unt to , clear, 1 real- ahead Ss is to ses by away nonth /ICES. church ser- pastor—Ser- y school 9:30 t 6:45 p. m. 30. s Catholic y, pastor.— d 11 a. m, ub 7:30 p. m.. —Preaching m. Sunday an Workers Bible Class, m. Teacher day evening ly. Sunday ing, Friday ). Goughnour \nuary 11th e morning 1 Salisbury in evening. Day and all vitation to s. Sunday ’ ndeavor at. lially invi- Working s 8 hours. k perfectly r 8 hours e kidneys be sound ime. Foley n so. You ur system ring. rywhere. re. 0 1OUSE. shot out out as fre- less as to the bullet nond was ng in front Ice at 1817 igation re- bullet ‘had lls of the nt missile r of a bed- efore Bur- rning and Ut stock of ke photo- ular price. Iso go at arantee all class and onrad. ad ary 15th 1 through- and corre- vice Com- ches, have onal Child er that the ’hild Labor so asking presidents, 1cipals and ct of child and pupils luary. To hild Labor 1 be sent ze, by the nittee, 105 City. ol A © nf oy ud > ling sensation at once, Does not up- iL —— COURT NEWS Orphans’ ( curt Proceedings, Real Estate, Marriage Licences, Etc. REAL ESTATE. John Peterman to Caroline Peter- man, Hooversville, $335. Harry Custer to Emanuel J. Seese, Ogle twp., $330. Frank Taylor 90 Wm. H. Speicher, Quemahoning twp., $300. Abraham Lichty to Josiah Walker, Brothersyalley twp., $280. Israel Bruner, to Ross O. Bruner, Milford twp., $7,000. * Jonathan Hauger’s heirs to Ross Bruner, Milford twp., $I. Wm. J. Shaulis to Edgar H. Shaulis, Lower Turkeyfoot twp., $5. N. E. Manges to John F. Werner, Shade twp., $600. Josiah F. Bittner to Peter Weimer, Larimer twp., $1. Josephine Daugherty to Geiger, Larimer twp., $549. Philip Berkebile, to Shannon Young, Shade twp., $1,000. Emannel Eash’s heirs to. Amos Ww. Hershberger Conemaugh twp., $2,300, Harry J. Sperry to same, Cone- maugh twp., $1. twp., $50. Sarah F. Weakland to John § Weakland, Meyersdale, $500. : Minnie J. Ashbrook to Mary Buesko Quemahoaing twp., $1,425. John Hoover’s heirs to Hoovers ville Water Co., Hoovyersville $25. Daniel 8. Custer, to Samuel Hel- sel, Holsopple $100. Wilmore Coal Co., to George H Ling, Windber, $1,000. George A. Caplan to Mary S. Loch- roi, Jenner twp., $600. James B. Shaffer to Blanche Shaffer, Somerset twp., $50. Edward R. Meyers to Sand Spring Water Co., Greenville twp., $900. Joseph Marinelli to Concetti Bar- ‘tol muceioi Windber, $1,009. Somerset county, $1. Shade twp., %500. Burke, Black twp., $300. MARRIAGE LICENSE. John Frederick Lohr and Minnie L. al Miller, both of Elk Lick twp. Wm. E. Yost, of Ralphton and B:ssie R. Warner, of Stoughton. Andrew Timoo and Annie Hard- oski, both of Windber. Tony Joseph, of Elizabeth Thomas of Stoyestown. Wm. Howard Mosholder, of Mil- ford twp., and Ella May Shaffer of . Somerset. Thomas R. Jenkin, of Listie, and Gertrude M. Kissell, of Friedens. Frank Giza and Mary Ziobrom, both of Windber. Martin Korossheb and Annie Biz- jak, both of Ralphton. William E. Alexander and Ger- rude Zimmerman, both of Somerset. WILLS. The will of Rebella Cobaugh, late of Rookwood, was probated. She di- rected that her estate shall be equal- ly divided among her heirs as follows: George P. Cobaugh, Clara B. Mill- house, Lena MM. Shumaker, Grace Beatty, L. D. Cobaugh and Hazel M. Hayes. Attorpey Louis C. Ool- born is appointed executor. The will was dated November 22nd, 1912, and witnessed by W. B. Conway and W. Jv Gardner. : LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. ‘C. C. Knepper and Annie Knepper, estate of Samuel P. Knepper, late of Berlin. Bond $4,000. Solomon Darr, estate of Mary E. Darr, late of Lincoln twp. Bond $400. eg Do you begin to cough at night, just when you hope to sleep? Do you have a tickling throat that keeps you awake. Just take Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It will check the cough and stop the tick- set the stomach, is best for children and growm persons. 8 old by all Dealers Everywhere. a Miss Marry Lobuano, daughter. of Mr, and Mrs. John Lobuano, and Joseph Cocano, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cocano, both of Hooversville, were married at the Holy Family church, Hooversville, by the Rev. H. A. O. B. Lohr to John Kuzmer, Shade John Frisbee to Yough Trust Co., El Kimmel to Harvey Fleegle, Bernard Lichty to Charles F. of Philip Wolfersherger’s assignee to 3 David Weimer, Milford twp., $24. Randolph and Ringer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ringer, of Addison township, were married at the parsonage of Trinity | Lutheran church, Somerset, by the ROACHES IN THE HOUSE, The roach nuisance has been brought to the attention of State Zo- ologist H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, by persons in different parts of the State. ‘A lawyer of Indiana, Pa., wrote to Professor Surface, saying: ‘‘For some time past I have been troubled with roaches. They keep hid in eracks during tus day, but at night comes out in large numbers. 1 think they must have been brought to the house with groceries. Everything is kept clean and in as good condition as is usually found about a well-regulated house, and still they stay. We have tried various things in trying to get rid of them. I suppose that frmiga- ting the entire house with formalde- ‘AYegetable Prep: | struilating theFood: ; NI} ting the Stomachs and Bowels of hyde would be effective. If you can "mn j give me any simple method of getting Promates Digestion Cheri rid of them, I will be grateful for the CSS and kest.Confain lil | Opiume.Morphine nor Mineral. advice. . NoT NARCOTIC. Professor Surface replied as follows: ‘‘These pests are quite persistent Lecgpe of Ol DrSAMUELPITCHER invaders and generally cannot be ex- Pirmpkiy Seed = ~~ s 3 3 : Seana + terminated by a single application. Rochelle Salls~ For this reason a combination of se Seed + methods is desirable. Powdered bo- rax blown around cracks they in- habit, especially around damp places in the kitchen floors, will help to drive them away. Powdered sugar, one part, and plaster of Paris, two parts, mixed together, will prove to be a good remedy. One of the best | tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions. Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ITNT ——— TY I TTT Serres ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. PreparationforAs. £ N i AN OR OTT on etn EAA LG Aperfect Remedy for Consfipe- \GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of { Use For Over remedies is a proprietary substance FacSinile Signature of sold on the market under the name Fld of ‘“Roach Paste’’ or Food’ I NEW YORK. should avoid the phosphorus pois- ons, as they are dangerous to i use in the house. If the annoyance I caused by roaches should reach the extreme limit and it be necessary for you to fumigate, you can do this safely with hydrocyamic acid gas, although you will have to vacate the rooms during the time of the fumiga- tion. I should not attempt to fumi- - | gate for them with formaldehyde, as '1 do not think this would be efficient in destroying roaches.” ¢ eee remeron Destroy Remnants of Garden Plants Now. AtH months old 5 35 DosEs —35 CENTS uarante 1 unger Lhe ’ ~~, eA MARK Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, Harrisburg, calls attention to the im- portance of promptly destroying’ the remnants of garden plants and truck crops at this time of year, rather than leaving them i. the gardens or fields until spring. If destroyed now, many of their pests are destroyed with them } if allowed to remain until spring, many of these pests have opportunity: to escape. Break-Up, ~—— Te The vines of potatoes, cucumbers, squash, melons, ete., should be raked together and thrown on dry straw or brush and burned. This gets rid of both the insects and fungus diseases lurking therein. The old asparagus plants should be cut off and burned, and straw spread over the asparagus bed and burned thereon at once, to get rid of the asparagus beetles, and then the soiljcontaining the asparagus roots can be well mulched with a cover or litter of any kind to protect them dur- ing the winter. It is especially important that the stalks of cabbage plants and the im- perfect heads should be removed and fed to swine or cattle, or kept in stor- age in a cold place to feed to poultry during the winter. Even the old stalks from which heads have been cut should be removed from the soil and treated as directed above, or burned. Several kinds of pests are liable tQ be found Dr. HESS STOCK TONI and INCREASE your MI package? We have GRAI COMPLETE “line: of G delivered promptly. HOlZS Both Phones, have taken it. Guaranteed to cure FOR sSAr.s2 ~T COLLINS’ DRUG STORE, Meyercdals, Pa, NOW [IS THE TIME it pays you to get results from THRIVING CONDITION. make them HEALTHY, POULTRY PAN.A-CE A has proven a great EGG | PRODUCER, have you exchanged your coupon for trial your COWS and CHICKENS, also a FULL and We thank you for your business, TET & Weimer Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK OITY. ETE CASTORIA IT'S A CURE! THAT'S SURE x Jones’ Break-Up For over 20 years has Cured EUMATISM Sciatica, Lumbagoe and Gout if you have Rheumatism [any form) ] get Jones others whe all cases it will cure you as it hasa Om. -3n NN AAA rr ir a your cows and chickens, C will put your ¢ OWS in LK: >UPPLY. . Dr. Hess N and CHOP FEEDS for ROCERIES. All goods 221 Center Street, upon these old stubs or the leaves cling- ing thereto. The best way to destroy them is to feed them to livestock or Household Notes. burn them. ? : A slip for a balsam pillow is best | RECENT MARRIAGES made of tan linen, with a pine tree cross-stitch upon it. IN THE COUNTY. Miss Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas, of Stoystown, and Tony Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph, of Ran- dolph, were married at Somerset, by Justice of the Pease A. Kent Miller. Let potatoes lie in cold water for a little while before paring if you wish them to be white. When fruit leaves a stain on the teeth, it should be removed at once by rubbing on a little salt. When next cooking asparagus, add a little rice. The dish will be found most satisfactory. | Miss Gertrude Zimmerman, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Zim- merman, and William E. Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander, both of Somerset, ‘were married at Somerset, by the Rev- H. B. Cassell. A clothesline may be cleaned by | wrapping it around a washboard and | thoroughly scrubbing it in soapsuds. When you wish to wrap presents Miss Minerva A. Shaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shaffer, of Jenner township, and Harry Stull, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stull, of Quemahoning township, were married use raffia in several shades for tying. after the accident occurs and cover it : be done at the home of the bride’s parents, | cerin. o ? : The by the Rev. D. H. Walker. Flannels that have become hara 0 reg i his shadow who faces : Fe and shrunken may be restored to : Mrs. Sarah A. Duckworth, daughter = rr eefeee———— their former softness by soaking in gasoline. When making sago pudding, allow three dessertspoonfuls for each pint | of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speicher, of Garret county, Md., and Uriass M of milk; let all soak two hours before | Joseph Woznyr _—————— Rey. I. Hess Wagner. Miss Lulu E. Davis, daughter of Mr. [id the metal will not tarnish fora in the prettiest, most unique fashion, | Don’t grumble, don’t bluster, don’t Apply glycerin to a scald directly | Don’t think of your worries, but think up with strips of rag soaked in gly- The worries will vanish, the work will valuables #n holes in the ground and | cover them with a big leaf. If you have not access to a hot- water bag when it is needed, a good substitute is a flannel bag filled with hot sand .or salt. A good idea is to keep half a dozen little ones filled and ready. In pressing any clothes or goods where it is customary to place a cloth over them when ironing, use a news- paper instead. It gives a gloss to rib- bor or silk, leaves or lint and stiffens cambric. Get a nickel’s worth of stick glue at your druggist’s and put three or four pieces at intervals in the soil around your fern. Do this three or four times a year, and you will notice a marked improvement in it. ——————————— eee. dream and don’t