The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 15, 1914, Image 1

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NEE ee,
earers in
-My Rec-
ears time,
Couneil met in adjourned session on PURCHASING COMMITTEE.
Tuesday evening at 8 ¢’clock sharp. The committee received pices for
Council made a good beginning for pipes.
the year’s work, starting promptly at
the hour of the meeting and keeping
Agriculture in our Public Schools—
E. B. Dorsett.
Duet—Milsses Anna and Effie Millen.
Mistakes of Life Exposed—Robert
S. Seeds.
— Through the efforts of the Tribune
ST. and the Springfield, Ill., papers, it is
E Mptale believed that the identity of the lad
M. C. Lowry Post, 8. 4.5 killed a couple of weeks ago near Gar-
58 regular monthly Session on, te, cect County, and buried in
ay afternoon and installed the Rockwood, has been definitely estab-
fing officers, elected 86 8 Pre-| io. 1 is believed that the boy
meeting: was Richard Papies, 16-year-old
All the churches of Stoyestown
are interested in the union services to
be held in the Stoyestown Lutheran
house of worship next Thursday even-
ing, January 15th, when services
will be held in support of the pro-
posed National Prohibition Amend-
Economy in Crop Production—Prof.
Malleable iron, per foot Manges.
pmmander—Dr. H. O. McKinley.
jor Vice Com.—W. M. Daugh- Papies of Springfield, TI.
mior Vice Com.—Peter Knepp.
nartermaster—Joseph Mosholder.
haplain—Rev. W. W. Wagner.
flicer of the Day—Samuel Hoff-
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs John
Undertaker I. D. Hechler, of Rock-
wood, stated today that the body was
buried a week ago yesterday in the I.
O. O. F. Cemetery, but had been dis-
interred last Friday at the request of
C. 8. Bark, of Wellsville, O., who was
down to business all the way through.
The following members were pres-
ent:—Dia, Darnley, Staub, Saylor,
Emeigh and Bauman.
Dr. Rowe was present and inquired
what council meant to de with refer-
: Soil Improvement—The Keystone
Cast iron, per foot to Agriculture—Robt. Seeds.
COMMUNICATIONS, Building Up the Dairy Herd—E. B.
A communication wag received | Dorsett. -
| from the county commissioners stat-
ing that Messrs. Day and Herwig had
been exonerated from payment of
part occupation tax.
Insect Life in Agriculture—Prof.
The Feed and Care of the Dairy
ment to the Constitution of the United
States. The seryices will be under
the auspices of the local W. CO. T. U.
assisted by the Young People’s Tem-
perance Society and members of the
various churches. All those interest
ed in the abolition of the liquor traffic
are invited to join in the services
: : i i-| The Finance committee is dj ted with ial invitation to child
. — John White. : ence to the sewer in front of his resi rected | gow—E. B. D th a special invitation to children
tients who Officer of the Guard—John locking Jor & lost Sou, Mr, Butlgocce, He complaiied thot witer|t0. $355 tos Lanes: UE With the as | aw of the public schools and all young
7ing to the rgeant— August Roshubsrgss. agreed to pay all expenses of exhum- accumulated in his cellar, and that |sessor. ; oa i Vos of oy wity oy fe people to be present
-Adjutant—J. H. Lepley. ing the body and Undertaker Hechler : ir eapest Way to Ge obty Seeds .
n all who ir Quartermaster—M. A. a the necessary permit. Mr. lo pag Dee pi ele ca J AFrLCATIONS. EVENING SESSION. JEFFERSON COUNTY FIGHT.
this reas. Rutter. Bark fond thet the Diy resenblod (2 Applications were received from
1ext visit
The meeting of the post was large-
ly attended, and a warm welcome
was given to Commander Dr. McKin-, light hair.
ley, who had been out of town for
x weeks and had passed through
his son somewhat, except that his
son had a deformed ear and had
Mr. Bark’s son left home
September 5, 1913.
The Papies family live at 1714 East
that his property had been damaged,
and that much annoyance had been
caused. Formerly a private sewer
had been maintained at his property.
which later had been connected with
20, 1918, in front of the Daniel Lohr
Domestic Chemistry in the Country
School—Prof Menges.
Good Roads—How to Build and
Maintain Them—E. B. Dorsett.
WhatConstitutes a Country Home—
the Fettermah Engineering Co., and
from O. P. Thomas, for the position
of borough engineer. Applications
were filed. »
The finance committee was in-
A determined fight is being waged
by the No-License League through-
out Jefferson county against the
liquor traffic. Remonstrances have
been circulated all over the county
z Robt. Seeds. for a number of weeks, The adher-
BN nia, in Webs ] : the borough sewer. The matter Was | structed to attend : : ;
| 14, Be Dell of pron lap Seen Serioghad, JI. The, ferred to the borough solicitor to Matters: te the tollowing THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22. Suge or hy Seales emo
! : foster mother of young Papies is con- : iahili hl ; 3 . . | make the claim that nearly all o e
) P.M, ; focod thet ch 44 od bod ascertain the liability of the borough | oo statement from the treasurer, Methods of Introducing Clovers in women of th tvh y d th
vince ay the boy whose de Y | in this case and cases of a similar heth t th Rotation—Prof. Menges € county have signe ©
r Store SOMERSET POST. was buried as unidentified in the I. O. kind. Whetaer or not the Meyers estate has Sn a ud ge . Woodwaia remonstrances as well as a large
R. P. Cummins Post, No. 210, G. A. | O. F. Cemetery at Rockwood was the BILE VRESESTED paid its portion for the Keystone street Si Sato a es . 00d ward | nvmber of men.
PA. R., has elected the following officers | boy whom she reared from child- : : ’ culvert. epaens, Hoboken, Pa. LANCASTER
Sor th ie Voas: hood.—Monday’s Johnstown Tribune. | Sand Spring Water Co $600 25| Notify treasurer to send out state-| Education and the Farmer—Robt, i
o e Snening dh Sochiloh: ‘seh Shipley Hardware Co 08 | ments as to unpaid pole tax, wires, | Seeds. The announcement that J. Denny
th ‘‘Stev- i omman ? dor, James W Wool- Beal & Weimer 00 | unseated lands, trolley cars, ete. Strawberry Culture—For Home Use O’Neil, of McKeesport, County Com-
| or vice commander, . COURT NEWS. 7 | B. J. Lynch reported as follows: |and Market—David Zimmerman, of | missioner of Allegheny county, bank-
ed Eye ley; junior vice commander, James 3
tisfaction : fiber; udidtant, W.H. Schrock: ——— Somerset Telephone company has | Stoyestown, Pa. er and cditor would address Sunday
; Rr iin M. Cook; ser-| The county of Somerset has brought 12 | 136 3-5 miles of wire. AFTERNOON SESSION. afternoon’s meeting at the Martin
am doing a Chauncey F. Dickey; chap- suit against M. OC. Foor, tax collector Economy Telephone company has| Woman's Suffrage—Mrs. Kiernan. Auditorium, under tne auspices of
1siness, to lain, Rev. Dr. Hiram King; officer of | Of Brothersvalley township, and his 35 miles of wire. Apple Growing for Profit—Kie E.| NO-License Liquor League of Lancas-
)mmenda- the day, William A. Barnhart; patrio- | bondsmen, J. M. Shober, John OC. : Bell Telephone company has 1 1-2 Brown, Buffalo Mills, Pa. ter county, drew together a large
'y patient tic instructor, Rev. Dr. King; officer | Beachley, E. K. Suder, and Sanford | E. J. Dickey miles of wire. Co-operation for the Farmer—E. B, | 8athering. The league began. work
fer which ‘of the guard Henry F. Barnett; ser- | Brant, to recover $209, alleged to be | Henry Kuhs Meyersdale Electric Light, Heat | Dorsett. last March and since then has been
ban Charles J Harrison, Sr.; | due on 1909 taxes. Meyersdale Republican and Power company has 21 milés of Mistakes of Life Exposed—Robt, |2¢tively engaged in forming local
. ’ * . . a : : : .
‘if . quartermaster-sergeant, Michael Kifer! Judge Ruppel on Monday announced | W- H. Klingaman | wire Seeds. organizations. It is now becoming a
El) Ai trustees, Charles J. Harrison, Sr.,|a continuance of the Dennis Manka- | Electric Light Co | P. & M. R. R. has 1 45 miles of EVENING SESSION ¥eIy lmportant factor in public affairs.
re to ge 3 on ) Ey ths : 95 | wire. : i x In his address on ‘‘The Saloon.’’
and Aaron F. Dickey; delegates to | mier extradition hearing, scheduled . je ba The Lawn and the Flower Garden : vas . 1,
ss AN ‘state encampment at Indiana, Pa.,|for the 16th inst. until January 30th, | The following bills were held over:| Sand Spring Water company has Miss Madie Critchfield, Lawndale | =O Neil said it was still a novelty
- next June, Rev. Dr. King, and Hon. | as he will be in Indiana county hold- | Sand Spring Water Co., Beal & 7 7-10 miles of wire. Pars, CritehBeld, Bo. for him to go up and down the State
an adver- Amos W. Knepper; alternates, James | ing court on the original date set for | Weimer, Meyersdale Planing Mill, STANDING COMMITTEES Cultivation, Fertilization and Scien. | >>? Feform speaker, but he does, it be-
nd simple. 8S. Swisher and William A. Barnhart. | the case. and December Electric Light. All} pe president of council announced tific Packing—Essentials to Success Pause hie teels it to be a public duty.
or grade of The retiring commander is Hon. A. Through his attorney, Ross R.|Oother bills were ordered paid. | the following standing. committees in the Frdit Business—A. Woodward| The last place one would expect
My profit ~ W. Knepper. Capt. Charles J. Har- Scott, John D. Baker, a prominent Charles Plitt appeared in behalf of |g, 1914: Stephens. to find a Pittsburgh politician is on a
ances and _rison installed the new officers. Thelen and surveyor, of Milford town- ng Mr. Assn and My uw Street— Bauman, Staub and Darnley | Our Seed Fruits—Kie E. Brown. temperance platform?’’, he said. “In
% Post has a membership of 79. ship, on Monday, instituted an action Droes pL a Dore jeunse or Water and Light—Darnley, Bolden Agr.culture in Our Public Schools— the past the work of fighting the
the best {1} = in trespass against the Baltimore & Poo a ig Ww ir S > ee and Bauman, EB Dorsett. Tinos eyil has been left to the women
the same SOMERSET CAMP, Ohio railioad company to recover orgs a eo shy? i er Finance— Bauman, Saylorand Darn. BOSWELL ig ae mow It 1s time for
> as ‘“‘Rog- { : $800 damages, alleged to have been > oe ® | ley. v . .
; ) y h Camp, No. 122, A : 2
silver li ome 8. Hine men ® 11 . |sustained by reason of a forest fire on | ugh demands $12.00 in addition. The Purchasing—Darnley, Emeigh and MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19. GIVES ‘‘BILLY’’ SUNDAY CREDIT.
’ doin the TRS acta mew oer, 2s follows ie fall, which, it is alleged, | matter was referred to the borough | ° Method isi If “Billy’* Sunday is kept in this
Commander, Oscar Pyle; senior 35 Roi : solicitor to ascertain if the state De . et ods of Raising Hay—Prof. 3 ph h
vice commander, Robert Hunter; Was cause y sparks from passing Hoonse ooRiA Hob fn part Be cives Building—Bolden, Emeigh and Say- | Franklin Menges, York, Pa. State some time longer, he will put
junior vice commander, William W. | locomotives. the borough, 96. hic tha: castich lor. Soil Improvement—The Keystone | the necessary backbone in the men’,
Rock; camp council, Frank Davis, Attorney John 8. Miller, acting for conld exonorate thew. irom 4h Sadi. The secretary was instructed to | to Agriculture—Robt. S. Seeds, Bir- | Mr. O’Neil added. The speaker de-
reement . Wg Berkey, and Frank K. Sanner; | John Cassisi, of Windber, has enter- tionul liconse purchase stationery. mingham, Pa. clared he has had a long experience
it is abso- secretary, Charles F. Cook; treasurer, | ©d a suit In assumpsit against Mat- Policeman Cramer reported that he DUMPING PLACE. AFTERN(C ON SESSION. in business and he knows the liquor
les G. Barnhart; patriotic in-|tee Cassio, to recover $384 alleged to ; : . The city d : 1 : 3 : 5 dealers to be the biggest bluffers in
why ldo Sharles G. Bam oD in, | have been loaned the defendant had inspected wires, poles, pipes, of Noleoomping place is at the| The Silo As a Factor in Dairying— | oristonce. “It isa shame to all
5; I have structor, Parker ean) suatiain, ave been loane . etc., and found them all in good con- | foot of Nelson street, back of George | 1. B. Dorsett, Mansfield, Pa. them to dominate the Sear id
rd of sac- Robert M. Zearfoss; guide, William dition. Taylor’s property, off Keystone street, | Value of Lime As a Fertilizer—A. | _. i i seit
it $2.00 to G. Hoover; color-bearer, Robert J.| TO REMODEL CHURCH COMMIVYRE ON FINANCE. where all rubbish is to be deposited, | F, Frits. said, and now is Joe time for grow-
tronage of Foust; inside guard, Ralph Berke- AT ONCE. Aotive Bccomat ashes, tin cans but under no circum. Sanitary Farming— Prof. Mangos. 4 ing 10 ® © a aed down
nd vicini- | bile; outside guard, E. H. Sherwood; Sinking fund stances is the place to be used for the EVENING SESSION omic a oF ! ee Ni i Soon >
extensive musician, Charles C. Brendle. O. G. The committee of Amity Reformed 2 deposit of garbage. No other place Aaricnlinre | Public Schnsle. 15 a tion. ® =y is She
os are the ‘Barnhart is the retiring commander church appointed a year ago, with WATER AND LIGHT COMMITTEES. is to be used for rubbish in the city griculture in our Public Schools— | liq question.
les; every of the camp. The camp has a mem- 1 Dp to & Sand The committee reported that the | limits. Prof. J. M. Custer, and E. B. Dorsett.
ane Se Mi b‘enary power Sroot a Sunday| Be Foi Io ; Recitation—Miss Beatrice Weigle.
I use just bership of 100. The camp officers school building and remodel the |Series lighting system is in process Burgess Gress and ex-Burgess Reich - : SLEIGHING PARTY.
eyes. - were installed by Dr. J. T. Bowman. church, met last evening preparatory | f installment, and that the lights are | were present at the meeting. Ad- nat Sonstimios a Country Home
ol . : ! S obt. S. Seeds. aT
y. Head- — to starting work on remodeling the | Satisfactory. journed at 10:24 p. m. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20 On Friday night of last week the
the tem- : LADIES’ AUXILIARY. church. The work will be started at ids va ? younger set of Meyersdale had a
d, aching The following new officers have |once and pushed as rapidly as possi- CHOIR ENTERTAINED. FARMERS’ has of Corn Breeding—Prof. sleighing party, driving to Salisbury,
d watery . been elected by the Ladies’ Auxiliary | ble. > & | PG ? and upon their return stopped at the
i ‘ . A How To Prevent Trespassing on Our .
e or read of the Sons of Veterans Camp: Last Thursday evening the mem- | INSTITUTES FarmeoM. A. Zimiicrois g home of S. P. Maust, where,they en-
> troubles President, Mrs. Jennie B. Huston; SUIT FOR DAMAGES He tal ng joyed music, games and delicious
: i. ) : U GES. bers of SS. Philip and James Catholic | The Feed and Care of the Dair ?
