TI dh promptly. county. Telephone or mail us your E orders. They will receive the best attention and ship STORE! MILLER & COLLINS. ee eee ———————— COME TO THE BIG CHRISTMAS store will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Dec. 22, 23 and 24, until 11:00 P. M {Tho best selected stock of Christmas Goods in the You have no difficulty finding here what will please every member of the family. ) Toad Don't Wait £ antil the choice | styleshave been gsold in Ladies’ #and Misses’ Coats. They are { selling rapidly ~ 1 at the prices we § are asking for, 4 them. colors. had a big run on these skirts at Ladies’ Furnishings Our showing of | ATLL novelties suitable for Gifts is the best || we have ever had. SILK SKIRTS All the newest We have $2.98 to $5.00 ; You have no trouble get- ‘# ting just what will please 8 the little Miss in our stock. Handkerchiefs in all grades — Handkerchiefs Beautiful Plain and Initial From 10c up. the newest gn TO) Nas Faney Nlippers The very newest styles on the mar- ket. Tango Strap Just what your daughter will want for special society occasions. Men's Neckwear If you want the best select- ed line of CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR in the county, we have it. 25¢,50c, 75c, © $1.00 Stetson Hats You are sure sure to please Father or Brother if you make one of these Hats your gift. $3.50, $4. 00, $4.00. | | | —— JOIN THE——— IVIORRISON (LUB! 100 Player Pianos Fine Instruments —Sweet Tone —Beautiful Cases —And Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. PRICE $485. TERMS $2.50 per week. 100 New Upright Pianos Splendid Instruments in Every Way. Please You. PRICE $287.50 TERMS $1.50 per week. Special Discount for Cash. Guaranteed to 100 Victor Victrolas On Extremely Easy Payments—at. the Cash Price. If you are interested in a Musical to write to us. MORRISON MUSIC €0., 131 Baltimore St., ( ll mherland, Md. Y.M. C. A. Building, (Cumberland’s Big Piano House.) Instrument of any kind. it will pay you | ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE | OF VALUABLE Real I By virtuewof an order of issuing from the Or oi of Somerset county to C. Wt | Pruzal, administrator of Mary A. Beachley | #gceased, the undersigned will off :r at puolic : Zsile on 5 © Saturday, January 10, 1914, AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M., +@ the premise, the following described, real ate: Hall that certain io of ground situate in the eet, on the Kast by an alley, on the South f Ciay street and on the West by an alley. Said lot of ground fronts 132 feet on Main eet and extends back of equal width 165 t to Clay street, and is the same lot of und which by various sufficient conyeyances | ad vested in Mary A. Beachley, deceased. | Fhe above real estate has thereon erected dwelling houses, store room, stable ana er improvements. TERMS. ? en per cent. down on day of sale and the a] iMiance upon confirmation ana delivery of deed. 4 UXA rg fy { Dec. 18 4¢ Administrator. Furnished Rooms Wanted for a Amily of four grown-up people for Zght house keeping—modern conven- - #nce. Inquire at The Commercial. Estate. -— Western Maryland Lines THROUGH SERVICE TO | Chicago and and Puttsburgh The Ghickgo To Liaion leaves Mey- ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving in Pittsburgh 8:05 P. M., and Chicago 8:10 o’clock next day. || sleepers also leaves 3:59 A. M., ar- | § Cleveland at 10:30 A. M. | Modern Equipment Observation Parlor Club Car and Coaches. IN GOING TO BALTIMORE Use the Baltimore Limited which leaves Meyersdale 12:18 P. M., ar- ¢{ riving in Baltimore 6:49 P. M. Also train leaves 1:12 A. M., arriv- ing in Baltimore 7:53 A. M. Toys going at cost, at T. W. Gur- ley’s Call in and see before buying. ee 4 roomed house for rent. Apply, to Mrs. Charles Askey. ad Train with J | riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M., ‘and || The Candy Kitchen Is prepared to offer special in- ducements in most appetizing sweets during the Christmas season. Special Home-Made Mixed Candies. 15¢ per Ib. town. 146 Centre Street. All kinds of fancy boxes, specially made for the Christmas season hol- idays, at exceedingly low prices. Cheaper than any other place in GIATRA BROTHERS, Meyersdale, Pa. The Home of Qualty Groceries A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. If we are to have the pleasure of assisting you in getting up that Christmas spread, you would be justified in inviting Santa Claus himself. He is a graat champion of QUALITY: It will pay you to look over our stock of Candies, Oranges, Nuts, Figs, ete., before making your Christmas purchases. We are headquarters for Fancy High Grade Coftee—Lord Calvert— -and our 40c blend cannot be matched for the money. It will pay you to buy your Olives, Pitted Dates, Shelled Nuts, Heinz’s Mince seat and Plum Pudding from us. We Quote Only a Few Prices for This Week. 3 Pounds good Mixed Candy for 25¢ 1 dozen balls Pop Corn for 10c 1 dozen good Oranges for 20c 1 dozen fancy Oranges for 35c 2 pounds good Chocolate Drops for 25¢ 1 can good Table Peaches for 18c 1 can good Pears for 18c 1 bottle Oyster Cocktail for 15¢ 3 10c packages Corn Starch for 25¢ Try Woodbine Brand Tom Thumb Sifted Peas. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. F. A. BITINER, 142 Centre treet. Both Phones. Meyersdale, Pa. iGlobe Electric and Novelty Company, MEYERSDALE, PENNA. ——————— Hurry Up, Or You Will Be ‘Disappointed ! M. A. Our Holiday goods are going fast, but from the immense stock which we laid a Toy to an Electric Toaster, Iron or Nove. RUTTER, Manager. mI < || °