e" 4 WEEK'S NEWS BY TICK AND FLASH ‘What Interests the World Chron: XEfed by Telegraph and Cable, ELANCE AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS + "Wiastiimgton Looms Large as a Center a 'nterest—Legislatures Busy in Many States—The Lights and Shadows of the News. L Washington ‘Wee peace treaty signed by the " @Mel@erlands and the United States was the sixth since President Wilson amg Secretary of State Bryan began to smiisocate universal peace. “Mie Senate passed the Currency MW, 54 to 34, six Republicans and one Wasgressive voting with the Demo- exalts. Wives of United States Senators and of Cabinet members decided to $erve the question of social precedence @p ithe President. The Republican National Commit- dime: voted to reduce the number of - dldhgates at national conventions by mmaty-four, the negro representation Wwsivg hardest hit. f Personal 4 copy of an English newspaper gublished at Lima, Peru, which @sezhed Washington, reported that ei. Theodore Roosevelt and Dr. Mar- kal Martinez, former Chilian Minis- Rer to the United States, had clashed ®antiago de Chili over the Monroe ine. ®ice-President Ma-shall signed a somtract to appear on the public plat- enn on the Chautauqua and Lyceum seircuits. He will receive $300 a lec- ere. Hrs. Theodore Roosevelt and her mtfece Margaret Roosevelt, arrived at Mew York from South America, where «abe left Col. Roosevelt during his tour «ff Chile. & London newspaper predicts a #wrrage for former British Ambassa- rr Bryce. ; I Three persons were killed and six wnsended in one day in “gunmen” bat- es in New Yory City The First National Bank of Eliza- "Jes, Pa. has closed its doors and ummsked that receiver be appointed. Postmaster-General Burleson asked @hagress to appropriate $1,000,000 to amerate the parcel post until June 3. Senator Ashurst introduced a bill, mgpropriating $350,000 for a barbed- wire fence along the Mexican border. Zhere were 206 automobiles stolen Be NC. 1.ck City to date this year, af which. 154 have been recovered. Puring the 1913 fiscal year, the hited States revenue cutter service amscued 327 persons from the sea. Mrs. Kate Wood Ray declined the «fice as chief of the Gary, Ind., police #irce, because she could not vote. Melvin H. Couch, a prominent law- wr of Monticello, N. Y., was found #=md in the Masonic Temple of that asty. The New York, New Haven & Hart- #erd Railroad will rename the Kent sation on the Berkshire line, Wood- InW. A new comet has been discovered Sy Washington astronomers, which will soon be visible with ordinary tele- - gwopes. Barnard Bennett, known to Harvard #udents as “Poco,” the oldest clothes “wan and money lender, is dead at Bos- wn. Philip Tomashefsky, “father of the Jbwish stage in America,” is dead at General Sain @entreville, N. Y. He was 69 years ald. Sunday, February 1, will be “Go-to- ghurch” day in Chicago. All residents mre requested to attend church on that My. In order to avoid congestion of the mails in the holiday rush, 8,000 ad- ditional men were employed on the ailway mail service. Only 2.434 members of the New York National Guard qualified as marksmen or better under the new afiooting rules calling for moving tar- gets. Secretary of War Garrison and Seec- metary of the Navy Daniels recom- mended that the officers who attended Wie recent dinner. of the Military Or- #r of the Carabao be reprimanded. @ov. Glynn in his refusal to grant " Pistrict Attorney Whitman's request at he be given State-wide power to vestigate and prosecute, said Whit- san 1s playing politics and knows the -@@wernor has no authority to do as the . ~gpusecutor wishes. Mrs. Catherine Becker, mother of wd rmer Police Lieutenant Becker, con- + wicted in New York of murder, is s EE a | I il beh iit: iii : \Vege(able Preparation forAs- similating the Food and Regula: ; ting the Stomachs ud Bow of “i 8 INFANTS “CHILDREN Promotes Digestion Cheetfit ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral. | NoT NARCOTIC. : Aperfect Remedy for : | tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea ‘| Worms Convulsions. Feverish '| ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. NEW. YORK. _ ol At6 months old phe ARLE =3Ernts ji% ee Exact Copy of Wrapper. | For Infants and Children. Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years Si The Kind You Have CASTORIA' THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. e0iSTERLD mea have COLLINS’ DRUG 8 mr, sr azda lamps and get three pense—BoFORE OU Pay 10 watt .... 35¢ each 15 watt +. 3bc each 2Wwatt .. .... 35¢ each 2hwabh...........) 35¢ each Use them as you need them. Telephone orders filled. BAER SALE AT FORE, Meyersdale, Pa. Another Big Price Reduction ! SUNBEAM MAZDA LAMPS . Buy National Mazda lamps for every socket in the house now w i rices are lowest. Replace wasteful carbon lamps with efficient nie times as much light witho t iti - oa ED hehh ut additional ex ALL ——— THESE PRICES NOW EFFECTIVE. Put a National Mazda Lamp in Every Socket. Buy them in the Blue Convenience Carton—keep a stock on hand pf a 1 A ms" IT'S A CURE! THAT'S SURE § Jones’ Break-Up For over 20 years has Cured RHEUMATISM i" oo Catisa, Lumhago and Gout Break-Up, It will cure you as ‘it has a taken it. Guaranteed to orm] zot Jones’ ors 20 ‘cure al) a. Oot. -3m eA AAA, BILL, 0wath .......... 35¢ each 60wath .. ........ 45¢ each 00 watt........... 80c each & CO. TT rrr nn ~~, AAA AAA, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The World’s Remedy You make no risky experiment when you use occasionally— whenever there is need—the most universally popular home remedy known,—Beecham’s Pills, which have stood the test of time with absolute suc- cess and their world-wide fame rests securely on proved merit. PILLS relieve the numerous ailments caused by defective action of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Cleansing the system, they purify the blood and tone body, brain and nerves. Beecham’s Pills act quickly; they are always safe and reliable, and you may depend upon it they Will Benefit You Sold everywhere. In boxes 10c., 25¢c. Everyone—especially every woman—should read the directions with every box. y — Everybody’s friend—Dr, Thomas’ Electric 0Qil the great household remedy for toothache, earache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold a all Drug Stores. 925c¢ and 50c. a PROFESSIONAL CARDS, HOLBER' wo, A. ATTORNEY-AT-LAw, SOMERSET, @¥-UMlce in ook ¥ Beerits’ Block, > post eT TTT TT ———— VIRGIL R. SAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET Ps QCt.29-03, TT TTT —————— G G. GROFF, JUSTICE OF, THE PEACE, CONFLUENCE, PA. Deeds, Mortages, Agreement; Papers promptly executed . . 1.3% Logs BUHL & GATESMAN, Distillers of Pure Rye, Wheat, Mal | and Gin, Distilling J{p-to-date, MEYERSDATL Nov.i8-tf. x. Pa Wengerd’s Nill All custom chopping 4 cents per bushel. R. F. D. 2, . Meyersdale , s"Aie- SL Pruniny A gentlems of Pennsylva: A. Surface, burg, Pa., asl tion concerni of pruning ck the following suggestions | to other tree “Cherry tre time of year | other words, and the time blossoms apr method of pr cannot well k great believe ing top for al “Your diag actly correct cutting line t centre and th When a tree centre, that g it becomes CC sults finajty | ause of its This should k branches are he central p: goon as the Vv on it the si ward, away f he centre t higher than he shape of fruit is upon hat is 2 ¢ and the prun ler shape and fthat time, as he gathering “Fall or wi well as sprin; hould be cut buds in the f llow a little | jo dry back phat was left he outer br he outer bud st bud on | hich exbenc he top ef ‘th e many side efer te cut his 1 mean ft made ju yhich meache “Ir iD ruuin pr one-shoul ose to the 1 able to be rowth of t lose the to; ihe purpose ¢ nce that he Bud-should b meter of the nd for fall gould be bes (@8me distanc ud, and eitl tub, or go o ime about { tarting, and will heal n it were left 2 All Has any M | Felt That Feel all ou Tired, blue Back feel | Perhaps it’ kidneys— Bad blood Uric acid j There’s a Stimulate | Do it with Doan’s are (EM eyersdale if Merels one Mrs. Ross istreet, Meye long time m had seyere dizziness. Ii and Jd lackec Doan’s Kidne Bed so kighly Busing them B. Thowas’ relieyed me better in ove For sale b cents.. Dom’ ney remed B® Pills the sa had. Foste i Buffalo, New Bi i Butter the and line witlk of bread, bi cut the ap; he dish, an innamon, s and ' a gene rumbs. Bal ites, and th os por The Salish Belling desir: cal price. J dent. Geor; nd Treasure Chil