times the ~ vice president, Mrs. Lucy Meisenber- church choir were entertained by | OowE B. Dossett y refreshments.
n, which ger; patriotic Instructor, Me Annie Through her attorney, H. Frank their pastor, Rev. Father Brady, who | To be Held Under Auspices De- Contemplated Laws Pertaining to Thos present Were: Misses Mar-
* glasses, nua; choplain, Mes Ammaly,., pn, coni. Knchinehi hao brought | had invited them to the parsonage, | artment of Horticul Farming—Hon. R. W. Lohr tha Glessner, Elizabeth Irwin, Mary
of. Ibis Ferner; frustees, Mrs. Julia Davis, suit against the borough of Hoovers- and soon after all had arrived they | bartment o orticulture. Pt a . Ree : Conrad, Louise Compton, Florence
to be sore Mrs. Anna Ferner, and Miss Carrie ville to recover $500 damage for in-|were escorted to the dining room, AFTERNOON SESSION. Just, Alice Maust, Leta Miller, Hazel
asses. In ‘Rhoads; secretary, Mrs. Margaret A. juries alleged to have been sustained where a delicious six-course dinner | SALISBURY. Woman’s Suffrage—Mrs. E. E. | Miller, Emmeline Hocking, Grace
/ : sy J | 7 3 13
perfectly Yoder; treasurer, Miss Maggie L. (in falling on a defective sidewalk in| ag served at 8 o'clock. It is the FRIDAY MORNING SESSION, 9:30. Kiernan, Somerset, Pa. Weller, Lulu Plitt, and Lenore Col-
e needed cher; guide, Mrs. Margaret Ogline; that town on the night of September custom of Rev. Father Brady to en-| TFeonomy ih Crop Production Prof Insect Life in Agriculture—Prof. | lins. Messrs, Frank Hocking, Robert
ly appar- sistant guide, Miss Rose Zimmer- J 3 .
an; inside guard, Mrs. Jane Houpt;
tside guard, Mrs. Sarah Houpt;
‘eolor guards, Mrs. Lizzie Saylor and
Mrs. Harriet Bird; pianist, Mrs An-
mie Miller; judge advocate, Charles
F. Cook.
1The Second National Bank held
‘the annual stockholders meeting on
Tuesday. The bank has had a pros.
perous year and has re-elected the
old Board of Directors as follows:—
0. W. Truxal, N. E. Miller, W. H.
Habel, J. N. Cover, E. M. Berkley,
W. B. Cook, Perry C. Miller, Wilson
E. Walker, J. H. Bowman, E. C.
Kyle and Wm. P. Meyers.
President—N. E. Miller.
Vice President—W. H. Habel.
Cashier.—J. H. Bowman.
Assistant Cashier—G. A. Hoffman.
The bank accepted the new federal
requirements, entailed by the cur-
ren@y legislation which had been re-
cently enacted.
It is alleged that part of the side-
walk was made of concrete and part
of broken boarps, with the concrete
section five or six inches higher than
the other part of the walk. The acci-
nent occurred at night, according to
the plaintiff’s statement, and she says
it was too dark to see the bad condi-
tion of the pavement, on account of
the borough providing no street lights
in the immediate vicinity.
The plaintiff alleges that her foot
caught in the wooden part of the pave-
ment near the offset between the diff-
erent kinds of paving, and she was
violently thrown to the sidewalk, her
body striking the concrete. Plaintiff
says her right arm and hand were
bruised to such an extent that she has
not had the free use of them since.
She further alleges that her back and
shoulders were permanently injured.
| James Stanton of Mance, who
| boarded at the home of Mrs. Paul
| Ackerman, died on Saturday of heart
| trouble. He was 47 years of age.
| His funeral took place on Monday
at 2:00 o’clock at Salisbury.
tertain the choir once a year to show
his appreciation of the services ren-
dered. Besides the choir the mem-
bers of the -orchestra who assisted at
the Christmas services were present
and the party was composed of the
following: —Mrs. C. A. Bolden, Mrs.
Thomas Judge, Misses Emma Weber,
Mary G. Altmiller, Maurie Crowe,
Rose McKenzie, Genevieve Altmiller,
Josephine l)amico, and Messrs. Gus
Damico, E. S Kemp, W. H. Baldwin,
C. E. Livengood and Robert Crone.
Rev. Father Quinn.of Midland, Md.,
was also present. The evening was
pleasantly spent in social conversation
and music, which was furnished both
by the choir and orchestra.
On petition of the Pennsylvania
Railroad company, the Somerset
court on Monday issued a decree per-
mitting the company to establish a
grade crossing on its proposed Shade
Creek branch, at McGregor’s dam on
the public road leading from Cairn-
brook to Central City. The railroad
and the public road, the petition
states, are on practically the same
grade, and it is contended that to
separate the grades would entail a
prohibitive cost.
Franklin Menges. Manges.
The Value of Fertility and the
Cheapest Way to Get It—Robert S.
S. Seeds.
The Feed and Care of the Dairy
Cow—E. B. Dorsett.
How to Use It—W. M. Heckman.
Good ‘Roads and How to Build and
Maintain Them—E. B. Dorsett.
+ Organization for the Farmers—E,
B. Dorsett.
Commercial Fertilizer— When and |
Thornley, George Griffith, Edgar
Gnagey, Lester Stotler, John Bouch-
er, Wilbur Stotler, SamuelZiMeyers,
Frederick Groff, Duff Hoblitzell, John
Hocking, Paul Hostetler, Redolphus
Bowman, Charles Fike and Jesse
The chaperons were :—Misses Edna
Potatoe Culture—John Livengood.
Insect Life in. Agriculture—Prof.
Recitation—Miss-Janette Laney.
A very delightful surprise party
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mankamyer, last Thursday
evening, in honor of the forty-third
anniversary of the former’s birth.
At 10:30 o'clock 3 very appetizing
Benefits of Corn Breeding—Prof. | oyster supper was served which was
Menges. thoroughly enjoyed by all. Those
Soil Improvement The Keystone to present were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Agriculture—Robert S. Seeds. Mankamyer and four children, Mr.
Organization for Farmers—E. B. | and Mrs. Christ Mankamyer, Jr., and
Dorset. | four children; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
| Mankamyer, Mr. and Mrs. William
E. | Mankamyer, Mrs. John Mankamyer
Kierman. | and daughter, Elsie; Richard Manka-
Essay—Miss Maud Hay. | myer, Jr., Mrs. Charley Bittner, and
Good Roads How to Build and Main- | daughter Alpha; Al. Bittner and his
tain Them—E. B. Dorsett. mother; Miss Grace Beal and John
Sanitary Farming—Prof. Menges. |Leibau. The party terminated at
Education and the Farm—Robert | 12:30, regretting that they could not
S. Seeds. | stay longer.
America’s Uncrowned Queen—E,
B. Dorset. :
Recitation—Miss Lulu Livengood.
What Constitutes a Country Home—
Robert S. Seeds.
Woman’s Suffrage—Mrs. E.
Baldwin,Marion Knieriem,and Messrs.
C. H. Dia and Bunn Deeter.
A merry sleighing party on Satur-
day night January 10th, of Garrett,
drove to Upper Turkeyfoot township,
to the home of Freeman Handwerk,
The evening was very pleasantly
spent in playing games and with
music. Refreshments were served,
The party was composed of seven
girls and nine boys. Misses Tena
Yutzy, Edna Nedrow, Mae Saryer,
Clara Ringer, Ada Herwig, Evelyn
Herwig and Miss July Peterman of
Upper Turkeyfoot. Messrs. Ross
| Fulmer,Roy Nedrow,Richard Hoover,
Harry Christner, Roy Christner, Ed-
ward Christner, Joseph Walter, Earl
Lenhart, John Herwig and G. Ww.
Tinkey, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
| Sechler, of Upper Turkeyfoot,