The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 08, 1914, Image 2

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    J sheojoofosoijeafeord frofoodeoboofoiroeioolrdeded chdedede doodeodede bodoidod vbr rE EEEE | SALISBURY. GLADE CITY.
The old council of Salisbury bor-| Mrs. Willard Legg, of Acosta, who
ye ions
INEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. fom, com sive or | i wit ese oe wo | Resolutio
i | Monday evening and finished all | Obler, Is on the sick list. that are not kept don’t amount to
i their business of the old year. {| Mrs. M. C. Lenhart was visiting at
News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The %| The new councilman, Wm. Deitz, | Garrett one day last week at E. A. much.
: i Bittner’s. .
Commercial’s Special Correspondents. % | Herbert Lowry, Roscoe Welfley and | :
al Wm. CO. Lichliter, were then sworn| Mrs. Chas. Beal, of Meyersdale, was Resolutions
in by the new burgess, Robert John- |a visitor at M. C. Lenhart’s on New
ston, and the new council was or | Years day.
ganized by electing Ro-coe Welfley,| william and Edward Bittner were
Miss Cora Bigam, who is making
to be kept should be faced in a clear,
S. M. Gnagey and Russel Engle, reasonable manner.
de de a a et
two of our school directors, visited | her home with Father Burns at Con- President and Robert Johnston, was | at Kenbrook last week in search of
our schools on Monday of last week.
Mrs. Lydia Bangard spent New
Year with her sister, Mrs. Ananias
Hoover, near Salisbury.
E. D. Lee and Asa Hoar came home
last | Friday from Princess Ann, Md.,
and report Conrad Lindeman’s all
well and meeting with great success.
Seigner Brothers and their father
came home last Sunday well pleased
with their trip to North Carolina.
Their sister, Martha Murdy, came
along to spend sometime with rela-
tives and friends.
Mrs. Emma Fike spent Tuesday of
this week with her brother Wilson
Vought near Salisbury.
The quarantines have all been lifted
from the families affected with scar-
let fever.
Mrs. Thomas Swindell spent last
Saturday in Salisbury.
Great bargains are in store for
those who will attend Albert 8S.
Glessner’s Clearance Carnival, be-
ginning Saturday January 10th. ad
areca eee:
Irwin Christner of Cumberland pd i
was a Garrett visitor, Saturday and
Sunday. 5
Miss Pearl Phenicie was called
home from Baltimore, Md., on ac-
count of the death of her sister, |
Peter Zimmerman, engineer on the
Berlin branch, was struck by train
No. 57 as he stepped off of his engine
in the Garrett yard last Saturday
Wm. Martin returned Wednesday
to the Western Maryland hospital
where he will undergo another opera-
Miss Pearl Christner entertained a
few of her friends at a midnight watch
party last Wednesday evening.
Maude Phenicie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Pheniecie, died Thnrs-
day noon and was buried Sunday
afternoon at 2:00 o’clock.
Mrs, John Driggs and her five chil-
dren of Macdopngldtown, are visiting
her sister, Mrs. Rose Fuliard:
A meney saving opportunity is pre-
gented to everybody who will
attend Albert 8. Glessner’s Cleaf-
ance Carnival, which begins on Sat-
Yyday January 16th. ad
brother Edward and parents.
R. R. Dull, our congenial B. & O.
ville on train No. 49 Sunday evening,
being a pretty sick man. He will be
off duty several days.
H. D. Whipp, extra relief agent
from Connellsvile, is holding down
the B. & O. depot during Mr. Dull’s
Geo. Argbacher, one of our hustling
farmers from Mill Run, was a Con-
nellsville marketer Thursday last.
Silas Kauffman and wife, of Mill
Run, Spent Thursday with Connells-
ville friends. :
Rev. F. 8. Wortman, of Mill Run,
dian’ Creek Coal Co., and 8S. M.
Hutchison, our alert real estate agent
ness in Connellsyille on Thursday.
at Jones’ Mill and sleighing is goed.
A. B. Kern, of Mill Run, was a bus-
iness visitor to Connellsville and Un-
iontown last Thursday.
| Chas. Steckel, who is a student at
| the Carnegie Tech school at Pitts-
| barg, after spending several weeks
foe his mother and friends at Mill
Run, returned to the Smoky City on
| Thursday morning to take up his
| studies. .
Cnas. Slater and Less. Brooks, who
spent several weeks with their par-
ents at Mill Run, left for Dayton, O.,
where thoy are attending school.
Lester Bang, of Hazelwood, spent
Sunday with Mill Run friends.
Mrs. W. E. Wolcott, of Jones’ Mill,
left for Connellsville last Thursday
morning to spend the winter months.
W. P. Miller, the leading merchant
of Roger’s Mill, was a business caller
here Thursday morning.
Mrs, 8. M. Brooks, of Davistown,
was a Connellsville shopper and call-
ing on friends on Thursday.
Miss Edna Kimmell, of Jones’ Mill,
! was a callex here Thursday morning.
Mr. E. Frazee, of Counellsville, was
along the I. C. V. Thursday on
Len Leslie returned to Racing Run,
Thursday morning after spending
Sunday with his family at Connelsville.
nellsville, spent Sunday here with her
agent, left for his home in Connells-
was a Connellsville business visitor on
‘| Thursday last.
J. H. Prinkey, president of the In-
of Mill Run, were transacting busi-
About six inches of snow reported
re-elected treasurer and clerk. work and returned home on Wednes-
The retiring members are John |day evening.
Wagner, Joseph Wagner, George C.| William Ba and Chas. Wilderman
Lowry, and C. T. Hay. The old|are cutting props for the Savage Fire
members "remaining in office are: Brick Company.
Richard Newman, J. H. Menhorn and
: Albert S. Glessner’s Clearance Car-
Irvin Rayman.
| nival which begins on Saturday, Jan-
Mr. and Mrs. Casper McBride, Jf uary 10th, will be an event of great
Edinboro, Pa., visited last week at bargains. ad
the home of the former’s aunt, Mrs.
Savilla Boyer, and are now ests
at the Valloy House. Fe ROCKWOOD
Mr. and Mrs N. Brandler, of Swiss-| C. E. Walker from the State of
vale arrived here last Wednesday to | Nebraska is the guest of friends and
visit at the home of the latter’s pa- | relatives in Rockwood and vicinity.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas A’ Wagner, A large number of friends of Mrs.
and other relatives and friends here|J. E. Hauger called at the Hauger
and at West Salisbury. home in South Rockwood on New
Mr. afid Mrs. Harry Garlitz, of Red | Year’s evening as a surprise party on
Hill, Pa., spent the holidays with|Mrs. Hauger. The guests were royal-
their respective parents and other |ly entertained by their hostess with
relatives returned home the last of | the latest games after which a de-
the week. licious oyster supper was served by
Mrs. Lizzie Ferner, of Pittsburgh, | Phe hostess.
John Tedrow of Youngstown, Ohio,| The Rockwood Mothers’ Circle held
and Cleveland Tedrow, of Akron, |its rsgular montoly meeting at the
Ohio, who were called here on ac-|home of Mrs. J. B. Critchfield on
count of the death of their father, | Thursday afternoon.
| Simon ©. Tedrow, returned to| Alfred Younkin of Wentchee, Wash. ,
their respective homes on Wednes- is spending several weeks visiting his
day. : . |many friends and relatives in Rock-
Clarence Keim, of Meyersdale, was | Wood and vacinity.
a visitor here on New Year’s Day. G. N. ‘Cage, formerly lrcated at
Mr. and Mrs. H. Snyder, of Mar-| Rockwood assassistant road foreman
tinsburg, W. Va., were guests at the |Of engines on the Somerset & Cam-
home of Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wag-|bria branch, has been recalled from
ner, last Tuesday. Baltimore, where he was an engineer
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landis, who|©C the Southern division, to accept
moved to Salisbury last fall moved to | Ph Position as chief road forman of
Holsopple last week. engines of the Connellsyille division.