shirk, of your work ; Before You Buy a Cream Separator FIRST SEE AND TRY A Del LAVAL, THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. J. T. YODER, SEE Office 223 Levergood St 3 Penn’a. Johnstown, - SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS OUR COUGH CURE Kills the cough, and cures the cougher. OUR COLD CURE Is a checker that checks the cold every time + guarantee goes with every package. RUBBER BLOOD WARMERS There is comfort in the use of the Hot Water Bottle. © Ve offer the highest grade, at a reason. able price. F. B. THOMAS, _ % Our LEADING DRUGGIST, oth Phones. MEYERSDALE, PA. a Another Big Price Reduction | SUNBEAM MAZDA LAMPS er ——— . THESE PRICES NOW rHFECTIVE. 10 watt ... 35¢ each 40 watt . wad . 1 Wate 2%¢ each 60 watt .. Las he Sach watt . 35¢ each 00was..” .... 25 wath.......... 35¢ each i 2300 each Put a National Mazda Buy them in the Blu: C Use them as wou need them. Telephone orders filled. BAER & CO. Lamp in Every Socket, onvenience Carton—keep a stock on hand. Wenger's Nil Heyersdale A. 4 Uflice in ook VIRGIL R. SAYLOR 0Ct.28-08. {3 G. GROFF, Deeds, viortages. Papers promptly exscuted A I Nt Nl NIN NSS NSN NS rm, i Ought to Use All custom chopping R. F. Db. 2, Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS HOLBERT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, PEs Beerits’ Block. up sta The Commercial Press Handles It. Y s ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET JUSTICE OF THE PEACK CONFLUENCE, Pa Aresments and all ier v. -Broa?m nd Gin, Nov, ih—tf y Mamma Says - BUHL & GATESMAN, IoSs of Rye, hsniiing ID tO date VM EYERSDALE Pa Distiy ars of Pye Wrneal, Mai STEWART’S HEALING POWDER for barbed-wire cuts and sores on animals, Superior 1» salves or Lirimeut, good, heals quickly, keeps a fli rte Feels cans ané® cents, At drug or harness stores, F.G. Stewart & Co., Chicago. rT For Coughs and Colds For Sale by All Dealers Everywhere. Honesty Universal In Finland. The Finns place their money id he will Each year the month of January fluenza, lagrippe, bronchitis and pneu- Such | monia. treasure is sacredly respected by all cooking. | who pass it; After cleaning brass or copper with |°f & man wishing to borrow salt and vinegar, rub with olive oil | Reighbor during his absence, |take only the smallest sum he re-| Honey and Tar Compound will check but, in the rare event! the onset of a cold and stop a cough of his | preventing the development to more | | Serious conditions. ‘Mischief Quartet” and its Work. S CHICHESTER SPILLS RA 0 BUM Ae f wel is TY s,,%, numbers its list of victims from in-| 80 xert® Clay, & y LADIES § sk your Druggist for CH Ask your HI-CHES-TEP 3 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in RED and | GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with Blw Ribbon. TAKER No oTHER. Bu y | y of you Druggist and ask for OHI-CHES. TERE / DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliabl The prompt use of Foley’s Keep it on hand | | : Reasonably Sure. {and Mrs. John A. Dayis, and James The only thing you can tell shen 3 | M. Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi- Jaufig girl Is that when she ds AHY |. wice. both of BIE Lick township 1d she will look a great deal as | 22 2. : TH years o 3 8 4 ks now.—PLiladelphia | were married at Salisbury, by the ip other looks now, | Rev. G. C. Quinn. Ledger. | long time. Allow the children to eat almonds. One dozen blanched almonds are | fled date. | quires, and place ga message in the | hole telling of hig urgent need, prom- i A lenendanae. | his independence. ising to repay the amount on a speci- | And he will invariably keep | re equal to about one pound of round |his word, for the Finn is invincible in | steak in nutritive value. his in i {| Sold by all Dealers Eyerywhere. i lg A Accidents wlll happen, but the bes gulated families keep Dr. Thomas’ { Electric Oil for such WO sizes 25¢ and 50¢ at all stores emergenci TIME TRIED SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST EVERYWHERE baer} ET wary ral PHBE BW “OR BAC ES Ek:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers