7 i CL ee _- - Hh “ A RE SE NIE 1 to ET : TT : para UR IRR me 1a Er pa = } - YE | tor. The will was dated July 28th, raps ~ pm Te — — [1 BNE Bie : » ’ HM X A? 3 a Tee me '% o | 1013, and witnessed by Aaron C. Hol- iifE ge! 4 i j { i - . RE 5 [Sys Prous A. Holbert. fra sti fu il eid i 1 i Before You Bu a n, ~ C ary 1 Orok: ; : teal izabeth Bak T, late of Somerset | ais dldd ofp) 1m nin bey ki gy PZ | § y vircdm separator ear rphans { ourt Proceedings, | Ewp., lett her entire estate to Mrs { ‘1 1.11 g1 Bf §EEE Vii - — 3 [1 o : : {Ida Casebeer. The will was dated i ] J JE Tiiis € rH : w 7 i FIRST SEE AND T Real Estate, Marriage | April 22rd, 1903, and witnessed by | Fowl | LLU I ©. A 5 A i / RY : . { Wm. Shaffer, and Wm. H Berkey “i } xd GP 2? E ld Licences, Etec. | ; ’ ie Da a i w 4 ’ Leal Baker, late of Milford twp., | Lata Gathered To Be Used OY rrr] c ( directed that her estate shall be = Shin Bal 'PROFITABL A . eal- REAL ESTATE. equally divided among her three For Public Reference Use |. E WigioHy or Pies) THE E ? ead George S. Mowry to George B.|daughters, Mrs.. Catharine Barkman, nn ArT | {Experiments Prove Conclusively That| BEST SEPARATOR MADE | Sleek, Windver.' $1.302. Mrs. Cora Barnes, and Mrs. Ell ki i tq IRE CET + Animal Should Never Be Fed After || SEE Office 2 Adam Rose to Bli Shaffer, Paint Lindeman. She appointed Walter W. sn - Nine: Months: ot. J T YODER iin twp., $1,200. Knable executor, The will was dated i i fash, Ia A : ? y John - > s to Pp. $1, June 25th, 1910. and Witnornad Public Service Commission Names | Experiments made for the purpose Stow, Penn 8 b N. E. Menges to Arthur A. Basil, Maude P Vo eland Cle Mi:lh y VEruaTy 20 33 Day it Will Hear usta the Hie Seg DY Shade twp., $350. + YO ara Mi:lhouse. Public Complaints — Other of a pig show conclusively that he Sa vay O. B. Lohr to Eli Bendick, Shade William F. Blair late of; Quema Tapitel News Notes, id Sheu Is fed hevens Sight or nth twp., $200. honing twp., left $20 to the Stoyes- > ne months old, and the largest profit S E A S A B ! = E. H Cam to. Morotants o town cornet band for playing at his (By Our Special Harrisburg is ound, as a rule, in a eight not ex- i= or re] : g on to Merchants Coal funeral; $5 to the Rev. Frank J. Correspondent.) Sete 200 pounds. What is known : -» Jenner twp., $18,500, Wetzel, pastor of the Stoyestown Re- tlarrisburg, Pa. ae gas food of support, says a writer S Uagag ES I 10 NS John Kooser’s heirs to Thomas | formed church, for preaching his Engineers of the state water sup TRaR Re a Home, blays 3 very Blair Palmer, Jefferson twp., $15,012. | funeral sermon and $15 for teams to| Ply Commission have started in the of large a © profit and loss | . x Ia . 1 LS, v ing Mary H. Hay to Albert B. Lowry, | convey the mourners to the last sa Jie ns to make an - ' Suppose, as many farmers say, that OUR COUGH CURE T. Salisbury, $600 rites over his body in the I. 0.0. & Se Sy aler Issowrces of Laiplg id Het.vo be ki il cou y . ; «0.0. F. Solve diel 7) 3 lled until h ith BD. 1. Scenes to Wares ¥ [osmetery’ at Stoyestown. ‘Hs lor) Pouan Da ororamee with the | reaches 300 pounds. He tes take | Kills the cough, and cures the cougher. : ) DoS act of July 25, 1913, and are making h ic : 5 | 5 as— Ainsworth, Jenner twp., $1. tag balunoe of his estate to Mrs. for public reference use Sosorinnn | Irom ne food An JnoTeasing amount | OUR COLD CURE J Catharine Barndt, who is named as] of 11 a ivers 3 i arian ope ¥ fo support or maintain the - Israel Bruner to Allen W. Bruner, i all the rivers and. imporiant weight already gaine Is a checker that cl to All : executrix. The wiil was dated No- eams, lakes and major. ponds, show. . Jeady.- gainsy, or; elye Ne : at checks the cold every ti O 6 en W. Bruner, Milford twp., $ £ joriponds, show-| drops back . The experiments mdi | oua tee . y time, ur — $8,000. . vember 5th, 1912, and witnessed by | ing locations, size, elevation, depth, cate. that two A msn Sit sHarantee goes with every package s : John H. Custer and John Miller. | capacity and possible use.” The inven. weig hf 5 per ou ro ge ; Re a mahoning Son Co., to Eli P. ° tory is also to include mineral springs, hic Say ry hi Sach! RUB BER BLOOD WARMERS ams, Somerset twp, $1, Ww - Which abound in some parts of the i Weights ‘here is ¢ 1 ; omen and Wet Feet f Bbour Some parts o e If the animal weighs 300 pounds | ere 1s comfort in the use of I 17 G. D. Miller, to Estie Hollada, Elk State, the larger springs and data rel- this amou ix | / 1 ee lot Waray / ’ oo : AT nts to six pounds of food | Bott e. vw ] 1 2S - - Lick twp., $500. Cold and wet feet are a dangerous ed Tater suanly en Water power | daily, or over 40 bounds per week, | able wil Ye tlie the highesi grade, at a reas Foi X Joseph Lezzak to Ferdinand Yishi, | combination especially to women and This information is to be supple and as the only profit is the food that | ! : ye “indber, $600. congestedkidneys often result. Back-| mented by complete rainfall records Wy brit No Poa gig F B THOMAS LEADING DRUGGIST omens (| Mahlon R. Hay, to Edward 0. |ache, urinary irregularities and rhen- | 2t 811 points where observations have ‘consumed per i pi ji ; : ’ Both Pho er bse Martin, Brothersvalley twp., $195. matic fever are not unusual resuite, Been under way and the working out profit whatever is reaped. It follows | MEYSaIDatE Pa Charles Livingston to Windber| Foley Kidney Pills restore the regu- rl ey Roo stab. | jt the more money can be made es : : : : gs along es of that estab , 3 Iki rrr man. Coal Mining Co., Shade twp., $5,000. Yr apa Bona] action of kidneys | jisnoq If summer and fall on the fom young hogs killed at a medium (ys SC FL) Simon P. Naugle to Pasquale Pav of | the Sb Ta khe Fi West branch of the Susquehanna. The . . rorking- ette, Windber, $300. he -aaCOntain mo habit | effect of recent floods, including the : A th 7 : aination Sainnal Nonzle 40. Jorn pax forming drugs. great flood of last March, in the river OVERFEED HORSES WITH HAY no er IJ rice Reduction | propos- Paint twp., $1,100 ossna, Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. valleys in Mercer, Lawrence and Bea. - : nos: a 2.3 ; : y . eg ver counties and the Allegheny valley, I Stomach Is Kept Full of Bulky Food | SUN BE roline Spangler to * 2- i ids a itag | '8 also to be given attenti insylya- man, oor ri ont Stutz Spraying to Aid Scale Parasites The Felt 4 i ee rlated by os ig on AM MAZDA LAM PS : : P., $1,000. : 2 2 ¥ : in the Beier: Spangler. to rns Sion December 1 so that it can be trans. Buy National Mazda lamps f : t, with mr ir pi : Ye in gentleman from Bedford county | Mitted to the next legislature, togeth- Too much hay fed to the farm horse prices are lowest, Replace tl ary socket, in the house now while | d as the om, P., $1,500. yh wrote to Prof. H. A. Surface, State |" With proposed acts. 1s an injury and often lessens his | azda lamps and get three times a Tams mn sficiont National . help Wind _ Homer to Lizzie Custer, Zoologist, Harsisburg, Pa., asking *‘if working efficiency, according to the | bense—BEFORE YOU pay YOUR NEXT LIGHT Bro *anionil ex. on has Ce 5 - oon " the newspaper accounts concerning a The b Sime Charities, regan Sibel n ofp n sym- ge G. KeimJto Harry A. Tos-| parasite destroying San Jose scale ¢ Doard of public charities has Es He THESE PRICES N ia : st: i % ¢ NOW tFFE . > made Pon, Somerset twp.. $1 were correct,’’ and also asked for in- a 2 Statement showing that $20,- tg Ss a » Tokers agen, 35¢ each 40 ECE 85¢ er nd the Cloyd B. Lohr, to Charles A. Gable, | formation concerning the parasite and legislature for i out by tr | Work 1s imposed on the respiratory 20 watt Beat 0 wash 1... oe cach 8 their Shade twp., $772. its work. To the abovs communica- governor to $16 855 ey ay at by ths system. Heaves, colic and other forms 25 wath.....,.. Pe Son 00 wash... .... 80c each ir pro- Peter Weimer, to Robert Larimer, Hon Professor Surface replied in cor- recommended $16,829,239.35 ood nis of Indigestion are often due. to this Put a Nati Milford twp., $200, sistency with his previous advice con- | is the most striking Instance Pia cause There is also a waste that Buy th 3 ational Mazda Lamp in Every Socket. easure, Cathari i * . |cerning the parasite, which is to tte | mown where the governor followed | S104 d he gonserved. =. a um In the Blue Convenience Ca ton— orl Sar ee to] BMattie | oro ot that the spray pump should not | ‘"e rccmmendations. of the Dont A horse weighing 1,000 pounds will Pte form as you need them. rton—keep a stock on hand. em = : , $1,550. he’ abandoned & ti ea the| [ever bpfore bus so srl as umount g more work and keep in better Phone orders filled, given ey Syebowa to Jasper Aug- | parasites have been cleaning:'up the |" $26.000 been known between rec- peal on 15 Pounds of hay daily than | : hi ustine, Addison twp., $250. : Ison. = is | C'mendations and eed Bim ten pounds) rohibib ’ scale on the premises. «The reply is| 2bprovals.. It is} by em- 0 W. H. Hechler to John Kooser’s | as foliows: BY ii : Toney ll 4 ing and he. wil periorm more Tabor : y e : “mount allowed for new institutions ; : o ore Jason : alcnla- heirs Jefferson twp., $10. ‘Concerning the parasites of the | as $310 000 i | With greater - th le ih : 1S ,000, including a quarte ns ; er ease than he would if pinions sw Josiah Hemminger, to Robert Lar. | San Jose scale I can saylthat it is ab-| l'on for the state industrial Sane i (ay Were kept before him all the : ys errr TT Tree, s z ~ 3 ’ : T = nen or v imer, Milford twp., $600. solutely true that they have cleaned | = “men. In addition the legi | ame; T i > y ; egislature al. | ™,™, fin 9 s Pl sident, dnd Jessie Jordon Parker to Maurice G. up the scale in nearly all the orchards | "Ved the department of health 52. | pounds cn ie 2g goon oT : | of the Shoemaker and others, Somerset, $110 this immediate region and in ad- Shon I the state's campaign pounds on ln oy fe an » 1 ] } aa 3 . 2aing erculo 2 o.Te8L,0 ; { fouoy O. Unberger to Henry K,|JS'RINg counties. Injmy own orchard | 2% FS! ‘oriawide attention. "** °* | his nutriment should be.gram, U verbal 22: Landis, Stonyureek twp., $10 o Hi one hundred acres I do not on. TR a ; : . i § : . EE RATE. ‘ovides Henry K. Landis to Frederick] Ink there is a live scale today. I Hear C 7 ; rickjMen- | 1.q a f : ear Compiaints. USEFUL FOR RINGING SWINE bor, of ‘s, Stonyer id a few apples of large size that ‘The public i : i t t U ploy 28, : yereek twp. $30. had never been sprayed for the scale | dete in a ormission has 3 All custom chopping ug 0 Se Pe Martin L. Menges to George D.|but the scale is dead on these due to] je ped to hold a hearing on sub. | Device Constructed on Plan of De- : a t their | , 0 Ct of passes and all matters relati ' horning Chute Will H ; 3 prac- Menges, Shade twp.. $1,000. the work of the parasites. However, | to free Service or reduced rates i 2 Different Ming Hoge 4 cents per bushel. 3 shion John B. Zigler to George D. Men-|I do not recommend abandoning the | their relation to the public service | Co : : 2 op ges, Shade twp., $75. use of the spray pump. A person is| company law before deciding the nu- My hog holder is made on the plan hannel ort oL. Hanlin to John J. Speich- | 3hsolutely foolish who infers this, and | MIOTOUS uestions which have arisen | of 8 dehorning chute and Js tn bon ES of, Jenner twp. $850. who does this. I have encouraged throughout the state ang Tuesday, | I have yet seen. It will hold a 30 R. F ° D. 2. 3 i the continued use of the Shed Jan. 20, was fixed as the time to hear | Pound pig or a 400-pound hog equally to His Wm. G. Miller to Blmer E. Lyons, Dot standin ti _— : y ump all persons interested. ‘well, at ringing time, writes W. C Middlecreek twp., $715. silts of 1. : epar-! This action was taken after consid- | Buffington of Guedo Springs, Kan. Meyer dale p d sina Fino: Tovons fo. Simon p. Lyons 2. > e yo e are doing the good eration of the requests for ruling on | In the Farmers Mail and Breeze. The . ha Bale rock tar. core. almed for them in cleaning it the question whether the new law pro- | frame is made of 2 by 4's bolted to yo > up. If your people are not using the hibits the issuance of passes to fam. .gether at top and bottom. The lever PROFESSIONAL CARDS. | ARRIAGE LICENSE, Spray pump it is not because there | ilies of railroad employes, the furnish. | May be shifted at the bottom to fit] ’ iy : Chauncey T. Davis of Somerset | 2r parasites present, but it is because | IN& Of free or reduced rates for trans. | : A. HO ENRY.AT-I aw imida- township and Harriet Landis of | they are indifferent or lazy. I have | POTtation, water, light, power and Sousrsur, Pun work: Shanksville. tried hard to induce spraying in that ovis 10 gusrizanle > Ruble P J = Uffice in ook % Beerits’ Block. up sts cedin Wm. B. Wagner of Salisbury ang | 80, and have offered many dem- ? nce or clerleal {| $5 s I fs : : ; es e orders and the numerous other prop. o Y/IRGIL R. SAYLOR, ) snoh Rose Zella McMahon of Garrett tations in pruning and spraying ositions that have arisen, p> nf A RY AL AY Sus ‘ The Commercial Press scan- . eounty, Md. Wherever they are reeded and wher- : $ 0ct.20-08. * gna Samuel Bolick, and Mary Toth, 50 te public will attend. As you Two Murderers to Die. 3 Handles I. som : : praying is necessary. Ifa man| Gov, T G. GROFF ; both of Jenner township. ? y : Tener has fixed Feb. 26 as the G. See} ection ; x p does mot spray thoroughly he docs] date for the execution of Frank wen JUSTICE OFTHE PEACE, > per- oD Maretncorky of Somerset | hut, little good. and Luigi de Leo, convicted of in For Holding Hogs. Deeds, Mortages Midnite 2 . i nsnip an osep ine ezoro, of i : 1 > yoxeouteq | dg oy er he Summit township. ha have advocated laws in| 2° 10 Fayette county. ‘large or small hogs’ heads. The open: PRPES amily madonind Y Smet ad. : 1s State compelling the cleaning up : ‘Ing in the lever and frame, which is Sa print- Ra 2 Foe ana Krechman, both of infected orchards and trees, and, in Sih Serves Pian Outlined. closed over the hog’s neck, is eight BUHL & GATESMAN, Ms Mayu - from 8 . y fact, had such a law ntrodu. CKs of complaints, in letter form | inches from the base. The handle is : : rs ex- Michael Wolyanoviky and Julia | the last Legislature, but it hy misiottions, were before the com. S5ieued af 1s upper ond inte waten of! DISSES of Pere Bfs, Whom Ma Chi yo ~ rainst Yasko, both of Windber. : by persons who do nob understand the RS Jie hs hoht executive | ‘short piece of 2 by 4 catches to hold| ‘8d Gin. Distilling up-to-date ildren Be S > nob un Session, during which plans for its |'the lever in place when i ON Send ha Jatlatky and Mary Kmetty, | value of it. I think it is up to the future work were discussed. The pro. ‘caught. This piece is Te th Wotan CYEESDALE Ps | d en- oth o indber. fruit growers and farmers to get this | tests touch upon the servi ———e : ; , ge of Cozet Cougla and Mary Cornchoski, | Legislation, and not up to gn any | Of railroads, trolley ae ue i S . | sand both of Scalp Level. Shes State officer to put it through. Se Sant is oman and STEVARTY Al, POWDER - J : there were such a law I should be panies. ése complaints 2 fi oe oca-wire cuts and sores on animals, COM LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. glad to enforce it, but it should fot Dore Slassinad by the commission, the A B OC Sapeiioe to salves or liriment, To Pub- Mame Bockes, inthe estate of Frank be the duty of the person in my posi- Bearing Tales Br Teted for = poo heal Tien bo ob age fica e the R. Bockes, late of Summit township. | tion both to obtain it and enforce it. principal new complaints from Harris. \ At drug or harness stores, | Bond $100. The intelligent citizens like yourself | burg ask an investigation of express F.G. Stewart & Co,, Chicago. Anna Saylor, in the estate of Uriag | SEOUld see that such laws are posted. | rates and suburban water service, : er of M. Baylor, late of Milford township. | ‘‘There is no danger of my writing| “Companies giving adequate’ ang |‘ Pl€s should be changed to fresh pas and Bond $7,200. that a person does not need to spray | Feasonable service to the public have | ‘ture frequently. 