Misses Aleda and Margaret Alex- Tyr
ander of Rowlesburg, W. Va., spent FENTRESS, VA.
part of the holiday season here with| pisses Etta and Mollie Wenger and
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fannie Eby returned from a visit to
In 1914
you want the
ized—want to
The surest
keep a record
in a Savings A
one or both for
the bank that
of your expenses.
a checking account and stow away
a five or ten dollar bill each month
the easiest part of it all is opening
sistance to you.
universal wish real-
progress, get ahead
way to do this is to
of your expenses by
ms ot accounts with
desires to be of as-
(The Bank Wi
th The Clock.)
B. & O. Station Agent, Chas. San-
ders and wife,shave returned from a
visit to Mr. Sander’s father at Beaver-
town, Snyder county, Pa.
H. C. Dawson, B. & O towerman
at Markleton, has resigned to accept
the position as manager of the Arling-
ton bar at Somerset,
Samuel M. Lonberger visited his
brother, Theo. G., third trick tower-
man here, for a few days. ' Mr. Lon-
berger is the foreman for the Frank-
Alexander, of Ord street. Denbigh, Va., on Sunday. They
Clarence Menhorn, who has been | were accompanied home by Alfred
housed up with a slight attack of |and Aldine Brenneman of that place.
typhoid feyer is convelescing rapidly. S. A. Landis and Amos Warmer
Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Shaw, of Ber-|haye moved with their families back
lin, were guests at the home of Mrs, to Pennsylvania, from which place
Lydia Shaw one day last week. they came here several years ago.
Charles L. Wagner, of Scottdale,| Isaac Weaver of Amelia county,
visited his parents, Rev and. Mrs. Va., moved into the house vacated
W. W. Wagner, last week. by the Landis family. a
: Mrs. Savilla Boyer, Miss Charlotte| Andrew Rosenberger and family
Boyer, Miss Harriet Glotfelty, o |recently moved from this place to
town and Mrs. E. E. Dickey, and| Amelia county, Va,
family of Avalon, Pa., were present]
at a New Year’s dinner at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boyer, at
Miss Ruth Bender left on Monday
for Scottdale to spend several days
with her aunts, Misses Ella and Estie
Miller, before leaving for Hesston,
lin Davis Nursery Co., who operate
one of the largest nurseries in the
east, consisting of about 1,000 aeres in
Prince George county, Md.
The boarding house of the Enter-
prise Lumber Co. was entirely de-
stroyed by fire on Sunday night. The
proprietor as well as the borders barely
escaped with their lives, several were
forced to leap to the ground from
second story windows in their night
Section Foreman Burnsworth and
Burnsworth’s father near Bear Run
last week. The deceased was 84 years |
| Methodist Episcopal church ser-
| vice, Rev. G. A. Neeld pastor—Ser-
vices at10:30 a. m. Sunday school 9:30
| a. m. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m.
{ Evening seryice af 7:30.
8S. Philip and James QOatholic
church, Rev. J. J. Brady, pastor.—
Mass next Supday 9 and 11 a. m.
Vespers and Benediction at 7:30 p. m..
Church of the Brethren—Preaching
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday
School, 9:30 a. m. Christian Workers.
Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Bible Class,
Saturday evening, 7:30 Pp. m. Teacher
Training classes meet Monday evening
7 and 8 o’clock, respectively. Sunday
School Workers Meeting, Friday
evening, 30th inst., at 7:30.
Brethren Church, H. L. Goughnour
pastor—Services on J anuary 11th
at Summit Mills in the morning
and in the afternoon in Salisbury
and in Meyersdale church in evening,
This will be Attendance Day and all
| : . rks
family attended the funeral of Mr. Sle given mh sshecial inVitgtion fo
be present at the services. Sunday ’
school and Christian Endeavor at
usual hours. All are cordially invi-
CONFLUENCE. ‘E. 8. Barnes, local Superintendent Mrs. M. F. Riley, and daughter |Kans., where she will be at home in | Of age and was a life long resident of ted
Miss Emma Flanegan entertained for the Mountain Water Supply Co , Mary of . West Salisbury, spent|the fitare with her father, 1), H. that vicinity. :
the fancy Work olub at het home Frl- | was along the 1. C. V. Thursday onl ovis) “daps of the pest week: with Bender, principal of the Hesston Aca- —_— A Difference in Workin
day evening. The following members | business. relatives at Akron, Ohio, demy, HOOVERSVILLE. 1g
were present: Misses Ida McDonald
Elsie Beggs, Ella Yeagley, Helen Bow-
, lin, Laura Marquart, Mrs. John Hawke
Mrs. T. G. Beggs, Mrs. Walter Clouse,
Also the following visitors: Mrs-
Ralph cClune of Ochelata, Okla.,
Mrs. Lewis Constance of Cumberland,
Misses Susan Bowlin and Emma Thom-
as of Homestead, and Thea Walton of
East Pittsbargh, A very dainty lunch
Raddy Boyle, of Connelsville, left
for Indian Head, Thursday morning
where he i8 emploped ds superinten-
dent of The Indian Head Coal Co.
J, D. Slater, who spent a few days
at Oakland, Md., on business, returned
Thursday morning.
Ninty-six cars of coal came off of
the Indian Creek Valley Ry. in the
month of December, 1913. The capacity
David Engle, last week visited his| ET. R. Miller, who had the misfor-
brother, Rev. Charles Engle, at|tune to have several of his fingers
Greenville, Mercer, county. partly cut off in his grinding miil
H. H. Long, manager of the Twen | several months ago is getting along
tieth Century Clothing company at |nicely.
this place, returned last week from | Miss Lizzie Lehman of Denbigh,
bis home at Ridgway, Pa., where he | va,, visited relatives here last week.
spent Christmas. Miss Carrie King of Beach Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eyre, and |gpentlast week here visiting relatives.
datighter of Chambersburg, returned
Josephine DeMarco, aged 2 years,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
DeMarco, died January 2, 1914, of
true pneumonia. Interment in Holy
Catholic cemetery at Hooversville on
Saturday, January 3, at 11 o’clock A.
M. Services at Holy Mother’s Cath-
olic church. Requiem by Father
Joseph Kavinski.
A man’s working day is 8 hours.
His body organs must work perfectly
24 hours to keep him fit for 8 hours
work. Weak, sore, inactive kidneys
can not do it. They must be sound
and healthy actiye all the time. Foley
Kidney Pills will make them so. Yon
cannot take them into your system
§ served by the hostess. ily, b re —— without good results following.
Was mer of Listonb Hag Will soon be 10 or Lyesre daily home last week, having spent part WITTEMBURG Weep not for me, dear father and| Sold by all Dealers Everywhere.
M. TF, Havher o npurg H I Fisher, general mahager of of the holidays with Rev. and Mrs." ? mother, —_——
been the guest of Mrs. George Me-
Donald, Mrs. Fred Wilhelm and other
friends here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Parnell and
daughter Nelle have returned home
after a week’s visit with their daugh-
ter Mrs. Earl Miller at Viropa, W. Va.
Pearl Shafler of Listonburg, were in
town shopping Saturday.
Miss Bessie Miller of Somerfield was
the guest of fiiends in town Saturday.
She was on her way to visit friends
for several days.
Miss Emma Thomas of Homestead
was the guest of her sister Mrs. Ed-
ward Bender Friday till Sunday. She
‘was on her way home from haying spent
a two weeks holiday vacation with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas at
el et
Mrs. H. C. Sperry and family of
Meyersdale, were visitors here last
Mrs. Lucy Albright arrived home
on Wednesday evening after a visit
in Pittsburg with relatives and friends.
Oland Wiland of Meyersdale, spent
Thursday with Robert Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith visited
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith in Meyers-
dale on Thursday.
Misses Edna Baker and Mary Ken-
dall are confined to their bed with a
bad cold.
Mrs, Samuel Hoffmyer of Meyers-
dale, spent Friday with Mrs. C. Yutzy.
John Kendall returned to his home
in Baltimore, on Saturday after a
few days visit here with his brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John
An eyent of big bargains will begin
on Saturday, January 10th at Albert
the McFarland Lumber Co., spent
Sunday with his family at Wilkinsburg.
A. P. Doorley spent over Sunday
with home folks at Scottdale.
ee eee eee
two prominent young ladies of Mey-
ersdale, spent New Years day with
Mr. and Mrs. N. Deitle. They also
visited George A. Deitle’s school at
Pocahontas, both making splendid
Simon Glotfelty has been on the
sick list for the last few weeks.
Herman, Samuel and Jacob Baer
were visitors at the home of N. Dei-
tle’s last Thursday.
The people of Greenville township,
are making good use of the fine sled-
ding at present.
Adam and William Deitle haye gone
east to spend a week or more.
—_— re
The heavy snow storm here Satur-
day and Sunday caused a good bit of
damage in this community. George
Walker’s stable and Calvin Bowman’s
drumhouse were broken down by the
heavy snow.
Miss Grace Robertson left Sunday
for Somerset, where she intends to
visit for a few weeks.
George Fogle moved from Salis-
bury to our town on Saturday.
Mrs. G. W. May and three children
of Bedford, spent the holidays here
with friends and relatives.
William Robertson of Akron, Ohio,
spent Christmas here with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson.
Mrs. Haus spent a few days of last
week with her daughter, Mrs. Maggie
S. Glessner’s Department Store. ad
Misses Carrie and Alma Donecker, |
The following were callers at the
home of Owen Murray: Mr. and Mrs.
bis : Allen Thomas, of Meyersdale, Mr.
The 2 a Is ‘sna and Mrs. Lewis Mankamyer, Orpha,
Blanche, Carl and Lewis Mankamyer,
Mrs. Elizabeth Welfley, and daugh- | "4 ‘Moe “win Mankamyer and
ter Miss Ida Welfley, entertained family.
Mrs. R. S. Johns, Miss Myrtle Johns ; ;
and Miss Margaret Newman, at din-| Fred Derr passed through here Fri-
day in search of a horse.
ner last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eckhard,| The watch meeting at the S. T.
spent New Year’s Day with their | Evangelical church was attended
daughter, Mrs. Frank Daugherty, at| largely. Rev. Wise conducted the
Listie. meeting which consisted of preaching,
A sleighing party composed of |prayer service and testimonial meet-
about 40 young married people drove |ing on New Year’s Eve.
to Grantsville, Md.,on Monday even-| german Lottig and Mahlon Fairare
ing where a sumptions supper was | working for Pete Bowman at present.
spread for them at the Victoria Ho-
tel. Dancing and general merrymak-
ing were the order of the evening and
eyerybody had a good time. Another| Joe Mankamyer and family, Henry
party consisting of some of the|Mdnkamyer and famiy and Mr. & Mrs.
younger set, journeyed thither on| Charles Bittner were visitors at Rev.
Tuesday evening for a ‘‘hop’’ and |(. Mankamyer on New Year’s Day. 3
supper at the same popular hostelrie. | p 1. Ohler and J. E. Geiger made
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Patton and|a business trip to Meyersdale last
children of Meyersdale were guests Saturday.
at the home of the former’s parents, We have a fine sledding snow at
Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Patton, at West least 20 inches deey.
Salisbury, on New Year's Day. Ezra Crissinger is cutting down his
Miss Hazel, one of the popularand |, ,; trees and converting them into
efficient clerks in the Howard Meager Tumber.
& Company store, has been housed
up for several days at her home east
of town from the effects of an at-
tack of the grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barchus, Mr.
Ira S. Monn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Beale
John Lottig and Lew Mankamyer
are busy hauling props to Mance.
B. Beal, who had a slight paralytic
stroke, is improving.
Allen Murray and Albert Beal, who
were in Illinois for two years, return-
and Mis. Maust, Miss Florence Manst, ed home to spend the winter with
i ts.
Miss Emma McClure, Mr. and Mrs. their parents
Fred Harris, Mr. and Mrs, E. H.| Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mankamyer were
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reitz, callers at Sand Patch on New Year's
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meager, Mr. day.
and Mrs. P. P Connor, Rev. L. P.| G. W. Caler went to Pittsburg to
Young and Ernest Livengood at-|see his mother who is criticallv ill.
tended the Masonic reception and| Rumer has it that there will be an-
banquet at Meyersdale Tuesday even- | gther railroad through this neck of
Because I died so young;
The fewer years, the fewer sins,
God’s will must be done.
Mrs. Jos. DeMarko and her son are
having an attack of diphtheria.
Joe. Armond, an Italian, shot out
the old year at midnight, but as fre-
Snow galore at Hooversyille. Depth
about nine inches.
Salvatore Caste, who had an attack
of diphtheria is now convalescent.
W. Rodeneiser is nursing a sore
right foot caused by scalding water.
Letters—W. R. Bender, Pasquale Di
Ciscoso. ?
Cards—Miss Nora Engle, Charles
Griffith, Miss Emma Inks, W. D. Mil-
Jan. 3,1914. J. F. NAvGLE, P. M
Cornmeal Flapjacks
One quart of boiling sweet milk,
two cups white cornmeal, one scant
cup of flour, one tablespoonful of but-
ter, one tablespoonful brown sugar,
teaspoonful soda dissolved in a a little
hot milk, one teaspoonful salt, two
eggs, whites and yolks beaten sepa-
rately. Scald the meal over night
with hot milk. Put with this the
butter and sugar, cover and let stand
until morning; add the yolks of the
has thickened too much thin with
cold milk before stirring in the soda,
Children Cry
Dougherty at Hays Mill.
ing last week. | woods.
quently happens was careless as to
|the final destination of the bullet
from his revolver. Armond was
| caught in the act of shooting in front
of the McClelland residence at 1817
Graham avenue and investigation re-
vealed that a 37 calibre bullet ‘had
penetrated through the walls of the
McClelland home, the spent missile
being found upon the floor of a bed-
room. Armond was taken before Bur-
.gess J. W. Hawes, this morning and
fined $10 and costs.
EE _
As long as the present stock of
goods last, we will make photo-
graphs at one half the regular price.
All portrait frames will also go at
the same rate. We guarantee all
goods to be strictly first class and
p-to-date. E. E. Conrad. ad
Child Labor Day January 15th
Five thousand clergyman through-
out the country, members and corre-
spondents of the Social Service Com-
miseions of the various churches, have
just reeeived from the National Child
Labor Committee a reminder that the
eggs, salt and flour. If the batter | last Sunday in January is Child Labor
Day. The Committee is also asking
several hundred college presidents,
The whites should go in last and be | school superintendents, principals and
whipped in lightly. Lard can be used | teachers to bring the subject of child
instead of butter by taking a little | labor before their students an
d pupils
on Monday, the 26th of January. To
all who wish to observe Child Labor
Day, three pamphlets will be sent
upon request, free of charge, by the
National Child Labor Committee, 105
East 22d Street, New York City.
Cid Ad OE HN am