The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 01, 1914, Image 6
Si, . ——— i “=%0 92 convicts. | main three weeks with his family. Ezra R. Thayer, dean of the Har: #ard Law School, declined a nomina- Ton as justice of the Supreme Court. = | | Y. For fifteen years she had practi- cally been his slave. William Weber, 21 years old, was drowned trying to save from a like fate, Miss Sar: h Cradall, 19 years old, who had broken through the ice near DN ©)" IT'S A CURE! THAT'S SURE ~~, A, ; a TER TR y : The Bethlehern Sieel Company laid SH 7 off 6,000 employes. Before You B. ad Cream Separator Montgomery Ward left an estate of ~ Jy . | $5,000,000. y The imp The new submarine torpedo boat G FIRST SEE AND TR to the Un 3 was launched at Bridgeport, Conn. O ou y a ending Ju pg Treasury officials prepared to mail i @ 113,000,000 | copies of the new Currency law to the . e ® record for =e | 7.600 national banks in the country. 101,00 5 What Interests the World Chron-| August Glynn, 52 years old, stubbed ! he Sign atu re of ue SO “cled by Telegraph and Cable. As Wes nh ian bike THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. The pace { : 15] oi : : ffice 223 Levergood St Ree a wi | The memorial window erected to the SEE Office g ’ over i" Z | memory of Col. John Jacob Astor was 2 ’ heat. n ELANCE AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS | dodicated in he oi J2c0b Astor was J: 1. YODER, sibniown - Ponda a siah at Rhinebeck, N. Y. & In electiic Cincinnati passed an ordinance re- £4 @ : ratus speci: "Washington Looms Large as a Center Sa er Sry igi is the only guarantee that You have the used to cl of Interest—Legislatures Busy in ni 0 y EAR 0 D d THE YEAR NEW! heat. ¥any States—The Lights and New York City reform organizations @ . TH E Y i an . The cable Shadows of the News. urged Governor Glynn to recom. and Honol . . Tas eo — py . 1 i mend leSislauon aug for hs E THINK it well to begin the New Year by expressing our two shatics ry constabulary to control the vice an lh ill and generous patronage wireless fo £ > excise conditions in the city. Ww appreciation of the good will and g % lf Washington Fifty-nine of those who lost their I A A RR Mmmm are 17 extended to us during the past year, i ed : lives in the panic were buried at Cal. ANNE RR ROR TRIER NNN 7 Our relations with our customers have never been so satis- Sop 3a It was said that the embers Of) umei. More tiois 10,000 men and| ZA Z factory as during the past twelve months, ; This i The Interstate-Commerce COMMISSION | omen marched in the funeral proces- | % We have tried as never before to promote the interests of less for a hare Wwnanimously in favor of 8 law | ion, Z y those who trade with us, and we have substantial evidence that The secor Erving fiat holy control over rail More than 200 employes of the op-| i z our efforts have not been in vain. the Tennes Hay Sbialiaiiion, held in | °YaUng department of the Cotton Belt / y j3 , = In the coming year we shall maintain to highest standards principal o] ton ron atta Eo Are abe hell in| oo vey Shops (at Pine Buff, Ark, [~ 2 : : ree pein of pharmacy, the highest quality of goods, the figest possible Tennesse | "fourteen cities. i : i i TI i ’ 4 ; ’ Applications continued 0 come In a SOR a on tor wn fntenae A A TT ARMIN service, and, as in the past, place the interests of our customers Oompsny) i ee . - . ge Segdod "3 ious i er 23. from cities that wish to be. chosen Ralph Fariss, a train robber, was prepared by him for over 30 years, above our own, believing that in the long run we thus promote Datel 2% Federal reserve centres under the NeW | convicted of the murder of H. E. Mon. our own interests best. i fo A Pla Ww “murrency law. tague, a passenger agent on the South- ’ 1 Thanking all our friends an customers for favors shown, mgineeri President Wilson signed the SU oth Pace, and conte on to be YOU LL give YOUR baby the BEST xtend to each our kindest regards and our best wishes for with the fir x Pill and made a speech praising hanged. ; hy’ i a healthy, happy and prosperous NEW YEAR, produce 68, Mild weather has permitted the $e 9 «cost of the t Sins, be farm of former unites | YOUF Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. F. B. THOMAS LEADING DRUGEIST, $5,000,000. : States Senator Lorimer to “turn over” . : ° : : ’ Both Phones. MEYERSDALE, PA. the new pls Personal 100 acres of soil on his 600-acre mint Sold only In one size bottle, never in bulk and tHe cur President Wil his 57th birth. | 250 In Michigan. . : Sy high tensios President Wi son, on his 57 irth- | Students of the Broadway High rw ® t Pp t th rr ’ #ay, motored from Pass Christian, | gchoo1 ip Seattle, Wash., who were or othe Ise; 0 r otec € The prop : Miss, to Gulfport to attend church | gorhigden to dance the tango, have dis- b b : the importa &nd surprised the preacher there, covered that the teachers held a “tan. a 1€8S. to draw atte Admiral George Dewey, the hero of [20 tea” in the girls’ gymnasium. organization T¥amila Bay, celebrated his 79th birth- Adelaide M. Branch spent seven porting ban: day. years in all hidden in the law office The Centaur Company, y Pres'e. President Wilson arrived at Pass | yp Melvin H. Couch in Monticello, N. Christian, Miss., where he is to re- | while green miles in .a fi So careful is tation organ anas are bro sold 80 chea reach of all. : Port Jervis, N. Y. Yo : loss due to t 1 General = A registered Holstein cow at the AY Jones’ Break "wm Up beesuse of | Delaware College experiment farm in TT . New Jersey’s Board granted pardons | Newark, Del, produced in nine months | No Federal inquiry will be held, in- 30 the Calumet, hiich., fire panic. Henry w. Woodrow, an uncle of President Wilson, is dead at Chilli- | zothe, 0. | The development of Alaska was the | public at Freevville, N. Y., refused to 16,139 pounds of milk and 663 pounds of butter. Trustees of the George Junior Re- adopt the suggestion of the State Board of Charities that no more girls For over 20' years has Cured RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Lumbago and Gout I you have Rheumatism [any Jorm} get Jones every fruit v wireless plax layed. a wire out. for help to the assist; . 86], so that t . < : Break-Up, it will cure you as it has all others whe Tn. Svely Way 1 : | be taken into the colony. BLOISTERED mers? have taken it, Guarantesd to cure all cases : hief appeal in Secretary of the In-| Prof. L.'A. Bauer, director of the Clears Sorlor es msn Iepors ; department of terrestrial, magnetism FOR SALE AT Oct. -3m Mrs. Elizabeth Coburn died at her of the Carnegie Institution, made pub- . ’ y ®ome in Guy’s Mill, Pa. aged 100 [ic the results of the 150,000-mile COLLINS DRUG S TORE, Meyeredale, Pa. rears. | cruise of the non-magnetic yacht Car- Phya Probhakaravonga is the new- — TOM & JIM—— Discovery t Eczema a : res da bape : : negie. J If you are &y appointed Minister from Siam at | Judge Hunt, at the trial in New THE PLACE FOR HIGH CLASS FOOTWEAR. 3 Washington. | York of Mrs. Alexander and R, TP. Carl F. Carlson shot and killed his Heitemeyer, said the only way to de- blackheads, a es, freckles c S¥amish, now “mother in mistake for a burglar at feir home in Lincoln, Neb. President Wilson has included walk. Another Big Price Reduction | (ter women of wealth from cheating | the Government out of duties was to | impose prison sentence. A A A erm mF tr rrr Ln ed SUN -i ’ . ‘ of it with H The trial BE a 4 & (—— ‘This pure a ng, golfing, automobile riding ang | was adjojurned, . AM MAZDA LAMPS 1 Cll 0 N | ‘being introdr Bours Seon In his recreation Schedule Supt. Maxwell reported to the New Buy National Mazda lamps for every socket in the house now while ti E 8. E. Thorle ore as given by. a New York | york Board of Education that the of prices are lowest. Replace wasteful carbon lamps with efficient National . for » Hoeral Tombs prisoner, Secret Service men | ficiency of 114 teachers had Increased azda lamps and get three times as much light without additional ex- = ——————— *60ld hundred: Hae up $15,000 in counterfeit money | after they had been married. Wig. pense—BEFORE YOU PAY YOUR NEXT LIGH BiLL, ; | It contains Im a Pola ap Long Island ows, however, maintained a higher } : rie . 0 ’ . SE — ry The hisieric plaza district of Los ! status in work than those with hus- THESE PRICES NOW EFFECTIVE All custom Saopning) Sioenly to oy @ngeles, Cal, where the unempl d | ing. EL IVE. ioted oh hn vias oT | pends lying 10 watt. .......... 35¢ each 0 wath... . 35¢ each 4 cents per bushel. -clearing it in der martial law, E 33 wast een 35¢ each wat... .. © 45¢ each | soft, white a Ww. M. Watts, County Attorney of [E Sporting i 25 yagh:ss Tiitind. 5 Sach 100 watt: 80¢c each Ee ————— Tf Hokara «§ essamine County, Ky., was killed by | Fi = gna . : than is claime ok firecracker, which blew a large hole That the Federal League has bitten Put a National Mazda Lamp mn Every Socket. R F D 2 satisfaction, TX mn his head. off a large chunk of trouble for itself Buy them in the Blue Convenience Carton—k : ’ > Before hanging himself in a Phila- [In taking Joe Tinker and Mordecai Use them as you need them. : SSD 2 Stock on hand, “Helphia jail, Matthew McCabe, of Wil- Brown away from organized basebali 8. E. Thorle;j is the opinion of Ban Johnson, presi- will refund “mington, Del, remarked that “Life ig ‘not worth ljving without a wife.” | eyersdale Pa. Telephone orders filled. M have any ski -dent of the American League. BA BE R & CO ; spend 25c to | Michael Clark, an inmate of the Hank O’Day, the veteran umpire of ® PROFESSIONAL CARDS fora jarot th Schuylkill, Pa, County Almshouse the National League, is behind the Sold on = gu “was frozen to death near that insti- scheme to eliminate” the intentional TT rena rr A HOLBERT “tation. He is the first victim of the | base on balls. The plan is to do away * “#Rason, ATTORNEY-AT-LAw, World’s mallest and Largest! p-uneers oe . Beerits: Bae ur 22, Dynamos. 5 with passes to the heavy hitter at Fashions and Fads, critical stages of the game. Battling Levinsky, who might be a white hope if he had a little dey, Druggist. James T. Carney, 52 years old, killed #@imself and wife at Indianapolis, after &*ilme latter had begged him to stop For Infor Green is a modish color for street VIRGIL R. SAVLOR, . aL more | oostumes, ATI EY ALLY un goss) mo *rinking, avoirdupois, added one more victory wn . +.20-0. 3 ¥ | State Zoologis Mrs. Elizabeth Crotsley, of Fair to his collection when he defeatey| Black and white is becoming pop- | The smallest electrical dynamo ‘in| oe . : . . TT mount, N. J., was rescued from a cis. Jack Driscoll of South Brooklyn. ular again. | the world was made in France. This ‘Lern after being imprisoned in five Relatives of the late Pittsburgh Phil, America’s most successful turf plung- er, have purchased the Indianapolis American Association Club for $175. 5 . risburg, makin ; mation in suc Prof. Surface "give the defini b needed He special effort t ents to. be spec ble .in describ 3 : ; G. Sugary, | PACE: In jewelry, the square-cut stones dynamo is so tiny that its base would | *- JUSTICE OFTHE PEACE. reign supreme. not oceupy all the Shace on a copper Deeds, Muciages, key a t The new tango shade js nasturtinm cent. It operates with a hum greatly | Papers promptly sxacuted Vv. -6matin fa 6olos. i resembling the buzz ofamosquito. It : | weighs but one-fifth of an ounce and BUHL & GATESMAN, This winter, as before, all furs are is six-tenths of an inch in thickness. a fashionable. | The little dynamo can be used not| Distlilats of Pure Rye, Wheat, Mal “feet of water for two days. Mrs. C. W. Whitney, wife of a pub- fisher of Boston, accidentally shot and killed her 11-year-old daughter, | qq. Pittsburgh Phil’s real name was while cleaning a rifle at Southboro, | George E. Smith, and the new owners Mass. of the Hoosiers are William Smith, R. G. Millsapp, secretary to Gover. his brother, and James C. McGill, his ~fpor Hall of Louisiana, was scalded to one pecially to be c : nephew. All the newest gowns give the cor- | only as a generator, but as a motor, | 4nd Gln. Distilling up-to-date mines with ing death by falling into a tub of boiling : setless effect, | consuming in the latter case current MEYERSDALE, Pa. The process © wwater in a hotel at New Orleans. = a . : All draperies run high in front ang | 20 a pressure of two and one-half | Nov.1s-tf e } eased or infeste John H. W alling, Whose father was | £ Foreign £| os | volts. A small pocket battery will *Th : h R Revolutionary War soldier, and who E in long behind. i te it y eBest Med; e Made to thatof 2 P : was the first to raise asparagus in Sholto Douglas, H. M. N., noted| Children’s coats all [Operate it. dneyand Bladder roubles New Jersey, is dead at Port Mon- bang sraiahi] The Best Corrective and preventive of the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the or- gans of digestion—is found in the safe, speedy, certain and time-tested home remedy British Admiral, is dead at Southsea. An expedition of the Canadian Roy- al Northwest Mounted Police will leave Dawson in search of information regarding the explorer Stefanson and his companion. A new record for altitude was estab- lished by the French aviator Legag- neux at Frejus when he rose to a height of 20,668 feet. A sum of money amounting to $6,- 500 was stolen from the Havana branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. It is thought the money was taken by employes. There are 200,000 destitute war refu- gees in Bulgaria. The Government has asked for assistance for them. The sealing up of Cardinal Ram- polla’s rooms at Rome, was declared “mouth, aged 88 years. James W. Osborne continued his probing of the graft charges and brought out evidence sustaining John “A. Hennesy’s assertion that political assessments had been levied on New - ‘¥ork canal employes. -River pirates stole a tug in Hoboken, “towed a New York Central float to Btaten Island, looted the ten freight Tars on it, transferred the plunder to wagons in Hoboken and then set the tug adrift under her own steam. £ our men under arrest may be charg- =f ‘with piracy. A bomb, believed to have been Placed under their bed by a black dander, blew off the legs of Mrs. S. “J. dghnson and her 11-year-old daughter & $n ‘their home at Des Moines, Iowa. from the shoulder. The largest i ever built is ns ; | OW in course o construction at the as oupsss Tegaining a hitle Schenectady plant of the General : | Electric Company for the Philadel- Most of the new evening wraps are | phia Electric Company. This is a trimmed with fur. | Curtis steam turbine and an alternat- The maker of the Proper waist coat ing current generator mounted to- must not overlook the important item gether in the same frame. of buttons. erator is driven by the turbine engine Fur coats grow more voluminous at jand will produce more than 35,000 the back, and the fronts are as scant | kilowatts of electricity or over fifty as possible. | thousand horse power. = This enor- The most softening, beautifying | mous power producing machine is and becoming touch on the tailored | VoTY compact, taking up, but iittle sult this year is fur, floor space, and is also very efficient. One of the season’s favored modes is the closely-fitted turban or cap for theater wear. for a patient. to know every to accurately di following is an can not be very becausefhis inqt indicate any pa reply to a lette Scranton: ‘I am sendin oR the treatmer pests, but do no pest you wish kindly let me kr treat, I’should b more definite dir I would not say or any other tre P Sold everywhe re. In bbzes, 10c., 25¢. Fy I STEWART’S HEALING —l Ol Br POWDER | The ‘Mischief Quartet” and Detter yy re cuts and gores on CHICHESTE PILLS 3 L Superior to salves or liriment, Feels bh excepting for de: et a - ickl : DIAMOND 4 SN) RAN iss. Sadie Wood w deq | to have been done without judicial 7 its Work, good, or san pees away fies A a B D present, Jorgabou os mamma] authority. Arrests are pending. Do you begin to cough at night, At drug or harness Stores, or 8 Rep, “Therefore, if ment as postmistress of Linde ne 7 Alberto Aguilera, a member of the just when you hope to sleep? Do) Each year the month of January F.G. Stewart & Co., Chicago, ee pe J Cosy ay me specimines © : : 3 a go by | Sbanish Cabinet, and Civil Governor [yoy have a tickling throat that |numbers its list of victims from in- D. | “ id Tt Dh ited four years ago > of Madrid during the Spanish-Ameri- y 2 | = % 2S 2T alt. dean keeps you awake. Just take Foley’s | fluenza, lagrippe, bronchitis a : : s | ca var, is ead. : . Mary Peuma, six, was killed, it wags | 20 Wa ’ 8 : ia 4 : Honey and Tar Compound. It will | monia. y | A great crowd serenaded F rancisco De La Barra, Mexico’s ens the injury done first appear, I s amineZthem pron nd pneu- The prompt use of Foley’s | oy to Japan | check the cough and stop the tick- | Honey and Tar Compound will check | ed by the police, by a pistol be- | to her father, with which she OLD metallic b Drugetst for Cry. | DIAMOND Biase PIL 1g GOES TEP = § | i Ribbon, Taxs NO Otnpn pith Blua mediately, giving 2 ip | UPon his arrival at Tokio. He was | ling sensation at once, Does not up- | the onset of a cold and stop a cough, | | DIA To Nip k Nor pOuLonEsTT IRE \/ J applicable to eae "GHR stm . As . . ee ! 2 : . i | : ran Al LS, f : Fi mas be if presented with a sword o nor by |set the stomach, is best for children | preventing the development 8 rooklyn. er father | PTeS k | to more | In use Keep it on hand. $0 years Sold by all Dealers Eyerywhere. | years ron BRAN oe for twenty.g c d as Best, Safest, Always Reliable Parliament, SOLD BY ALL pry | I3% EVERYWH RE Hs f and grown persons. | serious conditions. would be the be Sold by all Dealers Everywhere, | obtain the defin Y4u need concer their treatment.” TTT me essay ———