1 Mrs, ; because there is a parasite cleaning | DOtRINE to fear from the public service | | NOW 1s the time to get cheap gains ville, 2d. Wii up the scale, although as a matter of omsion, lo Se the Words of ex ne Pe Pigs amily he will of Walter F. Moore late | truth i 1 i ngs Nathaniel Bwing, charms of Br Cicilore Iv Disnty oi fresh ws. 2 iy ’ I several counties in this part the commission, which is j 3 ter in every pasture In use ev. of Middlecreek twp., was probated. | of the State no spraying is necessary | jig work ? fasugurating | ; Look out for the ew G 10. years % He made the following cash bequests: | thi f i “ X : of 2 TE eww rowing cash § season for this very reason. On the other hand,” continued | 2F 800d property, always. mie . 2 $m e, 7000; Ora 5 Tr . Judge Ewing, “the public that is no | : Live stock on the farm will turn un- 5 M. Dickey, daughter $1,375; Althea , © you begin to cough at night, | getting a square deal from the service | Marketable feeds into money. plant Moore, $1,375; Cloy Moore, a daugh-|just when you hope to sleep? Do | corporations can rest assured the com-| EVery care should be taken to get| Th ““Mischi id rican ter, $1,885. Testator’s son, O. Hall| you have a tickling throat that | mission will do all within its power | the lambs to start eating grain. e Mischief Quartet” and HIGHESTE Lo up- Moore, is given an option to par- [keeps you awake. Just take Foley’s | and authority to make improvements.” |, If you want to have peace of mind, cits Work i % chase his father’s farm for $5,500 Honey and Tar Compound. It will EL op the fence around the sheep : hon 188e 3 : Mi ; pasture. within one year, and is named as|check the cough and stop the tick- ne Chief Makes Report. i Each b : : > : ! | : year the month of Januar bacco executor. The will was dated August | ling sensation at once, Does not up- | y Adve “heats Of Jie Teron orf) Tare Be LINE ue & coment Ing numbers its list of victims from ia | S bes 15th, 1613, and witnessed by Dr. H. |set the stomach, is best f hil ames E. Roderick, State chief of | comieoeep the hogs contented and i iti | vated 3 } ond Harri y Dr. H. d ’ or children | mines, for the operations of 1912 show | Comfortable in hot weather. Puenes, lagrippe, bronchitis snd pd \ coll D. Moore an arriet Moore Gib- an { persons. that the production of coal in Penn. | | If young pigs become blistered py|Monia. The prompt use of Foley’s| LADIES ) » \ rec bons. Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. Sylvania broke all records in that year, | 'the hot sun, grease their backs and Honey and Tar Compound will check | Dra NO BEAN oh SHI-CHES-TEP 2 2 ob Morgan W. Price, late of Somer- | —_— The aggregate output touched 245.| Put them in a shady pasture, {the onset of a cold and stop a cough, |S» metallic boxes im aud : set, made cash bequests, as follows: | Take Photos of “Suspects.” 257,361 Short tons, of which 160,830, | i Inbreeding Is dangerous with al preventing the development to more ‘| Dragsiss An ae” OZER. uy of rou | : It is said that th 492 were bituminous and 84,426,689 | LYPES of farm stock. It always PAYS s erious conditions. Keep it on hand | yeas on BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five Emma V. Eaton, $300, Samu- uel Steinbach, $550; vigiam@and Frank Price, ie I'" Underwood, § inbaeh, $50; Jennie Price nuel 8einbach is named as ex said e Bank of France | Alfred has an invisible studio in a gallery be- £ Oo hi + T.3 $50 ate. hind the Cashiers, so that at a given Heler, | £ E m one of them any suspect AGH | ed customer can tantly have his 20,000, | phe nh tal t 1 2 | ’ ’ § i€n y KINO Cu- to get new and vigorous blood. | | | | | cite. This tonnage, says » ; | SC Zz al} Dealers i Bvorvw mR Mn I you are buying a horse, get him Sold by all Dealers | Eyerywhere. age of the United g | OL a slow trot. Then, if ever, he will Te SE AME and about 0 show any lameness he may have, Accidents wlll but the bes RIED he world ] ; A close watch should be } 1 1 {: Dr. Thomas’ | 2 J v 3 1 0 a ncies. | NAT ——— —————— Dy se cks growth. s i ¥ years regarded as Best, Safest SOLD BY ALL D EVERYWH » Always Reliable, RU J Cc