- children are buried. 5a ment, but the feature of the evening | 3 4 : was the German song rendered by REDUCTION OF EXPRESS Mr. Keidel. An oyster supper was ? served. After spending a most pleas- RATES. {ant evening and enjoying the hospi- tality of Mr. Keidel’s home the party returned to Meyersdale in good time for breakfast, reaching home about four o’clock in the morning. TAKE NOTICE. ———— Members cf Dale Lodge No. 810, business of importance requires your attendance. Business Second degree. All Odd Fellows are cordially invited to attend the meetings every Thurs- day evening. H. G. WiLL, . Secretary. — Your Fowls Need Pratts Poultry Regulator now to produce more eggs and build up your breeding stock. Sold on money back guarantee by Habel & Phillips and Cover & Son, ad The new express rates will go. into effect February 1st, cutting the for- rates almost in two. This is one ‘of the resuits of the Parcels Post law, in which the public gets the benefit. Take for example the rate between New York and Chicago: 8 Ibs. 10 ibs. 60c. 75¢ $1.00 3le. 42¢. .64 If the express companies are able | to make money at the new rate, some conception can be had of the bonanza which the companies enjoyed before the Parcels Post ‘‘butted in.’? 20 1bs. Old rate New rate bowels, will lead to chronic consti- pation, Doan’s’ Regulets operate ad Kuffert Sisters, 227 Salisbury St. op WASHINGTON, Jan. 28,—Former | $1,110,660 00 Insurance in’ Force, to- ‘interest, coined by the Secretary of Tthis Company, which are “incorpora- put his recoyery beyond hope, but his | | inal court being selected from these Harsh physics react, weaken the|’ easily. 25c a box at all stores. ad Board adjourned Sine Die. M. J. Pritts, Esq , was then mace emporary Chairman for re-orgaci- zation, which resulted as follows: President, J. P. Statler; Vice Presi- ent, Josiah Specht; Secretary-Treas- urer and Manager, Jonas M. Cook; Assistan' Manager, Chas. H. Fisher, A report of the year’s work submit- ted by the Secretary proved to be entirely satisfactory. and = with gether with all Pire Losses and ex- penses Paid, the prospects for this Company are quite encouraging to both Policy Holders and Directors, and the Secretary gives assurance that not a stone will be left unturn- ed to reach the TWO MILLION mark within the next few years. Following are three items of vital ted with the Yearly Financial State- ments mniailed to each Policy Holder of the Company: . ‘WANTED—Less Fires ‘and Lower Assessments? | 1 ere PRECAUTION—Allow No Accu- mulation of Rubbish Within or About Your Buildings. ETERNAL VIGILANCE—Will Re- duce Our Fire Losses. ad NEW JURY COMMISSION- . ERS MAKE RECORD Although neither of the new jury eommissioners reside in Somerset borough or gin Somerset townships, their maiden effort in drawing a jury from the wheel resulted in one-third of the petit jury that hill serve at the February term of crim- two disyricts. Forty petit jurors were drawn, of whom thirteen live either in the borough or in the township. For years there has been complaint that too many jurymen are annually selected from the county seat and im- mediate vicinity. Windber, Meyers- dale, Berlin, Rockwood, Boswell and other places haye contended that their share of jurors was not pro- portionate to the importance of those towns. The new jury commissioners estab- rished a record percentage for Som- erset. as never before had there been as high as one-third selected from here. rere resmesamenbseecsenees. Ladies’ Patent Leather Lace or Button Shoes atr 98c at the Undersell- VIA WASHINGTON OR BALTIMORE T0 FLORIDA | ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET GIVING FULL INFORMATION AT TICKET OFF1 E & OHIOR. R. 3 RAIL AND WATER TOURS RETURN LIMIT 21 DAYS Ru? $3600 Fron: ANDM & M. T Co. Steamers , JANUARY 28 FEBRUARY 8 FEBRUARY 27 1 x 9, i WAIT FC ~ MEER & COLLIW iAnnual White Goods SALE! ll New, Fresh Goods Made in the © Very Latest Styles. Lior—— crm =or—=5 & 0 ERE I EO EEE OE > IT! Thursday, Friday and Saturday, | February 5, 6 and 7. I A “mg, i, oN, ol, Se i Th. Th OO) on, o Qu, 0 Wy, Wa, «Ti, «Wa, 0 WW, oY, 5% HARTLEY & BALDWIN Zz T= We thank our many friends for the splendid patronage extended us during the Red Letter Sale and / now remind you that the special sale Closes on Saturday, Jan. 31st. Hartley & Baldwin "(The Homo of Hart. Schaffer & Marx Clothes.) PAS For Sale. A four horse power, gasoline engine in good repair—for sale, cheap, for cash. Also a ten gallon gasolene tank Apply, at The Commercial office. MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by McKenzie & Smith. PAYING PRICE. Butter, per pound........... ......... 28-30¢ Eggs, per doz..................... veeen.28-30C Chickens, per pound..........c.c..... , 10ec Country Side, per pound....... ....14-16¢ Apple butter, per gal......... scnadniehien 65¢ Ham......coi.coninineen. ertiscansives saniiens 16c ese ing Store. ad ream a | C TABLE fo Stomach Sweet - Liver Active -Bowels Regular IS | PRIVATE SALE Valuable Real Estate! Consisting of a 56 acre farm, in Summit township. Somerset county, Pa.. known 1s the aniel Joonson farm, naving thereon erected 2 good sized bank barn, dwelling house, machine shed, wash house with furnace, blacksmith and repair shop. and ali other neeessary out buildings. The farm is level and under good cultigation. A large orcuard Of selected varieties of fruits, and very aroauctive. { Aspring of never falling water is on the { farm ‘Luis farm will be sold at private sale. | and persons desiring to view she farm and | know terms will call on the owner. ADAM D., JOBNSON, i | dec.25-f R. D. No. 2, Garrett, Pa. Keep your hens busy leggs in spite of cold | using Prafts Poult: {on ack DACK shelling ou$ weather by Regulator. Seid intee by Habel ad 1& Ph 2010, AE di a Rh cd Sa LAT Rg Fy wi 5. ’ v 3 So a MR