Ee HES ~ 3 ‘ pip pO ET 0 EI Oe O =m and LADIES, the year. To give mother or sister something that will be sure to please THEM. Here Is Your Chanee 10 Gel a bargain. ————————— GGESTIONS ARE VALUABLE!; If You Suggest the Right Thing For Me to Give. l Many Are at a Loss to Know Just What Is | ie On account of the mild weather we have had we find our stock of LADIES’ SUITS and COATS, DREN'S COATS larger than we MISSES’ and CHIL- like to have them at this season of LADIES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES SUITS JUNIOR MISSES’ COATS SIZES 13 TOC 17. $30 00 Suits $22 75 $500 Coats . $ 3 98 25 00 19 50 6 50 and $6 75 J 5 00 22 50 ke 18 75 7 50 ts 575 20 00 5 16 75 8 00 and $8 50 *° 67 18 00 h 14 75 10 00 + 8 50 15 00 +f 18 75 12 50 is 10 00 Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats CHILDREN’S COATS 6 to 14 Years. $10 00 Coats $ 8 50 8 00 and $1250 10 00 $398 Coats $300 : i 00 ef 12 50 5 00 2 3 98 Eo. » 15 00 CS0andse Ts“ 12 ne * 15 and 2 % i Ei o 19 75 7 00 and $7 50 is 57 30 00 . 23 75 10 00 8 50 Coats A | | | | | | | IL 0 x oso ——soe——o==—— =o $1 50 3 98 INFANT COATS--1 to 6 years. 6 50 and $6 75 $2 50, $2 75 and $3 00 Coats 3 > THE BIG CHRISTMAS STORE. MILLER & COLLINS, $3 50 and $3 75 Coats 2 3 7 50 | | | | | 5 ese—— ==———=JOIN THE——— IVIORRISON (CLUB! h ’ PRICE $485. 100 New Upright Pianos Splendid Instruments in Every Way. Please You. PRICE $287.50 Special Discount for Cash. 100 Player Pianos Fine Instruments —Sweet Tone—Beautiful Cases And Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. TERMS $2.50 per ik Guaranteed to TERMS $1.50 per week. 100 Victor Victrolas On Extremely Easy Payments—at the Cash Price. If you are interested in a Musical Instrument of any kind. it will pay you to write to us. NORRINON MUSIC (0. 131 Baltimore St., Y.M. C. A. Building, (Cumberland’s Big Piano House.) Cumberland, Md. Public Sale. Public Sale of Household Goods, Looms, Yarns, etc. Saturday 12:30 sharp, December 20th, 1913. \ Mgrs. C. L. DELAUTER, 2t-ad 320 Clay St., Meyersdale, Pa. SELES ET Car of cotton seed meal just arrived 41 to 43 per cent protein, ad Habel & Phillips. ; Sire Watches and Chains, your choice at a bargain, look them over at half price. T. W. Gurley, the Jeweler. ad Eve Strain, Headache, Nervousness, Dizziness, And many other eye troubles too numerous to mention REMEDIED BY GLASSES CONSULT {M. D. GOLDSTEIN, Eye Sight Specialist, at Collins’ Drug Store, Hartley Block, Tuesday, December 16th. Consultation and Exam ination Free. dec.4 2t nn PUBLIC SALE. - The undersigned will sell at public auction at the door step of the S: second National Bank, Meyersdale, Pa.,’on 4 Saturday December 13, 1913, at two o'clock p. m., bonds Nos. 43 and 44 of the Livengood Coal & Coke Com- pany of denominations of $500 each, first mortgage six per cent gold bonds, free of taxes, interest payable on.the first days of May and November in || principal payable May WiLLiaM P. MEYERS. adv. each year, 1, 1924. dec.4-2t em — en en 4 roomed house for rent. Apply, to Mrs. Charles Askey. ; ad _———————— For Sale—Five-year-old Sorrel Horse, weight between 1,000 and 1,200 Ibs. Good for working or driv- Apply, to August Daberko, Meyersdale. Pa. ing purposes. Western Maryland Lines THROUGH SERVICE TO Chicago and Pittsburgh The Chicago Limited leaves Mey- ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving in Pittsbutgh 8:05 P. M., and Chicago 8:10 o’clock next day. Train with sleepers also leaves 3: 59 A. M., ar- riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M., "and Cleveland at 10:30 A. M. Modern Equipment Observation Parlor Club Car and Coaches. IN GOING TO Ripe sl The Home of Quality Groceries | Jack Spratt would eat no food, his wife would eat no more, until it " was thoroughly understood that it came from our Grocery Store. FORM THE HABIT! Our sales on Coffee are constantly increasing. please the most fastidious customers. Atlas Flour makes more and better bread than the cheaper grades of flour. Every sack guaranteed. We have a complete line of Candies, Nuts, Oranges. etc., and are in It’s the quality. We a position to supply your wants at prices that will appeal to you. THESE PRICES OUGHT TO INTEREST YOU. 4 pounds good Rice for 25¢% 1 1b. English Breakfast Jea for 35¢ 4 pound can Tuna Fish, 15¢: 4+ gallon Table Syrup for 20c Quart jar Cocoa, 25¢ _ 6 pounds Oatmeal for 25c Salted Salmon, 12ic¢ per pound. 1 can Omega Sauer Kraut, 10c -3 bars good Laundry, Soap for 10¢ 3 packages Macaroni, 25¢ It will pay you to buy your Shelled Nuts from us. When in a hurry telephone us your order. { F. A, BITINER, 142 Centre treet. Both Phones. Meyersdale, Pa. of | Special Attention Given to Farmers Henry Sipple’s gate on the narrow A SII SNI Id NINN ISIN SNS - Am Christmas Candy ! New Coal Mine I am now prepared to fur- nish coal from my mine just opened. And Those Owning Teams. Your Trade Solicited. Entrance to the Mine — Road at Giving candy for Christmas is always appropriate and al- ways acceptable. just received a fresh stock of Lowney’s and Samoset deli- cious Chocolates in beautiful boxes, one to five pound sizes, and all most fairly priced. See our special window. We have gauge railroad. WM. H. MERRBACH, nov 1142 Meyersdale, Pa. | THORLEY'S DRUG STORE, Centre St., next to P. O., Your Christmas Shopping de MEYERSDALE, PENN’A. ad Don’t worry. Just now jou are worrying about those Christmas presents for your friends. thing foolish, but for something useful and beautiful. We can help you. up in two words— Keen Kutter and Ny = Keen Kutter cutlery—the best that’s made, * Aluminum ware—a little higher—but select from these lines and your friends will think of you every day for years to come. Siehl Hardware Store, MEYERSDALE, PA. Aluminum. You are not looking for some- Your help is summed SIPPLE’S COAL. This is to inform the public that | our coal mine is in operation and we | floors of the Centre stre t respectfully solicit your patronage. |suituble for dwelling or a, All orders will be promptly filled. eat- E. W. SIPPLE. adv. c.4-tf. smear i | Family Reunion held at Riverside | Park, August 30th, 4 feet long, inches wide. Pletchers Stndio, Some | For Reni, | ed. All conveniences. | Albert S. Glessner, Cree LUE, The M. E. church ber I1th and 12th. 8 | dially invited to of Fancy Work open at 3 Everybody is co H. S. Glessner flats, 2nd and 3rd Inquire of ‘ iL y will h For SALE—Photographs of Werner | Bazaar and serve supper on . mn. em be present, Sale /} It W The social | day mc Servi portant and 8: Hassle: dress « Rev. I brough These service service dedicat At 9: ry dey service addres: brethre The 10:30. filled spiring of the associa and in the Re vigorot young than t man. The W. Tru and or preside Miss Cook, | Cook, E. 8. .. son 1st Scottd: After work the rai debt. feature Deeter W. H. i R. Kre W.H. . Dennis C. 1. Bs on the hundre spaces spaces made Cover space ( congre across Cover one-ter would session dred d about sight h Rey. solemp more t vices fi The form r schools brough tive sc W. C train I speech the suj H. M " and Ge odist s and en ner, S school, At tl charge the as Cover . several choir : the mu a beau! At buildin Muir p followe G. A. church fiery. Baer, | Mr. I cial er that tl The ful Prof. in the charge came netted dred dc Fund the pa and so In ec Meyer:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers