ee pei - pa 3 SSS ———— 2 . . TT : a SRSA. rrr errr 4 TT ie ersdale ~o0 Im) ] COL. ARTHUR HOFFMANN NEW LAW | Dentistr J rr Iv Y In) erelial. AFFECTS |Dentistry As Applied to Trees. Household Notes. —_— — i CLERGYMEN. nD [Registered at the Fostoffice at Meyersdale. Pa, as decond-Ciass Mail Maiter.] , ee State Zoologist Surface found a let-| A tongue for boiling is best fresh : ter in the mail : visi | ” 4 ARLE Che SED Clergymen are also included i ail sent to the Division of | : ; : x : y ; ed in the 7Z i So | from the pickle. THE M EY ERSDALE COMMERCIAL, now ruling of the railroads in refusing Ee the ip n pre Depart: | A dessert to be successful must be 1 A. M. SCHAFENER, Editor and Proprietor. to re-issue free transportation within < gricuiute, asking how to] aes Stee the state to others than employes | ici ent decay ina tree from making | attractive to the eye. | Ttems x b y . 1 i = : | Er Pablished €very Tbarsday in the Year at $1.50 Per Year Cash Application blanks for half-rate Es A ae ie S10} Never lve pofatoss, ries sad poms } y ‘he 7 Fel Wy Phone No. 55. 110-112 Center Street. ts fo cogymel were received at the | has rotted bet Cod w a | iny at the same meal. 4 S 3 : Ta] s y. + . : Po L = Fuel — We Extmore & Ohio be done to save the tree? Ibis a good | Frozen rice pudding is a delicious — ¢ SL . THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914 TEL LAY They Devil tho 105] Dian 1g out ous tue dod pare and gil | and nourishing winter desert. sy the system outside of SN up the hole with cement | Pearl tapioca makes a delicate and but full fare will be collected between Professor Surface replied: ‘The | excellent thickening for soups. fred T 1914. stations inside the state Pope: Aestmens for the eavity of Beans and peas are too much alike rlent : : : t your cherry tree is to clean this out, The old year with its successes and its failures, its joys and its DE allow the in- | removing the decayed wood; then be Bed 4% {1% sams meg ei 5 gorrows, its hopes realized and hopes blasted are behind us. We within the be Heke from points | Wash or spray the interior with an The light dessert should always Chyising 2 stand the threshold of 1914, the door I A even ra Ly i 3 clergymen i such asa two per cent. |followa heavy dinner, and vice yersa. h Mist Bd i is untried. : There will be disappointments as in past years. There some station ir Maryland ot on irs tes a Be i Don’t use sooty pans and settles in E bury, sper i wi be anxious cares and deep concerns, as there have been and. as ssturp ip would ride for half the|is corrosive sublimate: then paint it cocking —they take longer to Beat 3 tives and f { } ere will be to every serious minded person, in the days that are he hid i coming out. with ordinary paint of any kind, and Apple sauce should always be eaten . Dr. Edw i before us. The strong man with a good cause is ready to assume os apd i tution of passes to slploye finally fill the cavity with any kind of |to counterbalance Sausage and pork. Pa, Was | its responsibilities and bear ns 3% dav by duy the cares eT Jilin Sployes was made Soment or use one part of Portland The light desserts are the plain and Friday and i : ] ; C X . ce o vance no- | cementiwith about four or fi : : : i £ a ’ The gee thing for men is to be men—free, inde- Hew, feos transportation is witheld | Of sand. ve paris stewed frulis, gelatines and junksts, — I afraid. rom the families between points with: “This i : Paste the owner’s initials 0 | i . : : D - is is practically nothing else ver each and friend bf The day for new resolutions is here. If good resolves have —- Pennsylvania, Across ghan the principle of modern SE iiotey [towel used on & large iamily lowe} Mrs. Jo BB been made, and if the past year shows wreckage and failure along red ink ale in| 48 Gentist cleans out the bh a with her igs the line that had been marked out a year ago, make a new start to trastate Trev E Within bi oo Ia ge ik doom, applies oh antiseptic phos Bowen . th Jot a I i Critengeld 4 3 ? : . ay, A event further decay, and fill a e omelet ma e i bes gi and ore Sion made to be a man is a victory, ; rw ’ tooth with some i that he flapped over and over. y Mrs. Ja 3 a step in the direction of accomplishi in vi pr hefinterpretati i preservation will prevent th ibil-| ot : nellsville ° ; Whether the yea 1914 has little or a. FE Wei is nied a oe id 3 Gogh cea. we sre coming a — re Io the naes. friends a 14 : , ercia ride®without cost s see that threatment of all living | , charcoal. e charcoal : : 1 wishes you a happy and a prosperous year of three hundred and | SUMMIT ( but bey m outside of the state | things for illsaflicttons is based upos| made red-hot and then cooled be- Miss M0 sixty-five days a Ie y must pay full fare once within | \ oe S505 fundamental biological | fore using, its virtu i brrgh vie ys. OL ARTHUR HOFFMANN, £ | the border. principle. A cha : the ch Be friends; se - - of St. Gall, th : » E : iL change the children will = . - = dent of St Sal). De New sro =| There is the usual quiet protest - ciate is the baking of a Mr. and Op eni ng of School = 1y. vice-president and chief of from those affected, but railroad offi- 61 tart shape. Simply line patty pang * z ‘Connellsv: ¢ : : . = the military department of the cials point to the law, which plainly with3:the pastry and then fill them Mand Mrs. With the opening of the public schools on Monday, pupils E republic DL he mn of such trans- covering the top : aay. who r : rv | EB wl £ | portation and provides a : ri i 20 oties bave been refreshed by the two weeks va- SE | violation. If this law has L Dendy Tomato sauce is peculiarly good Wii 3 : \ make anew beginning and with added vigor, endeavor | syn in the past, they say, that is no reason with naked beans, Old bakey HSE Tn ( 0 surmount the difficulties which lie before them. The trials and |Z HIRI | why it should, be in the future, espec- soversd with tomato ssues snd halted atives i +discouragements of the past should be forgotten and the new term = = ially since the organization of the Pub- jin the oven till the whole is brown, is $s: ¢ without a blemish or blot, fot them bogin thelr strugele fort | 2 Wire Ticks s lic Service Commission, whose busi- = | also a savory luncheon dish. Miss Ar and success. Also the teachers, who have likewise + E : z Beh i HEIL smoh Sets ou) ri Re Forge, ; : ; 5 =|are e . . 0 vi : 4 : : Christmas holiday, let them return to their classes with a desire to SH nnnS ii Populap Mechanics ie NY — Sols Min toe 1 Saturday : jmpart their knowledge to the eager and a i i GULFPORT, Miss.—President Wil- agazine ! i Mes, 3 ! mined that the remaming five Sit of Aepive pupils, deter-| son celebrated his 57th NEW BURGESS ON MON-' | “WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" EE SPI Ni eat spout F i th 1 school shall speak for | motoring over to Gulfport for church DAY A GREAT Continued Story of the World’s | |i m, stite ed on both sides, so there re A Lthemseives. service Sunday and entering the . wh J ourens which you may begin i ns is no right or wrong, and time will be 0 er, E———— First Presbyterian Church with : interest forever. Yoo Ih rh hold your saved both in washing and in lookin , High str oye Mrs.| On Monday morning at 10:00 o’clock Zosn, of fis Rost wonderful ye pte for the right side of the opron 2 Miss A Two Important iLaws of the WASHINGTON.—Secretary of Agri- fhe 4 Ms administration changes | § A resident Nie, Oval-shaped gilt frames of th 1d is vistih tiie Hemsion expects to learn the |ghat ul ® Some chamber. After : $1,000 FOR ONE TART fashioned type are now being aE -Aunie 'M si " use of the present high will be, his honor, Val- i fned ON ir .hidi : : Administration. Ce Se viooe: olenting Ges May he lifve BS oma SoRn Hom ei aT Diag gil ; en : i . ve ] Ar hh nd Mechanics. se rame e i . i ona The national administration has been in power for toh months Sompities which will start to work | Prous and successful administration. neig Bors ave, and i 178 Sons of You manner they hsv Wiis mines ab and in this time : ’ YER. Zine in Fousends of he fest Avaric ult 1 : Wo S | has brought about two notable achievements, one J DENVER, Denver is about to be- homes. It appeals to all classes —old and A fruit jelly—apples, bananas an d Ssanies is the revision of the tariff and the other is the revision of the cur-| industr S I ong e ram CASTOR Tho “Shop Notes Department (20. pages) pineapple chopped and put imio 3 Te. . - - v gives ea h = 2 . p rency bill. The effect of the tariff bill has not been sufficiently) * A A he hag besa chosen for 1A seta aril Tor home and Shop repairs, she foundation of gelatine, strawberry Tithe tested to determine whether or not it is helpful or hurtful to the Ar VE Ny 0 For Infants and Children, make Alsion JUPBitire, wir uta, bonts on i a ge country and indivi : . .e ed by the Nati i 4 : engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. ious salad, served on lettuce leaves. Saunt S od 2 fhe jndlvish The other is the currency bill which | and A ne Kind You Have Always Bought 1.50 PER vEdn. sineLE cores 15 cers Alweys W last Week. . the direction of leading scientists T| Bears the. Fo ras A ory Tabur Children Cry Miss M : . ALBA Lyd a M : | Hedly any one Von is up the claim that these laws will | sleigh es Ye oi Signature of 318 AR MECHANICS CO. FOR FLETCHER'S a e requirements or t i i i T | C A -I* RIA : © ing out, but fact is they a Ey a a hy ol Yl peat a #5 Oo I ™ friend, ) which were demanded by | hor’ ovo In depths: varying the people, and any weaknesses or defects which th rom five to eighteen inches. This |~vems A —— Lil be remedied in course of Hm Xs to (h ey possess, Can | was a part of a general snow. st oy Gil : a ig 1’ ne : . i : orm EL tT prin I Bern he, a 2) ® he Sie en is rug the greater part of the ; Loi . . ich is the high protection 2 : idea, while the new law stand i PROVIDENG Mo mre idea, wh s for a reduced tariff, and the bank- OF, R: l=Wrs. Margaret ; Mr. ar ne uy is a departure from the present system. It has been ger i : Le 304 hep geeny : es ti erally admitted i z ta argaret Murphy, 15 5 w L Se ama Ye a few men, if they saw fit under the old law, Joars old, were suffocated in a fire in 1 : . Yeager, go bout a panic. If the new law is able to prevent hablo Some oF Mere NY oy Miss y en a forward step has been taken, but regardless of the merits or men : a Hoes a Saturets emeri es , orced an entr : : jo oy the great laws enacted by the administration, the fact through the dense smoke. Sage | erinlay LB s that the laws were enacted and no serious disturbances oN hua an AT ave taken place in this country, the business world has not been | on bi y a Rae Ne stampeded, no panic has occurred, the people have not been scared cess of the ily = Be ’ , ; ; : : o nor seriously disturbed. 3 Tete Speaker has left Washington 3 vo w ure during the last two sessions. 7 . nk —— wpa ra : J Jd. ds > Ann A New Industry Certain. BOY SCOUT KILLS CHUM the ho The work of selling stock for the new Shirt factory waa jai] Yinister's Son Amuses Himself With You have given me a gratifying share of your trade duri Bi garded as a pretty big proposition. By pushing the work at a ter- Shoigan. 208 i the past four months for which I am truly grateful. hav oe _— ' ~ rific pace that part was brought to a successful conclusion. Another - Io ment your confidence and patronage by giving you Te hi of the ’ > - ¥, : 3 ~~ : . o i : pate vast appeared apparently serious was that of securing suf.}, Pookskill N. ¥., Dec. 26—An out io Jality of merchandise obtainable for the money and by bo Jue] ! 3 Chol an : = oor Christmas party of t ; i ‘ ilo. / = i of ont he P to operate the machines, but judging frof the Dumber |the First Mothodist yids di ee Fay business on the | square deal” principle, accompanied Se app ications for positions, that too seems no longer in the way of | school, had a tragic climax in Depew’s e utmost courtesy in all transactions. HS Shoue meting 2 success of the enterprise. That which seemed on the aX of pep siirface most simple was the matter of secu i i Monroe Kuistern, thirteen years old, 1 1 joi hel : ¢ p curing a suitable place for! on of the Rev. E. N. Knistern, pastor This : Policv Shall Continue Side. the location of the plant. A number of places had been looked at. | of the church, accidentally shot and 2 Mr. a The expense entailed in shaping buildings for that particular pur- Hed Sus Atsp vessel chum, Ed: not only throughout 1914, but throughout my busi Ton, on i . . sul 7 busines ; pose has been a big drawback and then the matter of rent seemed| The boys, under the guidance of Da: I have stocked my store with a complete line the a a Mrs E; to those having the project in charge, in many cases, almost out of | vid Valentine, one of the Sunday most desirable goods, and it is my aim to cater to th ewes atl South § reason. This Waa the most discouraging feature of the work, T school teachers, had baked potatoes wants of th i i 0 the needs and t business to M Ss i » 10/and roasted meat in true hunter fash- ants o e general buying public. I guarantee my price Mf 2 ge usiness to eyersdale the better way 18 to lend every possible |ion at a big wood fire. They had all each and every item to be as low as is consistent with saf oa i aid and give all the help that can be given, instead of trying to get gaitored grout) 2 piesie table Jt sane business methods. My experience as buyer of me Se sand Via . : . os east. oun I Whi : i the last copper out of an infant industry, that under fair conditions| gt a nan I Ee Win for more than a decade, enables me to obtain the best aie Centre is bound to be of much help to Meyersdalte. Christmas, had brought it with him the least money, and for this reason, in many Te > i Vern ee Pain Bn i to display it to hi : i your Ww When it seemed that the chances of iteblishing a shirt factory to GIptey Bios ar the rifle find my prices much lower than others for the same a ; Ma, & here were fast fading away, a solution Yas reached, viz : That the|as it lay on the table. Edward Webb I WwW : fora § od municipal building will be placed in shape and that the shirt| 5; sitting opposite Rim. ~Knistern iY T re . i . sighted the weapon over Webb’s head an our rade of Nort . factory will be at an early day one of Meyersdale’s new industries. |and pulled the trigger. At the in- rr————s Mr. May those of our citizens who have given financial aid receive onl de aii so, not knowing that and solicit it on merit. It is intended that every t . field © proper returns, and those who in any way assisted in bringing this|ciood up Yor oaaed, eth Aan be so satisfactory to each customer that it Ee pgm shal % Wih industry here have their compensation and the consciousness of |tato. The bullet, fired within a foot pleasure for him to extend me his patronage 3h Some eal / y Md having helped Meyersdale. of him, entered his brain and he col any canse for complaint, I wish to be told ii i = thors be ] sod apsed across the table among his ? rein 1 am at i ; ———— me hei camseniont. so that steps can be taken to overcome it. You shall olin ey Tui sidewalks make splendid coasting for the boys and girls. | made to feel welcome here whether you wish to buy o Se ng 6 emer — GERMAN ROADS FOR CHINA Come 1n. ‘Look around. Compare values and prices Ti mothe! KEEP the good work moving” Land more business for Mey-| ,... are always welcome, Let us enter upon the year 191 : > sists; ersdale. out $20,000000—Only German renewed mutual confidence. 4 with Ye. Materials to Be Used. fami amily . . o . Berlin, Dec. 24.—An agreement for 2 iow Do YOUR Chriginas saving early. Next Christmas is not| . nstructing two railroads in China by : parent twelve months Oil. German engingers. who are to utilize of the ———————— purely German materials, the capital S G Miss : : i for which is to b ovided by Ger- i ¢ ALL things have their uses. The abandoned municipal build- i y yg ll Enero or the . N ER i ing will make a good home for the shirt factory. Chinese Foreign Minister and the 9 mi rrr rere . > German Minister to China at Peking. Successor to Ap el & Mra tree TS g essner Th C . H All . " The cost of the two undertakings is * Markle timated at from $17,500,000 to $20, same a Commercial Has All the News [5s \ {ore Mand Baier oe mn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers